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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17154916 No.17154916 [Reply] [Original]

Apparently microwaves in the 70s came with a 200 page book on how to cook food so you dont fuck up your microwave thanksgiving turkey dinner

>> No.17154923

I remember the early 80s going to an entire store with nothing but microwaves. The place literally had cooking classes using only microwaves. They said the technology would get so good it would replace your ovens.

>> No.17154925

it was a different time

>> No.17154927
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who needs an oven any more after this

>> No.17154931
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Its okay to be nervous for your first time

>> No.17154933

When I was a kid my parents had one with a temperature probe. She would cook whatever and stick it in the microwave with the probe to maintain temp while she cooked other stuff

>> No.17156277
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Is there a recipe for steak in that thing?

>> No.17156371


>> No.17157301

The 1980 Amana Radarange I inherited from my mother had one of those, along with the temperature probe. I don't remember ever seeing her use it, though it has been - probably only once or twice after my parents first bought it, back when I was only 4-5 years old. Maybe one day when I'm bored I'll dig out that cookbook and see what monstrosities lie within...

>> No.17157323

>born too late to land on the moon
>born too early to invent the Internet (fuck you fakeass Al Gore)
>born just in time to explore the uncharted
hyperdimensional Microwave Realm


>> No.17157328

To be fair those early microwave ovens were fucking beasts. My grandmas old radarange was massive, plus people kept shit longer back then. Microwaves were expensive. Maintenance and repair were much more common than throwing it out.
Microwave and tv repair shops were a thing not that long ago

>> No.17157333

>let's start with something to get you started
That redundant sentence was redundant

>> No.17157688

no you

>> No.17157736
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>> No.17157741
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Happy to post more but someone better throw me a page number.

>> No.17157800

meats, the more high end the meal the better

>> No.17157812

Those cookbooks were often made with convection facilitating containers in mind. Those fell out of practice after people kept burning their hands. Captcha PS KKK

>> No.17157828
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>> No.17157836
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4chan is really shit to upload images to.

>> No.17157838
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You know, I have to put something here otherwise its counted as spam.

>> No.17157849
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I'll do the cake section in a bit.

>> No.17157883

>get you started
the coffee "starts" you

>> No.17157894

maybe microwaves are one of those techs that got killed by normies. seems like all people use it for today is warming up coffee, and never use the any of the other functions

>> No.17157962

>While uncommon today, combination microwave-ranges were offered by major appliance manufacturers through much of the 1970's as a natural progression of the technology. Both Tappan and General Electric offered units that appeared to be conventional stove top/oven ranges, but included microwave capability in the conventional oven cavity. Such ranges were attractive to consumers since both microwave energy and conventional heating elements could be used simultaneously to speed cooking, and there was no loss of countertop space. The proposition was also attractive to manufacturers as the additional component cost could better be absorbed compared with countertop units where pricing was increasingly market-sensitive.

>A variant of the conventional microwave oven is the convection microwave oven. A convection microwave oven is a combination of a standard microwave oven and a convection oven. It allows food to be cooked quickly, yet come out browned or crisped, as from a convection oven. Convection microwave ovens are more expensive than conventional microwave ovens. Some convection microwave ovens—those with exposed heating elements—can produce smoke and burning odors as food spatter from earlier microwave-only use is burned off the heating elements.

Seems to be the case from a quick glance at the wiki, but there's nothing on when, how and why this transition took place. Which is a shame, it's sounds like interesting insight into market dynamics.

>> No.17157977

Recipe conversion seems super interesting for some reason.

>> No.17157988

I went to some charity stores the other day and there was like 4-5 cookbooks for sale on microwave cooking
One of them was titled like 'refined microwave cuisine' or something lmao

>> No.17157989
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>put some foil on it before you put it in

>> No.17157999
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>Contrary to popular assumptions, metal objects can be safely used in a microwave oven, but with some restrictions.[72][73] Any metal or conductive object placed into the microwave oven will act as an antenna to some degree, resulting in an electric current. This causes the object to act as a heating element. This effect varies with the object's shape and composition, and is sometimes utilized for cooking.

>Any object containing pointed metal can create an electric arc (sparks) when microwaved. This includes cutlery, crumpled aluminium foil (though some foil used in microwave ovens is safe, see below)

>Aluminium foil is thick enough to be used in microwave ovens as a shield against heating parts of food items, if the foil is not badly warped. When wrinkled, aluminium foil is generally unsafe in microwaves, as manipulation of the foil causes sharp bends and gaps that invite sparking. The USDA recommends that aluminium foil used as a partial food shield in microwave oven cooking cover no more than one quarter of a food object, and be carefully smoothed to eliminate sparking hazards.[75]

>> No.17158090

I'm interested to see what they say in the bread section since that's the one thing that is notoriously difficult to heat up properly in the microwave without it turning into rubber at first and then solid rock when it cools. It's the main reason I always reheat pizza slices in a pan.

>> No.17158240
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>> No.17158249
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Did you know that various members of the melanin enhanced race perform anilingus upon me?

>> No.17158255
File: 3.33 MB, 3968x2976, IMG_20211221_190636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this isn't classified as spam. Jap Moot is a cunt.

>> No.17158260
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And there you go, bread in the microwave.

>> No.17158267

Conversion page

>> No.17158276

That blatantly homosexual Youtuber from Illinois had a pretty good video about old school microwave ovens.

Nice digits and information.

>> No.17158306


>> No.17158377

>tfw never read the manual
fuck ive been doing it wrong this whole time

>> No.17159399

Its never too late anon

>> No.17160659

Dumb boomer

>> No.17160804

Damn, I never even thought they would try to tell you to bake bread in there. I'm tempted to try it, but I kind of don't want to burn down my apartment building. Thanks though.

>> No.17162421
