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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 97 KB, 500x1000, 1638763036456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17102777 No.17102777 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this so addicitve?

>> No.17102780

just consumed one whole bottle in a day, i swear i eat food just for tabasco, just for that unique taste no other hot sauce replicated

>> No.17102787
File: 84 KB, 409x598, 1638763249312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anti-virgin seether /pol/ack meme deployed

>> No.17102814
File: 413 KB, 1284x940, DB5D3510-67A8-4D67-B559-DCFE8E6CB135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop spamming this shit you faggot ass retard.
>>17089833 pic related

>> No.17102925

It's a paid viral marketing shill

>> No.17102996

>literally the most ubiquitously available hot sauce on the planet, available in damn near every country
>paying a marketing firm in hopes of selling 1 or 2 extra bottles to an internet board of contrarian underage poorfags who automatically hate anything popular as pure reflex
Don’t be a shizo. It’s just a shitposting faggot who spams the same thread.
No different than the
>bayleaf.jpg *does nothing*
faggot who spams the same shit thread constantly.

>> No.17103399

tabasco is addictive
consume responsibly

>> No.17103411
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>> No.17103425
File: 487 KB, 1170x814, bec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe at my superiority

>> No.17103489

I like siracha way better. To me siracha is the best hot sauce I put it in everything. And the story of the guy who made it is wholesome the guy is very based, he refused to sell his company he said he just wants to make good hot sauce. He never patented the logo, he never raised the prices.

>> No.17103509

Sriracha - Wikipediahttps://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Sriracha
listen)) is a type of hot sauce or chili sauce made from a paste of chili peppers, distilled vinegar, garlic, sugar, and salt

>generic chili peppers
the poverty is showing.
but tabasco has special peppers and aged in barrels.
your cheap chink shit got rekt kek

>> No.17103512

Wtf is siracha? Do you mean Sriracha?

>> No.17103607


>> No.17103608
File: 138 KB, 1500x1500, 71Jsiqz0aiL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stuff.
It genuinely tastes good it has flavor while being the right level of spicy.

To me Tabasco tastes plain, like spicy watery vinger. Its not terrible but seems too plain.

Any good hot sauce recommendations for me?

>> No.17103612

>high acidity in plastic
enjoy your breast cancer chink boy since tabasco is too luxurious for you

>> No.17103762

I'd rather be angry about trannies than be a tranny, just saying.

>> No.17103813

at least trannies can get laid. better than being a seething pimple ridden virgin forever.

>> No.17103898

I literally just had this with a crab cake sandwich. Its alright, but overrated. Louisiana>siracha>tobasco

>> No.17103901
File: 826 KB, 1000x1500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both of these are fucking disgusting and you should kys if you like either

picrel is the closest to acceptable with limited breakfast items, the rest is poorfag trash tier garbage for people trying to cope with shit poorfag food

>> No.17103905


shit hipster taste you got there. kys.

>> No.17103906

>And the story of the guy who made it is wholesome the guy is very based
Jesus touch grass dude

>> No.17103910

literally the worst fucking hot sauce in existence

>> No.17103922 [DELETED] 

cope and seethe poorfag

>> No.17103936

>noooo you can't like what I don't like!! heres my shitty hot take!!!

What are you buying 100$ hot sauce bud?
I'm retired, I eat sriracha because it tastes great. Simple as

Go seethe more with your spic sauce

>> No.17103955
File: 64 KB, 900x900, tobasco_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm what some food lovers might call a "super-taster." Sometimes I wonder if this is a blessing or a curse, but it's led to a life constantly striving for culinary perfection. I always saw Tobasco sauce in my favorite restaurants, in the grocery stores, but I never though much of it. In college I started getting a taste for hot sauces and something seemed to be missing in everything I tried; Sriracha, Tapatios, Franks, everything left me wanting more. It wasn't until I bought a bottle of McIlhenny's own iconic concoction that I was met with true hot sauce bliss. Maybe it's the slowly matured tobasco peppers in real oak barrels on Avery Island, maybe it's the time-honored commitment to quality, but there was something truly special about this sauce. It's lively amalgamation of acidity, flavor, and tantilizing spice sent my pallet on a journey to new depths I didn't know were possibly. Now, I'm not telling you what to like, or what hot sauces to buy. But I know my culinary adventures truly would not be the same without this truly unique sauce. Just a humble anon, trying to letting my fellow food enthusiasts know the singular nature of this incredible and historic sauce

>> No.17103964

Based and Tabascopilled

>> No.17103968

>What are you buying 100$ hot sauce bud?
i eat food that's properly spiced to start with

>> No.17103969

>t. poorfag with shitty bland food
cope harder

>> No.17103973

spiced how? salt and pepper? fuckin casual. kys.

