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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17107093 No.17107093 [Reply] [Original]

Time to eat some sh*t

>> No.17107109

Damn that's rough, but I would eat it if hungry enough.

>> No.17107110

eat some vegetables fatty

>> No.17107115

i'd eat the shit out of this. i'm broke currently so i'm having a tootsie roll lollipop for dinner. drooling over this pic. enjoy

>> No.17107124
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I had vegetables yesterday

>> No.17107130

If I knew you I would invite you over

>> No.17107152

no worries pay day is tomorrow imma just have sleep for dessert and pig out at the grocery tomorrow

>> No.17107181

damn bro I love italian food

>> No.17107186
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>> No.17107196

you are living the dream my brother

>> No.17107213


Based. Feeling jelly but I've gotten o
Way too overweight to enjoy those juicy cheesy salty little flavor bombs with a a cold refreshing bubbly oh my god I'm.....

I'm ...


>> No.17107220

clean your oven

>> No.17107280

I went for a 3 mile walk before I ate this. I'm still fat but I tried....

>> No.17107284
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No. U

>> No.17107366

>T Ravs and Bud Light
How suspiciously St. Louis of you Anon.

>> No.17107409

bud light is the worst part of this

>> No.17107415

Actually ur post is the worst part about this

>> No.17107484

I unironically used to live with a guy whose diet consisted of pizza bites, alcohol, reservation cigarettes, and weed but he somehow was as skinny as a rail

>> No.17107528

Sounds like he knew how to keep his cortisol down

>> No.17107534

cabin senpai?

>> No.17107537

Absolutely enlightened. Bless you.

>> No.17107990
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weird i don't remember living with you, but the trick is living stress free and you'll be skinny

>> No.17108722

could be worse

>> No.17108754

I had four packets of ramen and half a bottle of the cheapest, worst tasting rum I could buy

>> No.17109460
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>laminate countertops
>electric coil stove

>> No.17109484

I dunno what these faggots are on that looks like absolute garbo i hope thing get better for you

>> No.17109637

Did you buy those ravioli frozen and bake those too? I'd love to kill some of those after some cobras and a pint of deluxe

>> No.17109644

Look at OP's picture behind the beer can the frozen breaded ravioli box is there. Looks like from Aldi from the brand name.

>> No.17109762
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>Did you buy those ravioli frozen and bake those too?
Ya. They were pretty bland

>> No.17109767

Imagine being triggered by what somebody eats. I hope things get better for you

>> No.17109787

toasted ravioli is one of the few good things to come out of st louis

>> No.17109865

how nice of you to buy snacks for your kids

>> No.17109895

I don't get it.

>> No.17109896
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I've been cooking at home and eating healthy for a long time. For my next trip for groceries I'm considering getting nothing but total junk food. Breakfast cereal, pizza rolls, chicken nuggets, chips, cookies, Little Debbie's, cans of coke, etc. Just zero prep, no thought towards health, and commercial flavors. Just for a week. It's tempting but I know I'll feel awful and my shits will be awful. But I'm still considering it just for the experience. Thoughts/concerns

>> No.17109912

>I've been cooking at home and eating healthy for a long time
Where did this get you?

>> No.17109934

Toasted ravioli is a St Louis thing? Im in Des Moines and see them all the time. The only thing I know about St Louis food is Provel

>> No.17109955

I've been slowly and steadily losing weight and most of all I feel really good instead of depressed and lethargic, if that answers your question. Also slowly getting quite good at cooking, at least with the dishes I've been doing.

>> No.17109978
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>32 pizza rolls

I didn't even eat that much when I was fat. Let alone a huge can of beer.

>> No.17109987

>Let alone a huge can of beer.
4 pounds of beer actually. Had the best dump this morning too. Prolly because of the side of saurkraut

>> No.17109991

>if that answers your question
Actually it did. Wish I had easily fixed normie problems....

>> No.17110072

Oh? What is your hard to fix neckbeard problem? I feel like ck is one of the most normie boards.

>> No.17110081

Was thinking the same thing

>> No.17110127
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>Just for a week.
That's a mistake. If you must binge on junk, do it right but do it just for a day, or as long as it takes to stuff yourself silly. Or maybe two consecutive days, like the weekend, but immediately go back to a proper diet.

At least that's what I did for a few years, but now I'm back to being an adult all the time. I miss the old snack days, but my body doesn't.

I used to get up at or before dawn and head to the grocery store. When home, I'd eat about 1/2 a box of those "gourmet" crackers with cream cheese. Then six garlic rolls with a sliced vienna sausage in each, plus mayo and hot pepper. Then half a container of whoppers malted milk balls (the milk carton style box). Then a few Pepperidge Farms milk chocolate chip macadamia cookies, or maybe some thomas english muffins (apple cinnamon), or maybe half a box of chocolate covered cherries, and maybe some peanut M&Ms or perhaps a box of donut holes. Ah yes, that was the life. So all of those items were 1/2 of the purchase amount, which meant that I'd wake up not long after midnight and the remaining delights would be calling softly to me, to get up and get back at it.

The only major digestive issue was the time I got a large container of salted and roasted pumpkin seeds; not sure why that would hurt as much as it did.

I didn't gain weight because I was working construction, and ate sensibly during the week.

>> No.17111328


>> No.17111330

>It's Toasted

>> No.17111341

I have low self esteem: The meal.

>> No.17111357


There is tomato sauce in pizza roles.

>> No.17111390

I fucking love frozen slop bros. I have never seen those toasted ravioli before, is Mama Cozzi's the Aldi brand?

>> No.17111411

>americans shit in the oven
Nice skid marks bro

>> No.17111490

>, is Mama Cozzi's the Aldi brand
I got them at aldi's. Haven't seen them anywhere else but I live in a small town

>> No.17111502
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>I have low self esteem: The meal
True. I've also cooked this

>> No.17111662

The manchild special. Kill yourself.

>> No.17111691

What the fuck. Do Americans really?

>> No.17113103

You'll get 1/4 way through and start craving real food.

>> No.17113118

this dude's eating 'go 'za!

>> No.17113162


>> No.17113191

Where’d you get it? Every Chicago style crust near me is made out of cardboard

>> No.17113396

I made it

>> No.17113462

buy an air fryer trust me

>> No.17113466

if youre in the US sign up for an EBT card its easy as fuck they'll give it to anyone

>> No.17113580

I bought some Totino's and they taste worse than I thought.

>> No.17114244
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>> No.17114299

Have one. Used once. For sale

>> No.17114461

you think Mama Cozzi is a real lady?

>> No.17114498
File: 1.87 MB, 3072x2304, 2AA70E15-8DBF-4853-900F-0D1797B9FEFC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pizza ain’t free. The Gateway Arch gotta be littered with the blood of real niggas. Shitcago AKA Chiraq doesn’t have good food and their pizza ain’t even pizza. Provel and thin crust not tomato soup in a bread bowl.