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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 575x519, fresh-yeast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17092199 No.17092199 [Reply] [Original]

I often read it's very difficult to find it in American grocery stores, as opposed to dry yeast. Is it true? If so, why?

>> No.17092203

Because it's not sold in grocery stores.

>> No.17092209

America doesn't have a big bread baking culture. It's mostly quick breads and such.

>> No.17092216

Do you just scrape it out of your fat folds or do you have to tip a hooker for some fresh yeast?

>> No.17092221

We use dry yeast

>> No.17092223

looks vaguely like a cube of caramel so stores are worried that sharts will just eat a dozen of them straight up i

>> No.17092233

yeah desu, i might do that if i stumbled upon these puppies

>> No.17092240

I have never used dry yeast and I dont know where I can even find it.

>> No.17092252

Check your local bakeries that bake the bread in house. They will usually have some and can probably sell you half a brick if you want.

>> No.17092253

It is available in most grocery stores. It's usually kept near the dairy section so it can be refrigerated.

Yes it is. Many people don't realize it's available because they go to the baking section and only see dry yeast. This is because dry yeast is kept near the flour and fresh yeast is kept refrigerated.

>> No.17092437

Nothing is difficult to find in american grocery stores. We have wider selection and more availability than you of basically every imaginable foodstuff.

This applies no matter where you live whatsoever
>but uhh you can't get uhh these european named cheeses of special origin
No, think again, we have a gigantic 18 foot wall of them actually.

You guys need to drop your bizarre misconceptions. This is literally the land of plenty. sorry if it doesn't match up with your internal reality.

We're also in a soviet union death spiral lead by ogigopolies and their money in politics, focus on that, not our superior availability of literally *all* products and superior purchasing power

>> No.17092469

>>but uhh you can't get uhh these european named cheeses of special origin
But you can't because they use raw milk.

>> No.17092475

Yeah man, I'm sure you have a great handle on the current state of things

>> No.17092501
File: 1.04 MB, 960x636, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh yeast? Never heard of it (American) from what I can tell it's just activated yeast. But dried yeast activates when you use it so why do you want to buy a product that is 70% water and spoils quickly when dry does the same?

Europeans are fucking odd.

>> No.17092513

>We have wider selection and more availability than you of basically every imaginable foodstuff.
I wonder if it's the same guy who post this kinda stuff, because it's always similarly written.

>> No.17092516

yes, we can, specialty retailers can be exempt from those rules and those rules don't even apply to finished products/to many states.

I have an exceptional handle on the current state of things. This country is swirling the drain

>> No.17092525

Right right. What's an ogigopoly again?

>> No.17092550

Why would you use actual milk and not just milk powder?

>> No.17092562

? are you really trying to dickride a misspelling after I cut deeply into my finger earlier today and have a bandage on it? rofl

are you the same guy who posts shit like "Americans don't have butchers" every day?

I don't have any need to defend this country, but I do have every need to defend reality from lies. that is a fight that matters, it's literally good vs. evil

And I'm certain, though your threads that intend to inspire flamewars (a violation of site rules) are always based on false principles, that I could attack where YOU live accurately- for instance, the fact that your country has probably no relevant research universities, while we have the majority of them that exist in the world

when your kid or someone gets horribly burned one day and they get spray-on skin that heals the wound perfectly with no scarring, remember to thank us. thank us for the device you're using, on the internet we built, which still runs on our products today, many of them even using semiconductors that we still produce here

we just *don't care* about your shit the way you seem to endlessly care about us. it's little man syndrome, and trust us, we know who the little men are.

>> No.17092563
File: 337 KB, 1594x1196, 1406767852522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's not, you can get it very easily usually where the milk is. But most Americans don't make a lot of shit that requires yeast and fresh yeast goes bad too fast to warrant purchasing it over an envelope of the dried stuff which will last 6 months in your fridge so they're not aware that it's even available
Also fuck Europe

>> No.17092565

>are you the same guy who posts shit like "Americans don't have butchers" every day?

>> No.17092571

yeah what a surprise that every day now there is some thread by someone asking "is it true americans can't get x?"

no, it's not. we can get it. that's the entire point of this country.

is it true that you can't get an education from a top 200 world ranked university? why, for many of you, yes, it is!

>> No.17092573
File: 178 KB, 335x384, 1622811188527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the fact that your country has probably no relevant research universities, while we have the majority of them that exist in the world
>when your kid or someone gets horribly burned one day and they get spray-on skin that heals the wound perfectly with no scarring, remember to thank us. thank us for the device you're using, on the internet we built, which still runs on our products today, many of them even using semiconductors that we still produce here
>we just *don't care* about your shit the way you seem to endlessly care about us. it's little man syndrome, and trust us, we know who the little men are.

