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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 210 KB, 1213x1213, classic-southern-fried-chicken-3056867-Step_8-5bad0c24c9e77c002c98c067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17133642 No.17133642 [Reply] [Original]

I unironically don't know how you're suppose to make something like Fried Chicken at home

Do you actually pour out an entire bottle of oil just for one meal then...then what? Do you throw the oil away? Re-use it for something else same day? Or can you actually it keep it for other things for the rest of the week

>> No.17133647

I fry in water because I was tired of having to dump out literal gallons of oil every day

>> No.17133652

Let the oil cool and then pour it back into a bottle, duh. Keep a nice "dirty" bottle of oil to deep fry in until it's too shitty to use.

>> No.17133653

don't deep fry at home

>> No.17133654

i just use the oil for cooking other stuff over the following weeks
i've never noticed it go bad

>> No.17133662

You can reuse it for a tiny bit yeah, but overall deep frying is a huge fucking mess and uses up a shitload of oil that you do have to dispose of at some point. Let it cool, pour it into a full bag of trash and then carefully take it to the dumpster/bin outside. Not your problem.

>> No.17133671
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>get something hot enough to fry in
>oil pops and burns me
>my fired food never tastes as good as restaurant fried food

>> No.17133676

>I fry in water

>> No.17133684

>then what? Do you throw the oil away?
Down the sink

>> No.17133688

Not my problem.

>> No.17133693

It's that easy.

>> No.17133700


>> No.17133703

t. Too poor to own their own home

>> No.17133706

>t. getting oil in the sink from me

>> No.17133709

Get a funnel and wait for it to cool down enough then pour it back into the bottle, you can sieve it first to get any bits out. Then when it gets too dirty to use just throw away the bottle.

>> No.17133710

Filter back into bottle
Top off bottle with fresh oil
Repeat ad infinitum

There's shops with hundred year old oil

>> No.17133716

Pretty much, it's honestly just a waste of time. I've done it multiple time thinking it would be fun and it's simply not. The only reason to fry at home is if you're a redneck who fries fresh caught catfish in his outdoors fryer for his 50 cousins. Otherwise it's simply not worth the time money or effort. Shallow frying>deep frying for home

>> No.17133720


>> No.17133722

I think it's more hassle than it's worth personally, but yeah you buy those big things of high burn temp oils if you do this frequently. You can refrigerate and reuse the oil, but that's fucking gross imo. Honestly an air fryer will get you like 90% there with much less hassle.
>Do you throw the oil away?
Pretty much. You can compost small amounts, but most people just jar it and throw it in the trash. You can alternatively process it and use as fuel for a diesel engine lol.

As for recipes here are a couple decent ones:

>> No.17133726

No there are not.
If by 100 year oil you mean 0.00000005% old oil mixed with less old oil maybe

>> No.17133730

>throwing your oil away instead of selling it to the grease man when he comes to your door

>> No.17133747
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>the grease man

>> No.17133754

I'm an 01 electrician, wouldn't be hard for me to own a home. I choose not to own a home cause I dont want to own a home here, only live here for work, I do own over 70 acres I plan on building on that's far from Seattle area.

>> No.17133774

Good owning good land is power.

>> No.17133780

>If by 100 year oil you mean 0.00000005% old oil mixed with less old oil maybe

Please refer to step 2:top off with fresh oil
This is literally the selling point of dryer's burgers

>> No.17133788

Why the fuck would you buy a house when you can pay someone to fix all your shit when it breaks, include all utilities, dispose of your garbage, and never have to take out a mortgage? You dont even own the land you "buy" when you purchase a home, youre still just renting it and keeping it clean for the government

>> No.17133790

Oof, poorfags BTFO'd

>> No.17133791

Yeah but also notice how basically no other place does this. Maybe there's a reason and maybe Tennessee's retarded.
You'll never understand boyo.

>> No.17133795

deep frying is the one thing I don't do at home
such waste, such mess

>> No.17133798

You can shallow fry which uses less oil like in your pic.

You can also just bake something and still get it to be pretty close. A lot of people try just putting dry breaded chicken into the oven but that doesn't make it get crispy. You have to put a little oil on the baking sheet and then drizzle a little more oil over the top of the breaded chicken or whatever, and that helps it crisp up like when frying. Deep frying is always going to taste the best but baking it properly like that is good too.

