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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17093043 No.17093043 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you guys suffer from gout due to all the healthy food you eat? I am having a bad flare up and was wondering if there was anything I could eat to help reduce it.

>> No.17093069

Relax with the red meats, lower sugar intake, drink a lot of fucking water and my personal fave is gulping down tart cherry juice. Your mileage may vary on that one though.

>> No.17093071

What is gout like? It starts with a pain in your toe or something right?

>> No.17093077

I eat literally nothing but red meat, eggs, and milk and I'm the healthiest person I know - it's not even close. Eating fast food, seed oils, sweets, added sugars and sugar alternatives/sweeteners, and anything processed is what will kill you

>> No.17093084

It's like having a knife twisting in the joint.

>> No.17093092

I dont think ur healthy u fucking retard

>> No.17093095

I assume you are rich because good quality red meat and milk are expensive as fuck.

>> No.17093101

OP here, this outbreak is in my knuckles on my dominant hand. Its like needles in the joints of my knuckles every time I move them slightly. Thankfully there is NSAIDs and Tylenol

>> No.17093106
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>no veg

hahahaahahaahaaha just because you're thinner than your fatshit family doesn't make you healthy

>> No.17093236

I lift nigga. No diseases, no health issues, meanwhile every person I know has anxiety/depression/acne/eczema/IBS/dryskin/oilyskin etc

>> No.17093245

Nah I buy my shit in bulk at costco. About 150 USD a month

>> No.17094588

>i eat healthy
>i have gout

>> No.17094616

limit or avoid purines

>> No.17094623
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shut up queer

>> No.17095208

>no health issues
Then why did you make a thread about gout?

>> No.17095289

>lifts and eats meat
>thinks this makes you healthy
fucking hell

>> No.17095304

you made a thread about a health issue lol

>> No.17095330

That's not the OP, I am the OP, I am overweight and lead a sedentary lifestyle which is catching up to me health wise as I am hitting my forties.

>> No.17095490

>That's not the OP
Then why did you make a post about getting gout and why didn't you differentiate yourself from OP?

>> No.17096775

Hoping to get into butchery just so I can afford a diet like this. Wouldn't hurt to throw some fresh veggies in though. Quality control mate, keep living the good life.

>> No.17097404

...i thought this thread would be about steak
*closes door

>> No.17098299

This! Red meat, eggs are super foods!

>> No.17098308

>healthy food
>gives you a disease

>> No.17098339

How does one even get gout? Wasn't this only a thing in pre-modern times?

>> No.17098346

It's like a stage of diabetes.
But also it's more present in people that cook with lard or margerine instead of butter or oil.
Get a balanced meal and you won't have to worry about it.

>> No.17098356

Different things seem to trigger gout for different people. If I drink anything with phosphoric acid (most dark sodas have it) I have a flareup probably 50% of the time. Whole wheat of all things seems to cause it too. Since cutting those out I haven't had any problems.

If you've got a flareup now, you're not going to be able to eat your way out of it. Go to urgent care ASAP. Flares can go from bad to almost unmanageable really fast.

>> No.17098370

My dad has gout, as does one of my cousins. You're somewhat genetically predispositioned to it, but in my dad's case, he drank a lot of wine when he was younger, a lot of red meat to this day (finally got him to quit when his cholesterol shot up) and only sporadic vegetables and fruits.

>> No.17098530

>gout due to all the healthy food you eat
Drink water fatass. Obesity, liver damage, and you just consuming fucking sugar red meat and alcohol all the time leads to gout.

>> No.17098725

Hopefully you're eating organs and not just muscles. Even cultures that mostly eat meat eat all parts of the animals they kill, including whatever veg/leaves are in the intestines

>> No.17098757


not fucking soda
not fucking coffee

cold fresh ice cold water

also gout is a type of inflammation so for me ibuprofen works better than tylenol

GL fellow goutbro hopefully it gets better

>> No.17098811

Dey eat da poo poo

>> No.17098842

serrapeptase/nattokinase are the superior inflammation reducers

>> No.17098914

also doing some reading if you have a diet high in oxalates that seems to trigger gout episodes so uh drop spinach and almonds and cacao and a bunch of other stuff and see how that helps

>> No.17099081

Stop eating offal and organ food/deli meats. Those and a sedentary lifestyle are your biggest obstacles.
Eat more veggies with your meals, and cut down on the organ/highly processed meats. Also excercise more. Drink nore water. Thats it. This is grade school stuff, my man.

>> No.17099087

The idea that meats are what cause gout is a misconception. While they do add to it there are other foods that can add to it as well.

>> No.17099108
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>> No.17099675
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>it's not my fault it's the healthy food dood!

>> No.17099691

I don’t eat healthy kek

>> No.17099757

I dont even unhealthy. Fuck yourself, nigger.

>> No.17099761

People still think dietary cholesterol equals blood cholesterol bro. Anything to do with nutrition is such a vludterguck

>> No.17100588

What's urgent care gonna do?

>> No.17100599

tfw bugged health mechanics

>> No.17100605

>muh seed oils
>muh “”””processed””””

>> No.17100607

you a member of some 1700's royalty or some shit

>> No.17100615

Youre pathetic and your life is miserable