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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17171541 No.17171541 [Reply] [Original]

>mom doesn't want to make Christmas dinner
>tries to get me to make it
>agree but say I'm making whatever I want
>decide to make a duck a l'orange
>dad hears that I'm making duck
>acts like a little kid saying he doesn't like duck
>mom asks if he ever had duck
>he says no but he heard that it's slimy and he only likes lean meat like turkey breast
>talk to my brother and apparently he told him during dinner that it's gamey and now my brother is being swayed away from it
>mom is making my dad his own london broil so he doesn't have to have duck

This is why I don't cook for certain people. I could spend hours making something really good and some picky fuck will just make the icky face at it. How do you guys deal with cooking for the holidays? Do you conform to the plebs?

>> No.17171558

Dude, you now have you dad helping you cook Christmas dinner by preparing another main dish. Stop being autistically petty on an anime website and just learn to love your family for who they are.
It's Christmas, faggot. Take the stick out of your ass.

>> No.17171559
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That is annoying anon. They should trust in your cooking.
>How do you guys deal with cooking for the holidays?
pic related

>> No.17171570

looks like an uncanny stack of pancakes

anyways OP, sucks to hear your dad is so picky, hopefully he at least gives it a try. worse case scenario you do make something really good but no one even tries it and they just eat the broil and your mom basically wasted your time and effort

>> No.17171580

sounds like a personal problem. why don't you borrow someone's phone and call yourself, that way you can talk to someone that gives a fuck

>> No.17171584

My dad isn't cooking shit. My mom is making it. My mom make my dad his father's day meal and he said after we all sat down, "is there no corn on the cob?". He's just like this and even if I accept it, it is still annoying to deal with. I'm usually prepared for a shitty reaction from him, but to throw a little fit over something he's never had is too much this time.

>> No.17171591
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Yet you wasted your time replying.

>> No.17171610
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Always tast like chemicals to me, real funky. Not sure if its something im doing or its just the way it is. And i cant make my own because i fuck up anything to do with dough pretty quickly. Such is life in the zone.

>> No.17171616

You sound like an insufferable piece of shit spawn and should be lucky your parents even let you come over.
I bet your dad wishes your ass was aborted.

>> No.17171623

I have never turned down food offered to me, even if it's something I dislike. It's still food and something someone worked on for my sake. Your dad sounds like a spoiled little shit.

>> No.17171627

Roast duck is an acceptable Christmas dinner but orange sauce is not (not because it's objectively bad, it's just subjectively wrong for the occasion)

>> No.17171632
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>insufferable even though I'm making everything from scratch for christmas dinner after it being essentially forced upon me and just want people to reserve judgement until they eat it

I would rather skip every holiday dinner for the rest of my life, but I still have ties to my family. At least I'm invited unlike two of my brother for fighting on Thanksgiving.

>> No.17171640

Anon, the orange sauce isn't why my dad threw a tantrum. He eats mcdonalds breakfast very morning and only eats out for every meal. I live in Ohio by the way, so the places he's going to are usually pretty shit.

>> No.17171645

Have you tried telling him to quit being a picky little bitch and try your food (or anything out of his comfort zone)? In a more polite way, of course.

>> No.17171650

Damn dude it's not a big deal. Some people don't like some foods even though it's mostly retarded. My dad for example won't eat anything that has a buttery taste so I just made a small bowl of mashed potatoes that don't have butter in them. My sister in law doesn't like ham so we're making some chicken tendies to go with the meal instead. It's the holidays man, chill out.

>> No.17171653

>omg they don’t realize what a favor I’m doing them!’
Yeah, fucking insufferable.

