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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 73 KB, 800x450, meatballs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17136836 No.17136836 [Reply] [Original]

Do you make anything just the way your mama made it? I don't. Post family recipes in this thread.

>> No.17136843

>Do you make anything just the way your mama made it? I don't.
No one does. Not a single person on this planet can recreate what the food-important person in their lives made.

>> No.17138082

Only the family bean recipe and I am not sharing that

>> No.17138175

I'm the only sibling of 4 who can cook the family salsa recipe bc I was always in the kitchen with my mom. She always laments that I'll have to make the family favorites after she passes away.

>> No.17138189


>> No.17138203

everything my mom made i can now make better

>> No.17138230

Share the beans.

>> No.17138342

Our parents had to grow up with just cookbooks. Nowadays they have literal step by step videos of how to make shit, so yeah it's no wonder why we can annihilate a lot of the recipes our moms made growing up.

Now Grandmas? Yeah that shit hits different.

>> No.17138830

My mom was a career woman, shit cook.

I do make some of my grandma's recipes though, she was absolutely based old country farm housewife.

>> No.17138872

knoephla soup

>> No.17139963

I literally make the opposite, aka my food taste good.
Family fun for boommer me, was spaghetti slithered with sugary Heinz ketchup. Yep.

>> No.17139967

its too easily traceable to my lineage, it literally is unlike any other bean dish ive ever had

>> No.17139976

No but I make some stuff like grandma used to

>> No.17141324

Fuck no my old lady may be the worst cook ever, she cant even cook potatoes right.

>> No.17141340

Haha my grandmother was fucking obese, had diabetes and died like a bitch. My mother is a lazy cunt and can't cook for shit. They can both suck my cock, I'm a better cook than either one of them.

>> No.17141342
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I just go on Youtube and watch my favorite content creators such as Adam Ragusea. Who needs family recipes when you have science!

>> No.17141349

My mother learned to cook from her mother who had to feed 12 kids on a tight budget so most of her recipes are large, cheap, and bland. Pretty much the only usable ones I've found are for basic shit like cookies and egg noodles.

>> No.17141413

>had to feed 12 kids on a tight budget
Did someone force her?
I prefer to say that your mother CHOSE to raise 12 kids on a tight budget

>> No.17141446

Mothers mother. So anon’s grandma. Who’s probably from the time when kids would die so often before 3 that you need to have 12 so at least 2 survive to adulthood. Grandma just got [un]lucky and most of her kids survived. Bach had to work himself to near death because his kids were assholes and survived infancy.

>> No.17141468
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>> No.17141639

pretty muck this. with just a couple exceptions.

i just cant beat it. incidentally, neither can she. she drifted away from her original process over the years. my current chili is better than hers. but i cant consistently best the chili i grew up on.
>ham balls
this is a controversial local delicacy. sweet meatballs of ground ham and pork with a really tangy light tomato based glaze. i can match her flavor but i cant get the perfect texture every time.

not me, but my brother has been working for a while now on cloning my dead grandmothers brownie recipe. The recipe its self is nothing special. it probably came off the back of a can of Hershey's chocolate powder in 1964. but she made them every time family was around. no matter what. if they came to visit, she brought them. if we went to her house, she made them. graduation? brownies. birthday? brownies. football game/ basketball game/ baseball game/ wresting match for any grandkid? Brownies.
So the change is not the recipe so much as duplicating the processes of someone who made these perfectly identical brownies seriously thousands of times over half a century. since the made them so often they hit nostalgia hard. even my 65 year old mother remembers having these fucking brownies when she started dating my father when they were in highschool.

>> No.17141914

My mom is a decent cook at best, so I don't try to recreate anything of hers. My grandma on the other hand, incredible meatballs. Shame she died when I was too young to inherit the recipe.

>> No.17141982

Hamballs is a local thing? Im midwest and my family has been making my great aunts recipe for years.

>> No.17142095


>> No.17142795

My mom was all about frozen pizza and chicken nuggets. I wish I had family recipes to share.