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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17180191 No.17180191 [Reply] [Original]

What are kitchen gadgets that just make everything easier?

I can't imagine life without a potato ricer

>> No.17180201

aeropress coffee maker. believe it or not I use it very similarly to a potato ricer

>> No.17180209

I want to add: Breville Barista Express

I drink coffee every morning and the hot water spout is almost instant, so I use it for oatmeal.

Literally whenever I just need instant hot water, it's there. Works on ramen too. No need to microwave or use a stove.

>> No.17180330
File: 97 KB, 1500x1391, BF1FEEB2-13E0-4337-8160-E78F61A5CF7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hard boiled egg cutter

>> No.17180356

A mandolin, it makes cutting taters very nice and hobbitses like me enjoy taters

>> No.17180374

What are you making with this?

>> No.17180400

mashed potatoes. It instantly turns the boiled potato into fluffly mash.

>> No.17180417

I rice hard boiled eggs for salads. I also use it to squeeze the water out of things like frozen spinach.

>> No.17180545
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>> No.17180748

The coffee is trash though

>> No.17180764
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>add rice and water
>set timer for evening
>leave for work
>come home
>sear meat in skillet or on propane grill (ttmnth)
>plate with rice and steamed veg
>dinner done in less than 10 minutes

>> No.17180777

I have a problem with my zoji where Ill cook short grain rice and rice ejaculated will pour out of the vent area all over the hinge area and it's hard as fuck to clean out. These things are basically designed to cook sticky rice so what the fuck is up with that huge design flaw

>> No.17180801

nah the coffee's good plus I can take it camping

>> No.17180807

you need to add more water. it starts sputtering when it's gummed up with starch

>> No.17180821
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Not just for pasta. I was using it last night on the wide setting to flatten out dough balls for pīrāgi.

>> No.17181095
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All my life until several years ago all we had was a dull Swivel Peeler (the kind with the rotating blade on a handle) and I didn't know any better. Was so useless I just resorted to my (then also dull) pairing knife to do the mise en place with until I got an actual sharp Y-peeler (Kuhn Rikon)..
All tasks I regular wasted hours doing before now done in a minute or two. Something so basic being so life changing, I struggle to think of another $5 dollar purchase that has improved my quality of life more.

>> No.17181110

Swivel peelers with a round thin handle and pointy end thats fixed into position are peak performance for me
I used your picrel for a few months and just gave up
You either need to quit jerking off so much or drop the chans for a while so your wrist can handle normal peelers

>> No.17181944

I want one but can't find a good one that doesn't arrive used for some reason. Had to send 4 different ones back. Anyone know?

>> No.17181963

User error

>> No.17181966

I just found one at the grocery store. There are probably better ones out there, but this one was cheap, compact, easy to clean, and works well even after a year of use

>> No.17181984
File: 14 KB, 500x393, Zyliss-Garlic_Press-31GCF9BEF5L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like these zyliss garlic smashers, they come with a little cleaner and they're darn easy to use and really easy to clean. Of course I can smash some garlic against a table but this thing is easier.

>> No.17181994
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I use it for everything, including mashed potatoes and gnocchi. It's indispensable for me.

>> No.17182005

to properly use a rice cooker, you need to wash the rice. pour the rice in the black bowl, remove it, and run it under the sink while you swirl the rice around. dump out the starchy water and repeat until it isn't so cloudy. otherwise, of course it'll dump shit out of the vent, that's literally why it's there: to not break the fucking machine when mongs fail to properly clean the rice.

>> No.17182025

>Get a load of this guy
>too high falooting to breathe in his rice venting

>> No.17182028
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no idea what this thing is called but it does everything
>cherry pitter
>garlic press
>nut cracker
>meat tenderizer
>bottle opener

>> No.17182030

Looks like some kind of torture thing.

>> No.17182035

All it needs is the ability to flay skin and they could have used in old day France.

>> No.17182038

your mom treats my cock the way you treat your barista express

>> No.17182051

1. Why do you want your ramen to taste like coffee?
2. It doesn't take long to just heat up some water on a stove, it's not rocket science.
3. Heating up some water does not need some "special cooking device"

>> No.17182061

What kind of moron in 2021 deals with baristas or starbucks or any of that crap and is addicted to coffee?

