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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 644 KB, 2500x1664, nystrip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17102295 No.17102295 [Reply] [Original]

this is such a shitty fucking cut of meat, it's utter fucking garbage. the fat is shitty, the lean is laced with gristle, it cooks unevenly. it's just overall the worst piece of shit I've ever encountered
Sirloin is better for lean meat
Ribeye is better for fat meat
T-Bone is even pretty decent
I consider this awful fucking cut the poor person's steak. It's so shit it shouldn't belong on any table except someone living under the poverty line.

>> No.17102308

Sounds like you’re shit at both selecting meat and cooking it.
I hope things get better for you, anon. Lashing out like a feral autist isn’t going to help though.

>> No.17102309

T-bone is NYS

>> No.17102315

I have cooked dozens of the aforementioned steaks and the only one that was garbage every time was the NYS. Now I know being associated with New York signals low quality trash. I wouldn't pay even $5 for a 12 ounce new york strip.

>> No.17102317

My Costco boys always turn out great. Stick to prime, super market shit isn’t worth it.

>> No.17102331

T-bone is just a NYS with bone and some of the fillet left attached

>> No.17102342

>autistic reeeeeee
One side of a T-bone is a strip, dummy.

>> No.17102347
File: 22 KB, 425x372, 1594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>OP doesn't know what a T-bone is

>> No.17102351

irrelevant, focus on what matters, which is hating the new york strip

>> No.17102365
File: 69 KB, 800x800, 1622329292227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No. Its a good cut of steak that isn't difficult to cook unless you're a fucking retard. Focus on becoming a decent chef before running your mouth online

>> No.17102374

Anon, just accept that you made a retarded thread in hopes of starting a complaint circlejerk with bonus shitflinging, but chose an utterly retarded thing to try complaining about, and screwed yourself even more with your T-bone comment.

Just let it 404 and move on.
Next time you want to start a circlejerk complaint thread about steak, go with something like filet mignon being so overrated that people happily pay meme-prices for it.
That’s not really true either, but enough people will think it is that you’ll get some shitflinging.

>> No.17102378

my store charges 35 dollars for a pound of top sirloin what the fuck is going on

>> No.17102405

Not OP, but I hate NY strip too, especially at today's prices. It's also why I would never order a T-bone. NY strip does nothing right as a steak. I used to buy USDA choice packers and maybe 1/5 was somewhat usable for steaks. The rest I used for curries, stews, stirfrys, roast beef, or dog food.

>> No.17102425

Where I come from, it's the strip. No jew york needed. I respect your attempt to drive the price down but I don't think it's gonna pan out.

>> No.17102428

the only time i'd be caught dead purchasing a strip is to feed a dog, it's good for nothing else

>> No.17102448
File: 873 KB, 1141x1910, D35CEE0F-3DD7-4F0A-8F67-D303A046DAE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where the fuck do you live and what store are you talking about?
I took pic at my local Publix last week, and it’s in an urban area where the surrounding apartments are ~$2000/mo for a 1br.

>> No.17102579

Maybe persistence will pay off, who is to say. Like I said you've earned my respect.

>> No.17102652

Get used to eating cartilage. Beef will be much better once you do.

Just force yourself to 10 different meals and you won’t mind after

>> No.17103134

You hit the nail on the head anon, it's a poor person's steak and there's nothing wrong with that. It's not perfect but still tasty and cheap enough that my wife and I could easily afford to split one with dinner two or three times a week when we were broke students

>> No.17103136 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 474x574, smg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

despite your shit knowledge about tbones you're absolutely right about jew york strip - dogshit cut.

>> No.17103176
File: 66 KB, 550x825, E62E37E6-9A52-4CF1-96FE-E8451944185A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love a good char grilled my strip

>> No.17103185

NY strip can't compete with the chad rib eye.

>> No.17103212

NY strip can't even compete with flank steak

>> No.17103246
File: 108 KB, 1037x767, 1344433589100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Florida has large scale cattle production. Inflation and shortages are way worse in middle America than they are on the coasts.

>> No.17103276
File: 89 KB, 459x666, D128E7D9-5F26-4CB8-88F5-A04A1D777D01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Publix means Florida
Try the entire southeastern US.
>Inflation and shortages are way worse in middle America than they are on the coasts.
>for beef
>literally a product of “middle America”
>but is somehow more scarce in middle America
Anon plz.
>Florida has large scale cattle production
A hell of a lot less than “middle America”, see pic.
That’s why I asked anon where he was and what store. Because I think his $25 figure is highly-exaggerated bullshit.

>> No.17103472


Oh yeah, sure. After all, New Jersey is certainly known for its large scale beef industry. Thats why we don't have shortages.

>> No.17103938
File: 82 KB, 684x474, 1561442478529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>T-bone is NYS
i sure hope this is bait

>> No.17103950

To be fair NYS is the long side of a T-bone with the other being tenderloin. Still technically wrong by lack of specificity but at least he didn't claim the whole primal was NYS.

>> No.17103962

>Try the entire southeastern US.
most of the south is Ingles, which is pretty decent in most cases
They have some kind of no compete clause with publix so you only get one or the other

>> No.17103971

All I get is publix and kroger. Wish I had an Ingles. Would settle for a Winn Dixie or Piggly Wiggly though. So tired of soccer mom and tennis wife food selection.

>> No.17104015

For me, it's Kansas/New York Strip rare and Ribeye Medium Well.
Tenderloin is just the same flavorless scrap regardless of temp.

>> No.17104054

> cooks his ribeye medium well
> calls tenderloin “flavourless scrap”

ok retard

>> No.17104078

It's only good as part of a meal or with a sauce, on it's own it is the worst steak you can order.
Ribeye as medium/well has the perfect crust, the warm interior and the fat cap melts.
This is assuming that it's being properly cooked and not medium well is actual well done because well done is a leather shoe.

>> No.17104129

Midwits who disparage tenderloin in such a way are too invested in "fat is flavor!" to be able to appreciate the tenderloin for what it is instead of disliking it for what it is not. Pay them no mind. They are lost.

>> No.17105576
File: 500 KB, 866x690, 3242345t.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you don't render the fat in your ribeye you might as well throw it straight into the fucking bin
a properly fat rendered ribeye is one of the best steaks there is but an unrendered fat ribeye is dog food tier
that shits gotta be jello that literally melts in your mouth, if you have to chew fat then it is ruined

>> No.17105603
File: 41 KB, 550x460, E7B62100-EC66-4E0B-AEF7-E65BD6457063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay; southeastern US minus AR, KY, LA and MS.

>> No.17105608

>Tenderloin is just the same flavorless scrap
Weird; mine always tastes like beef. I must be cooking it wrong.