>> No.17092578

I understand the sentiment, but from what I can tell "fresh" yeast is just yeast that is currently alive and eating. Dried yeast is yeast that has been forced to be dormant. They are the same thing once dried yeast is wet. Nothing is "lost" like in other dried foods. It's still yeast.

It seems a huge pain to keep a fungus alive and fed in big bulk stores where Americans get their food. From what I've read, fresh yeast goes bad quickly because of course, it does. It's living. It doesn't make sense for Wal-Mart to carry such a fickle product when the average American doesn't care, and the ones who do can just go to a bakery or activate their own yeast by taking dried yeast and waking it up.

>> No.17092581
File: 167 KB, 700x541, RawMilkMap-900px[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't have anything to say back

Trust me, I know. Now excuse me, I'm going to go practice my firearm-shooting whilst eating a hamburger

P.S. most americans can buy raw milk, suck a cow teat faggot

>> No.17092591

>Nothing is "lost" like in other dried foods. It's still yeast.
A lot of yeast cells die during the drying process, and that's why gives a harsh yeasty flavour to baked goods that use it.

Try it one day, bake something with fresh yeast. It's a completely different thing.

>> No.17092599

Neat I will! Thanks for the pro tip :D

>> No.17092601

I think bakeries buy and use fresh yeast because its cheaper for them than to get it dried. Drying the yeast is another process added that costs money and time ect. But most bakeries use alot of yeast and they dont need it to be dried for long term storage.

Dried yeast is great for the home kitchen when you dont bake all the time. And it works the same as fresh yeast once you bloom it in water they start to multiply. Its just a matter of time before you have a thriving colony of live yeast.

>> No.17092608

>a harsh yeasty flavour
but the yeasty flavOR is the best part

>> No.17092610

>this nigga giving a real answer thinks this thread was made in good faith
lmao anon

>> No.17092623
File: 61 KB, 731x675, 7693287F-F287-42FF-A18C-4C9D3441BABC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking schizoids man

>> No.17092648

Go to a bakery and ask for some.
If it's a shit bakery they will either not have it, or not be willing to give you some for spending money there.

>> No.17092650

Did you seriously posted this hilarious map to defend your nanny country?

>> No.17092663

Last name Silva detected

>> No.17092706

What would happen if I ate a cube of pressed yeast paste?

>> No.17092711

Probably nausea, if that.

>> No.17092712

But would it taste good?

>> No.17092744

I licked a little for you. It tastes a little bitter, but that's all.

>> No.17092757

Thanks yeastbro.

>> No.17093534

We had a bad fresh yeast crisis during lockdown here so local stores and bakeries started to produce their own and sold it in tiny tups, it was even better than the branded fresh stuff.

>> No.17093551

Enjoy your impending death

>> No.17093569


>> No.17093605

Don't use this, I put it in the oven once and it made chlorine gas

>> No.17093779

How come vegans eat yeast breads when yeast a living thing, a sort of animal?

>> No.17093803

Holy shit based fellow American BTFOing third world retards

>> No.17094027

Just keep reminding them about it so you ruin bread for them too.

>> No.17094033

they're a fungus like mushrooms, don't be a dumbass

>> No.17094038

cool anon

>> No.17094240

>This is literally the land of plenty
Then why does everyone eat ultra processed garbage and all your meat and dairy come from animals reared in terrible conditions and given growth promoting hormones and antibiotics all for the sake of quantity and increasing profits at the expense of flavour and nutritional profiles?

Take a picture of your WHITE anemic butter and post it. Pathetic. Land of plenty yet you eat like fat toddlers. Get a passport loser.

>> No.17094265
File: 2.11 MB, 1872x3952, IMG_20211206_194107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found some at grocery outlet and it's cheap for a pound.

>> No.17094274

Ah, Grocery Outlet Bargain Market. The one store you can't make a list for, because who the fuck knows what they'll actually have in stock this week?

>> No.17094279

It's $9 on Amazon.

>> No.17094287

Huh? What youtuber told you to think this? I can get many different varieties of raw milk cheese at my local Trader Joe's

>> No.17094327

No sorry I didn't write this one it's someone else.

>> No.17094333

this political statement is the most before bizarre thing i've ever read.

>> No.17094338

Its pretty boiler plate stuff from 50s-60s era cold war propaganda.

>> No.17094393

It was just another fag breaking under the bants. Makes for the best lols we can find since this site turned into a shithole.