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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 23 KB, 1200x600, Flag_of_Australia_(converted).svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17141011 No.17141011 [Reply] [Original]

>no real national dish but meat pies
>fine dining barely exists
>large segments of population lives off chocolate milk and pies
>rice with salmon considered complex and foreign

>> No.17141018


>> No.17141024

You're the worst for putting beets on hamburgers you spawn of criminal degenerates

>> No.17141026

Australia is the best country with the worst people. No need for unique foods, all the best food ideas are older than the First Fleet anyway.

>> No.17141027

Not even close. This smells like a false flag.

>> No.17141029

chiko rolls were exported to japan back in the day, and chicken salt is our best kept secret.
everyone knows about timtams

probably more im not thinkin about

>> No.17141033

It's not a real burger without beetroot my man

>> No.17141041

Beetroot is way better than tomatoes on burgers.

>> No.17141215
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Beets on burgers is great. The only problem with Australian burgers is they don't know what a grill is so they fry everything. I never even saw a real barbecue when I was there, just giant outdoor griddles. It's odd because it's such a big part of their identity but they do it completely wrong.

>> No.17141219

put anotha shrimp on the barbie

>> No.17141275

You can't be as bad as the UK.

>> No.17141286

england mogs almost every european country at food, you just don't know it yet

>> No.17141301

I would like some actual proof that the Brits finally put those spices it took over 1/4 of the world for to good use

>> No.17141306

aus bros tell me your secrets how do you get food right now

>> No.17141309

we weren't interested in spices, we traded mostly tea, sugar, opium, slaves.

>> No.17141337

You're telling me Crab in Macadamia Cream and Confit of Tasmanian Ocean Trout and Spaghetti Jaffle aren't good enough?

>> No.17142097

yes, we are the worst, we have no food because we have no culture at all
-t melbfag

>> No.17142126

try being from new zealand

it's like australian food, but just slightly worse in every way.

also I genuinely live off blue v and mince and cheese pies

>> No.17142231

the shops, you dumb cunt.

>> No.17142282
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beets are good

>> No.17142310
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I come from Boston but have lived in Australia fro many years now and can confirm food here is really fucking disappointing. I mean, compared to what's on offer in say Haiti we're doing pretty good but everything here lacks flavour or doesn't exist at all. And of course it's 3x the price as well.

>> No.17142329

BBQ just means grilling outside the US, at least in commonwealth cunts

>> No.17143427

Yeah public barbies are grills but home BBQs are proper BBQs

>> No.17143464


>> No.17143498

>itt cultural cringe

Australians enjoy a very high standard of food due to our various food industries and access to varying cultures.
You're a fucking moron who has only ever seen the rest of the world through t.v.

>> No.17143506

Supermarkets reveal a lot about a societies food culture.
The yoghurt shelves in Aus are 90% genuine yoghurt, 10% gelatin shit. In the U.S it's the opposite.

>> No.17143508

Besides vegemite, pizza for breakfast and beer what do Australians eat thats different from anyone else?

>> No.17143533
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chicken salt

>> No.17143649

holy fucking cringe. imagine videotaping your childrens lives and your families private moments for the whole world to see. hope this faggot dies.

>> No.17143659
File: 91 KB, 578x800, Albrecht_II._von_Habsburg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's odd because it's such a big part of their identity

It's really not. Housos does a better job representing the Australian identity than some tourism ad targetting Americans. When an australian says shrimp, take everything he's telling you with a grain of salt.

>> No.17143660

We have great fresh food in every store
Large variety of different culinary from all over the world
We are the best country in the world

>> No.17143673
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Possibly. Here's my brekkie.

>> No.17143679

aussie steak is good. eat red meat like a man

>> No.17143730
File: 728 KB, 1075x1339, 1639773716598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had no idea chicken salt was ours, I grew up with it simply just being around and assumed it was a global thing.
you absolute stupid fuck, we have those outdoors because it's less maintenance to clean. We have real BBQs.

also, I'd never use one of those after i saw some ice head slut piss on one.

>> No.17143835

how's that communist lockdown stuff workin for the continent people forget about before Antarctica?

