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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17166485 No.17166485 [Reply] [Original]

When this world is free of Corona and we're free to travel wherever. Where do you go? And what do you order?

>> No.17166501

The pub. A pint.

>> No.17166510

>he doesn't know

>> No.17166518

J'irai à Paris et je mangerai beaucoup de baguettes.

>> No.17166520

to sneed's feed and seed

>> No.17166524

Bangkok where I can get a lady boy to bang kok

>> No.17166530

Ok, Q

>> No.17166536

somewhere in italy. all the pizza and pasta.

>> No.17166548

not gonna happen chud, by the time this happens were all gonna be in the ICUs or dead after the thousandth wave.

>> No.17167587

As long as big pharma is making tens of billions in profit per year from covid you're never gonna be "free" of covid

>> No.17167604

>thinks they'll ever let it end

>> No.17167613

>Teenagers actually believe this

The little billions a few pharmaceutical companies are making with a drug that is actually helpful is not enough to have the trillions lost in revenue from in person meetings, travel for leisure and business, all restaurants, etc be of any importance in the decision of countries

>> No.17167619

It's innumeracy. I have no other explanation for it.

>> No.17167632

The best meal I had in Paris was kebab

>> No.17168703

et après je m'assiérai sur le bâtonnet de viande


>> No.17169890

I'll no longer have to protest by defying the authoritarian demands to stay at home all the time, so I'll go back to staying home all the time like normal.

>> No.17169894


>> No.17169896

>As long as big pharma is making tens of billions in profit per year from covid you're never gonna be "free" of covid

Your American politicians are pretty much puppets for Phizer and Moderna. I thought you people were supposed to be good at critical thinking and hate being manipulated? It turns out 'Murricans are more obedient to your government than even the Chinese.

>> No.17169905

My friend, it's here to stay. This is how things are always giong to be, there's no going back to how they used to be.

>> No.17169920

you'll be able to go into a restaurant, you'll just need to present proof of vaccination in the past 100 days

>> No.17169927

they should give economic boost packages of $1,000 to every person who gets a vaccination first.

that way small business will get bolstered with revenue from vaxxies

>> No.17169931

I hear pizza is cheap there

>> No.17169942


>> No.17169956


this is unironically economically very sound ((((in my opinion))). reduces the overall burden of furlough or lockdowns or w/e, provides a proxy stimulus package for small businesses, and boosts vaccine uptake

i doubt it'd happen where i live (UK - tends to balk at direct payments as a form of government intervention) but i'd love to see it play out

>> No.17169961

Pharmaceutical companies are making money off of restuarants, etc? Retardo
They put the most money into politicians, they don't give a fuck about what is affected by lockdown

>> No.17169962

Nowhere. Nothing.

>> No.17169981

>boosts vaccine uptake
and this is what the gov'ts want! they probably have enough money to incentivize getting vaxxed if they have the money to provide vaxes in the first place.

i was thinking it's like "at least wine and dine me before shooting your experimental juice inside me"

but seems like places close to where you live (Greece, Austria) are mandating vaccines for all with no reward and even fining people. hell, im vaccinated myself and would like everyone to be vaccinated too but that's no free land where you force people to get it.

>> No.17169987

8 to 10 years from now? I don't know.

I've got everything right here already. I live in Brussels. An hour from Paris, Venice, Vienna and Berlin.

Hong Kong is over, Dubai and the Emirates have nothing in particular to offer. New York/Boston/Chicago will remain baby size forever.

South Africa/Namibia/Oceania look very promising.

>> No.17170123

Well I can definitely tell you that the answer is definitely not to drag them all out into the streets and hang them all :)

>> No.17170124

i like the look of georgia (country not state) - good wines, comfy cuisine, cheap to do stuff and get around. sounds great

>> No.17171036

>The little billions a few pharmaceutical companies are making with a drug that is actually helpful is not enough to have the trillions lost in revenue from in person meetings, travel for leisure and business, all restaurants, etc be of any importance in the decision of countries
Who exactly has been losing money again? The stock market took a shit for a month in March 2020 then went to all-time highs. All the chain restaurants are thriving on orders from delivery services. It's almost like the only people who lost economically are small businesses that can't afford to pay off politicians.

>> No.17171091

I WILL go to austria next week and I WILL order Kaiserschmarrn

>> No.17171099

You think this shit is decided by council? Fifteen guys in suits sitting in a circle plotting? No man, it's a couple companies colluding with the health officials, maybe 1 or 2 media ceos brought in to make it political, then everyone else does all the work. That's why they're so disgusted by you people. They don't need anything complex, you do exactly what they say

>> No.17171110
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>a drug that is actually helpful
If only the stats agreed with this statement.

>> No.17171124

>When this world is free of Corona and we're free to travel wherever
That only happens when people decide to let it end themselves.

>> No.17171159

kek I've traveled 3 times since the pandemic started. twice to Europe, once to Canada.
Italy in summer 2020 was fucking awesome. everyone says how crowded Rome is, but there was nobody on the street.
>Went to St Peter's Basilica and it was like I was getting a private tour, literally nobody else around
>Went into the Sistine Chapel and there were maybe 15 other people there (all the videos on youtube showed it packed to the brim, shoulder ot shoulder).
>Went to the Trevi Fountain and got a nice clear photo with nobody else in it (usually the most crowded outdoor place in Rome)
>rented a scooter and freely rode down the streets, roads, etc. literally nobody and no cars to stop me
>read about the Africans and Indians constantly trying to scam you everywhere, didn't see a single one

Honestly really glad this pandemic happened because nobody else except the 30 or so Chinese people I saw will ever experience this.

>> No.17171472

I'm just very interested. I think I'd like it and I want to try a few different variations of it.

>> No.17171478

The restaurant industry got too uppity about being essential and then enforced masks, so nowhere

>> No.17171633

less harmful than any other variants and more infectious. literally a good thing

>> No.17171684

travelling to britain to try the food? bold choice, hope that works out for you bud

>> No.17172775

Not Britain, Scotland

>> No.17172782

what island is scotland on?

>> No.17172787

traveling is the biggest scam.

>> No.17172791

The part that isn't Britain

>> No.17172792

Japan or the US
Japanese wiskey or 3$ hot dog

>> No.17172794

They're gonna drag this shit out as long as we live

>> No.17172820

Nowhere and nothing. Nothing has changed for me. Nothing will continue to change. Life is a barren, hollow tree trunk and I'm stuck inside like that mummified dog picture.

>> No.17174369

>You will never be free
>you will eat the bugs
>you will live in the pod
>you will own nothing and you'll be happy