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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17092863 No.17092863 [Reply] [Original]

Okay, so genuinely, I have been in a massive depression since my dad was murdered / fiancee left me after and done nothing but ate fast food (mainly Taco Bell) since out of sheer inability to live daily life / cook / it was cheaper to get five dollar boxes two times a day than cook, clean, shop, dishes, etc.

But I am incredibly miserable, and I'm sure my diet is mostly to blame. How can I start? What should I start cooking, bit by bit, to move into habits? I'm sincerely depressed and nothing "medical" is helping, so before someone says to address that first, I can't and am trying, so I need to seriously do anything I can here.

Is it better to eat Taco Bell than a box of macaroni and cheese nutritionally? I weight 160lbs, mostly in okay shape just not very active due to depression.

I tried to make mashed potatoes for thanksgiving and it turned out as a soup
Every time I make chicken it's awful
I want to make a beef roast, mashed potatoes, noodles, gravy, but my dad did it in a unique way and all of these recipes are wrong and overwhelming

>> No.17092867

shutup faggot

>> No.17092874

fuck u bitch ill just go eat another crunchwrap then, lil pussy

>> No.17092886

Probably better to eat taco bell over boxed mac and cheese. What's giving you trouble when you're cooking?

>> No.17092895

Did your fiance murder your father?

>> No.17092896

not my problem

>> No.17092898

Try simple japanese fare even if it's not quite authentic. Japanese sushi rice, a few small pieces of teriyaki spam (cooked on foil in the toaster oven) and some wakame salad is fast, easy, nutritious, and doesn't make much of a mess. It's also delicious.

>> No.17092906

>But I am incredibly miserable, and I'm sure my diet is mostly to blame.
nah its probably the dad getting murdered thing

>> No.17092907
File: 127 KB, 269x220, 1622412293526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop trying to blame your problems on Taco Bell, loser.

>> No.17092925

the smallest shit in my life is next to impossible, so I just need to start easy

>> No.17092929

Marinate pork chops in oil/soy sauce and maybe some other stuff like Wooster and bbq or lemon juice for like at least an hour
Toss baby carrots and raw diced potatoes in oil and SPG in a big salad bowl
Roast veggies on sheet pan at 400 degrees F for idk like 45 minutes
Whie veggies roast, pan cook marinated pork chops in hot pan until done (depends on size and it's okay to eat pork medium or even medium rare, the firmer the meat is the more done it is)
Make sure you oil the pan before putting meat in

>> No.17092933

hey if im wrong and my lack of literally any nutritional value isnt just made up (ie - taco bell isnt giving me a lack of vitamins / nutrients), im down to eat it every day. I barely see food as food, just necessary numbers I have to injest every day

>> No.17092947

Why are the larps so fucking retarded here?

>> No.17092951

Holy fuck no one cares

>> No.17092953

Lying on the internet isn't LARPing, newfag.

>> No.17092955

ashwagandha. rhodiola rosea. take capsules from a good reputable brand that had the actual ingredients. proven, scientifically studied adaptogens, will raise your mood and your testosterone

>> No.17092963

Get a spoon and eat my ass

>> No.17092970

Would if your dad got outta the way first faggot

>> No.17092978

You people are faggots, just answer my goddamn question. If you want to be faggots, go to /gif/ and jack off to troons and niggers.

>> No.17092984

>You people are faggots
Welcome to 4chan, please take your tranny obsession back to the normienet.

>> No.17092986
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Psychfag here. Anytime you plan to make big lifestyle changes you NEVER go all in with major changes at one time. Make slow gradual changes overtime until you're at your goal behavior.

Try cooking 1 meal on the weekends and make it a special occasion for yourself. Experiment with what you want to cook and don't worry about it on your regular days. Luckily cooking is fun and it's not like you have to train yourself to run on a treadmill or something boring like that. After a few weekends add 1 meal/week slowly until you're reformed!

It took me about 4 minutes to type all that up so that'll cost you about 9 bucks. Where do I send the bill?

>> No.17093008

Thanks bro, that's exactly what the point of this thread is about - is just trying to do 1% better than yesterday, starting with cooking something okay.
And unfortunately I have medicaid so you get shit just like my actual joke of a therapist :)

>> No.17093022

>Every time I make chicken it's awful
Anyway recipes shouldn't be overwhelming if you do your mise en place which is basically preparing the ingredients you will need for the recipe so you don't have to be in a rush. Seasonings and herbs can be prepared in advance, vegetables can be washed and cut or blanched in advance, you get the idea. Start simple and slowly learn to do other things than let's say sunny sides up. Also fuck that kraft mac and cheese.

>> No.17093024

Yeah, you tell him.

>> No.17093040

You WILL stay quiet about what you hate.

>> No.17093042

>Talking in the first place

>> No.17093238

You know what? Nevermind, I’m just going to kill myself. Jannies can delete my thread now.