>> No.17171654

yes, wouldn't wanna miss sharing some of my zingers

>> No.17171658

i dont tell them what im making until its in front of them

>> No.17171667

Kick his faggot ass OP show him who’s I’m charge now I hear male dogs sodomize lesser dogs to show dominance

>> No.17171675
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Based manchild dad throwing a fit and getting his own personal London broil.
>that was a great steak honey, anon did you enjoy your fruit bird nvm don’t care now excuse us while I slip your mom the old Yule log merry Christmas loser

>> No.17171679

I cook for myself. If other ppl like it that's fine. If not, that's fine

>> No.17171685

I wish you and your dad were aborted

>> No.17171691

You know she's cheating on her whiny man child husband

>> No.17171695

It would be no use. He's stubborn.
I'm just not someone that will take the time to please people because they're picky. You say it's the holidays so who cares, but I tell everyone year after year that I don't want to make food if I'm going to have to appease everyone. The ones that aren't picky just know I'm good at cooking and don't want to deal with the picky fucks themselves. My mom used to make every holiday dinner gluten free just for my sister in law that barely ate anything. You feel the demeanor at the table too. It ruins everything. I'm glad your family doesnt suck.
You are a little faggot

>> No.17171704

My mom is too Christian to cheat on him, but it's a loveless marriage. They barely do anything together and he was too stupid to realize they were drifting apart. He doesn't even do anything for their anniversary anymore and you can tell my mom gets jealous when I do loving things for my girlfriend. My dad is a good guy, but he has some bad qualities.

>> No.17171708

Time for you to start dating your mom

>> No.17171711

Rolling for 17s

>> No.17171715

I have a mom son incest fetish, but my mom isn't my type at all. The thought repulses me.

>> No.17171723

I strongly 2nd this show her appreciation in the kitchen and the bedroom OP

>> No.17171730

Put a bag over her head chadson

>> No.17171731
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>> No.17171732

>Stop being autistically petty on an anime website and just learn to love your family for who they are
this is pathetic and if you actually were 'le well adjusted family lover' you wouldn't be on here in the first place

>> No.17171735

was that necessary to reveal you fucking creep

>> No.17171744

This is 4chan. I'll answer any question you ask me.

>> No.17171750

He's a creep for being repulsed at the thought of fucking his mom?

>> No.17171753
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>you fucking creep
You fucking creep. I can just imagine the skeletons in your closet

>> No.17171754

>You are a little faggot
Lol shut the fuck up you little oedipus motherfucker
>did mommy like my dick?
>lol mommy i said duck, not dick.
>did your little boy’s duck feel good in your mouth, mommy?
>lol mommy you still got some of my duck juice on your lips
>s-so was mommy satisfied with my duck? Did my duck fill mommy up?
Faggot you a nasty little bitch.

>> No.17171771
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This is the perfect /ck/ Christmas thread. Thank you OP.

>> No.17171780

Make the duck and tell him it’s a young turkey. He doesn’t know any better. There is a pretty detailed recipe on Serious Eats.

>> No.17171783


>> No.17171789
File: 56 KB, 828x802, BE00E62A-4FE7-4598-AF56-8F461DFCE8C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show her a son’s love anon and appreciation for her efforts

>> No.17171797
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You probably don't even enjoy Taboo 1 because you're a gay little bitch.

>> No.17171857

>>agree but say I'm making whatever I want
I do something similar, I buy gifts for myself then make other people unwrap them and give them back to me. what kind of sperg are you that you can't even cook something for other people lol. instead of just cooking a turkey and/or ham you'd rather spend the holiday bitter because your family doesn't like the same food as you. Just say you don't want to do it if you don't want to do it for your family, chip in for some Boston Market tier trash. Make your girl and you a duck for new years and shut the fuck up lmao.

Hope you and your family have a good Christmas though.

>> No.17171898

I buy gifts for myself then make other people unwrap them and give them back to me
how is that similar and what is the purpose of that exactly

>> No.17171948

Did your dad also throw a fit when you came out as trans?

>> No.17172031

knowingly cooking food for people that they don't want to eat and you're the only one that gets to enjoy it.

>> No.17172350

Usually in these whinge threads, OP is being a faggot as usual. However, I think this time he has a point.

>family too lazy to cook
>persuade OP to cook, agreeing to eat what he makes
>refuse to eat what he cooks due to picky eating

It's not really defensible in any way, particularly if the dad has literally never tried duck before.

