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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 345 KB, 2048x1251, you WILL eat the bugs double think.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17143220 No.17143220 [Reply] [Original]

Have you ever actually eaten bugs before?
How was it?

>> No.17143227

Why do right wingers get so mad by the choice of eating bugs?

>> No.17143248

Yeah, I've eaten both a cricket, and a locust as a larp when I was very young. Didn't taste terrible, but was really not great texture wise.

No one gets mad about people choosing to eat bugs. That's your own choice. People do get mad about being told they need to eat bugs to save the world. Mainly because it's just stupid.

>> No.17143325

I had some crickets in ranch powder at a gas station once, they pretty much just tasted like dry grass. Have to imagine there's some big cicadas or something that taste good though, they're basically the same as shrimps in the sea.

>> No.17143340
File: 2.90 MB, 640x360, chinese food.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17143359

>inb4 some retard says seafood is bugs

>> No.17143378

Too late anon, my retardation knows no bounds

>> No.17143507

I have. Crickets, grashoppers, ants and mealworms. I haven't really liked any of them.
There's a Chinese supermarket near me that sells frozen cockroaches, which they swear is meant as fish bait but they're in the same freezer as the frozen meatballs and shit.

>> No.17143518

Candy bars have bug pieces into they, the regulators don't allow more than 60% of them.

>> No.17143528
File: 315 KB, 1242x540, 062C0E2F-F1B9-42AF-85FC-360C1CE6AFC6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore them they’re playing leftist word games.

I’ve tried some throughout Asia and yes they are terrible. Natives might eat them sometimes but that’s due to cost and no one chooses bugs over chicken, pork, fish, so on.

Whenever you see “bugs are the future” nonsense remember pic related.

>> No.17143559

It fucking suck, here in Vietnam we eat all type of shit. People only eat them 1-2 times to brag about it and never touch them again.

>> No.17143612


>> No.17143641

Highly controversial. Besides, yids are always “reinterpreting” their laws for personal gain.

>> No.17143650

The only ones that were terrible to me were the mealworms and the grasshoppers, but that's mostly for textural reasons. I legit couldn't swallow them. They both activated my gag reflex.
Couldn't actually eat much of them.

I had crickets twice. One time, they were 'plain' and tasted like stale cornchips. The other time it was for free ice cream at Cold Stone. Get chocolate covered crickets as a mix-in and your ice cream's free. So it just tasted of chocolate and ice cream.
Ants taste kinda spicy. I've been told it's due to the formic acid. Idk if ant larvae counts as a separate thing, but I had a beef salad with ant larva on it in Thailand. That one was good, but mostly because of everything else there, not the larvae themselves.

Oh! I forgot. Caterpillars. Silkworms, I think. Same issue as the mealworms and grasshoppers. Couldn't eat it.

>> No.17143693

Okay, so Jews don't want to eat the bugs either
So no problem then
Everyone just needs to claim religious exemption
Just say you're a seventh Day Adventist

>> No.17143856
File: 26 KB, 250x250, Scorpion-Sucker-Blueberry-2T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not technically a bug, I guess, but I had one of these once and the scorpion just tasted like dirt.

>> No.17143870

The only plans I've ever seen to try and integrate bugs into our regular diet is to grind them up to fortify flour with more protein.

They're not even the most efficient. Many varieties of fish, crustaceans, and mollusks are more environmentally viable in the long run. The more likely thing to happen is we transition to a more seafood heavy diet rather than just eating handfuls of crickets.

>> No.17143890

i did mealworms in junior high with a few other daring kids, we had them to feed some bird or something and the teacher popped one and asked if anyone wanted to try. i wonder if xe would get in trouble in 2021 for pulling that stunt. honestly wasn't bad, not much flavor it as just a crunchy thing

>> No.17143900 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 699x699, 1444508627099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing about these "we need to eat bugs" articles is that they never try to make it look remotely appetizing. They just use the most repulsive, appetite-killing images like they're trying to scare you or something.

>> No.17143903

>Why do right wingers get so mad by the choice of eating bugs?