>> No.17182065

This is why I don't use a rice cooker. I use a bog-standard electric pressure cooker. It doesn't give a shit that I didn't wash my aromatic jasmine rice.

>> No.17182069

Are you replying to someone or are you just sperging out?

>> No.17182075

don't ask me, i'm not your real dad

>> No.17182088

At least I'm not the one addicted to coffee.

>> No.17182092

I can't drink coffee, gives me the shits.

>> No.17182097

This looks like some kind of Jewish skin remover.

>> No.17182113

tenderizer, yes, just looking at it will make any mans meat go soft

>> No.17182118

Just the stench of coffee make my stomach churn, I see morons standing in line for it at starbucks and those types of places and they make me laugh, the fucking hypocrites.

>> No.17182128

The Mossad may have chemicals for that stuff.

>> No.17182141
File: 88 KB, 1000x1000, meat_tenderizing_mallet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The meat tenderizing mallet,
multi purpose the second use is to use on your enemies.

>> No.17182146

why don't you use it on your skull, shitwad?

>> No.17182147

The handle needs to be a bit longer to be effectively used against your enemies. Other than that, I agree.

>> No.17182152

I can understand that being right.

>> No.17182166

For a long handle, golf clubs seem to be effective.

>> No.17182233

It unironically looks like a Gomco clamp which is what most muttmericans are circumcised with. Gomco stands for Goldstein Medical Company.

>> No.17182312

Doesn't need to be quite THAT long, just another foot or so to give more leverage to splatter the skull like a melon.

>> No.17182705

What is hypocritical about going to a coffee shop for coffee?

>> No.17182794

how am I supposed to make sticky rice if I wash all of the starch out of it

>> No.17182983

Thanks Anon I'll try there

>> No.17182997

>buy trash coffee
>make a cup of coffee
>wow this coffee is trash

>> No.17183016

Cheese grater. Sure you could use a knife... but it's just not the same.

>> No.17183019

Weird. I had the opposite experience where I had those for a long time and then got a good swivel peeler and was like, "Oh yeah, this form factor makes perfect sense."

>> No.17183674

thanks for telling everyone you're lazy

>> No.17183751

I'm with you, swivel peelers can suck my dick.
Y-peelers are king

>> No.17183833
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The best method to rinse rice is picrel.

>> No.17183862

looks like a bitch to clean compared to a regular masher

>> No.17183945

>im two week to eat an egg
>soy bot help me slice it into a reasonable portion

>> No.17183951
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90% of kitchenaid attachments are retarded but this shit is fucking insane

>> No.17184147

I'm the guy who posted the breville post and I guess this want meant for me

It doesn't taste like coffee. The Barista Express has a hot water spout for things like tea or just if you need hot water.

Whatever they did, it makes it super hot in less than a minute and it comes out steaming. It's just convivence because in any instance you may need hot water, you now no longer need a pan, stove, or wait time.

>> No.17184308
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I use my fish spatula more than any other tool in my kitchen

Some tools i dont yet own but want to buy are a bench scraper with a ruler on it and a silicone brush

>> No.17184315

Best purchase of my fucking lige

>> No.17184321

>Doesn't remove the pit out of olives
You got scammed

>> No.17184325

Why tenderize meat when brines exists

>> No.17184394

*enhances your kitchen*

>> No.17184409

what's the point of these exactly?
regular spatulas are too... regular?

>> No.17184455

Thin and flexible

>> No.17184469

Flexible, greater spatula area. A lot more gentle to use too which is nice

If youre ever considering getting a spatula get a fish one

>> No.17184559

ganji kankiri can opener
you will never use another can opener ever again
way better than any usa military can openers.

>> No.17184565


>> No.17184569

Buy better coffee...

>> No.17184571

also the guy in the video has no idea how to use it, so find a video where the person uses it right.

>> No.17184583

I'm fucking jealous, I had to roll out all my pierogi by hand.

>> No.17184612
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>> No.17184932
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I didn't buy them, I made a couple of my own, but they're really useful for all kinds of things.

>> No.17185114 [DELETED] 

Kitchen shears or (standard scissors) are a game changer during cooking.

Wooden spoons are also superior because you can leave them on a hot pan without worrying about it melting etc

>> No.17185124

>meat grinding
>pasta machine
what else even is there?

