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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 185 KB, 344x392, kicproductimage-96889_hot_spicy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17150363 No.17150363[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

okay but for me? it's these little niggers.

>> No.17150367

they are tasty

>> No.17150422

I used to smuggle family packs of these up to Canada until they started selling them here. I haven't had them in like a year.

>> No.17150426

you'll be feeling THAT tomorrow!

>> No.17150502
File: 193 KB, 1080x1861, 5143956214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for me it's snacks produced with proper consideration for the rights of workers. cheez its, poptarts, tollhouse cookies, eggos, and a shit ton of cereals are produced by Kellogg's. don't cross the picket line.

>> No.17150533

While I don't necessarily disagree, this comes across as pretty fucking lame. Especially the little slogan at the end.

>> No.17150874

Not my problem, commie

>> No.17150886

The White Cheddar are real good in tomato soup.

>> No.17151508

>selling out domestic manufacturing jobs to overseas factories to own the libs

>> No.17151516

>being a commie

>> No.17151632

>valuing local businesses over international globohomo corporations make you a commie
what happened to America first?
what happened to America first?

>> No.17151640

oh all of a sudden domestic jobs matter meanwhile you think borders shouldn't exist and want millions of immigrants per year.

Fuck off and starve in a gutter

>> No.17151670

They smell like a cabbage thats been stewing in a mans asshole but taste like heaven

>> No.17151683

So they taste like a man's ashole, too?

>> No.17151688
File: 97 KB, 576x564, EAcDPvZXYA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice strawman. I support the rights of Americans working in American industries. bringing in untrained immigrants only cheapens the value of labor, which is exactly what happens when a company like Kelloggs fires 1400 works and replaces them with scabs.

>> No.17151719


oh so are you ok with other "skilled" labor work visas? What about tons of legal immigrants coming in to the usa (they suppress wages in other industries)?

>> No.17151744

>everyone who hates commies is American
Fucking brain dead commie can’t comprehend there’s a whole wide world of non-Americans who hate him and his ideology

>> No.17151746

no, my interest begins and ends with producers of y favourite children's cereals. wukka wukka do the bartman

>> No.17151749 [DELETED] 

youre a little nigger

>> No.17151751

every time i cram these i have really good shits

>> No.17151764


you're a shit eating leftist who wants to crater the country with retarded social bullshit larping as some kind of blue collar guy. Fuck your factory wagies

>> No.17151834

better to be a commie than to sell out your values to big business just to piss off strangers online

>> No.17151856

>says the guy who has no problem with millions of foreigners coming here every year, or even h1bs

>> No.17151879

Meanwhile you probably eagerly anticipate daily Amazon packages full of chink shit while going on about muh Kellogg’s worker rights kek

>> No.17151883

>better to be a commie
Fuck off. What the fuck are you doing on a food and cooking board? All you faggots immediately starve as soon as communist governments take over. There’s no such thing as /ck/ under communism. And also YWNBAW

>> No.17151896

income tax is taken from a paycheck regardless of if you're an illegal immigrant or a natural born citizen. the majority of blame is on the businesses that choose to hire immigrants rather than americans

>> No.17151990

So what you're saying is, you personally support millions of foreigners coming here, but you'll try and hide that fact by blaming the employer?

Fuck off leftist scum

>> No.17151992
File: 110 KB, 447x768, 1500225592573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They don't use the "tobasco" name anymore, but they're still good.

>> No.17151999

Businesses are about the bottom line not morality so don’t expect anything more from them. Companies spouting this year’s lines about BLM and equity and trannies is all PR and never think otherwise.

So the majority of blame is on the politicians and the public who support illegal or legal immigrants at the expense of native born citizens. Period.

>> No.17153507

As much as I am intrigued by it, I wouldn't try because there is a 50% chance there's some autists cum in it.

>> No.17153516

No, anon, there's a 100% chance... there's a 100% chance.

>> No.17154564

youre a pink nigger