It won't be a choice because if it was people wouldn't do it.

>> No.17143910
File: 29 KB, 699x699, 1444508627099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing about these "we need to eat bugs" articles is that they never try to make it look remotely appetizing. They just use the most repulsive, appetite-killing images like they're trying to scare you or something.

>> No.17143923

No. Most people are repulsed by insects for a reason.

>> No.17143980

I'd be willing to try locusts if they were prepared well

>> No.17143983

when I was a kid someone gifted me one of those gag lollypops with a bug inside it and I threw it into the trash

>> No.17143988

the sad thing is that it won't even be just bugs they force people to eat but gmo ones

>> No.17144037

i think i've had cricket or similar at an asian buffet once and it tasted pretty unremarkable, not something i would choose to eat
i'll just stick with seabugs like shrimp and crawfish

>> No.17144159

That's because these articles aren't actually trying to get you to eat the bugs, they're just using eye-catching images to make you click them out of morbid curiosity.

>> No.17144197

had chapulines in mexico. they'd been fried and covered in salt and lime... hard not to like them. almost like corn nuts or something, but with a softer interior and kinda more vegetal taste

>> No.17144222


>> No.17144229
File: 662 KB, 677x670, china food chain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17144274

This. How are right wingers so fucking stupid? No one is forcing you into eating bugs. The headlines are designed to catch your eye and create engagement, positive or negative, which you fucking retards love to do.

>> No.17144279

>No one is forcing you into eating bugs.
Good, I never will.

>> No.17144285

Die faggot

>> No.17144289
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>> No.17144295

literally billion dollar corporations doesnt want to deal with the mess they create so they're pushing blame onto the consumer.

>> No.17144299
File: 12 KB, 480x360, 1538792142299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually defending clickbait

>> No.17144310

thanks anon

>> No.17144410

I never get this scare tactic. If you don't wanna eat bugs, in the worst case scenario, just go vegan.

>> No.17144428
File: 92 KB, 524x523, 1639218701632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My sister used to eat black ants as a child, now she's morbidly obese and is married to a black guy, do with this information what you will

>> No.17144455

>No one is forcing you into eating bugs
Not yet, while everything is still collapsing. I think you're being intellectually dishonest as opposed to just being a blatant retard.
>You WILL own nothing
>You WILL eat ze bugs
>You WILL be happy
Now, if you think the whole thing is a silly conspiracy, and that the richest people in the world aren't transitioning us into a new age of slavery, suffering, and bug eating, then I have made a mistake in replying to you, for you are a dull, grey NPC.

>> No.17144456

No one is forced

>> No.17144464

Like the wire around Manhattan

>> No.17144465

They love the snip though

>> No.17144472

It's barbaric and I'm a centrist, go back to Africa if you want to force that crap on me you spook.

>> No.17144477

i'd exterminate all humans to save the planet.
eco-fascism for the win.
plus fuck niggers.

>> No.17144478

shant be eating the bugs

>> No.17144480

Have you ever seen Snowpiercer? That's why.

If not, let me remove the metaphor. It wont me a "choice," the lower dregs of society will only be able to afford bugs, the elites will all still eat beef and tuna. No elite is going to give up their private jets and start flying in coach to save the earth, so fuck it. If the upper end isn't going to cut back and keeps forcing the burden onto the lower end of society that doesn't have any real control over anything, its going to break eventually anyway.

>> No.17144488
File: 822 KB, 564x755, bugs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17144560
File: 2.31 MB, 200x200, 1639603947149.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gayass larp, get Ted's dick out of your mouth

>> No.17144585


>> No.17144587


>> No.17144603

If you only eat the head and scoop out the shidding tube, yes.

>> No.17144618
File: 29 KB, 200x200, gncsmiim9lzjhta7wtyj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yids are always “reinterpreting” their laws for personal gain.

>> No.17144634

crunchy and extremely bland

>> No.17144638

>Eating actual nutritious food and having basic needs met=consuming pop culture trash
Your brain on le science

>> No.17144653

Retard take