>> No.17103975

lmao so poor the only spices you know are salt and pepper

>> No.17103981 [DELETED] 

You Tobasco simps are the fucking worst. Go vaxx yourself nigger

>> No.17103989

The older I get the more I appreciate the simple elegance of Tabasco brand hot sauce.
It will never fill the niche of ethnic foods and their preferred sauces however a dash or 3 on some fatty meal or in a soup really does wonders to elevate the dish.

>> No.17103996

if your dish requires elevation you are eating garbage poorfag food
tabasco is only for poor people and food illiterates

>> No.17103997 [DELETED] 

you didn't answer my question therefore it confirms my initial guess. kys poorfag.
>Go vaxx yourself nigger
no u. do it. cull yourself.

>> No.17104007 [DELETED] 

>you didn't answer my question therefore it confirms my initial guess.
you know you can google "how to start my spice rack" and "how to start cooking real food"
you don't have to bait anons into telling you basic shit
>kys poorfag.
>t. the one arguing for adding omni-poor-sauce to bland bargain foods

>> No.17104008

Yeah you're not wrong, I regularly eat "poor people" food because it's comfort food for me. Some chicken pot pie or pizza with some Tabasco is delicious.

>> No.17104009 [DELETED] 


if you're not coping and seething, you poorfag, then prove it. post pic of your food. otherwise you're automatically rekt beyond recovery.

>> No.17104014 [DELETED] 

i'm not an amerifat who is eating 24/7
try again tomorrow at dinnertime
until then you automatically are a massive faggot sucking fifty black dicks covered in poorsauce to make it tolerable

>> No.17104016 [DELETED] 

so rekt then. gg.

>> No.17104018 [DELETED] 

remind tyrone i said to take it easy on you tonight

>> No.17104020

This nigger has a point

>> No.17104024 [DELETED] 

so you're also a typical amerimutt who's obsessed with nigger cocks. got it.

>> No.17104026 [DELETED] 

He already admitted to your claim that he eats poor food, is aware of it, and chooses to as a preference: >>17104008 .
His emotional feelings on the matter don't impart any further information. He can be buttmad or completely chill, and what he said still holds the same value.

>> No.17104034 [DELETED] 

assmad samefag seething haha nice try.
rekt beyond recovery.

>> No.17104038

I just don't get the need to gentrify hot sauce. I would enjoy it on a $100 plate as much as I would a $5 chicken dinner.
I mostly use Tabasco on cheap shit because the vinegar helps to cut the fat :v)

>> No.17104050

>cheap shit
>because expensive shit never has fat
kek this samefag is mad as fuck and seething xD

>> No.17104066

That goes back to the original argument that expensive food doesn't need it because it's already balanced with spices and flavors.
You have weak bait bruh.

>> No.17104081

low iq bait my nigger.
you do realize that Tabasco is a spice and flavor that can be added to expensive food during cooking right? kys brainlet haha.

>> No.17104088

Your on some shit negro. I love Tabasco and add hot sauce to most of my dishes.
I eat poor food and expensive food, I just don't get the idea that adding Tabasco is for poors only.

>> No.17104096 [DELETED] 

>Your on some shit negro
my dealer calls it "anonymous tears" ;)

>> No.17104106 [DELETED] 

drug abuse detected
probability of phoneposting in your tent with your tabasco under a bridge during a rainstorm: 90%

>> No.17104112 [DELETED] 

nah i'm comfy drinking beeru getting baked in my warm fully furnished apartment :) that sweet weed sleepiness kicking in ahhh heaven.

>> No.17104118 [DELETED] 

>beer cope for sanity
>weed cope to sleep
>renting apartment
poorfag 110% ultra-giganigga-confirmed

>> No.17104127 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 500x281, wagie suicide booth from Futurama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me guess and project bruh. you're a wagie who can't get hight coz afraid of getting fired kek? my condolences. maybe one day you'll evolve to my level of comfyness.
oh and also you got a house so you can't move away in case of emergency kek. so sad. no freedom.

>> No.17104132 [DELETED] 

this is just pathetic
>and project
at least you're honest
>so you can't move away in case of emergency
if stupid. i can financially and logistically afford to handle an emergency and not be destitute or leave my home.
basically, i'm not dirt poor like you.
you're barely above homeless.
but at least you know the good hot sauces to put on your white bread and hot dog dinner

>> No.17104139 [DELETED] 

>i can financially and logistically afford to handle an emergency and not be destitute or leave my home
what about loss of job and need of relocation to a different job in a different place or a natural disaster or you just hate the place? kek you're fucked dude haha.
richfag my ass. more like slavefag haha good luck selling your home fast enough in this economy. i can move freely unlike you.
>white bread and hot dog dinner
nah more like comfy 0 effort pre-made meals from my local grocery store. comfy life :)

>> No.17104163 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 788x788, 1637694375025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww you still playing or what? that's the problem with wagecucks they always go to bed early coz they be gonna be fucked in ass morning by boss kek wagies are boring af come on brah give me more of your tears
bye loser. it was fun.

