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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17143549 No.17143549 [Reply] [Original]

Easy food to lose weight with? I'm short and fat; a deadly combo/shorter of my lifespan. And I want to change that. What foods should I eat more? I'm already trying to cut back on my meals by using smaller plates and pinching myself to eease getting seconds. Also, what "healthy" food I avoid? I heard a lot of them aren't actually healthy.

>> No.17143572

Cut out bread and pasta and stick to meat and vegetables (french fries is not vegetables).

Usually for snacks I'll have pepperoni, veggies with dip and popcorn.

>t.lost 45 lbs between September and november

>> No.17143592

Water. The ultimate food. Have set portions for yourself and drink lots of water with them. If you’re craving a snack have a piece of fruit and even more water.

>> No.17143601

Just because something is a vegetarian substitute doesn't make it healthier. My dumb ass sister used coconut oil in a ton of different things for a long time and wondered why she couldn't lose weight

>> No.17143613

count calories and eat high protein foods

>> No.17143617

Short people live longer OP, lose da weight tho

>> No.17143621

the very first thing you should do is get a scale and measure and calculate the calorioes for everything you eat. you really can't have a ton of success with a diet if you can't accurately calculate the amount of calories you're eating to start with. aside from that, eat a of vegetables, drink a lot of water, cut out as much sugar and low quality carbs as you can. rice is kind of an exception in that even white rice will actually be pretty filling as long as you combine it with vegetables or a protein. go for higher fat and protein content breads and milk. stop drinking skim milk if you're drinking that. forget about any juices or those vegetable smoothies at the store whatsoever; all of that stuff is garbage sugar water that at best has a few vitamins in it. eating actual fruit and vegetables is just insanely more nutritious, filling, and better for you than any juice or grocery store vegetable drink will ever be

>> No.17143623

I never get fat but when I'm trying to lose that lingering fat it's a good trick to not think of it as a diet but a permanent change to how you eat. Which means you won't last if you cut out unhealthy things you love. Limit them and treat them as an award for perserverence. What you should limit and treat as a reward are: sweets, deep fried things. Make sure that on a plate there are mostly meats and vegetables while carbohydrates are tiny accent of flavor rather then one of the main parts of the meal. Get used to drinking 2 litres of water every day. Lift weights.

>> No.17143632

coconut oil is actually insanely unhealthy to the point eating a lot of is genuinely detrimental to your cardiovascular health. the stuff tastes great but it's the kind of fat and in such concentrated levels that is genuinely awful for you. the only reason anybody talks about coconut oil is because about a decade ago a bunch of retarded bloggers (you know the type; woman, no medical or culinary education, a linked store selling whatever they're promoting) started promoting it as a health food despite the fact it's awful for you

>> No.17144146

That seems like a lot of weight in a short period. Hope you're okay anon.

>> No.17144180

Lmao this is all nonsense. Coconut oil is good for you and saturated fat is protective for CVD

>> No.17144194

You are literally retarded. Go back to your group home and turn in your laptop to your caretaker

>> No.17144213

Yeah I want to lose some more but I keep regaining and losing ten lbs.

Before the weight loss I was drunk basically every day and eating shitty food constantly so it wasn't that hard to lose that weight quickly.

>> No.17144451

Keto keto keto keto

>> No.17144453

post your breakfast, lunch and dinner.

i'll go to the store and copy straight up

>> No.17144458

It's not good for me, it's not good for me at all! Then again, I'm allergic to coconut.

>> No.17144479

High protein, low carb.
Focus on leafy greens, meats, eggs, and dairy.
Avoid grains, high carb vegetables like potatoes, and refined sugars.

And don't do stupid shit like eat deep fried garbage because "it's technically low carb!"
Fucking knob.

>> No.17144557

>What foods should I eat more?

Why are fatties so fucking stupid? The key to losing weight is eating LESS. It does not matter what you eat. It does not matter where you eat. Is does not matter when you eat. All that matters is eating fucking LESS.
There is no miracle food or secret solution. You stop eating like a fucking pig and you lose weight.

>> No.17144731

make salad, eat your veggies and cut out sugar you fatass

>> No.17144794

>I'm short and fat; a deadly combo/shorter of my lifespa
being short doesn't affect your lifespan you retard midget

>> No.17144825

>What foods should I eat more?

>> No.17144838

Its time to take the fastingpill

>> No.17144867

Start cooking all your own food from scratch
Pizza and fried chicken taste way better when you have to prep and knead and clean all that shit but you'll probably opt for a boiled egg and lettuce instead

>> No.17145193

rice cakes, oranges, skinless chicken breasts
basically anything low cal
also consider >>>/fit/64778333

>> No.17145230

Never been overweight but i know that adding chilli to stuff can make you feel full for a long time and thus you'll want to eat less. If you add chilli to your lunch you'll be less inclined to snack between lunch and dinner. Just dont overdo it so you can avoid the runs. Similar thing with apple cider vinegar. it sounds like a meme but if you have a shot of apple cider vinegar mixed with chilli powder with your breakfast youll want to snack less through the day

also ive found vegan avocado pasta salad insanely filling, like often if i have a big bowl of that for lunch ill feel decently full until after dinner time.

