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File: 127 KB, 1024x678, oven-roasted-broccoli-9-1024x678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17131128 No.17131128 [Reply] [Original]

Chances are that you don't like broccoli
That's because you haven't tried roasted broccoli yet
What are you waiting for? Come on and don't miss out on broccoli's health benefits

>> No.17131139
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Why would you not like broccoli?

>> No.17131183

Eat my nuthole I love steamed broccoli I don’t gotta roast shit you think broccoli some kind of hand with it wasn’t instr

>> No.17131212
File: 114 KB, 688x516, 35171725-5873-43B0-BDB0-628465552473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pan seared is my favorite .

>> No.17131257

I can’t get roasted broccoli right desu. Any tips? What’s your recipe? I am big on the texture of broccoli so if there’s not a bit of bite it feels like baby food. Light steam is normally my favorite

>> No.17131298

Toss it in oil and salt and make sure it's spread out on the tray, takes like half an hour at 425F. What's been wrong about your attempts?

>> No.17131326

Just turns out mushy. I can give your way a try

>> No.17131335

You, like me, like broccoli still crunchy.
do less than half an hour then, 15 mins is enough, preheated oven

>> No.17131336

Smaller florets help. If you slice a notch in the stem end and pull them apart instead of slicing straight through you avoid the broccoli confetti.

>> No.17131364

Thanks fren will try

>> No.17131377

My nigger

>> No.17131400


>> No.17131417

kill yourself

>> No.17131559

Roasting/searing any brassica is awesome. My tip is to steam/parboil it first though, so it's more or less cooked, then hit it with heat for a very short time. It's a failsafe just in case the searing leaves it too raw. I use this method for sprouts at Xmas and they are both sweet and savoury.

>> No.17131920

whats that black shit on your eggs

>> No.17131961

This is pretty good as well

>> No.17131977

For me, it's getting a microwave steamer, putting a bit of drinking water in it, squeeze half a lemon, and a pound of broccoli. salt and pepper on top, cover with steamer lid, microwave for 7-9 mins until I can pierce easily with a fork.
Don't get me wrong, I like just plain steamed broccoli that you have to use a little force to bite or stab into, I just prefer the lemony soft ones
Also I prefer the stem over the florets

>> No.17131995

i was recently enlightened to blanching and pan searing veggies and all that shit. My breakfast last week has been things like.. carrots. broccoli. brussels sprouts. Today it was cauliflower. And it tastes so good. Holy shit my mother always just cooked things in water and it was super bland and not tasty. I didn't know better for a good while. Knowing how to do it now is so, so much better

its fucking burnt. try using some oil next time

>> No.17132234

sauted broccoli is really good too, personally i think brussels sprouts are better

>> No.17132428

A-1 sauce .

>> No.17132432

I used oil , one teaspoon of olive oil .

>> No.17132478


>> No.17132516

Is putting A-1 sauce on eggs gay . I didn’t know . As an expert on all things gay can you tell me what else am I doing wrong ?

>> No.17132611


>> No.17132911

>getting cancer inducing burnt shit to avoid 300 kcal of olive oil

kys, oh wait you're already doing it

>> No.17132928

>chances are that you don't like broccoli
that's where you're wrong
I love it, raw, cooked, steamed
broccoli is fucking great no matter how you cook it

>> No.17132983

what spice on broccoli? what spice on brussels sprouts?

>> No.17132996

>That's because you haven't tried...
some motherfucker told me that I would like fish if I wrapped it in bacon and baked it.

OK so I did it. now I had bacon that tasted like fish, and fish that still tasted like shit. so I had 2 inedible things.

>> No.17133157
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>> No.17133186
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Thanks for caring . I don’t always burn my food . You may not believe it but I’m not the greatest cook . Also it looks worse than it is because of my cell phone’s weird contrast .

>> No.17133194

I’ve tried garlic , Thai peppers and virgin coconut oil that turned out really well .

>> No.17133201

What is under the stuff on the right, some sort of rye bread?

>> No.17133203

Bacon fish , fuck that sounds bad .

>> No.17133209

That’s my version of a bacon cheeseburger .

>> No.17133229

So it's meat, or some kind of meat substitute under there?

>> No.17133234

Chances are 100% you're wrong. Love me some brocci broc.

>> No.17133243

No , it’s 85/15 ground beef .

