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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17115577 No.17115577 [Reply] [Original]

How does Vodka not have any carbs when it's made out of stuff like Potatoes that have a lot of carbs?

>> No.17115583

The carbs turned into alcohol :)

>> No.17115585

all the sugar is used up during fermentation.

>> No.17115589

Chemistry mate.

>> No.17115591

> wtf is fermentation
If you are 18 as you're supposed to be, you should have studied that in school.

>> No.17115592
File: 339 KB, 1242x815, 2019B7AA-18BF-4255-A880-09D6BA093B5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17115600
File: 366 KB, 1242x678, F8FFAB4F-E387-490D-9890-E87A1C49E317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind of off topic but this sounds amazing

>> No.17115605

pretty based until you're driving your car and suddenly catch a random buzz

>> No.17115608

Bro chill out
You know a majority of us here are high school, if not middle school, dropouts.
Don't expect any form of high intellectualism from fucking 4channers.

>> No.17115613
File: 71 KB, 596x419, FB3EF3EC-21C7-4A53-B758-8657B6C39C02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it fun being a bitchy scold?

>> No.17115631
File: 2 KB, 125x108, ugh pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> high school dropout
Thanks for reminding me that I am a complete failure, I highly appreciate that

>> No.17115668

Not really. It's not a core unit.

>> No.17115674

Maybe not in america, but it certainly is in the civilized world.

>> No.17115687

No it isn't. It's an elective.

>> No.17115709

>Niggas don't know about chemistry or have that in school
Shit education.

>> No.17115719

They don't teach you how to make booze in school you alcoholic boomer

>> No.17115772

it has carbs.

>> No.17115786

It's biology.

>> No.17116017

The heat of the alcohol cooks the carbs.

>> No.17116659

Are you drunk? Alcohol has nearly an identical metabolic process as sugar. Alcohol is liquid calories.
42g of Vodka has 97 calories.
50g of cola has 18 calories.

>> No.17116665

brb eating a bunch of live yeasties

>> No.17116690

Based retard doesn't know the difference between calories and carbs.

>> No.17116703

your stomach acid will probably kill most of them and having an overgrowth of yeast usually comes with a lot of other problems too

>> No.17116931

what kind of psycho thinks of liquids in grams?

>> No.17116948

bakers, pilots, race engineers, probably chemists

>> No.17118152

since it's 24/7 your body gets used to it extremely quickly and you just get liver failure

>> No.17118184

Went to school in Germany. In chemistry class we were taught how fermentation works, and also how to distil it afterwards.

>> No.17118186

why would you be behind the wheel sober anyway

>> No.17118266

alcohol is a form of carb
also vodka is made from grains, potatos were only used during famines

>> No.17118275

Assuming vodka is as dense as water, 42g is like a whole bottle.

>> No.17118278

>You know a majority of us here are high school, if not middle school, dropouts.

Speak for yourself dork, 4chan is a community of college anime nerds and overgrown anime nerds who didn't do anything with their college majors.

>> No.17118286

speak for yourself I dropped out of high school like he said

>> No.17118293

Election tourists don't count.

>> No.17118297
File: 1.33 MB, 2000x3000, Luksusowa_Vodka_1.75mL_bottle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vodka is made from grain.
Sorry bud but you're very wrong.

>> No.17118303

Retard. 42g of water would be 42ml. What the hell kind of vodka are you buying that comes in 42ml bottles?

>> No.17118321

potato is a grain dumbass

>> No.17118343

Its a starch

>> No.17118358

>potato is a grain
Sorry bud, but you're very wrong

>> No.17118359


>> No.17118395
File: 49 KB, 691x159, hur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did google mean by this

>> No.17118399

fake news

>> No.17118531

>wtf is fermentation

It's when yest eat the sugar and shit out alcohol.

>> No.17119587

go back