>> No.17133802

They're just the only ones to advertise using what chinese restaurants call, "the dark oil"

>> No.17133804

>You'll never understand boyo.
Dont forget to pay those property taxes and be a good goy until the government eminent domains your "property"

>> No.17133805

Why is every grease man I've encountered Chinese?

>> No.17133815

it doesnt matter you will never be able to pressure fry like they do with industrial equipment

>> No.17133818
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Also a bit of baking powder in the seasoning goes a long way to make the outside crunchy.
Yeah you're probably right lol. I don't know, maybe it's where I live, but using super old oil seems to be frowned upon. I mean you can definitely taste the difference, even days old oil has a distinct bad taste.
I never forget to pay and complain about my taxes. Don't wanna end up in prison.
Don't forget to line another man's pockets while he keeps raising the rent on you big boy lol.

>> No.17133830

From my experience home frying 15-20 times in the past year, I would only comfortably reuse fry oil if I strained all the bits out and then used it again within the next 5 days, preferably the next day. You also have to think about what is going to flavour the next batch of oil. So if you do deep fried french fries and then fried chicken then it would taste fine, but maybe not the reverse. You could also deep fry donuts and it will more or less taste like donuts.

>> No.17133856

Deep frying at home is a fucking meme unless you have extremely good ventilation, enjoy your house smelling like chicken and burnt oil for the next 6 months.

>> No.17133863

Pan frying is not deep frying

>> No.17133872

Right as you finish run some cold tap water and dump the whole batch of oil in with it, this causes a chemical reaction that makes it so the grease won't clog your drain

>> No.17133874

>line another man's pockets
Like taxes eh? Oh hey, dont forget to pay the interest on your mortgage this month ; )
>raising the rent
If the rent gets raised I can leave. Thats the whole point. Oh shit anon, is that a leak in your roof? Oh man, sorry about that $10k. Oh no anon, FEMA changed the flood zones in your area! Your home insurance just doubled. Isnt that a shame. Oh geez, is that a new interstate being mapped out near your house? There goes half your acreage.

Keep giving the government money while they raise your taxes and you lose your ass on interest. Keep convincing yourself its worth it

>> No.17133919
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No, not like taxes. That doesn't go directly into one man's pockets and I live in a state where I get a little bit of it back in terms of services. I have a great library system, fantastic firefighters, not completely awful police compared to other states and I went to a very decent school system and have neighbors and friends with kids that get the benefit of similar decent public education.
Yeah I'm with you, a lot of our taxes are going to shit, cool, but there's a clear difference between paying property tax on your land (I don't agree on the rate, but whatever) and paying your landlord and not having anything to show for it when you eventually move out or die.
Again, you'll never understand. I'm not saying owning land or a house is for everyone and that everyone should do it, but there are often advantages.
>Keep giving the government money while they raise your taxes and you lose your ass on interest
Yeah that's not really how that works.
I am in a very stable financial situation and I am pretty certain I can weather the incoming economical shitstorm in big part of the investments that I made, including owning property.
It doesn't sound like you can say the same.
I'm not going to read any replies to this, but please go look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if you are truly happy with where you are and your prospects. If you are, great, disregard all of this, you are killing it. If you're not, maybe consider that your way of thinking and doing things is faulty and you need to change.
Good luck, have fun.

>> No.17133931

This. It also stinks up the house.

>> No.17133972

>read comment
>post lengthy reply while not addressing anything that was brought up
>so assblasted he has to say he isnt reading replies
>is going to read this anyway and stay quiet and upset

>> No.17133975
File: 2.95 MB, 640x480, oil solidifier.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use a pan that fits the amount of chicken and a cup of oil max. Six minutes on one side with a lid on, six minutes on the other side with a lid on, a couple minutes with the lid off flipping each piece to get it evenly browned. Let the oil cool and pour it into a jar, use it for future cooking. Or get webm related if you can't imagine a use for delicious chicken infused oil.

>> No.17134008

literally never happened. You're a retarded nigger who cant cook. at least you can fry chicken.

>> No.17134783

I don't see why it's so hard for y'all to dispose of it? Just let it cool then pour back into the bottle you got it from?

>> No.17135072

Deep frying is easy. You really do need a thermometer, a strainer, and a wok though.
I let the oil cook and then strain it. I usually keep it in the fridge, it'll keep for weeks or longer there.

>> No.17135233

What if the landlord doesn't want you there anymore?