>> No.17134137

>black shit
we have to call them african-americans now

>> No.17134151

broccoli likes lemon pepper or zest
I've never eaten a brussel sprout because I think it will taste like biting a whole head of iceberg

>> No.17134322

I like broccoli. I usually prefer it raw or fried with garlic to roasted.

>> No.17134445

I like to broccoli. Broccoli this up it is a mess.

>> No.17135679
File: 115 KB, 800x504, 1638038654537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon of course I care about you. We are all frens here. Seriously if you burn some of them, just remove those or at least scratch/cut the burnt part away.

The molecules developed in the burning are super bad.

>> No.17135741

It's ridiculous how many actual professional cooks don't know how to prep veggies. I live in a fatfuck meat country where grown ass adults frequently refuse to eat vegetables at all. When I learned about all the different ways to make veggies it opened my eyes. Barely eating meat anymore and if I do I have a good ass veggie side. I might actually go vegetarian soon just because the versatility of veggies is all I need. Can't imagine living in a cooked broccoli without seasoning world again.

>> No.17136052
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>> No.17136204
File: 324 KB, 1500x1500, bro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't waste the stalk either.

>> No.17136215

Always good to see a fellow stalker

>> No.17136247

I prefer pan seared and steamed at the end because with roasting it's hard to find a setting at which they come out properly browned and also neither all soft or undercooked. What am I doing wrong bros

>> No.17136282
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>literal garbage
why save it?

>> No.17136306
File: 1.62 MB, 2634x1975, C2603827-7C2B-41D5-966C-FD365D140E2E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Variety , they have a different texture and flavor than the florets .

>> No.17136315

Roasted broccoli with a bit of garlic, red onion and cream cheese is amazing.

>> No.17136318

Except that I like broccoli in literally every other application /except/ roasted. All vegetables, really. I don't like any roasted except sweetcorn but brassica seem to be the worst cooked that way. Cauliflower, kale, broccoli, brussells sprouts, turnips etc are all, to my tastes, terrible when roasted. Sauteed, stirfried, stewed, deep-fried and steamed are all delicious but roasted is just not something I can get behind.

>> No.17136327

It's just more broccoli, very tender after peeling. You can cook it with the florets or do another dish with it, like a little salad.

If it's getting soft in the oven, maybe it's too bunched up and steaming itself?

>> No.17136342

I shred them, blanch them, and have them for slaw. Alternately, sauteed in olive oil with garlic and chili. Or cut into cubes and made into chowder. Basically anything kohlrabi can do.

Blanched broccoli with citronette is one of my favourite simple salads. Great side to roasted fish.

All brassica go well with caraway. Also dill seed, but use that shit sparingly as it's quite potent. Much more so than the herb.
Really, though, I think it's great without spices. Just some aromatics and I'm golden.

Is it just me or are non-leafy brassica fucking garbage once frozen? Broccoli, kohlrabi, brussells sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage and so on seem to turn disgustingly sweet when frozen. I will only eat them prepared from fresh.

>> No.17136550

>turn disgustingly sweet when frozen.
I have read about how brassicas increase their sugar content to decrease the freezing point of the intracellular water and avoid frost damage in winter, but I didn't know that happens when the plants are cut off as well. Goddamn I have to try this

>> No.17136636

Really? I had no idea. I guess that's the reason, then.
Incoming wall of text:
See, I love cauliflower, right? And there's this cauliflower fried rice dish I love. Grated cauliflower sauteed with minced garlic and minced red-and-green chilli before adding cooked rice and sauteeing it all together until finish through then plated up, topped with flaked smoked fish, crisp fried shallot, coriander leaves and a fried egg, in that order. Quick and easy, yeah?
But here's the thing: I thought I'd make it quicker and easier if I grated the cauliflower far in advance and froze it in portion sizes. Well, next time I wanted my cauliflower deliciousness, it was horridly sweet. I knew it wasn't a bad cauliflower because I used half of it make a few different other dishes and they tasted fine.
Didn't have any suspicions on what could have caused it until I bought my first bag of frozen brussells sprouts and they too were sweet.
I thought it was weird since I freeze blanched kale leaves all them and they taste fine. I blanch kale, strip the leaves from the stems and freeze the leaves for future cookery, eating the stems that day in some other preparation. Well, one day, I froze the stems, too. Lo-and-behold, they had also turned sweet. Which is fucking weird because I blanched the bitches before hand.
So yeah, idfk why the freezing seems to cause this, I just know that it's awful.