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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17137521 No.17137521 [Reply] [Original]

>process goverment-subsidized nutritionless cattle feed into unrecognizable shapes and textures
>deep fry it in high-PUFA seed oils originally purposed for machine lubrication, extracted through industrial, chemical processing
>trick consoomer brains into finding these monstrosities enjoyable by coating your cattlefeed in the amino acids (MSG) normally found in real food (i.e. meat)

Is there anything more dystopian than modern junk food? I sincerely hope you guys don't eat this poison.

>> No.17137527

all you gotta do is spray this garbage with sugar instead of msg and you have cereal lol

>> No.17137555
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>> No.17137570

No, and the normalization of eating essentially poison is bizarre, advertising with cute, colorful mascots to appeal to children.

They'll make flavored nicotine illegal because kids might use it more when it isn't directed at them in any way, but cheetos and cereal directly being targeted at kids is acceptable.

No surgeon general's warning on your bowl of sugar for breakfast about how this causes X amount of health problems.

In America at least, junk food companies have so much leverage and power when it comes to pushing these things.

>> No.17137585

>In America at least, junk food companies have so much leverage and power when it comes to pushing these things.
This is the problem and it's spreading as other countries copy american culture. Mexico is already fat from soda
Kuwait is the fattest in the world by %
India is loving fast food and eat it to show how rich and cultured their family is.
totally fucked up

>> No.17137597

You've effectively summarized it.
To add-on, people will do anything for money (read: athletes advertising anything from insurance to McDonald's), and those who hide behind the institution of companies will do anything to maintain the lifestyle currently led (read: not care about what is peddled so long as the money keeps flowing).

>> No.17137603

'bout to eat some cheeto puffs
hell yes

>> No.17137606

Stop taking your meds, non-schizo

>> No.17137860

what the fuck

>> No.17137873
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man that's an impressive one

>> No.17137883

Honestly if bugs were the size of animals large enough to make steaks out of I’d be much less grossed out. I’d just clean them like shellfish

>> No.17137927

If anything, we should be eating corn instead of cows.

>> No.17137935

>Nooo you can’t just make snacks out of corn this is sooo dystopian literally 1984 ahhhhhh

>> No.17137949

>Is there anything more dystopian than modern junk food?

>> No.17137984
File: 18 KB, 244x320, cheezydunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Junk food makes me happy :)

>> No.17138264

Based vegan retard

4chan is literally the scrappy, underground resistance resisting the influence of the dystopian machine

>> No.17139064
File: 31 KB, 474x315, Unilever are Slavers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there anything more dystopian than modern junk food?

Oh fuck yeah. Go take a long hard look at the actual corporations behind all this. Picrel is "Ben and Jerry's" ice cream. One of the most evil organizations on the planet launders political operations and markets it as happy hippy shit. The corporate infrastructure is more corrupt than it has been in ten generations.

>> No.17139181
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Alan Watts once theorized that if a person was given whatever they want for as long as they wanted that on a long enough timeline eventually, after so many victories, so many sexual conquests, so many adventures they would become bored.
That at some point down the line, they would wish for an existence out of their control. They would want some sort of surprise. And he figured that is how you ended up here, reading this.
Frankly it can always get worse. You could have ended up as the other guy.

>> No.17139198

>I describe everything in ominous terms so it sounds le scary
Neck youself. Also, imagine being Am*rican holy shit.

>> No.17139631
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They're good tho

>> No.17139670

what's up with all the ancient egyptian images on /ck/ today?

>> No.17139678
File: 498 KB, 1442x1077, Screenshot_20211017-184659_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take your prescribed medicine citizen and cease attempts to divine our motives

>> No.17139685
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Some days it's hard to tell if we got here though that inherent inhuman incompetence we all share from time to time...
Or some insidious plot that's been remarkably good at disguising it's actions as human incompetence. Eh, that would be crazy, though.

>> No.17139781

McKenna followed up with
>the universe craves novelty
a take on synchronicity meshed with change

>> No.17140552

>Eat cheez doodles sparingly
>Enjoy it
>Not fat

>> No.17140572

>4chan is literally the scrappy, underground resistance resisting the influence of the dystopian machine
that may have kind of been the case a decade ago, but nowadays there's so many disparate opposing forces trying to outmaneuver each other here that it's now just a giant wall of noise. any perceived signal is virtually guaranteed to be someone trolling you.

>> No.17140599
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>The only reason someone would refuse to eat goycattle chow is to avoid weight gain

>> No.17140613

Well, why else? There's nothing else wrong with me either. Am I supposed to be boycotting cheez doodles for political reasons or something cause I'm not an activist.

>> No.17140628


>> No.17140632

>Well, why else?
The contents of the OP.
it's just not a high iq move to eat cornmeal fried in polyunsaturated fatty acids just because
>it tastes good
It's engineered to taste good. It's so hyper stimulating that it makes real, healthy food not taste so good. In that way, it could be argued that it is harmful.

This doesn't mean you shouldn't be free to eat it if you so wish. It probably ISN'T a big deal for you personally, and I get that.
But the premise of the thread is that junk food is dystopian and I simply disagree that it's as simple as whether or not someone gets fat eating this type of thing.

