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File: 28 KB, 400x400, montego-bay-light-rum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17109809 No.17109809 [Reply] [Original]

I just realized I'm an alcoholic. Pic related used to last me like 4 days, now it lasts me 1 and a half. What now?

>> No.17109813
File: 555 KB, 1496x3768, oe_pils_flasche_4014086010361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy another one

>> No.17109829

post liver

>> No.17109830

The fact that a whole bottle of hard liquor used to last you 4 days didn't make you see yourself as al alcoholic?

>What now?
Seek AA and get help. It's not too late.

>> No.17109832
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>guzzling light rum
Are you a 300lb black woman?

>> No.17109844

>The fact that a whole bottle of hard liquor used to last you 4 days didn't make you see yourself as al alcoholic?

h-how long is it supposed to last?

>> No.17109848

No I'm just a poorfag and these are $8 a bottle

>> No.17109880

i used to do the same with vodka, weaned myself onto high gravity beer, then started getting weird metabolic side effects from drinking, like fever, nausea, couldn't eat for days, and the very thought of drinking turned my stomach. i stopped drinking and my symptoms cleared up after about two weeks. i never went to a doctor because stopping drinking ended my sickness, but i'm pretty sure i fried my pancreas. been sober eight months now, feel A-alright

tldr keep it up anon it'll sort itself out

>> No.17109881
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>> No.17109890

Find something else to do, drinking turns into a habit easily as a "what am I doing today/tonight". Ask your doctor for some xanax or if they're hesitant on that gabapentin. It'll kill the acute cravings and help you sleep. Then it's pretty much just willpower.

t. Half a fifth every day for 10 years

>> No.17109892
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8$ a handle?
If so god I want to go to the olcc and start flipping tables.
How much does a handle of old crow go for

>> No.17109902

thread theme:

>> No.17109941
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>> No.17109954

Stop drinking before it gets worse

It will get worse if you don't stop it now

>> No.17109958


AA sucks and has the same rate of success as if you had no treatment at all. look into other support groups like SMART

>> No.17110147


>> No.17110181
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>> No.17111422


>> No.17111431

Buy another one so two bottles will last you 3 days.

>> No.17111440

AA is pointless and the #1 indicator whoever is giving you advice knows nothing about alcoholism.

>> No.17111442

Cut it back to 1 bottle in 2 days, then maybe 3 days. Don't let any one of the jerks here tell you that's just as bad as 1 per day. It is not, it's quite a bit better.

>> No.17111446

I quit back in August.

Literally just stop. You need to, it will fucking ruin your life if you don't get a handle on it.

>> No.17111500


Ponzi scheme

>> No.17111503

>Pic related used to last me like 4 days
That already makes you an alcoholic

>> No.17111659

You should try AA.

>> No.17111684

19 months
i dream of booze every single night

>> No.17111698

stop watching south park

>> No.17113043

Have you tried not drinking? You don't have to quit entriely. But you can reset your tolerance so you don't have to drink so much for the effect.

>> No.17113059
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>what now
Switch to vodka. Bottom shelf rum is a one way ticket to gut rot.

>> No.17114311

>What now?
now you are probably going to keep drinking until you develop some serious pain and symptoms of your body slowly shutting down
then you will either quit drinking or die

would be easier for you and your medical bills to slow down to once a week max or just quit now

>> No.17114326

Start doing cocaine with your rum

>> No.17114540

a handle should last you more than a month

>> No.17114688

I've had 750 ml last me 2 months+

>> No.17114776

Carefully measure every drink, and write it down. Ween down over the next 2-3 weeks (so you don't get withdrawals). You're organs will fail in your 40s or earlier if you continue. You probably don't need AA, or rehab, you just need a little willpower and new hobbies to take your mind off it. If you mess up once or twice don't give up. I guarantee you can quit, unless your brain is already complete mush.

>> No.17114781

One shot a day?

>> No.17115710

Going on 6 months.
Mood worse now, alcohol lightened it.
Was before, still am on antidepressants.
Maybe gave up the wrong thing.

>> No.17115729

Only drink expensive wine, your budget will naturally limit you.

>> No.17116222

AA was formed in the prescientific era and hasnt been adjusted since its conception but besides that i will no longer watch south park

>> No.17116232
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used to avg 9 beers a night in my 20s tops now i can easily handle 16 a night in my 30s. been a drunk for 14 years. never thought i'd let it get this bad. want to stop because it's not fun anymore. everything pain-related caused by it is just normal to me now. sides always hurt, can't handle meals. i get IBS symptoms commonly. i also have burning mouth syndrome. can't sleep if i don't drink. body starts craving alcohol long before i do. loads of unhappy issues but i keep doing it because i can somehow still function and i don't really like life at all. burning tongue and never feeling rested after sleep is getting really old however.

>> No.17116266

Your pancreas was on the verge of becoming comatose, in which you would have needed to be treated by a doctor. Good thing you stopped when you did. Everyone thinks it's the liver that takes the beating but the pipsqueak is hit just as bad.

>> No.17116395

eat sweets to curb your booze addiction sugar keeps you level.

>> No.17116398

go to AA. There are more cute girls there than you’d guess.

>> No.17116401

>t. drunks

>> No.17116654

You should ask your dr to lower the dose of your antidepressants. Sometimes it can keep you down in mood but now your not drinking it's probably safe to do so

>> No.17116853

How much alcohol is considered fine? Like say I drink enough to get fairly drunk once a week.

>> No.17116877

drink non-alcoholic rum or vodka

>> No.17116924

why, what happens to the pancreas? is it important?

>> No.17116940
File: 28 KB, 400x400, Randy-400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let the liquor do the thinkin', Mr Lahey!