>> No.17172380

No he was okay with it.

>> No.17172391

>london broil
Based. Sous vide that shit at 131 deg for a few hours to tenderize and sear over hot as balls charcoal. Remove from heat and cover the top with anchovy filets and black pepper. Place on a warm plate and tent with foil to rest. After resting, slice meat thinly on a bias and drizzle with clarified butter, a squeeze of lemon, and a sprinkle of finishing salt. Serve with an oil and vinegar field green salad and a small baked or a half twice baked potato. Fuck your stupid duck. Your dad is right.

>> No.17172406

>London broil
>sous vide

You already fucked up and fuck you I don't want steak again.

>> No.17172428

I fucking hate autistically picky eaters

>> No.17172446 [DELETED] 


>> No.17172739

Normie gtfo

>> No.17172789

I'm fine with people not liking things, as long as they actually don't like it. I'm not going to go out of my way to make something else for them, however. They can just pick around what they don't like. Although, if it's something that can't be picked around, I may do a half/half if possible.
Banana bread is a good example. Some people want nuts, some don't. It's not too hard to just throw nuts in/on half of the mixture.

What pisses me off is when someone insists that something needs to be present, and tells the people who don't want it present that they won't even notice or won't even taste it. Mother fucker, if that was the case then there's no reason to add it in the first place.

>> No.17172812

t. doormat

>> No.17172818

>afraid of duck being slimy
it's far too easy to end up with dry duck, not the other way around
he's a fucking retard

>> No.17172837

>I don’t like x
>have you ever tried it?
>no, I don’t like it
Every time with these picky fucks.

>> No.17172883

i married a somewhat picky eater but he'll actually try something before deciding he doesn't like it
I've changed his mind a few times about things, namely onions

>> No.17172887

Canard à l'orange is based Fuck your dad

>> No.17172892

Canned biscuits are really shit and I too have trouble making my own. I tend to overwork the dough. Frozen biscuits are a nice middle.

>> No.17173634

the only way to restore your honor is to murder suicide your entire bloodline

>> No.17173647

yeah eat the bugs!

>> No.17173653

Just make a turkey for then you bastard bich

>> No.17173665

>However, I think this time he has a point.
How about when ur in a relationship and you ask her where she wants to eat. She says idk you decide. Then you do and she says she don't like that place.

>> No.17173904

heavy projection

>> No.17173937

tfw mom hasn't cooked duck since before I was born

>> No.17173943

God damn I hate this shit. Picky eats should be gassed.

>> No.17173967

>dear diary

>> No.17173974

Boomers are just the worst at this, I don't understand how someone can take something so precious for granted. Anyway OP your dad sounds like an insufferable manchild, even my redneck parents will try new things and let us do things for them. Even if I cooked them literal shit they would be like "Well, at least you tried son.".

>> No.17174035

What a selfish child. If your parents are older/tired/traditional, why the hell would they want an orange flavored duck? Of course, it's gamier than other poultry, it's duck and that is exactly how duck should taste. They'll also have issues with you for cooking it rare. Predict how stupid you are being. Impress them by making something they already like...just better prepared then usual, or having more effort-giving sides. Make sure there's a big choice on the table, so they walk away from your meal dreaming about how nice your roasted veggies turned out, or that awesome jello mold like grandma used to make, or how soft your homemade bread turned out.
Not liking duck isn't picky, but pretty mainstream in opinion, which is why you don't see it on every restaurant menu. Duck is low tier in popularity. Make a choice of mains. It would be zero effort on your park an already cooked spiral ham with glaze at the same time as you cook your other main. You could bake a roast beef today, a day ahead, and slice it tomorrow and warm it in the gravy, durr. Brisket and roast beef tastes even better the next day. Or make the world's best lasagna or pies. Your parents are tired. Most your menu should please them. Go ahead and do 1 item that is just for you, if you need to do that. My own favorite item that is made just for me, is my cranberry chutney with five-spice, raspberry vinaigrette and bitter orange pith. No one has to like it but me, because it completes my ideal plate of dinner. Don't give a F for anyone else if they even have it. Same for my liver pate or smoked marlin dip and everything crackers. It's for me.