>> No.17145253

>Why are fatties so fucking stupid
Back to /fit
A calorie is not a calorie.
Some foods are more calorie dense than others and do not fill you up. Some drinks (like alcohol) are extremely calorie dense and make you hungry.
Imagine eating and entire head of iceberg lettuce versus eating a twinkie. The twinkie has more calories than the lettuce. Which one satiates more, do you think?
Now, be constructive or shut the fuck up. It's clear you're the stupid one here.

>> No.17145387

hes right though
the secret is eating less combined with removing processed foods

>> No.17145930
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I'm not arguing about decreased caloric intake. That's completely obvious. I'm arguing that a calorie is not a calorie and different sources of calories has a huge fucking impact on sustainable weight loss. The OP of the thread asked about foods to lose weight, and /fit/ poster came in with the very untrue myth that all calories are made equal. They are not. The calorie itself as a unit of measurement is trash, better to look at nutrient density and so on.

>> No.17146316

take the fast pill

>> No.17146773

If you’re not hungry enough to eat an apple, you aren’t hungry.

>> No.17146862
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The BEST way to lose weight is fasting and plenty of low impact movement. Basically, if you have the time, pack two bottles of water in the morning and walk around outside all day, staying well hydrated. You will not get hungry. As a side effect, you won't have to worry about pooping 2-3 days in either. Take a multivitamin before bed and you better fall asleep fast, otherwise you will feel sick like a dog.

As far as food goes, ignore the vegfag lies. Vegetables may provide a a high volume in relation to their caloric density, but they are utterly useless as far as satiety goes. You'll stay sated longer on a small fatty piece of meat than the caloric equivalent of vegshite. So if you want to eat, fat and meat are your friends. Don't skip vegetables entirely, or you'll get constipated. Avoid carbs. Spicy food seems to curb hunger as well. It doesn't have to be anus burning hot, just a little bit does the trick.

Finally, there's the psychological side. You'll crave garbage, and you will succumb if it's available. So instead of wasting willpower, simply make the garbage unavailable to you. You'll eat the chocolate in the cupboard, but you likely won't go out to buy some. To a lesser extent, this also applies to the good food. Try to limit variety. You may not be hungry for x but you will be for y. If you only eat one type, you won't crave it as much. IMO, the ideal food here is chili, unfortunately with no or very few beans. Meat, vegetables, spices, all in an easy to portion format. If you can eat it cold, you'll cut down cooking to once a week, or less.

>> No.17147489
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>Basically, if you have the time, pack two bottles of water in the morning and walk around outside all day, staying well hydrated. You will not get hungry.

this is one of the most retarded things i've read here in a long time

>> No.17147509

this is probably the worst info you can find.

lean protein, lots of veggies, whole grains. cut out things you don't need (high sugar + fat stuff like soda, red meat). minimize booze.

the big thing is balancing diet and exercize. find a sport or other physical activity you enjoy and join a club/league where you play weekly or a couple of times a week. other days, go for a walk around your neighborhood, hike on the weekends.

these are overall quality of life improvements, not really "diet" moves.

>> No.17147523

it does, but opposite to the way OP suggests
this is one of the reasons very old people are so tiny

>> No.17147887

Dont eat at all

>> No.17148670

Actual skinny fag who lost 75lbs here.

Find out your tdee. Follow it unless you are like 200lbs or less. At that point you need to be eating 1500-1000 calories depending on how low you want to go. Obviously if you are closer to the 200 mark you start with 1500. Exercises combined with diet yields the best results. But you can do it with diet alone.

Having said all of that. Once your body gets used to eating less(at least a month of eating 1500 calories) you can try water fasting for 1 to 2 days at a time. Any longer than that an you need to start worrying about nutrients and stupid shit. To make this easy and brainless fast for one or two days a week if you feel up to it. Also whenever tou feel hungry and have already eaten... drink water. Try not to do this toward late afternoon or evening you might need to wake up in the middle of thr night to piss.

Now on to the actual food choices. Im going to list low calorie foods here that when you consume them tend to sit in your stomach a while. This is good because it means you won't feel as hungry as if you gorged yourself on 3 cans of pringles.

Rice,lean meat with low fat content (chicken breast, pork tenderloin), avocado, whole wheat bread, tofu, greek yogurt, broccoli, squash, zucchini, kidney beans, spinach, canned tuna, steel cut oats, berries, eggs. Im sure there are others. A trick i used a lot is salsa. Salsa is pretty low calorie.(read every nutritional information panel on the back of everything. To be extra strict, if there is no label don't fucking buy it.) Also hot sauce.

A typical day looked like this for me.

Breakfast -420 calories.
1 slice of toast
1 avocado
Salt and pepper
Lemon juice

Dinner - 900
6oz uncooked rice
1 chicken breast
8oz Broccoli
Soy sauce
Sesame oil
When you prepare food keep in mind the method you cook it. Steaming or boiling adds no calories. Cooking with water adds no calories. Grilling adds no calories. Frying in half a stick of butter adds lots of calories.

>> No.17148697

5 raw eggs for breakfast
100g cheese, preferably made from raw milk
1kg of raw meat
100g of raw liver

>> No.17148978
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>> No.17149732

Fuck off, it's well known that aerobic exercise decreases appetite. In fact, I do this a few times a year, and it works extremely well.

>ineffective housewife advice

>> No.17149834

Just do fasting. Its easier than you think.


>> No.17149875

Literally this, so far I have lived through the first two years of lockdown on nothing but distilled corn spirits and fresh rainwater.