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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17159877 No.17159877 [Reply] [Original]

How often do you eat seafood?

>> No.17159901

Practically never, which I need to change. It's so good for you.

>> No.17159915

A lot if I can. Waiting on an overnight fedex box full of goodies right now. Too bad the family isn't that into it. I'm usually cooking it for just me.

>> No.17159922

Never. I can't stomach the idea of eating anything with antennae, segmented bodies, scales, fins, claws, tentacles, carapaces, or anything else that makes it look like a goddamn bug or monster

>> No.17159925

Same here. My senpai will only eat seafood that's battered and fried. Genuinely pisses me off.

>> No.17159963

I eat it a few times a week. I just made shrimp and scallop fried rice, that's what I would do with those cans of mussels but to each their own.

>> No.17159966

My seven year old daughter loves anchovies though. That's a big win in my book.

>> No.17159989

Sea and freshwater food is a very common first course here. So is the combination of earthy (beetroot, cabbage, meat, mushrooms) and fish. Practically every day.

>> No.17159996

I'm eating canned tuna right now for lunch and I'm gonna have some real tuna for dinner

>> No.17160003

Is she single?

>> No.17160006

Post pic of wrist

>> No.17160008

How long have you been a manchild?

>> No.17160043

I'm gen X. Get over it. Fucking fucker piece of fucking fuck.

>> No.17160066

post feet

>> No.17160077

>posting about your kid on a time wasting imageboard where most of the posters fap to 2d titless wonders.

>> No.17160078

atleast once a day out of a can
fresh stuff almost never
oyster, mussels, mackeral, sardines, anchovies, kipper snacks, and even salmon straight out of a can is tight

>> No.17160125

>See food
>Eat it

>> No.17160131 [DELETED] 
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>Fucking fucker piece of fucking fuck.

>> No.17160166


>> No.17160343

5/7 days a week just about.

>> No.17160442

At least 3 days a week. Gf and I rotate between cod, salmon and saithe. Perhaps shrimp or prawns also.

>> No.17160450

I don't eat crustaceans

>> No.17160475

And I don’t eat crusty Asians but here we are

>> No.17160483

The only seafood i eat is tuna in pasta or octopus with potatoes, i can eat mussels and scallops but they are an hassle to clean and cook

>> No.17160518

Fairly often, although recently it's mostly been canned stuff when I'm feeling lazy. I used to do tuna & salmon fairly often but they've gotten relatively expensive lately whereas beef & pork have remained cheap since I'm in Texas.

>> No.17160526

I don't like fish and my AZN gf doesn't like fish so I don't eat fish

>> No.17160545

are you 5 years old?

>> No.17160593

not as often as I want because the oceans are so polluted

>> No.17160620

an asian that doesnt like fish? How did she not starve growing up?

>> No.17160629

She's from Mongolia

>> No.17160638
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maybe 3 or 4 meals a week; double the amount if im on another one of my deenz benders

>> No.17160822

Idk, like once or twice per week or so?

>> No.17160930

She's hmong
Only her dad eats fish it's weird

>> No.17160985
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>Fucking fucker piece of fucking fuck.

>> No.17160993
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>> No.17161005

My kinda gal

>> No.17161107

Where is here?

>> No.17161118

well, she's gonna play you like a damn fiddle, you mong

>> No.17161140
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Not often enough, because I don't really like it. Had scallops last week though, tastes nothing like seafood, or good enough to justify the price

>> No.17161733
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>> No.17161738


>> No.17161887
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I pig out on sashimi, nigiri, and Shrimp hibachi about once a week, usually.

Sometimes I'll add deenz, or anchovies to a meal. The occasional Tuna and pickle sandwich.

Otherwise I take about 3 grams of fish oil a day

>> No.17161975

I eat deenz about four times a week . Tonight I had chipotle deenz and salsa verde broccoli because it’s Mexican night .

>> No.17162009
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Fresh fish for dinner once a week, coupla cans of deenz in sandwiches

>> No.17162050

>calling someone a manchild on 4chan