>> No.17174071

I'm sure you freak out whenever someone isn't 'appreciative' enough to a mother

>> No.17174087

Wow imagine being mad at your guests. You fucking loser no wonder your parents hate you. Make what they want or shut the fuck up you whiny stupid bitch. I’d beat your ducking ass if you were my kid.

>> No.17174093

What does chemicals taste like? You people are insufferable. You’re a fucking line cook at Applebees, not a real chef stop larping like it on an anonymous image board.

>> No.17174097

How big is your girlfriends dick you fat ugly faggot?

>> No.17174105

It's cringe when they're whiney and soft like "ewww I don't like it I don't like it!" but it can be based when they're just confidently putting their foot down and refusing to comply. I have a cousin who simply will not eat anything other than dino chicken nuggets and he somehow acts like a chad about it.

>> No.17174110

what face, retard?

>> No.17174115

>You fucking loser no wonder your parents hate you
obviously they care about him otherwise he wouldn't be invited, obviously his mom knows hes a good cook otherwise they wouldn't have asked

who hurt you anon

>> No.17174118

>you are never allowed to be irritated at your parents
ask me how I know you were abused as a child

>> No.17174121
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Honestly it doesn't sound like you have a problem OP
>family eats your delicious meal and is appreciative
>dad eats something you didn't have to do extra work for
Everybody wins except your mom

Anyways with picky eaters who haven't tried the foods they supposedly hate, the behavior is usually about power and control, not food. Your dad is trying to force people to accommodate him for reasons other than "he has a baby palate"

>> No.17174132

>Everybody wins except your mom
sounds like a problem then anon
sounds like his mom is the last person who deserves to do extra work on christmas

>> No.17174138

Hell, even picky eaters who 'hate' something they haven't had in years or have only had the cheap, low-quality version of are usually more skittish about leaving their comfort zone than they are actually prone to disliking weird food<span class="fortune" style="color:#d0aa01">

Your fortune: Krampus is coming to your house![/spoiler]

>> No.17174141

is it me or does he foil come off onto the biscuits? i had to give up on them.

>> No.17174155

its you, but even if it was you could just take it off

or make biscuits from scratch it is very easy

>> No.17174158


>> No.17174163

no one cares, redditmonkey

>> No.17174174

idk what you mean anon, but if you're talking about a "foil taste" then it's definitely just you

>> No.17174188

>conform to the plebs?
it's not about the cooking it's people skills you moron
if there is even 1 vegetarian, you make all of the foods vegetarian and present meat by itself as an option and spesifically make recipies not include it
it's stupid as fuck when everyone doesn't get to eat the same food, if someone says they don't want duck, you don't make fucking duck, you make something everyone can agree on like chicken or turkey
but vegans man. fuck vegans. they can eat a salad, because if you get nitpicky about using stuff like cream, cheese, butter, sourcream and fucking HONEY you can just go fuck yourself

>> No.17174200

If mom wants to continue to be the family doormat, she can, that's on her. If OP wants to help her out in that regard he should have a sidebar with her and tell her to stop enabling his father's shitty behavior. But Christmas dinner is not his problem this time around. Make the duck, eat some cookies, go home

>> No.17174214

legitimately low IQ post

>> No.17174217

How long has it been since you have him an ass kicking? Boomers shouldn't be getting uppity if you kick their ass once a week like you're supposed to.

>> No.17174224
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Imagine letting one person dictate the whole fucking meal.

>> No.17174229

why wouldn't you make something you know your dad likes? what's the point in trying to spite him?

>> No.17174247

what's wrong with that?

>> No.17174252


well what are you waiting for?

