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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17089093 No.17089093 [Reply] [Original]

What's your mom's best/worst dish?

>> No.17089115

Whatever microwave meal or bag of fast food she brought home. Maybe she made me a pb&j once can't recall. Died when I was a kid so just picked up cooking myself since the only thing my dad ever made was instant mashed potatoes. To be fair they started a small business (candle company) and grew it before the dying part (dad passed when I was at uni). So pretty sure that's just how most latchkey kids grew up

>> No.17089127

Christ what an abomination. Is that “TACO” tattooed on her right fingers?

>> No.17089142


>> No.17089147

My mother has gotten up in years. Everything she makes now is over-cooked and over salted. I'm not sure if I just view my childhood through rose-colored glasses, but I remember her being a really excellent cook growing up, despite always using ranch dressing packets to season a lot of different dishes. It sucks watching your parents get older.

>> No.17089148

>implying my mother cooked
>implying my father didn't teach us children to cook when we were 7 years old so he could then dedicate all his time to WoW
>implying each sibling didn't pass on cooking duties to younger siblings as we aged so older ones could be released from the duties
>implying I didn't cook the meals for my mother after she had a long day at work
I shiggydiggy

>> No.17089157

There is NOTHING feminine about this horrific lardass cunt. Christ look at the greasy lips with food hanging down and her smug Jew smile as if she’s saying ma bookie, keel-ee calleya ku kah.

>> No.17089179

I lost my appetite forever thanks to this pic

>> No.17089187

Best dish? She always did a decent Beef Stroganof. She'd roast the beef tips and make a really nice sauce for it. Not traditional at all but it was always decent.

Her worst was her Hamburger, Macaroni, and Tomato. It was barely drained pasta, chucked in a pot of ground beef you've fried off, and then whole canned tomatoes tossed in. No extra seasoning, no love. It was her go to "Fuck it, you have to eat." meal. One of the main reasons I started learning to cook. I haven't had it in 20+ years now, and I'm looking towards many more years of not dealing with that bullshit again.

>> No.17089257

How hard would it have been to throw in some garlic and herbs? Maybe a root veg? A bit of cream at the end if she's feeling frisky?

>> No.17089348

Great at making Arabic food, ass at everything else

Good at desserts too

>Arabic food is not a dish
Fuck off

>> No.17089715

When I was sick one time my mom surprised me with home made chili cheese fries. :)

Her normal cooking was not really special, a lot of stews and soups we would eat over the span of a few days.
She baked really good sheet cakes for special occasions though.
The standards were one topped with coconut flakes and sugar that was doused in buttermilk after baking and another one that was topped with almond flakes in a butter and sugar mixture.

The only dish I remember really not liking was some weird tomato and cauliflower stew with curry and other spices.

I miss my mom.

>> No.17089720

My mums best dishes are whatever her mother taught her to make
Her worst dishes are those she learnt from old shitty cookbooks which have oversimplified recipes which leave out half the necessary techniques to make them taste good

>> No.17089745

Best: Slow cooked Asian spare ribs

Worst: "soup" which is ALWAYS unseasoned ground turkey, a bag of frozen vegetables, and vegetable stock heated up. Maybe noodles if she's feeling wild.

>> No.17089777

she does a good cochinita pibil, this tasty pasta salad with a cream/lime zest sauce, great pesto, thai chicken noodles, bbq chicken pasta, squash bisque, slow-cooked lentil soup...really good pizza dough too. my favorite is probably her dinner rolls though, iirc her secret is using greek yogurt. i'm very grateful she taught me to appreciate trying new cuisines and using quality ingredients.