>> No.17093254

Eat 10 eggs daily, just put butter in a saucepan and add egg. Do push ups. Think of the guy that murdered your dad. No masterbation. Go out for daily runs. Self defence training. Work towards destroying the killer

>> No.17093266

This isn't me but thanks for the bump

>> No.17093330

>women think men hate things because they "think it's cool"
>not that modern life is a crushing facsimile of what life was supposed to be

they're hopeless to understand, ever

>> No.17093369

Women only have interests to appear interesting and they project that mindset onto men

>> No.17093370

Anon I was in the exact same boat when my mother was murdered. I ate nothing but dollar menu taco bell for months.
I recommend making food in a slow cooker since you can turn cheap cuts of meat into a tasty meal with minimal effort. Look up slowcooker pork shoulder or beef stew as a starting point.
Also go buy rotisserie chickens from the store - they are so cheap and require no effort and are relatively healthy (though high in sodium)
Also whatever you do - don't start drinking heavily. Shit will derail your life real quick
Godspeed fellow sad boy

>> No.17093393

>when my mother was murdered.


>> No.17093410
File: 271 KB, 672x660, unreal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pic rel to ur pic rel
cheer up, dude. also take some iodine. I'll include ss in a reply.

>> No.17093422
File: 240 KB, 1876x796, iodine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try it out

>> No.17093427

>get five dollar boxes two times a day
With that money just start with getting a salad box instead.
Or cook really easy things, noodles with sauce from a can and frozen precut veggies you can just add to it without preparation. That way a sink, one pot and one spoon is enough for a meal, it's cheaper and it'll get something fresh in.

Also don't underestimate sunlight. An aimless walk around the block or better yet in a park or nature always calms me donw and lifts my mood a bit.

>> No.17093476

I got some cheap salmon at the market, so I made a sandwich with cooked salmon, homemade remoulade which is very easy to make, tomatos, and lettuce. or steak sandwiches are easy. smoking roasts feels good, and you can make sandwiches out of that

take some psilocybin

>> No.17093479

>take some psilocybin

>> No.17093592

Don't worry it's been a few years so I've had to deal with it and I'm getting a fat wrongful death settlement from the retards that let this happen

>> No.17093619

Like other anons have said take it slow and easy and don’t set yourself up for failure.

If you’re near a Trader Joes they sell a few varieties of frozen rice that you heat up in the microwave, add some meat, bit of vegetable, and maybe some sauce and it’s a pretty quick meal. Otherwise sandwich and side is pretty quick to make.

Also to answer you other question a Taco Bell Cheesy Gordita Crunch Box (with 0 cal drink) should have about:
1210 cals (529 from fat), 59g fat, 128g carbs, 40g protein, 80mg cholesterol, 2370mg sodium

Whereas a box of regular Kraft Mac and Cheese (prepared per instructions):
1050 cals (330 from fat), 33g fat, 150g carbs, 30g protein, 30mg cholesterol, 2130mg sodium

According to online nutrition info. If you also don’t eat the cheese sauce that comes with the chips they come fairly close (tb has more fat and protein while Kraft mac has more carbs).

>> No.17093766

Medical malpractice?

>> No.17093771

Doesn't he need a strainer for the noodles

>> No.17093834

while this is very true about gradual change, food is too closely connected to a persons immediate well-being.
Eating taco bell is a quick fix for hunger, then they get low energy and feel depressed, which denies them the energy to achieve the long-term planning required to actually cook for themselves the next time.

>> No.17093835

Nobody asked.

>> No.17093847

Normie fucking opinion in the pic

>> No.17093872

It’s from a comedy film called “Liberal Arts”, so it might be ironic

>> No.17093913

Nah a psych ward let out a crazy lady who was dangerous and the next day she stabbed my mom randomly

5 years later and the lawsuit is still ongoing but we are getting close to settling

>> No.17094129

EZ mode 5000: buy a rice cooker. buy brown rice. buy a package of frozen mixed veggies. buy a pre-made curry sauce in a jar from a grocery store that isnt walmart. (you can buy walmart curry sauces but in my experience they suck)
1. let rice cooker cook brown rice
2. cook frozen veggies on medium heat in a small bit of oil or butter until theyve softened up
3.pour curry sauce in and turn the heat down to low, let that sit until the brown rice is done.
4. combine rice and veg
5. eat

also since you are having trouble with chicken:
1. medium heat, drizzle of oil,
2. cook chicken breast for 5 minutes on each side after the oil has gotten hot
3. little bit of salt and pepper

god speed, hope you get better

>> No.17094152

Anon that's shitty and I was in a depressed state recently, instead of tacobell it was macdons for me.
My solution was getting unending heartburn that only goes away if I eat healthy, so now I'm back to my old clean eating habits. Lots of dals/curries or grain and roasted vegetable bowls
One thing I can say is it does get better, I know it doesn't feel like it when you're that depressed, I honestly thought I'd feel like that forever but each day is another step forward.
One thing that helped me was changing my environment for a few days, I went to visit friends and it helped snap me out of it for a small bit and that's when I started cooking again.
Awhile ago I made a thread like this and another anon recommended 5-htp, I took/take that as well and it seems to help. I'm not a doctor though, so it could be something to bring up with yours.
Once you get the ball rolling, things start getting easier.