>> No.17174253

why would you deliberately single out someone just because they're not lucky enough to have the same taste as you?
Captcha is joy btw

>> No.17174264
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>> No.17174296

>I don't want to make christmas dinner anon, can you do it? You can make whatever you want
>ok mom I agree to your terms
>I am altering the deal. Pray I do not alter it any further

I'm just joshing around but I'd be annoyed too

>> No.17174301

Just do what parents do with picky eaters: tell them they can make their own food or eat what's given.

>> No.17174359

I'm going to track you down and forcibly penetrate your rectum with a traffic cone.

>> No.17174384
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>> No.17174391

First Post
Gayest Post

>> No.17174396

>pizza and bananas
Thank god, I’m not the only one who does this

>> No.17174407

I was surprised the first time I tasted duck how much I disliked it. It sort of tasted like those dark parts of the chicken where you'd see stuff like veins.
I can only assume it's an acquired taste. I really like chicken and turkey though.

>> No.17174420

>the behavior is usually about power and control, not food

>> No.17174426

My boomer dad threatened to get the cops involved. He loves treating kids like shit but turns into a big fucking baby when I grew up and got sick of his shit

>> No.17174437

based elderabuser

>> No.17174445

Can you be my son?<span class="fortune" style="color:#2dfc53">

Your fortune: Your heart grew three sizes![/spoiler]

>> No.17174446

I'm so sick of a society that says it's ok to abuse vulnerable kids but not ok to abuse "vulnerable" adults. Who makes up these fucking rules

>> No.17174448

Sure, if ur buying the bud lights

>> No.17174457

because youre a faggot and literaly wanted to make
>duck l'orange
cook faggy shit like this for yourself and dont force it onto others

>> No.17174462

>Anyways with picky eaters who haven't tried the foods they supposedly hate, the behavior is usually about power and control, not food. Your dad is trying to force people to accommodate him for reasons other than "he has a baby palate"
anon you shouldn't have planted this idea in my head, i already hated picky eaters enough

>> No.17174476

your mom to get off my dick

>> No.17174504

>the behavior is usually about power and control, not food
So much this--especially with children. It's not that they won't eat the icky vegetables. They just want to see if they can walk all over you and force you to give them cookies and nuggets whenever they want.

>> No.17174522

You make me so fucking mad right now.
I didn't like mushrooms when I was a kid cuz they fucking taste and smell like jizz. I also didn't like fish and you can prolly guess what that also smells like

>> No.17174543
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What a fag.

Anyway, OP here. My duck is almost thawed completely. Only bought one because it seemed like a waste to make two when one may mot get eaten.

>> No.17174574

woah is she okay?

>> No.17174597


>> No.17174629

Your family sounds like they suck. Mine's dead as hell so I don't have to worry about that. Gotta steal my holiday set back from a former roommate of melanated complexion though. That's gonna suck.

>> No.17174636

Anon...w-why did you know what jizz was like as a kid...

>> No.17174639

vulnerable adults, obviously

>> No.17174641

Mushrooms just smell like dirt. You got molested, bro.

>> No.17175088

Why should the majority suffer because of one person? Oh wait, no they shouldn't. It's a personal choice and that's fine but no one else should have to jump through hoops on their behalf. People like you are the reason the twitter mob holds popular opinion hostage.

>> No.17175098

who is suffering and why?

>> No.17175149

I can't stand picky eaters.
I was called a picky eater for my entire childhood because I didn't like to eat fucking boiled unseasoned vegetables, or bland mushy beans or some nasty ass slapped together casserole but after growing up I realized the same people who called me picky are even pickier then I ever was.

I can't even use pepper if I cook a dish for a family get together because 'its too spicy.'

>> No.17175196

Unironically make him an extra dish with chicken nuggets and fries. Fucking Manchild that he is

>> No.17175235

this board from dealing with your faggotry

>> No.17175242

Have you ever reached in the toilet and pulled out a turd and taken a big old bite? Why not? You will never know if you will like it till you actually do it.

>> No.17175308

Hilarious that the only way to get your point across is to compare food you don't want to try to poop. Embarrassing.

>> No.17175322

I would ask my grandpa but he killed himself

>> No.17175336

Found the autistic picky eater