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File: 19 KB, 400x400, activated-charcoal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17087140 No.17087140 [Reply] [Original]

>destroys your hangover

>> No.17087147

Just drink water u fucking faggot.

>> No.17087152

I do, with the charcoal mixed in. It's impossible to swallow straight powder dry. plus, if you don't hydrate properly the charcoal will constipate you.

>> No.17087156

Neck urself fat faggot.

>> No.17087157

and tooth enamel

>> No.17087160

>does nothing but at least you're getting fluids in you

>> No.17087162

take it in pill form

>> No.17087163

>built for big black charcoal

>> No.17087170

lol, I appreciate your attention. I'm good though.

If you're taking enough to strip your enamel, Then the blockage in your colon would be a more pressing concern.

Activated charcoal absorbs the alcohol and bile in your stomach and passes them. I wake up with no hangover and no nausea after drinking.

>> No.17087173

Good option for a lot of people. I just can't justify paying more because labor put it in a/formed it into a pill. Works fine for me in a glass of water.

>> No.17087675

If you are drunk enough to be in hangover territory the alcohol is already in your blood, taking activated charcoal to absrob your most recent drink isnt going to save you, its almost certainly the large quanitity of water consumed along with it thats preventing dehydration which is “curing” your hangover.

>> No.17087680

No it eats my toilet enamel

>> No.17087986

If you're going to intercept some alcohol out of your stomach with this stuff, then why not just not drink so much in the first place?

>> No.17087996 [DELETED] 

Because niggers, like myself, hold no value whatsoever. In fact i question if niggers want to die because they have an ounce of self awareness, or it is just nature playing it’s course that they need to return to the fucking muck from which they were spawned.

>> No.17088053

Also destroys the efficacy of any medicines you might be taking that day.

>> No.17088096

is activated charcoal like activated almonds?

>> No.17088283

Thought this was coffee at first. Anyways what's the point of it? Hydrating always kills like 70% of my hangover but the last 30% is always a random crapshoot, especially with the nausea which water doesn't help.

>> No.17088373

not the same activation process

>> No.17088398
File: 101 KB, 640x900, 1935--soviet-union-anti-alcohol-propaganda-poster--color-john-madison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also destroys hangovers to the point where they never happen

>> No.17088449

I thought charred foods caused cancer but you can down charcoal?

>> No.17088809

It's not the carbon in burned food that's bad for you, it's other compounds.

>> No.17088816

Different factory?

>> No.17088820

Just drink pickle juice or a vitamin B supp.

>> No.17088845

if you drink so much that you're poisoning yourself and have to down activated charcoal, rethink your life

>> No.17088848
File: 43 KB, 494x745, 1617574821751.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't drink booze anymore
>no hangover in the first place
Feels good, bro.

>> No.17088907


i drank an entire bottle of whiskey last night and woke up five hours later feeling fucking fantastic. i think you might just be genetically inferior to me.

>> No.17088952

Yeah I remember being in my 20s too. It will catch up to you.

>> No.17088982


i am thirty two years old

>> No.17089013

Narcissistic abuse causes cancer

>> No.17089114

I disagree, I've had better results with charcoal and water than with water alone. I use half a tablespoon with 16 oz of water.

>> No.17089126

Use a straw lmfao