>> No.17143845

looks about as bad as british "food"

>> No.17143846

never leave my home so i don't care

>> No.17143915
File: 38 KB, 311x450, john-wayne-parr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally only happening in one state you fucking sperg. How's not living in the greatest nation on earth working out for you?

>> No.17144111

wait... other countries dont use chicken salt?

>> No.17144123

>>fine dining barely exists
thats a good thing
>>rice with salmon considered complex and foreign
brisbane is not part of australia

>> No.17144124

spice was controlled because other people wanted it so they would pay highly for it.

>> No.17144136

>communist lockdown
what are you talking about? you didnt actually believe that propaganda did you anon?

>> No.17144137

no its an australian invention

>> No.17144142

looks good besides that brown shit.

>> No.17144148

whats the point of eating chips without chicken salt?

>> No.17144358

party pies, sausage rolls and dim sims

>> No.17144372

You literally live in a comminazi state now. Just be glad you have some food.

>> No.17144380

Who exactly is better ? Americans who bow to nigger feet ?

>> No.17144383

How do you bow to feet? They’d have to be up a fucking flight of stairs. Get it together.

>> No.17144390

see >>17143915
and >>17144136
enjoy those forced vaxx requirements you americlaps are about to cop

>> No.17144399

Food is more affordable than ever now that China is trying to punish us. I can finally afford local lobster and avocado again. My morale is the highest it's been for a couple of decades.

>> No.17144401
File: 659 KB, 2048x1362, IMGP1874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I've been snatching up them lobster tails on random tuesday nights and shit all year. They sell out super fast so you can't wait till the weekend

>> No.17144419

Hopefully the hype dies down in time and it just becomes a regular thing like steaks or whatever

>> No.17144422

I'm sure they'll be low-key shipping them all off to chiner again soon, if not already †bh

>> No.17144495

the food that gets sold in your supermarkets is really appalling; the meat in particular is inedible. I really don't understand, because there are endless fantastic restaurants in Sydney.

t. Brit who has to go to specialty places in this hell-hole

>> No.17144515

Go back to your grey depressing shithole faggot, we don't want you here.

>> No.17144517

Yeah? You ever shopped in mainstream England, or is your head permanently ensconced in your arsehole? Trick question, I know you're a pom cottage industry shill shill terrified of our superior results from mass market techniques. Have the Australian elite ever imported a single pommy steak for their private debaucherty? No, there has been no reason to import inferior meat at a higher price.

>> No.17144521

Nah mate, we're not locked in. You've been locked out.

>> No.17144524

This tbqhwy, pommy fags always come to Australia and talk shit, but then they keep coming back for vacations. Fucking tossers.

>> No.17144554

what are you on about mate?

>> No.17144599

have you tried chocolate milk and meat pies? that shit is outstanding, we should all be so blessed that we can live on that most perfect food. im gonna go get some now.

>> No.17144643
File: 1.17 MB, 1269x717, JUST FUCKEN LOOK AT HOW FUCKEN GAY THEY LOOK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck don't we just harvest yabbies? They're snack sized lobsters. My grandmother used to cook them up.

>> No.17144663

Do Australians really put sprinkles on buttered bread and eat it? Gross

>> No.17144670

My bff from australia brought over homemade kangaroo jerkey. Its fucking delicious and its definitely Australian.

>> No.17144682

not a big enough market I reckon.

>> No.17144734
File: 79 KB, 905x370, Pickled-Beets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rubbish taste. Beetroot improves a burger.

>> No.17144814

What's the yabbie population even like? I only ever see hoards of Asians blocking up the river harvesting them

>> No.17144859
File: 275 KB, 1600x1200, wheel'za.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is very true, I was born here to english parents but the community we lived in were predominantly italians, so very early on they got their shit together with actually putting salt or really just anything other than beef and potato into a meal. I cannot believe the dreary shit some people eat day to day then go out to a burger/steak "restaurant" and rave about how good the experience was because the food sure as shit wasn't remarkable.

>> No.17144866

I honestly can cook better than most Australian restaurants like you wouldn't believe it but I make better curries, better Chinese, better steaks, better Japanese food. It's insane just how bad the level of our cuisine is.

