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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17158782 No.17158782[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So whats the consensus on him, /ck?

>> No.17158786

Fuck off.

>> No.17158798

Fuck on.

>> No.17158804

Literally /our guy/.
>inb4 that dweeb accusing us of being Adam himself shows up

>> No.17158807

Based Ragusea poster

>> No.17158823

He's got some retarded opinions on trying to police certain peoples diets (keto, paleo, raw, ect.) but overall a quality content creator for food

>> No.17158834

I wouldn't want to be friends with him but his videos are really good.

Anyone who thinks he sucks while they tolerate Joshua Weisman and Cringing With Babish should find return themselves to reddit or kill themselves.

>> No.17158839

you must be one of the retards who actually believes in those diets lol. because all ragusea said about those diets is that they are stupid, which is true. you think that's "policing?" you are actually an idiot kek.

what he didn't say but i'll say is that people who believe in those diets are stupid too.

here's the video for anyone interested.

>> No.17158842 [DELETED] 

there's a reason why he cut through the chafe and got big, his cooking presentation is snappy, he's got some charisma, and he has enough knowledge as an amateur to conceive of his own gimmicks to generate content. the average youtube viewer can tune out the more faggy aspects of his videos.

>> No.17158856

>not eating processed shit is stupid
t. fatass

>> No.17158886 [DELETED] 

there's a reason why he got big, sort of like a good eats with the cable tv excess cut out, replace the lame comedy skits with journalist faggotry.

>> No.17158910

He's soft as a marshmallow. Pasty whyboi on the fast track to obesity. Many such cases.

>> No.17158918

You've clearly never worked out in your life.
It's called bulking.

>> No.17158929

He's been bulking for a loooooong time. Hit me with more cope

>> No.17158933
File: 1.21 MB, 1041x1865, Screenshot_20211124-004350_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17158955

The consensus is that you should stop fucking shilling yourself, Adam.
We all know you come here even if you act like 4chan is some extremist web cult you heard about in the news in your videos.

>> No.17158970


>> No.17158974

That pic forgets another element, which is that to become a professor in the first place he had to suppress every kind of confrontation impulse and disagreement with the social norms of his workplace. It's not so much that being a professor got him used to go unchallenged, as that the road to get there got him used to being an absolute doormat with not a shred of intellectual honesty. Worse, he was in communications, which is always a fucking snake pit.
Entry level academia jobs have job security comparable to drug dealing, so whatever instincts to behave properly he ever had, were gone by the time he hit 28.

>> No.17158982

>he actually thought we didn't know
Top fucking kek.

>> No.17158990


>> No.17158996

I dunno, this post >>17158918 certainly has the feel of his weird bitchy passive aggression. Probably just a co/ck/ with a similarly shitty personality (maybe it's even you, 804!) but it easily _could_ be Adam, from the whiny tone.

>> No.17158997

hes alright

>> No.17159010

>telling someone they never worked out is bitchy passice agressive shitty personality
>wall of text crying about it
Kek, you're such a sensitive little bitch.

>> No.17159011

That beer looks good

>> No.17159015
File: 245 KB, 1584x854, netytx81b5471[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol go back to your editing, Adam.
Pic related ought to be a cautionary tale for people like you, don't come shill here.

>> No.17159019

He's a smarmy little turd

>> No.17159036

Get a life, you fucking loser. You do this in every Adam thread.

>> No.17159043

>You do this in every Adam thread.
>implying you're there in every thread as well
Hello Adam!

>> No.17159047

>Entry level academia jobs have job security comparable to drug dealing
maybe i misunderstand, but drug dealing has ultimate job security. you know because of addiction and all that.

>> No.17159052


>Marco Pierre White is a bad chef because the food in this video from 30 years ago is old fashioned

>> No.17159076


I forgot the "metric is bad because I might have 4 broken bits of dried pasta in the bottom of the packet and I can't just throw them away for some reason" episode...

>> No.17159082

Nah, drug dealing is a middleman game for nearly everyone. Importers/manufacturers have job security (barring arrest and murder) but drug dealers are utterly replaceable. They have to watch their upward and downward supply chains like hawks and crush any little sign that their downstream clients are hooking up with another source, or cutting them out.

>> No.17159085

>wall of text crying about it
Are you a phoneposter, or just illiterate, that two sentences constitutes a wall of text?

>> No.17159090

You even post in a passive-aggressive way so irony is lost on you.

>> No.17159099

Not him but claiming that your post was a wall of text is no more nonsensical than your roastie-tier psychobabble where you inferred someone's personality and alleged passive-agressive behaviour just from them telling you that you've never exercised.

>> No.17159119

It's like you don't even want to be on 4Chan

>> No.17159120

That's what you get for advertising your gay channel here all the time. Eat a dick bitch nigga.

>> No.17159128

Fun fact, there is more than one poster in this thread, and they're all anonymous, so you can make embarrassing mistakes by assuming that two different posts are the same person. Maybe you should try Reddit?

>> No.17159160

every time he says umami i want to punch his pretentious ass.. besides that i like him and i like that he reduces some needlessly complicated receipts.

>> No.17159167

Fuck off Adam, stop shilling your channel. Sage.