>> No.17104201 [DELETED] 

>hur! u r now troled!

>> No.17104211 [DELETED] 

nah, this:
>comfy 0 effort pre-made meals from my local grocery store
was all i needed to decide you're subhuman. when you slide into your dope-assisted sleep be sure to sleep on your back so you can choke on your own vomit tonight :)

>> No.17104213 [DELETED] 
File: 2 KB, 125x124, 1634241063023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kekeke why you so mad bro? is it because i'm better than you? xD
come on dude tell me why you think you're better than me, is it because you have a house or because you eat out at expensive restaurants?

>> No.17104266 [DELETED] 

kekekekek you assmad fucks actually reported me hahaha xD funny shit why u so mad though?
is it because i'm better than you? xD :)

>> No.17104271 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 784x788, 12313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aww you still playing or what? that's the problem with wagecucks they always go to bed early coz they be gonna be fucked in ass morning by boss kek wagies are boring af come on brah give me more of your tears
bye loser. it was fun.

>> No.17104280 [DELETED] 

bruh u gonna die from the vaxx soon bruh i wouldn't be so smug bout it xD tick tock i'll have the last laugh though kek you lost bruh game over dude game over buy loser :)

>> No.17104290 [DELETED] 


>> No.17104296 [DELETED] 
File: 47 KB, 250x194, 1637881348228.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

18+ website, you know the rules

>> No.17104297 [DELETED] 

you got owned bitch :) i win

>> No.17104298

Eat with milk or put into your buther or cream chicken!

>> No.17104302 [DELETED] 

wrong anon, just a jannie doing his job

>> No.17104304 [DELETED] 

Hope it was worth the four days off

>> No.17104310 [DELETED] 

jannies are cucks
a simple moder restart and browser cookie clear and all their power is GONE
yeah bitch jannies are powerless bitches kekeke :)
most funny shit is that jannies are UNPAID laborers hahah can you get more pathetic than that? xD
suck a dick wageloser i haven't wageslaved in 11 years. I'm free.

>> No.17104315 [DELETED] 

wait, you're 11?

>> No.17104320 [DELETED] 

nope, i'm 33 :) is it hard to believe there are people better than you in the world? :)

>> No.17104324 [DELETED] 

are you the dude who lives a block south of me?

>> No.17104327 [DELETED] 

no. i'm the dude that owned you :)

>> No.17104332 [DELETED] 

you're getting repetitive and I'm getting bored, say something funny again plz

>> No.17104335 [DELETED] 

hows that?

>> No.17104337 [DELETED] 

still the wrong anon but i appreciate the effort, it made me smile

>> No.17104339 [DELETED] 

why are you so bad at intelligence? i'm smarter than you. you should know your place.

>> No.17104343

only the chipotle and jalapeno variant are worth it

>> No.17104346 [DELETED] 

hey, i never said i was smart

>> No.17104349 [DELETED] 

than why did you defend your house argument?

>> No.17104351

wait until you try el yucateco you will shid n fardd your pants. it's that good.

>> No.17104353 [DELETED] 

nah that beaner crap is garbage. bland crap. kys poorfag.

>> No.17104354 [DELETED] 

It's still the wrong anon, dude. Put the beer down. Cmon, lets take you to bed. You're not yourself

>> No.17104357 [DELETED] 

fuck that cuck, he bailed on me mid-game what a bitch, i hope that pos suffers tomorrow morning kek

>> No.17104358 [DELETED] 

>tries to claim superiority in a 4chan argument

>> No.17104360 [DELETED] 

i already made it, you fuckin nigger ape. kys.

>> No.17104362 [DELETED] 

Shh, cmon, lie down.

>> No.17104364 [DELETED] 

nah i got one more bottle of bavaria and a bf2042 stream to watch. fuck off.

>> No.17104367 [DELETED] 
File: 264 KB, 785x1000, e0d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i already made it, you fuckin nigger ape. kys.

>> No.17104370 [DELETED] 

is that a picture of your present face? xD

>> No.17104375 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 730x1194, ed5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is that a picture of your present face? xD

>> No.17104383 [DELETED] 

ohh you changed your facial expression, that's nice.

>> No.17104387 [DELETED] 

Who the fuck can't afford tabasco?

>> No.17104388 [DELETED] 


>> No.17104585

I put about a shotglass of it into a small glass of tomato juice. You have to sniff it first or the first sip overwhelms you. God its good

>> No.17104593
File: 973 KB, 3024x4032, euac2lzu66iz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All hot sauce is gay besides the one true king of hot sauce, pic related.

>> No.17104666

You know how there are additives in food? Well we also got addictives.

>> No.17104673

Overpriced dogshit is still dogshit, end your life today and spare us from your retarded takes in the future.

>> No.17104724

Sorry, I don't buy shit in plastic bottles.

>> No.17104805

How's your stomach? I love tobasco too but there have got to be consequences mate.