>> No.17135241
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I got me one of these anon

>> No.17135246

The beauty of this is you don't have to wait for the oil to cool. Just pour it right in there and start washing and cleaning up.

>> No.17135266

This. Also, what I do is I keep a bottle of used dirty oil aside for grilling. They're great to use as fuel to get the coals going.

>> No.17135277

Is that just for straining the used oil?

>> No.17135284
File: 34 KB, 579x663, 1630783776560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, mom said the greaseman isn't real...

>> No.17135304

also storing them. I keep my deep frying oil there. It already has strainer so you don't have to wash anything extra. I just dump the bits that gets caught in the strainer onto a paper towel and throw it in the trash. It just makes deep frying easier. I have tried what the other anon said of pouring it back into the oil container but it's tedious because a. you have to wait for it to cool b. you have to use a strainer and a funnel because you will need to strain the oil for reuse. apart from the extra dishes to wash, it's also not easy using a funnel and a strainer depending on what kind of funnel strainer combo you have in the house.

>> No.17135316

water only gets to 212 degrees, that's not hot enough for a fry

>> No.17135317

especially if you fry fish. awful

>> No.17135320

what if it's a deep pan

>> No.17135352
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Two in the pink. Oil in the sink.

>> No.17135582

Small pot. Enough oil to fully cover one of the things you want to fry (actually even less because liquid displacement). Fry in small batches, like if it's a whole chicken leg (w/thigh), only one at a time; if it's wings - 3-4 at a time.
Make fries afterwards, in same oil.
Food soaks oil, so you'll end up wasting maybe 1/8 of the bottle. (you'll still use up like 1/3, but it ends up in the food).

>> No.17135704

Fuck off, Adam.

>> No.17135720

what I do is put a frozen chicken breast in a pressure cooker, cover it in water, and pressure cook for 25 minutes.
chicken comes out tasting great.

>> No.17135734

you can shallow fry a chicken schnitzel to satisfy your fried chicken urges without deep frying.
also works for wing flats and drums but not great, despite all my efforts, they come out unpleasantly pink towards the bone. but 3/4s of the meat is still good.

i've never tried thighs and drumsticks

>> No.17135939

that's because you're a stupid weeb who cannot cook

>> No.17135944

>01 electrician


>> No.17135948

Leave it out for a week and flick some cig ashes in it.

>> No.17136005

>wanting niggers living above you

>> No.17136097

Short answer: you don’t fry at home
Long answer: you either buy and dispose of multiple gallons of oil every time or filter and re-use the oil

>> No.17136357

>Fry in water
You mean boil?

>Muh boiled hams

>> No.17136369
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>I fry in water

>> No.17136374

amazing that /ck/ is so arrogant and clueless that they'd actually fall for this bait
most other boards would immediately realize this anon was taking the piss, but not the insecure manchildren of /ck/

>> No.17136375

Just get a deep fryer, they're cheap and you don't have to worry about this shit. I'd never fry without one

>> No.17136389
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>fry in water
Why are you such a fucking moron?

>> No.17136536
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Exactly. Wife got me this one and we tried it outa few days ago. Best tendies I ever made. Fries needed work, but I tried to parboil instead of double fry them, so I'll do double fry next and see how it goes.

>> No.17136543

i've deep fried chicken wings a couple times. it's a pain in the ass. ngl, i just dumped the oil outside in the grass. rental unit not my problem

>> No.17136544

Welcome to /ck/, newfriend.

>> No.17136551

what does a deep fryer do in regards to amount of oil used?

>> No.17136568

You re-use the oil, ideally in some sort of deep fryer with a filter... but letting it cool in a pot or dutch oven, then pouring it through a coffee filter into a container/jug/bottle works fairly well for a few uses.

>> No.17136577

It's more efficient since it gets the oil to the correct temp, ensuring food doesn't soak it up like at lower temps, and prevents it from overheating to a smoke point and ruining the oil. Also, if it has a filtration and storage system like pic related, it can help you get max usage out of your oil (6-10 uses is about what you usually get).

>> No.17136593

>most other boards would immediately realize this anon was taking the piss
Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.17136642

Blanch them (water or oil... better with oil in my experience), let them sit for at least 5 mins, then fry them until crispy. The rest period's as important as any other part of the process - lets the fry cook through and starches on the surface gel up with the oil/water for a crispier fry.

>> No.17136667

Fucking kek.