>> No.17089802
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my mom can't cook, probably didn't even want to try, since there was an unused cook book on our expansive book shelf.
dinner was an unseasoned (as in not even salt or broth) chunk of boiled meat and potatoes in a Crock-Pot or hamburger helper

>> No.17089835

My moms can really only dependably make sweet baked goods really well and she hates cooking. My pops did probably 97% of the cooking when I was growing up and he taught me how to make lots of foods. That being said my moms makes 3 dishes I love

>chicken noodle soup
>roast turkey with giblet gravy

Sorry I'm such a disappointment now, M&P

>> No.17089854

I love my mom's rice krispies treat. Just uses a lot of marshmallows and butter.
I hate her insta-pot mac and cheese. She uses so many cheeses, but it tastes very bland.

>> No.17089870

Holy shit. My mom makes that too. Shitty post war "use up the ration" recipe.

>> No.17089891

My mother makes the shittiest stir-fry, but her casseroles are delicious and she makes the best corned beef, with a bechamel dill sauce that was the reason I got into cooking. I wanted to be able to have it whenever I wanted.

>> No.17089984

>What's your mom's best/worst dish?
Her best were probably her meaty stews, especially her Beef bourguignon or her deserts, she made very nice cakes. Her worst was probably the mushroom and cream pasta which she cooked for guests far too often. Im a better cook than she was but miss her cooking a lot now that she’s gone, especially now in the winter when she’s so often do roasts and those aforementioned stews.

>> No.17089992
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Minute Steaks on Italian Rolls.
Each sandwich has half of an onion's worth of carmelized onion. The strong cheese and the mayo gives it a creamy taste. It's somewhat chewy, it takes about 40 minutes to eat 2, and honestly I really appreicate being able to sit down, watch some TV, and still be eating some good food for that long rather than just scarfing it down in minutes.
Anything with potatoes. She stores them right next to the household cleaners for months longer than they should and the taste really seeps into it. You have to either spit it out or throw it up. I've told her she has to move it somewhere else but she just tells me there's nowhere else she can practically store them.

>> No.17089995

my mom is gluten and lactose intolerant, so anything premade was the best thing she ever made. she didnt really cook and mostly got fast food for everyone. I didnt realize until I moved out and lost 100lbs making food for myself.

>> No.17090001

My mom was a really good cook and I still miss some of her dishes. She used to make the best mashed potato’s I’ve ever had. Sadly she passed away right before my 11th birthday but maybe one day I’ll be able to replicate her cooking.

>> No.17090854

My mom hated cooking and my dad was usually at work until late so I've primarily fed myself since I was 5.

>> No.17090869
File: 303 KB, 1250x1800, MK-bigos-mysliwski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christmas bigos with boletus mushrooms, prunes and a bit of dry red wine
it's amazing. such deep, rich, savory flavour. can't wait to experience it again this christmas

>> No.17090886
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i have fond memories of living with ukranians when i was a poor and young demolisher. the best thing was bigos night, the ultimate sloppa.

>> No.17090909

holy shit I think you just gave me my great grandmothers old sloppa recipe that I never learned. Thanks lads.

>> No.17090918

yeah bigos really is the best sloppa. it's rare for something that looks so unappetizing to be so delicious

>> No.17090968

She has T A C O B E L L across her right, then left fingers.

>> No.17091086
File: 197 KB, 800x1157, bb75ebde7f0a9a99b7c3c5bdf68eb0de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

laci green hit the wall :( still would hold her titties

>> No.17091119

did you really need to post that goblin

>> No.17091592

My mother is an excellent cook, she regularly makes very, very good meals and even expanded her repertoire to accommodate the tastes of my dad and me
She can do everything from Romance foods to Indian or Chinese, though her European cooking is distinctly more 'professional' though she makes amazing stir fries
If I had to pick one single best dish, maybe the stuffing she makes or Thanksgiving? It's legitimately the best stuffing I've ever had, I haven't been able to find even a restaurant that can do it as well as she can. It's an incredible savoury herb stuffing with bacon, turkey liver, some celery, bread etc.
Also her Lasagna is amazing, she makes great Shepard's Pie, her home-made perogies are delicious but a lot of work and they come apart in water so you have to fry them, and the Beef Bourguignon she makes with red wine, shallots and bacon is to die for
As far as bad dishes go, she has an odd liking of shake and bake chicken, and Campbell mushroom soup beef stroganoff. Neither are inedible but I don't really care for them

>> No.17091805

She makes really good scratch pies and soups.