>> No.17094249
File: 32 KB, 189x265, Screenshot_20211205-204554_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you make your own tacos?

Just buy the shells, lettuce , cheese or whatever you like.

Get like a half pound of ground beef and just mash it around in the hot pan with a spatula. Add taco seasoning packet

It's more slightly costly than t-bell but would be slightly more healthy.

I make taco bell items at home. Grilled cheese burrito, crunchwrap etc.

I think once you realize tou can make tacos you will feel better and maybe try making other things 2

Godspeed fellow taco bell enjoyer

>> No.17094285

Lmao what a nightmare of a thread. why is everyone piling on poor fatherless taco bell anon? OP, I recommend getting some basic sandwich supplies for quick easy relatively nutrious meals

For less than the cost of a Baja blast, gordita crunch wrap,and bean burrito you can buy a loaf of fresh bread and some good cheese or roast beef, which you will enjoy much more

>> No.17094345

>That imagine
>Expecting helpful replies

>> No.17094364

>men should be more open about their feelings
>ew, why is this guy venting his problems to me?
How to tell someone you don't care about them other than a source of entertainment. Solipsism is a hell of a drug.

>> No.17094365

>blah blah blah
I don't give a fuck
>is taco bell better than mac and cheese
you will at least get better micronutrients, probably better macros too

>> No.17094370

little steps bro, im serious. start with making yourself look presentable, believe me or not you will stop moping when your appearance demands respect. shower, shave the nasty fuckin neckbeard, get a haircut if needed and wear clean clothes.
After that, dont shrink in public, stand up straight and speak with purpose. going outside becomes 1000x easier. just a little at a time and have some positive outlook while doing it. Never look at doing something to better yourself as a waste of time. If you not looking for that kind of advice then just read the last sentence and apply it to your cooking. its gonna suck ass a few times but you’ll get it eventually.

>> No.17094382

I disagree. I’d rather hear people talk about things they love, it’s a better story for some IT guy to talk about how he loves his job and all the fun stuff he does doing it than him talking about the stuff he hates like his feet hurting or whatever.

>> No.17094400

>hating on what the man hates
hypocrite cunt
never ever take anything a woman says seriously

>> No.17094658

You deserve a shitty life for not posting a decent pic, faggot.

>> No.17094667

>my dad was murdered
Damn it sure is nice living in the US.

>> No.17094974

It's not your diet causing depression for one thing. But you can improve the situation by eating better. At least start by making a lot of soups and freezable food and reheat or cook it instead of going to get fast food. If you cook regular modest meals, and use the freezer food for when you just can't handle cooking then you can keep going like that with not much effort. The most important thing is trying to remain actively social in some way, even if you have to force it.
Also if you're fucking up mashed potatoes watch some food wishes or even ragusea videos, anything even close to decent would help.
Don't waste money on taco bell then, make your own nutri-slop

>> No.17095018

I've found that pasta is a great start to cooking.
At first, cook some spaghetti, salt the water thoroughly, and serve with pesto from a glass and grated parmesan.
From there, you can try sauces. Most sauces are fairly easy and can be adapted to your taste.

After that I'd say just look for recipes that seem simple and that you like. Follow the instructions, and once you've gained some experience you can adapt them as well.
Hope you're gonna be better soon.

>> No.17095025

Some other things that just came to my mind:
You can have a nice salad by just washing and cutting up a salad of your choice, with some veggies like tomatoes, cucumber and bell peppers. Add a dressing, again, first from a recipe, later you can make your own.
Same with roasted veggies, cut up some veggies, throw them in a pan with some oil, salt pepper, and roast until you like the texture.

>> No.17095032


>> No.17095140

Damn sorry about that, hopefully they cough it up for fucking up that hard

>> No.17095211

if you can't manage mashed potatoes right now I'd hold on the cooking until you're a bit better. A bit pot of mushy rice and limp vegetables might do more bad than good. Just get food you like that's better than fast food but requires no preparation. For me it'd be a baguette, some pâté, some cheese like a brie or a chèvre, maybe some nice ham, roast beef, genoa salami or rosette de lyon, some olives. And then maybe some vegetables that you enjoy as is for dat dere vitamins. I like a nice crunchy red bell pepper and some radishes. It'll feel like you're eating real food but you won't have to work for it

>> No.17095243

as a few people have already said the best way is to cook occasionally and slowly increase how much you're doing it.
a good simple place to start is making braised meats (I usually do chicken thighs), due to it being slowly cooked in liquid is v difficult to fuck up totally. - plus you can make it in batch so you have leftovers for the next couple of days.