>> No.17185353

microplane if you ever use agrum zests or grated ginger
silicon spatula for sauces or batter
accurate scales for baking recipes

>> No.17185377

Why is she wearing a pound of makeup?

>> No.17185395

Because she is a whore for daddy

>> No.17185552

Rice Cooker, perfect rice every time no fucking hassle and set and forget. Literally the best 30-75 gadget if you eat a lot of rice.

Instapot, I was hardcore slow cooker gang till my dog broke mine, got a instant pot and can't go back. Shit is useful as fuck for steam cooking shit, making sauces, whole meals, etc.

>> No.17185788

Hard agree on a good garlic crusher. I found some swiss one at a flea market, took it home and cleaned it up and it was like night and day compared to the cheap ones I used before. Honestly it's infuriating how companies seemed to have just forgotten to make some things, so they charge name brand prices for something that works like a dollar store product and neither are very good.

>> No.17185871

You use glutinous rice for sticky rice. If you have been using regular unwashed rice to make sticky rice, then idk what to tell you.

>> No.17185889


Any good sources for instantpot shit? Mother in Law got me one last year and I used it once to try to cook lentils quickly and i fucked it up.

As someone who just discovered slow cooked chipotle chicken i think its gonna be hard to compete.

>> No.17185970

In what universe is using a potato ricer easier than just mashing it all in the pot? Takes like 3 times as long

>> No.17185980

>I can't imagine life without a potato ricer
yeah forks are pretty handy

>> No.17186020
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People are sleeping on these...
I use it on cutting deli meats and cheeses to cabbage, potatoes, bread etc.

>> No.17186045


>> No.17186084
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>> No.17186097

what did you like about a slow cooker? i have a crockpot express and tried the slow cooking function a few times but i don't see why anyone would prefer the result over pressure cooking. usually i just throw some meat, potatoes n' shit in it for 15 min and let it cool of for another 15

>> No.17186118


Honestly never really did any pressure cooking. Very new to the whole kitchen gadget shit.

Just blended a can of chipotles in adobo, with a 3-4 lb's of chicken thighs, cooked it for 8 hours and it came out smokey, rich, intensely flavorful moist and tender.

I'm mostly interested in sites / books with GOOD isntant pot recipes.

>> No.17186120

i hate cleaning this fucking thing but it's great for keeping preshredded cheese out of my fucking kitchen. and great for keeping grated parm on hand

>> No.17186133

They're such a pain to clean though. Ours sees use for bacon and cheesesteak meat, and most recently to slice up the christmas ham. They're great at what they do, but they're overkill for most people and definitely unwieldy.

>> No.17186164

I fell for the instapot meme and I don't see what all the hype is about
>want to make soup
>put ingredients in pressure cooker
>instructions say "cooking time is half of what a regular recipe would require"
>set it for 15 minutes thinking I'll get to save 15 minutes
>takes 20 minutes to build up pressure
>cooks for 15
>5 more minutes to release pressure
What's the point? Why should I ever use this over just a normal pot? Only good function I can see is cooking rice and keeping it warm.

>> No.17186205

too thick n rigid, breaks the fish.

>> No.17186238

Because women are hideous without it

>> No.17186243

Stand mixer. I just turn it on and it does the 30 minutes of menial labour while I can prepare other parts of the meal. Much cheaper than hiring an indian to do it too.

>> No.17186249

god I want a meat slicer so bad but it takes up too much space to justify and is probably a pain in the ass to clean too

>> No.17186285

Slow cooking stuff all day while at work, or through the night.

Great for making soups and sauces while keeping your stove top empty for other cooking.

So you're cooking the wrong things or not in a large volume if you're looking for a time save.

Full roasts and tatos done in 30 minutes instead of 4-6 hours. Think of things like that.

If you're using it for everyday quick meals, it's not the time save but the incorporation and flavor blending is significantly better compared to cooking in a pot/pan for the same time. Additionally all meats/fish are juicier.

Like I thought it was a meme for the longest damn time, till I caved and got one. I make dough like 3-4 times a week and pork dumplings from it with steam is HNGGGGG

>> No.17186302

Please share some recipes. How the fuck do you even cook fish in one of those things?

>> No.17186328

Use the steamer insert to raise it out of the liquid in a foil boat on that. Liquid I usually use a veggie stock with mutliple veggies in it to cook as well for the side.