>> No.17091899

best, spanakopita
worst, stake

>> No.17091924

>She has T A C O B E L L across her right, then left fingers.
Christ almighty. A disgusting slob gluttonous pig who worships globohomo slop.

>> No.17092466

Best dish.
Vegetable cabbage soup. Back in the day she would try to loose weight all the time but would end up eating the same way or binging. She was never huge but as aging woman she didn’t look the same as she did when she was younger and would get sensitive about it.
When she made this soup I would love it. It tasted a little different each time but I like especially when she would put spicy peppers in it.
My grandmother would also make me vegetable soup and serve it with buttered bread. My grandmother’s cooking was so based and magnificent.
I love and romanticized homemade vegetable soup now.

Worst dish.
Buttered egg noodles with peas and chopped onions. (sometimes with ground beef) seasoned with pepper and salt.
I would eat it but I would just eat fast because I was hungry but I didn’t enjoy this. I hate how I felt after eating it. But as a kid, you eat what you’re given.

>> No.17092535

Any sort of baking. Toffee? Fuck yeah. Scientific accuracy and attention to detail.
> Worst
Cooking anything beyond meat and boiled vegetables

That said, when I still lived with her as a teenager, I ate nothing but frozen corn dogs cuz she was never there. Her mom hasn't cooked anything but frozen delivery meals since the 1970s

>> No.17092758

thats sad

>> No.17092808
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Chicken saltimbocca. It's divine.
Dunno, my mother is unironically a fantastic cook. Honestly can't think of something she made that I didn't enjoy.

>> No.17092837

perfect omelettes
meh baked chicken breasts

she refuses to cook anything else

>> No.17092843

>blaspheming for dramatic effect

The real abomination.

>> No.17092848

My mother has passed but she was an amazing cook.

One of her best meals was corned beef and cabbage with new potatoes and homemade soda bread.

She had a huge collection of cookbooks and those magazines that used to target women and probably gay men that were full of recipes and posh living articles. The worst things she cooked would often be some weird shit she would find once in a while in these magazines she was sure we would like and instead we would all end up hating it.

>> No.17092983

> single mom with 70%+ custody
> children raise themselves cuz she's never there

Many such cases

>> No.17093087

Kill yourself kikeworshipping tranny. kikestainity is a religion by niggers for niggers.

>> No.17093111

worst? any soup but she prides herself for her """famous"""" vegetable soup what is basically a slop o' shite.
bes? spare-ribs

>> No.17093123

best: cheese omelet, grilled cheese sammich, spaghetti, meat boat (toasted philly with ground beef, onions, peppers and velveta)

>> No.17093165

Same, I grew up with an amazing cook of a mom to the point where I can't recall a single dish that was actually bad even if it was something I was being a picky kid about.

Her best dish is probably her lasagna or her chocolate chip cookies

>> No.17093194
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My mom made a great stroganof too. She did a bit better at the second dish you described, I remember it had peas and was called goulash. I don't remember her making anything bad, but Sunday was always leftovers whether you wanted them or not.

>> No.17093394 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 594x850, soy4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kill yourself kikeworshipping tranny. kikestainity is a religion by niggers for niggers.

>> No.17095292

Best dish
>her 100% homemade chicken soup. Roasts 2 whole chilkens, then strips off the meat and spends 3 days making stock from the carcasses +herbs and vegetables.
>hand makes her own noodles
>Simmers the soup for 2 days, constantly checking the level of seasoning
it is like a bowl of liquid gold.
Everything my mom cooks is delicious with one exception.
Dad's best friend's wife is a vegetarian and into low fat, no salt.
When they come over mom makes her
>baked tofu dusted with brewer's yeast and flavored with chilis and oyster sauce
I fucking HATE that shit, but the woman she makes it for loves it, so....

