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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17136541 No.17136541 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most "exotic" food you've had?
What did it taste like? Was it any good?

>> No.17136545

I once ate your moms pussy.

>> No.17136606
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>> No.17136630

>frog legs
like slimey bland chicken, meh
like really dense texture tuna or swordfish I guess, very nice
really strong sea+iodine flavour cant really describe it, probably close to a raw cockle but creamy and 500 times more iodine, an acquired taste really

>> No.17136640
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have you had urchin roe? v v good

>> No.17136646

urchin nards are really something else

>> No.17136647

Gator I guess. Shit is great.

>> No.17136650

>urchin roe
Bruh thats the only edible part anyway

>> No.17136653

I had that Icelandic piss fermented shark before. It wasn’t nearly as bad as people say

>> No.17136657

Sounds exrtemely unhealthy, how is it like?

>> No.17136675

Like richer more flavorful clam. The most unhealthy part of it is that it was deep fried. It's actually really lean meat.

>> No.17136676

I've heard that it tastes fine, it's the smell that's the problem

>> No.17136693

>The most unhealthy part of it is that it was deep fried. It's actually really lean meat.
I am more worried about the fact they live in stagnat waters accumulating all kind of farming waste pollutants and eating literally anything that lives in there so factoring bioaccumulation on top of that
On second thought I assume they are farmed and not game

>> No.17136697

wow this is really rayciss

>> No.17136731

I know you can shoot your own but I dont think you can sell the meat unless it's farmed

>> No.17136738

I've eaten dog and it was pretty good. If you drenched some sauce over it I would probably eat it every other day

>> No.17136742


>> No.17136745

Mamey sapote. It was trash.

>> No.17136764

I think this a common game law, but it's not about health concerns, its about not encouraging overhunting to turn a profit

>> No.17137141

>ostrich and ostrich egg
It was ok actually , i went expecting nothing and i remember mama joking saying "it's a dinosaur egg"
It was meh
>gator's empanadas
tasted like chicken
hard to cook , smelly and just like a turtle you can use the shell later on.

The best one was the gator without a doubt

>> No.17137147

I had urchin in a restaurant in Tokyo and it was vomit-inducingly disgusting.

>> No.17137175
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I would be a tossup between funazushi, and the Bar S “””hotdog”””.

>> No.17137183

>tasted like chicken
Yup. I know people way overuse the term “tastes like chicken”, but when I had some fried gator tail, it literally had the taste/texture of a nice tender juicy piece of chicken.

>> No.17137388

>snapping turtle
>soft shell turtle
>frog legs
>blue gill. which is just weird if you dont eat shitty tasting fish out of Midwest ponds

Also grandparents were hillbillies who ate everything that you could hunt and fish in area, so I am sure they fed me a collection of things before I was old enough to turn my nose up to it. One of grandfathers favorite things was squirrel brains.

>> No.17137469

>Fried Gator
Literally just tasted like chicken, decently juicy, felt cool to know that I basically eat a mini dinosaur.
>Frog Legs
Delicious, tried them at this nice Vietnamese french place with my brother and they were prepared really nicely with cognac sauce, amazing, like chicken and shrimp in beautiful harmony.
>Cow Tongue
This isn't really exotic but somehow is at the same time (so many people get grossed out when I tell them about it), it's probably one of my favorite meats to go for in a taco, really soft and tasty.
There might be some other stuff that I am missing but that is about it.

>> No.17137487

I once made twenty shekels by eating a cup of sand.

>> No.17137523

>>Cow Tongue
Had once, but it was extremely chewy like a damn tire
Maybe it wasnt prepared well

>> No.17137539

Sand is not exotic Haiti

>> No.17137552

>Cow tounge

You gotta slow cook or braise that shit for tenderness. The mootxican got it right. Otherwise, it's the chewiness that is why people went for it, like tripes for the crunchiness. Being an Asianfag, that's the reason behind us eating that shit.

>> No.17137615

I ate Bull Testicles once when i was in
"Koch Ausbildung" (Chef Training?) It was Served with a Champagne Sauce.It was a Prank from my
Chef Boss.He told me it was sweetbreads. Was Actually good.

>> No.17137622

Cow tongue (Jap BBQ, sliced thin, really good)
Cow small intestine (tasted like shit, didn't like)
Black Buck Heart (Sous Vide, Really good)
Chicken Heart(Really good, tasted almost like beef)

>> No.17137640

I had a job where we lived on site and the spics or whatever they were in the kitchen would make beef tripe soup once in a while, not that exotic I guess but one time it tasted "grassy" and you know what that's from

>> No.17137711

I once ate a pinecone for thirty quid. Didn't tell me how to prepare so I fried it. Vretty gud