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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 30 KB, 644x362, origen-nutella--644x362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17106859 No.17106859 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I have such an intense need to consume sugar about 1 hour after having lunch? I start feeling sleepy and then my body just craves like a fucking druggie glasses of chocolate milk and chocolate sandwiches. Btw, my BMI is 20.2.

>> No.17106865

Because you're fucking addicted. Those are trade marked symptoms of addiction. You're just like. Smoker or drug user or drinker. Doesn't matter how fat you are or aren't, sugar has its grubby little mitts hooked into your brain's chemistry.
My advice, just look into health alternatives. Start with fruit, any really doesn't matter. If that doesnt work, drink a some sugar free gatorades or something if you work a labor intensive job. If none of that works, just go to a goddamn doctor and get actual help.

>> No.17106872
File: 452 KB, 267x320, 1603011826817.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.17106877

yeah but I think there is something more to it than just addiction. I don't feel this urge when I wake up or at night, I feel it about an hour after having lunch, and it intensifies much more if I take a nap after having lunch. Then I wake up feeling ultra thirsty and I just feel like drinking and eating tons of sweet shit.

>> No.17106886

I'm an ESL bruh

>> No.17106989

>about 1 hour after having lunch
Blood sugar crash.
Consider minimizing the sugars you eat during lunch to avoid it.

>> No.17107003

It's either this or overeating. If you eat a lot then it's natural to start feeling a bit tired and maybe you'll crave sugar to try and make up for that. Might be why people normally have coffee after meals sometimes too.

>> No.17107051

I think it might be this
I don't think it's that, I usually just eat a salad, a potato omelette with meat on the side, or some pasta with tomato sauce. Pretty basic and normal-sized meals.

>> No.17107060
File: 37 KB, 682x504, Glycemic-Index-chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn man, thanks, it HAS to be this. What kind of foods are high GI foods though?

>> No.17107783

I’ve been on a better diet for six months . I use the glycemic index for food to help me decide what I eat . The advice they gave you is very good and worked for me . I no longer have intense hunger pains and can easily skip a meal without any problems .

>> No.17108869

thx man