>> No.17117034

keep in mind that this amount of alcohol fucks with your brain, too. Hence, you could quit for like 3 months and see if life gets better. What do you have to lose? Your life? That one you are losing anyways rn. Just be a bit defiant. Defiance is all we have in this life.

>> No.17117109

coincidentally 3 months is what i originally experienced with my immature mind is how long it took to 'forget' about the addictive affects of booze and cravings it had when i quit the first time
i had enough bad nights that i considered it 'poison' and quit it for a while but i'm the same anon you replied to and relapse is always inevitable for those who like the feeling too much. i agree my brain is suffering. i cant remember words and muscle memory is lessening. im still ok physically and can work.
thanks for the reply, friend

>> No.17117160

drink less

>> No.17117195

>Switch to vodka
which one is the most drinkable straight?

I am going to drink less, but I will still drink some and I'm getting tired of rum

>> No.17117198
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>> No.17117518

Alcohol tolerance never resets

>> No.17117866
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I've been there. The realization hit me after drinking until the sun came up on a workday. I slept for an hour and half, went to work, threw up in the bathroom, finished the day and when I got home (after getting more alcohol on the way), I realized that the bottle of rum I had was almost empty and I had just bought it afternoon before. And that bottle wasn't the only thing I was drinking.

I just tapered down as I like drinking so I had no intentions of being 100% sober. Now I'm a 6-pack of pints from the grocery store 3 days a week guy. Haven't been inside an actual liquor store in probably 3 years. Sometimes I miss just getting obliterated daily but not really. Hard to explain.

>> No.17117877


>> No.17117880

>What now?
either drink yourself to death or get help and treat your addiction

>> No.17118513

Post your favorite alcoholic:
For me it’s jack Kerouac

>> No.17118540
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>prescientific era

>> No.17118564

Well, you need to stop.

>> No.17118596

Switch to gin. Gin and tonic is the fucking bomb.

>> No.17118712

>The pancreas is an organ of the digestive system and endocrine system of vertebrates. In humans, it is located in the abdomen behind the stomach and functions as a gland. The pancreas is a mixed or heterocrine gland, i.e. it has both an endocrine and a digestive exocrine function.[2] 99% of the pancreas is exocrine and 1% is endocrine.[3][4][5][6] As an endocrine gland, it functions mostly to regulate blood sugar levels, secreting the hormones insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, and pancreatic polypeptide. As a part of the digestive system, it functions as an exocrine gland secreting pancreatic juice into the duodenum through the pancreatic duct. This juice contains bicarbonate, which neutralizes acid entering the duodenum from the stomach; and digestive enzymes, which break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in food entering the duodenum from the stomach.

Inflammation of the pancreas is known as pancreatitis, with common causes including chronic alcohol use and gallstones. Because of its role in the regulation of blood sugar, the pancreas is also a key organ in diabetes mellitus. Pancreatic cancer can arise following chronic pancreatitis or due to other reasons, and carries a very poor prognosis, as it is often identified when it has spread to other areas of the body.

tldr it's a key part of your endocrine system and is crucial to regulating blood sugar. when your pancreas goes out, you go into diabetic shock within a few hours
a lot of people ignore pancreatitis symptoms because they are easily mistaken for GI inflamation, which is also common in alcoholics. you pancreas is kinda latched onto the back of your stomach and inflamation feels fluish, or like bad indigestion, but if you let it go, you'll fuckin die

>> No.17118988

yes it does i was getting ripped for years and then i spent 2 months in jail and could get drunk off a 6 pack one i got out

>> No.17119064

>Sometimes I miss just getting obliterated daily but not really. Hard to explain.
Yeah, I stopped drinking in the week and same. It's very comfy in a weird sort of way. Don't think about life's problems when your shitfaced or dealing with hangover

>> No.17119097

try getting into homebrewing to appreciate alcohol more

>> No.17119103
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>get a handle on it
i could use a handle right now

>> No.17119835

it will go right back real quick if you keep drinking

>> No.17119846

Listen to this guy

>> No.17119853

I would actually slow you're roll if you're drinking a handle a day and a half.

Stop drinking for a bit, even a day or two. If you can do it, that's a good sign. If you can't, just seek help.

If you can moderate, then I'd try setting limits, like only one or two drinks before after dinner and none during the day or something. If you can't moderate, as I said, seek help.

>> No.17119990

What's a good bourbon to use in a mixer with Disaronno to make amaretto sours?

>> No.17120191

Those are$40 per in leafland

>> No.17120208

DTs can and DO kill people quitting alcohol. You'll need a doctor to prescribe something if you stop drinking suddenly.

>> No.17120230

Normally I think soyjackposters are soyjacks themselves but that was a really fucking soyjack thing to say

>> No.17120279

I have bottles of booze that are more than 5 years old.

>> No.17120337
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Probably bukowski

>> No.17120365

I had 3/4s of a 750 ml bottle of whiskey and then the next night, I killed it and moved onto 1/4 of the next bottle.

How bad am I? The most annoying symptom I've been getting is dry eyes that I need artificial tears regularly. Note that I drink like 2-3 cups of wine or beer almost everyday.

>> No.17120370

Oh look, it's the guy people quote to make me feel about about having a job I love just because I have to show up on time for it.

Go back, fool

>> No.17120380

Just only drink at social events bro.

>> No.17120382
File: 100 KB, 600x900, hennessy-vs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start drinking better liquor like Hennessy.

>> No.17120392

I've only read a couple of his books, but Bukowski feels pathetic and it's even worse because he says he knows he's pathetic. He's the true definition of an outsider artist - he only got popular because the mainstream liked laughing at him.

>> No.17120419

>For me it’s jack Kerouac

also for me it's Elton John

>> No.17120435

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