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File: 68 KB, 1200x1200, Sugar-Free-Eggnog-SQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17112590 No.17112590 [Reply] [Original]

>The Holidays are here.
Gimme your best egg nog recipes, mixtures and combos

>> No.17112592
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This is my favorite combo

>> No.17112720

I do
>two shots of bourbon
>one whole egg
>one shot of simple syrup
>shake on ice (optionally dry shake first)
>pour into a ~300 ml glass
>top off with milk
>grate a bit of nutmeg on top

Extremely quick and simple, the only pre-requisite is having simple syrup ready, everything else is just store-bought.

>> No.17112728

I usually mix Eggnog with vodka, and it tastes great.

>> No.17112733

>southern comfort

>> No.17112754

>Go to Stewarts
>Buy Nog

>> No.17112789

Is it just me, or does most alchohol completely ruin the taste of eggnog. completely covers it up and it just becomes a vehicle to get smashed in a vaguly sweet mixture. which I could do equally effectively by mixing the alcohol with water and a lime. If I put in less alcohol I guess its fine, but I think I would do better with just a shot and a non alcoholic mug of eggnog.

>> No.17112825

agreed, I always drink eggnog on it’s own

>> No.17114353


>> No.17114359

I agree completely. You cant just put any kind of booze into egg nog
Is the only combo I've found that doesn't drown out of the taste of the nog

>> No.17114380

i'm gonna try making eggnog but i've never had it before. is a nice rum good enough or do i have to mix it with brandy or something?

>> No.17114389

I really enjoy 50/50 brandy and rum but either on their own will be fine.

>> No.17114407

Rum doesn't work IMO. You need Cognac or Brandy

>> No.17114409

I haphazardly mixed 7 eggs, a cup of milk, 300ml of cream, maybe a half cup of brown sugar, a cup of rum, 2 cups of brandy, a few spoonfuls of vanilla extract, a sprinke of nutmeg into a pot, covered it and put it in my fridge. From a scale of mustard gas to 10 how good is it gonna be? Will it need more sugar? Should I add a tiny bit of salt to balance the sweetness if I add more sugar?

>> No.17114415

cognac is brandy.

>> No.17114417

that's way too much alcohol to dairy, you'll be lucky if it doesn't curdle.

>> No.17114421

We all know that autist

>> No.17114454

aww man. i don't really have any other uses for brandy

>> No.17114467

oh fug

It's day 2 and hasn't curdled yet. Maybe I'll try adding more milk to prevent it from happening.

>> No.17114550

I made washington’s recipe last year and after 4months it was the best nog I’ve ever had

>> No.17114589

>best egg nog recipe
no egg.
no nog.
just coffee.
>drinking egg nog
the fuck is wrong with you?
stop ingesting things that taste bad.

>> No.17114600

you're doing it wrong, you use bourbon.

>> No.17114603

>Go to Stewarts
based 518 anon.
you have the realest ice cream.

>> No.17114611
File: 156 KB, 1217x1171, Washingtons-egg-nog-recipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Washington's egg nog recipe

>> No.17114661

How about chocolate egg nog and it's called nig nog

>> No.17114670

quality post

>> No.17114679

but it doesn't work.

>> No.17114844

anyone have a good recipe that isn't optimized for booze?

>> No.17114909

Egg nog is disgusting, drink water you fatty.

>> No.17115540


>> No.17115622

Just find a good creme anglaise recipe and double or triple it.

>> No.17115657

It's a cocktail you nonce, if you don't want booze make something else.

>> No.17115716
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>Egg Nog

>> No.17115764

>It's a cocktail

>> No.17116074

Mutt detected

>> No.17116585

It's a drink enjoyed by civilized people with electricity and refrigeration.

>> No.17116615

eggnog and a little bit of amaretto, first alcoholic drink my parents gave me a sip of

>> No.17116619
File: 118 KB, 1300x958, E7B1E329-2B52-45F3-A903-6382E49566F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Egg Nog

>> No.17116774

Assuming I'm not going to bother making it myself, what's the best brand of nog I can buy at the supermarket?

>> No.17116783

why do you use two different liquors

>> No.17116785

I have never had eggnog


Something people only drink once a year can't be good. Fault my reasoning, you can't.

>> No.17116788

check out this qt3.14

>> No.17116796
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>> No.17116995
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>> No.17117018

Friend makes his own every christmas. Puts it together about a month before. Helped him two years ago, he uses like 6 different hard liquors. Takes great.

>> No.17117354

Flavor. You can use one or the other but they taste better together
Washington himself used 4

>> No.17117359

It's pretty rich. I only drink it around Christmas and new years as a special treat

>> No.17117415

this is an urban myth, there is no actual Washington's eggnogg recipe

>> No.17117419

Is there a summer nog equivalent?

>> No.17117464

Nah, just use a good alcohol. I usually use brandy, Torres 10. Works really well, alcohol isn't too forward and adds to the complexity beyond just 'nutmeg and egg'

>> No.17117700
File: 92 KB, 1280x720, confused homhom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you avoid salmonella drinking this?

t. American

>> No.17117702

stop being american

>> No.17117706

Would if I could.

>> No.17117738

bourbon is the prefect accompaniment to eggnog, as long as it's not sour mash.

>> No.17119070


>> No.17119075

Doesn't the booze kill the bacteria?

>> No.17119086

Use pasteurized eggs

Refrigeration and alchohol help limit the growth of pathogens, added with the use of pasteurized eggs you should be fine.

>> No.17119515

I do:
100ml whipped cream
2 whipped egg whites
200ml milk
2 egg yolks mixed with 30g sugar
60ml dark rum
40ml cognac
Vanilla and cinnamon extract
Grated nutmeg on top

>> No.17119524

I do a chocolate one, I call it the Nig Nog.

>> No.17119624
File: 43 KB, 764x764, saint_james_ambre_1_lito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haven't had much eggnog this year due to supply shortages but I'll let you all in on a little secret. Rum Agricole from martinique. Perfect mix of rum and brandy taste. Made for tiki cocktails but perfect for nog.
If you're pouring more than a splash worth to enhance the flavor, you're doing it wrong.

>> No.17120202

Interesting. I'll try it out

>> No.17121078

what's a good cheap liquor to mix with egg nog?

>> No.17121094

I have a confession to make. I am almost 40 years old and I have never nogged

>> No.17121111

>Would if I could.