>> No.17144906
File: 723 KB, 1190x923, Big-Arties-Kangaroo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least we have Chineze, Indian, Thai, Japanese, Lebanese etc cuisine to prop us up. Regular Australian fare is derived from English pies and low-effort sausages and things like that. At least we have great beef and at least 2nd World pork.

I still prefer the taste the marbling of American beef but Aussie beef has the distinction of being uniquely Australian in flavour and I love it. Also, indulge in Aussie lamb or rare kangaroo sometimes and you start to feel a little pride.

>> No.17145012

I dunno about that but Aussie lambs mint. I haven't cooked roo in ages though.

>> No.17145076
File: 350 KB, 578x960, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rice with salmon considered complex and foreign
>not just having salmon on its own
fatcunt detected

>> No.17145101

Generally one shouldn't cook roo at home anyway. It's delicious but only with the right fixins and sauce and it's hard to pull if off. I did roo a few times at BBQs and it just didn't fly, tastes like old lamb meat if you don't really know what you're doing

>> No.17145155

Is there an evidence backed approach to cooking roo correctly? I've found the steaks always make these protein bubbles and burn (granted I haven't cooked roo since I was around 12 lol)

>> No.17145158

yeah when i make my roo i use equal parts butter and flour, hope that helps bro

>> No.17145167

>Is there an evidence backed approach to cooking roo
Probably but I don't fucking know it. I've always gone with the old adage that roo is bad at home but delicious at a proper restaurant or bistro. You find a place that serves delicious roo and you learn from them

>> No.17145217

Alright, i can see why you say this mate. Having traveled a lot for both fun and work, I can say without a doubt the general quality of food here in Straya is noticeably higher, keeping in mind every country has shitty frozen and fast food.
Now, I know what you're thinking about the whole Michelin thing, and we don't have them not because we're no good, but rather that the Michelin guide doesn't get out to us
Also, we've only been a sovereign country for 110 years so no wonder we don't have a unique culinary identity just yet. We have a few ways to go, I'm either expecting and old meets new fusion not dissimilar to Cajun with the old school French techniques meeting new world ingredients, or instead an East meets West fusion of dishes being of opposing cuisines featuring ingredients of the opposite style, for example a rendang beef wellington . If i had to bet on it, going on the success and excellence of the top shelf Aussie restaurants my money is on the former

>> No.17145219
File: 231 KB, 1143x221, african food.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are we the worst when it comes to food?
darkies literally eating dirt cookies and mosquito patties you fuckhead

>> No.17145239

Ham and egg pizza is dope though

>> No.17145252

Bugs are the future of a climate friendly diet. Why don't you try being less racist and more open minded, faggot

>> No.17145266
File: 150 KB, 523x416, Caged Heap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking ironic that the future comes from people still living in fucking stone age cultures aye I guess.

>> No.17145334

delicious tears from eaters of tasteless Woolies filth

>> No.17145348

your queen eats the shit we buy at woolies as a fancy meal, think about that you faggot. we get a lot of money from japan and you fags wanting our meat.

>> No.17145353
File: 798 KB, 4032x3024, 1632654110634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure I already covered this response with "delicious tears", mate

>> No.17145357

yiff in hell.

>> No.17145360
File: 49 KB, 735x552, 50099179_363993287765215_3623757924469309440_n-1-735x552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pie floaters
But anyway who gives a shit. We have basically every food from Western Europe here (besides Scandinavia) as something you can get easy. Asian shit as well, just not as much in a supermarket.

>> No.17145362

yeah but it's an actual fact your royals and most of europe spend a shitload just to get our quality beef, you should be deported and then cut off from us providing you yuropoors forever. You'd get to taste your own shit for once, and you'd come back begging for daddy.

>> No.17145363

pretending I'm a furry doesn't make your supermarket garbage taste any better.

weirdly all the aussie stuff in the UK is decent, dunno why you eat your own off-cuts.

>> No.17145373

Your supermarket shit ain't no better, nigel, but at least ours is higher quality. Literally confirmed, too. google it.

>> No.17145437

You must not live in Sydney mate, Sydney is one of the fine dining capitals of the world. I have travelled extensively for work and can easily say that Sydney ranks amongst the best cities in the world for food (provided you earn a high salary).