>> No.17136759

you can re-use the oil easily without having to pour it out and store it and whatever. It's just safer and easier. People say you can't continue to re-use oil but unless you're afraid of cancer that you probably won't get you can use it for a while. I re-use mine like 15 times usually

>> No.17136958
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>he doesn't use a water fryer

>> No.17136971

use a sieve to remove any leftovers and put the oil in a container to use again later.

>> No.17137045
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>> No.17137415
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i have a cast iron dutch oven i only use to deep fry in, extra oil goes in every once in a while i filter all the oil though a coffee filter to get out grit

>> No.17137462
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>You mean boil?
No I fry it, but in water

>> No.17137589
File: 1.27 MB, 202x196, 1639255332769.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you heard of an air fryer?

>> No.17138808

What are those? They look like bagels but fried??

>> No.17138839

Rentlet cope lmao

>> No.17138889

Don't use my oshi to bait cunt.

>> No.17138922

Yeah it's not the food that's wrong here

>> No.17138939

Have you never seen doughnuts before lad?

>> No.17139006


>> No.17139017
File: 121 KB, 658x247, Screenshot_2021-05-04 qa - ANIME WEBSITE (IT IS THOUGH) - Question Answer - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tranime website, though.

>> No.17139019
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>people replying this don't know about supercritical water

>> No.17139027

air fryers are just fancy toaster ovens. You wont get the same results as traditionally deep fried chicken

>> No.17139049

thats actually pretty awesome. I do something similar with mason jars and cheesecloth to strain my bacon fat and preserve it, but never considered doing something similar since deep frying uses a lot more oil

>> No.17139120
File: 48 KB, 583x699, 41CF2ED6-4F06-4929-BE65-4EA5D6F3F93C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are people browsing /ck/ who don’t know how to prepare frying water

>> No.17139129

Just strain that shit, it's reusable. Not indefinitely, of course, but it's not like you have to toss it after one use.

>> No.17140288

Nope. Never was, never will be. Stop taking the bait and believing it too.

>> No.17140300

This is my life right now. God, it's horrible. They have two kids that constantly jump from the tops of furniture by the sound of it, but only between the hours of 6pm-2am

>> No.17140485

Haters gonna hate but I like it.
Chicken becomes worse than if you fry it with oil or put it in oven.
But you get a pretty good chicken sauce and the chicken honestly taste more chicken when boiling.

I kinda get why asians does it in some dishes.

>> No.17140534

is not worth it to put plain oil
try to put half oil and only after it starts frying, put fill the other half with room temperature water, I can guarantee you that the chicken will be much more juicy on the inside and crispy on the outside

>> No.17140910
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>> No.17141613


Actually you're clueless. Ever heard of pressure cooking? That's how millions of americans can allow themselves to eat KFC and still stay healthy™

>> No.17141631

I deep fry all the time at home
Oil is quite cheap, if you are deep frying fries you can use the oil like 4 times, I usually make several batches of fries and before throwing away the oil I make some chicken or shrimp or whatever, the flour coating does ruin the oil completely.
To dispose it I let it cool down then pour it in a bottle and throw it in the trash

>> No.17141652

>pay someone to fix all your shit when it breaks, include all utilities, dispose of your garbage, and never have to take out a mortgage
Where do you think the landlord gets the money to pay for repairs, utilities, their mortgage, property taxes, etc.? Someone else (you) pays all their bills and then they collect a profit on top of that and benefit from the property value appreciation. Renters are suckers.

>> No.17141672
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>Japanese discussion board
>Not using a Japanese style deep fryer

>> No.17141728

Boil them before you fry them

>> No.17141794

another one is the heating elements are slightly above the bottom of the pan so bits that sink to the bottom dont get burned as badly so the oil stays better

>> No.17141827

I have a slightly older model of that fryer and for fries I've found that the double fry is required. 3 min in then up for 2min so that the heating element doesn't turn off at temperature but is really close to being at temperature so you start the second fry with it still trying to heat. The second fry is until steam stops coming off and the fries are all floating and turning brown normally about 4 min. I also use a fry cutter with the shoestring size. Frozen fries work and due to the coating turn out slightly different from homemade fries.

The extra prep work with boiling the fries with some vinegar is too much work to be worth it for a small amount of crispness.

>> No.17141875
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>the grease man
waddle doodle!

>> No.17141988

>Soon may the Greaseman come, to fry chicken and ringed onions