Think of any dish/sauce that takes more than 30 minutes or require a long time roasting.
Tomato based sauces, curries, gumbo, soups, pho, ramen, etc.

I'd explain more in a bit need to get my sourdough out of the oven

>> No.17186342

Cleaning them isnt too bad, takes maybe 5 minutes, just be carefull not to cut yourself on the blade.
Go for it and get one, its worth it.

>> No.17186349

rice takes ten minutes to cook regardless, this shit's a waste

>> No.17186381

This mans has never had rice from a rice cooker.

You can good rice regardless, but you'll never be as consistent or perfectly cooked grain to grain. And the cheap ones are 30 bucks you can put on while cooking something else.

>> No.17186391

Thanks bro. I love making basically all the dishes you listed, but am totally clueless when it comes to using an insta pot.

>> No.17186418
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ayy back, so literally it's the same steps as you'd normally make something but just pressure cook instead.

I fry everything in my insta pot for that meal as well, turn to saute add butter/ghe/oil, and fry off your stuff. Cancel, add the rest of your ingredients then pressure cook for whatever time you feel is necessary.

Like sauces are way simpler and take way less time to cook and incorporate,just need to simmer the excess liquid and/or use a cornstarch slurry on the saute function if needed.

Here's a good onepot-recipe list:

>> No.17186427

bump, i too deal with rice cummies when using mine

>> No.17186999

I use short grain rice and it says that it doesn't require rinsing on the package.

>> No.17187158
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>> No.17187344

I use mine mostly as a slow cooker or for dry beans or for rice but part of the advantage for me is just that I don't have to watch/check on it. I often will brown meat/veggies. add water and rice, and let it cook on the rice setting which is usually enough to finish cooking the rest of it.

>> No.17187872

I prefer soup made on the stove but with my pressure cooker I can use frozen meat and it is done in twenty minutes. You can braise the meat as well. It can be convenient as you just dump and go. For really cooking though you can't beat the stove top. I also miss my old slow cooker even though I never use that setting on my pressure cooker. My slow cooker was better for cooking very large batch recipes with tough cuts of pork and beef.


>> No.17187879

Pizza scissors

>> No.17188805

It's the pretend fifties, that's what women pretend did.

>> No.17189819
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Just got this spice and nut grinder from Cuisinart, tried it with two cinnamon sticks and a star anise, worked great!

>> No.17189894

bread machine
rice cooker

literally use a bread machine minimum twice a week, and the rice cooker daily

>> No.17190346
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Pizza cutter.
I'm miffed when I'm visiting someone's house and we order pizza and they don't fucking have a pizza cutter. Trying to cut pizza with a knife just pulls all the ingredients and cheese off it.
I have four of these.

>> No.17190358
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i bought them and they're horribly inconvenient.
here's a better tool.

>> No.17191436

Fuck me anon if there was ever a TV ad that tempted me it's these cunts. Glad someone had the same thought.

>> No.17192792

just use a playdoh sketti maker

>> No.17192946

same here. he probably just needed a new/sharper swivel peeler and would have gotten the same or improved results

>> No.17193976

the rice doesn't move at all in the pot and it's easy to pour out the water.

>> No.17194069
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This for sure, a hand crank food chopper

Great for onions, or basically anything you want diced quickly

>> No.17195438
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My immersion blender, great for soups, smoothies, pastes etc. and chopping up smaller quantitites.

>> No.17195459

so handy, you can even cut mozarella with it!

>> No.17195568
File: 129 KB, 1916x1078, gsp-hd_detail_rechteseite_image_w958_retina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i work with a commercial grade meat slicer and i've been researching the low budget ones you can buy online for relatively cheap entertaining the thought of using one at home myself.

the biggest problem with cheap meat slicers is they tend to be made with weak plastic gears to spin the blade. if the blade isn't sharpened or replaced it'll eventually break the plastic internals from stress or overwork the motor into early failure. regular maintenance is crucial on cheap meat slicers. you need to keep the gears greased inside and free of debris. replacement blades are often expensive; as in they cost up to a 1/3 the price of the entire machine. serrated blades can't be sharpened by grinding stones. they're also horrible to be gashed by accidentally. cuts like that are immediate hospital trips and you're not getting off with at least some permanent nerve damage.