>> No.17140712

He said "sparingly" nigga, learn to read

>> No.17140820

Yeah I guess that makes sense. Dystopian might be an exaggeration, I would say it's definitely unglamorous but it's just a matter of perspective. I don't have a problem with them personally. My pet issue is artificial lighting and screens, you want to talk about aspects of modernity that destroy our health, the #1 evil is the fact that nobody sleeps properly because their brains don't get correct visual cues from light. Everyone is tired and their brains can't follow a normal circadian rhythm, which makes them retarded, stressed, and more prone to addiction, and causes low T, obesity, depression, high blood pressure, attention disorders etc. Basically every modern ill of the last 50 years is caused by bright light and screens being shined into the eye after sunset. The #1 thing you can do to improve your health is wake up at sunrise and go outside to look at the sky and get all that light in. Get enough sunlight into the eyes throughout the day. And don't use bright artificial lights and screens after the sun has set. You'll feel literally twice as intelligent and energetic after only 3 days of this regime.

>> No.17140839

>literally all evils of society are caused by this ONE WEIRD TRICK

>> No.17140843

>Dystopian might be an exaggeration

Motherfucker, the obesity rate is 42.4% in the US, and it isn't because of light lmfao.

>> No.17140851

i wouldn't boil it down to just light like him, but poor sleep causes stress and depression, which makes people overeat or abuse alcohol to cope

>> No.17140872

>My pet issue is artificial lighting and screens
I feel you on that one. I read Mathew Walker's book on sleep around a year ago but have changed very little. I'll try your regimen for 3 days. Already do the dusk/dawn thing due to work schedule, but deliberately taking in light at dawn / increasing ocular sunlight exposure sounds like a really good idea.

>> No.17140876

>chan is literally the scrappy, underground resistance
You will never be worthwhile nor will you ever make a difference

>> No.17140878

The dystopian aspect to me is, like OP pointed out, the HEAVILY subsidized corn crops by the government. It's hard not to see it as an actual evil plot to make as many people as possible fat, dumb, docile, compliant cattle.And then there's that whole Monsanto rabbit hole.

>> No.17140888

What about the heavily subsidized meat and dairy industry?

>> No.17140983

Good point. That's substantially larger piece of the subsidy pie. I definitely benefit from the lower prices on meat but can't defend the factory farming aspect.
Still, when it comes to crops, they only subsidize corn, soybeans, wheat, cotton, and rice.

>> No.17140992

fuck off, Schwab

>> No.17141002

omg government doing stuff im going heckling insaaaane

>> No.17141017

Perfecting a snack isn't exactly what most people consider dystopian. They're addicting just like literally all good things are.

>> No.17141042

I'm not so sure. Subsidies for the Agricultural giants are massive and take many forms. It's true that corn takes a huge chunk of the money though.

>> No.17141078

its not poison. Its industrial food waste, a lot of manufacturing has a huge subsidiarity of "trash" food product they create that would go to landfills but they asked "can you eat it?" and it turns out yes.
Whey is the biggest offender of them all. Another being vegetable oil.

>> No.17141089

Because it's good. Why are yuros such pussies?

>> No.17141093

>corn takes a huge chunk
That would presumably be heavily correlated to feed requirements for the subsidized livestock.
You've changed how I look at all of this.

>> No.17141099

Oh God...oh no...not...SEED OILS?!?!?! HEAVENS TO BETSY!

>> No.17141102
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>> No.17141124

Okay, the way I worded it may have been unclear, I don't claim that light is the ONLY cause. But it's the #1 direct contributor to all of those conditions. Poor sleep absolutely causes obesity, depression, and hormone disorders far more reliably than getting a bad diet or eating corn.

>> No.17141130

I stare at screens all day and sleep for nine hours straight. The thing that caused me issues with sleep was caffeine which I've completely dropped.

>> No.17141133

I don't eat it. I just manage the kids who serve it.

>> No.17141165

Sure, you can sleep 9 hours a day if you take a flight halfway around the world too. People without eyes can sleep 9 hours a day. It doesn't mean the sleep is restful and the lifestyle is healthy. I did what you're describing most of my life: I stayed indoors most of the day and played games until late in the night, I slept from like 3AM to 12pm every day. I thought I just had a "late chronotrope" and I was a "night owl." But this was all wrong. I was essentially just constantly sleep deprived and my body would take any 9 hours I gave it. If you're not sleeping at the right time according to what time of day your brain thinks it is, and the internal clock isn't correctly set with bright light, the sleep isn't going to be as restful and your hormone production, metabolism, energy, and focus are going to suffer.

>> No.17141225

True, good sleep is one of the few non meme predictors for T levels.

>> No.17141257

if I eat a handful every month or so it wont kill me

>> No.17141300

Praying that the nursing staff sadistically torture you the next time you are involuntarily committed and nobody believes you bc you are schizo.

>> No.17141346

It makes you happy in the moment anon… but over time it makes you miserable

>> No.17141369

Isopods and crabs I guess
I hear tarantula tastes like popcorn shrimp if you cook it right

>> No.17141385

Please enlighten everyone to what you eat

>> No.17142191

>everything I disagree with is schizo