>> No.17095280
File: 389 KB, 904x900, 1636086483264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn her nose is really just way too small huh... I mean I'd still fill her right up with coom but it definitely looks odd.

>> No.17095303

Eat 10 eggs daily, just put butter in a saucepan and add egg. Do push ups. Think of the guy that murdered your mom. No masterbation. Go out for daily runs. Self defence training. Work towards destroying the killer

>> No.17095314

>The doctors are trying to poison you throw your meds in the trash and take iodine pills instead

>> No.17095422

Add salads to your diet. You can add many things to them like tuna, avocado, chicken, etc. Dont make them with iceburg lettuce though that shit is watery garbage. Veggies seem like they have mood boosting properties because they speed up your metabolism in a healthy way. Also, stay away from caffeine (like soda), the sugar and caffeine crash will make you more moody and sad. Stay hydrated with water or natural fruit juices if you want a change. Simple meal that requires little effort.

>> No.17095433

How many levels of retardation are you on right now, my dude?

>> No.17095442

>>The doctors are trying to poison you throw your meds in the trash
It doesn’t say that at all

>> No.17095453

my baby girl Lizzie is so stunning

>> No.17095463

This was 10 years ago, she was in her early 20’s

>> No.17095513

Fry an egg in the morning, eat it on toast. If you fuck up you get scrambled eggs, no biggie.

Buy a bunch of shit to make sandwiches, just deli meats and cheeses, mustard, whatever else you like. Start forcing yourself to just make a sandwich if you can't find the motivation to cook something and you're thinking it would be easier to just go to Taco Bell again.

Do slow cooker meals, not Tasty level trash, but just easy shit like slow cooker pulled pork or stews, chicken for tacos or whatever. You can even take the lazy baby step of buying pre-chopped veggies and shit if you can't find the motivation to do that part yet. Set yourself a reminder in your phone to set up the dish in the crock pot first thing in the morning while you're getting your day started, that way when dinner time rolls around you're already set. Getting into the habit of eating a little better can help you find the motivation to move into higher effort meals over time, stimulate your brain's reward center.

>> No.17095534

No IT guy loves his job and the only amusing stories they ever have are of the retarded insane situations they encounter dealing with braindead morons on a daily basis.

>Source: worked IT for several years and have plenty of friends who still do

>> No.17096192

but hating things and talking shit about those things is genuinely fun and cool?

>> No.17097642

Don't listen to this weeb.

Start with literal eggs and toast, then work your way up.

>> No.17097685

the anon in that pic wasnt claiming there was a conspiracy to reduce iodine intake, he was simply saying iodine intake fell off after it was removed from flour. maybe you should get more iodine, autist

>> No.17097751

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.17098332

Holy shit /pol/ really is just FaceBerg now.

>> No.17098352

Unironically try weed, people use it to stave off depression. Better than the "legal" opioid shit they give you.

>> No.17098467

They don't usually treat depression with opioids

>> No.17099574

taco bell taco has
honestly i dont see an issue with the diet
maybe you should try amphetamines

>> No.17099578

>(((Psychfag))) here

>> No.17099619

Get a chicken. Dry it off.

Place rack on second level from bottom of oven. Heat oven to 500°F (or for convection, reduce to 450°F).
Remove the fat from the tail and crop end of the chicken. Freeze the neck and giblets for stock. Reserve chicken livers for another use.
Stuff the cavity of the chicken with the lemon, garlic, and butter, if using. Season the cavity and skin with salt and pepper.
Place the chicken in a 12 x 8 x 1 1/2-inch roasting pan breast side up. Put in the oven legs first and roast 50 to 60 minutes, or until the juices run clear. After the first 10 minutes, move the chicken with a wooden spoon or spatula to keep it from sticking.
Remove the chicken to a platter by placing a large wooden spoon into the tail end and balancing the chicken with a kitchen spoon pressed against the crop end. As you lift the chicken, carefully tilt it over the roasting pan so that all the juices run out and into the pan.
Optional: Pour off or spoon out excess fat from the roasting pan and put the roasting pan on top of the stove. Add the stock or other liquid and bring the contents of the pan to a boil, while scraping the bottom vigorously with a wooden spoon. Let reduce by half. Serve the sauce over the chicken or, for crisp skin, in a sauceboat.

>> No.17099788

i just wanna boop her little button nose with my penis

>> No.17099790

weed is a great way to totally fuck up your moods

>> No.17101234

Nah, he was a bitch anyway. The cop said put your hands uo and he was too busy trying to pull his pants up and got shot