so my conclusion was that these cheap ones are likely just alright for a while, but i'd probably hate maintaining one. it'd likely be best to just get a slightly more expensive meat slicer that comes with sharpening stones, a straight edge blade of a well-known manufacturer of which is reputable and easy to find replacements for, and optionally some additional safety features like a thicker blade guard or an adjustment knob lock. you can also search auction sites for restaurant closeouts and get a deal on a rather nice meat slicer if you're lucky.

there are some fancier meat slicers with automatic-slicing features but be forewarned these are a meme. the cuts come out odd and extremely inaccurate. the exact slicer i use picrel does have a powered belt that assists the manual pushing-forward and pulling-back which is really nice, but i spend hours slicing on it. the lever on the bottom raises it at a tilt for cleaning underneath it so very nice for permanent installations. you can have yourself one of these babies for the low price of $7,000 :^)

>> No.17195668

Another very usefull tool would be a bench scrapper! Anyone here that likes making doughs will clearly understand! It makes the job sooo much easier. Manipulating high hydration dough,cleaning your working aeria,cutting dough,lifting ready pizza dough out of your fermentation box etc...

>> No.17195935

Give your rice a quick rinse after its finished cooking. It'll change your life.

>> No.17196015

Chef's knife.

>> No.17196206

lmao yeah it will make you decide to stop eating rice

>> No.17196313

I need both though

>> No.17196353

Pilaf is superior in every way.

>> No.17196406
File: 27 KB, 560x372, EDD9EEB0-EFCB-447B-9932-0E7CED1ACD18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A quality mozzarella cutter is like at least $300 though

>> No.17196422
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So what exactly is the advantage to cutting mozza with a $300 device than just using a knife?

>> No.17196461

It makes my 'tism feel better

>> No.17197099


>> No.17197155
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These types of blenders are great for smaller kitchens. Can do nearly everything a normal blender does, but on a much more manageable scale. I mostly use mine for making smoothies and sauces for pasta and stores better than a normal blender for the space that I have.

>> No.17197511

Unitasker for manchildren.

Just use a knife like everyone else older than 17.

>> No.17197663
File: 186 KB, 419x610, aut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$300 mozzarella autism tax

>> No.17199562

What does ttmnth mean?

>> No.17199781

I bet you’ve never sliced an egg with a knife before. In fact, I’d believe it if you never even cooked an egg before either. Try cutting an egg into thin, even pieces without any of it falling apart. Fucking Reddit “le soy maymay xD” children need to go back.

>> No.17200402

I had one of these but I guess I pushed too hard and bent it :(

>> No.17200650

Fucking great I agree.

>> No.17200664

youre right, ive never cut a hard boild egg with a nife, cause im not a no life loser who doesnt just take bites out of the egg like a man

>> No.17200700

My gf's sister, she washes most of the dishes and does most of the cooking

(I don't live at her parent's house, they both live with me)

>> No.17200752

this le fuckface is on every board???

>> No.17200858

She was born in 2004 you sick fucks.

>> No.17201498

What's your point? Don't tell me you too have been brainwashed by the 1880's feminists.

>> No.17201598

Gigachad share your secrets pls

>> No.17201604

That makes her at most 17. I think the problem should be evident now.

>> No.17201800

Yuropoor detected.

>> No.17201854
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This makes opening jars so easy my 80+ year old grandmother can do it effortlessly. Only costs about $6-7

>> No.17201884
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>> No.17201974

I don't slice eggs with mine, what I do slice is small mushrooms.
If I have to cut small mushrooms by hand I just quarter them and not bother with slices.

>> No.17201981

Who eats pickled uterus?

>> No.17202013
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>pour the rice in the black bowl, remove it, and run it under the sink while you swirl the rice around. dump out the starchy water and repeat until it isn't so cloudy.
I just use this to wash rice, you can just dip it in a bowl if you think soaking the rice rather than just straight rinsing does better for you.

>> No.17202041

fried bananas and refried beans made by a faggot with a shitty knife and nasty ass kitchen. my favorite

>> No.17202143

There's smaller electric graters that work just as good and don't require a $400+ meme machine.

>> No.17202174


I thought it would by a fun toy. That was 3 years and 3400 shots of espresso ago. Still going strong. Use it every day. Starbucks tongues my anus

>> No.17202206

Fuck these things. I raped my knuckle with one when the cheese I was grating snapped in half.