>> No.17095295

for a second there I thought this was a /tg/ thread about goblins

>> No.17095667

my mom doesn't make bad food. everything she makes is perfect

>> No.17095784

She does a great Sunday Roast. Lemon, onion, thyme and garlic up the chicken. Smear with butter. Proper Yorkshires cooked in lard. Roast parsnips and carrots in a honey and English mustard glazed. Mashed swede with butter, steamed spring greens and cauliflower cheese.

In the week though one of her favourites was a kind of Ratatouille which she'd serve with lamb meatballs on a pile of spaghetti. Best way to eat your vegetables. Onions, mushrooms, courgette, bell pepper, spinach in a tomato sauce.

>> No.17095832

Best spare ribs

Worst cauliflower cheese.

>> No.17095848

My mom and dad didn't cook food for me and my sister growing up. We ate everything out of a box or a can, or from the freezer aisle and heated up in the oven. If you've ever seen the movie Mermaids, think of how Cher used to cook for her kids in that movie. You get the idea.
>Best dish
My mom used to make "creamed tuna on toast" which was always my favourite. Think of tuna salad made with cream of mushroom soup, heaped generously on two slices of toast. It wasn't bad really. A real comfort food.
>Worst dish
I think any time my mom actually tried cooking it turned out alright, or at least hard to distinguish from any other foods she'd made. I think the thing I dreaded most was when she'd make mashed potatoes, because they always came out so dry and clumpy and flavourless. It tasted like eating literally nothing. You had to dilute it with sour cream and tons of salt for it to even be palatable.

>> No.17095900

Worst: Spaghetti with some meat slithered in ketchup.
Best: Garfish with white sauce and taters.

>> No.17096000
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Worst: stuffed bell peppers. She just fried off hamburger in a pan, put it in a hollowed out bellpepper and baked it. Vile
Best: chicken parmesan. I dream about it sometimes.

>> No.17097532

egg & sour cream casserole
sour kraut & sausages

>> No.17097577

Ham with a porto sauce, basic but incredibly good, every time I make it I'm glad I had parents that made me interested in cooking

>> No.17097734

>Best dish :
>Worst dish :
Ginger chicken or other dishes wit artichoke

>> No.17097924

my mom makes great sopes ,empanadas,crunchy shell tacos
i dont care for her soups and stews

>> No.17097934

my mum made beef wellington one time and it was the most holy piece of food i've ever tasted in my life

>> No.17097958

this thread really gave me prespective
i thought i was the only one who learned how to cook out of pure desire to eat tasty dishes
my parents were busy working and raising a surprise child
im glad to be alive and cook nice meals for them now that i am alive willing and able
i love food eating drinking and smoking this is life

>> No.17097978

Best? Probably lasagna. Always turns out stellar.
Worst? Chicken and rice casserole. It usually looked as bad as it tasted. A grey mass of overcooked chicken and undercooked rice with minimal flavor.

>> No.17097985


>> No.17098060

Why are you arguing with yourself?

>> No.17098086

My mom is a great cook desu

>> No.17098267

Best is roast chicken with stuffing and veggies.
Worst is the chicken soup she makes the next night with the chicken carcass.

>> No.17098433


>> No.17098437

This image is exactly what I think of when I think goblin. That's a hamgoblin

>> No.17098445

my mother is a pakistani who cant cook and my dad is an anglo who can
she usually makes mediocre briyani, i still eat it though
quite paradoxical.

>> No.17098449

neat dubs anon

>> No.17098522

Jesus Christ what the fuck is that goddamned thing

>> No.17098538

I think it’s an american

>> No.17098755

Ya , sadly some of us are like that .

>> No.17098881

you need to be 6'3, make $100k per year and have an 8 inch cock and you'll still only get girls like this

>> No.17098980

Your dad's a gaymer?

>> No.17099626