>> No.17202222

I use a shitton of fresh garlic and use a press daily.

Mine is older than me as I got it from my grandparents' items. Since it is just garlic I do not worry too much about cleaning it well. I rinse and brush a bit.

>> No.17202237

>washing fortified rice

>> No.17202249

taste the meat, not the heat.

>> No.17202617

I always wanted a potato ricer. Seems like it would be fun, fluffy, and I can think of some weird ways to use it, like throwing some butter in it before adding the potatoes or using it like a meme sized garlic press.

>> No.17202659
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>1" blade
>to pierce barely 1/8" of aluminum
Why the fuck, just get a normal hand crank one (or the short turn knob style if you like the wrist murder).

>> No.17202898

true but i dont like cleaning them. the egg gets stuck in the strings and ugh

>> No.17202911

can opener: japan

>> No.17203130

Thank you very much

>> No.17203275
File: 440 KB, 1600x1200, download (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whys he opening the can backwards?
at first i thought it was dumb, then i realised its an ergonomic version of a FRED

>> No.17203328

That looks incredibly slow and inconvenient, no idea why anyone would want to use that piece of shit.

>> No.17203427
File: 12 KB, 435x469, 41JmDTYPtNL._AC_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never liked those, prefered these. Will get a toll on your finger (like a pen used to) if you have a sackful of taters to peel.

>> No.17203450
File: 459 KB, 3000x1600, Kitchen-Modern-Can-Opener.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>moving a whole fucking device cm by cm, to cut open a can

You defeat the whole purpose, at this rate get a P51 or an actual can opener.

>can lid go brrr rrr rrr

Fucking same level as the juice bag squeezer shit that had to be connected to the internet type of retardation. I hate all you useless fags.

>> No.17204722

FRED has a spoon. That's just a P-51 glued to a brass knuckle.

>> No.17204739

Then one day you realise everything is better unpeeled anyway. Even mash is better with bits of peel floating about.

>> No.17204804
File: 47 KB, 768x768, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17204830

i love mixing soups with rice and cooking it

add rice and a bit of water, put rest of liquid using soup
-chicken stock
-tomato soup
-hot and sour
-cream of mushroom

tastes great

>> No.17204837
File: 52 KB, 600x598, 1640980199283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mentioned this device to my mother
>laughed at how useless it is
>fast forward a few months
>she gives me one for my birthday

>> No.17204868

I have this exact model and use it for everything from rinsing vegetables and rice, to straining bits from fat or homemade stock.

>> No.17205261

does this shit work? Noodles are getting very expansive here....

>> No.17205309

some people like hard boiled egg in their sandwiches. Slices are the optimal way to go.

>> No.17205321

sharpen your knife

>> No.17206886

you don't eat those, you use them to cast spells or conduct chalice rituals

>> No.17207633

i have 2 pounds of cherries and no cherry pitter, what do?

>> No.17207675

mashed potatoes and gnocchi.

>> No.17207770

That remindes me of something from a Pink Floyd album.

>> No.17207773

Zyliss is Swiss, it's built to last not like some made in China bullshit.

>> No.17207779

I think the autistic ones are the proles standing in line for a cup of joe because they can't get along in their morning without it and their little cup with starbucks on it so need to show that they have it, whatever that is.

>> No.17207789

Hopefully your banging them both.

>> No.17207794

That's awesome as long it's kept clean, just run over some water and brushed off when used then it's simple and will likely last for your kids. Pics are in order if you have them.

>> No.17207798

Perfect breeding age. I dont see the problem

>> No.17207804


>> No.17207837

That looks like a medieval torture device to get bitches to admit to being witches and confess to others as collaborators while trying to escape on their broomsticks with their evil cat familiars.

>> No.17207839

I like doing that too though I'll add a sazon goya packet.

>> No.17207870

The can opener I have opens cans without cutting anything. It's magic I still don't understand. Looks like >>17203450 except it doesn't have a blade.

>> No.17208719

On top of that, it's also pretty good for peeling potatoes and carrots

>> No.17209140

This shit is so good for pasta, it takes a bit of practice and time but its fucking amazing

>> No.17209834

They are a bitch to clean.

>> No.17209849

You also need lotus leaves and a steamer to do it properly.