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17084729 No.17084729 [Reply] [Original]

I've never properly drunk beer, I had it once when I was like 8 and threw up and I think that put me off through my teenage years where I was drinking spirits and ciders and stuff. I want to try and get into it though and aquire a taste for it, where should I start?

>> No.17084736


>> No.17084757

I'd say lurk the beer threads to get a general idea of the different types of beers and what people recommend consistently, and then pick up whatever you can find conveniently/cheaply from that to get an idea of which variety of beers you prefer.
After that, you can hone down the various brews in those varieties at your leisure while having a backup.

I literally live a few minutes from the AB plant and only needed to try it once to say it's just drinkable. No reason to get it even if you're going for the generic American lagers. I'd recommend Coors Banquet for that, but others are preferred for other people.

>> No.17084794

Go to your local liquor store, buy a random six pack of beer, and drink it.

It's not rocket surgery.

>> No.17084804

Buy stag beer stag beer forever

>> No.17084806
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Delirium Tremens. Best beer in the world. They even do holiday flavors too so go wild. Make sure to bring money though, shit is expensive.

>> No.17084819

Anons suggesting wich brand to buy. Everyone knows that you don't buy beer, you just rent it.
Ahahahaha Im dad allahu akbar dad dad my name is da hahaha

>> No.17084831
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Southern Illinois/Western Missouri I take it?
Stag is not bad compared to larger American lagers, I'll give you that, and in gas stores and some smaller grocery stores it's probably one of the best. But I'd take Coors Banquet over it.

Probably of no interest, but I've heard it's non-alcoholic variety is one of the most similar to the regular.

>> No.17084856
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Hope you're having a blast tonight m8

>> No.17084902
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star weak and work up. and by weak I mean Busch Light or Miller Lite

>> No.17084923

Many grocery stores these days let to make your own 6-pack from a selection of individualy sold bottles. I would make yourself a variety pack of a few popular beers and just see what you like.

>> No.17084934

At least one of the reasons I recommended it to a fella who wanted to try beer, but has got real sick the first time. Budweiser is cheap, easy to get, distinct but not a strong flavor. And easy drinker.

Coors is good, as is High Life.

Else, maybe a Belgian Trippel? Which, while not light is sort of smooth tasting I guess. I don't know.

>> No.17084953

Hefeweizen fresh from somewhere that brews it

>> No.17085069

This, best beer to start off, bananas and cloves in the aroma and low bitterness make for a good drink for a begginer

>> No.17085298

Hi im also a scarlet

>> No.17085899

I'll try Budweiser, but what about Bud-Lite too? I've heard it's obviously a lighter, smoother beer.

>> No.17086244

>Can says Milwaukee
I honestly can't say I've ever heard of Stag while living in Milwaukee. What is this lie?

>> No.17086255

look at craft beers/beers with flavoring in them to build up your tolerance. not a fan of beer either but i tolerate it when its given to me, my advice is to just take small drinks, don't chug it like a badass. eventually you'll build up a tolerance, everyone takes it differently

>> No.17086353

weizen is disgusting and will make you fat.
i have never seen a weizen drinker that was not an absolute unit

>> No.17086668
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>where should I start?
Get a physical job as a labourer, tradie or landscaper.
Work all week in the middle of summer.
Friday afternoon, go to the local store and buy a 24-pack of the cheapest beer they have.
Put it in the fridge until it's icy cold.
Drink it in the shower as you clean the sweat, dirt and grime off of yourself.
Turn the aircon on when you're done showering and enjoy.

>> No.17086681

i'd just try and go for a basic bitch lager. i doubt you'd enjoy ales very much if you don't really like beer.

>> No.17087017

Beyond based
>t. landscaping and snow removal worker

>> No.17087054

Steel reserve, make sure its an 8.1 batch. Get 2 40s, duct tape said 40s to each hand and go hard

>> No.17087062

I miss working with spics because they played good music, made good food, and we'd get worked hard enough to the point in which I'd be thinking about Dat Dere Shower Brew daily

>> No.17087073

How are you supposed to piss? That sounds retarded.

>> No.17087082

you get a girl to help you out in the bathroom :^)

>> No.17087085

I doubt some retard that is strapping 40s of steel reserve to his hands for no reason has a girl.

>> No.17087104

All beers make you fat
>Weizen is disgusting
I wonder what type of beer is good in your opinion then

>> No.17087118

the whole point of playing edward 40hands is to get into this particular wacky situation where you have to pee but cant because your hands are taped to these bottles and you get a drunk girl who is currently "finding herself" to help you out by aiming your wiener. did you guys not go to college or are you not american?

>> No.17087155

You sound like you're still a teenager. No one thinks you're macho for drinking 40s. Drink bottom shelf liquor like real alcoholics do and stop wasting duct tape.

>> No.17087164

Going by your intelligence level, you clearly didn't "Go" to college either.

>> No.17087165

>what type of beer is good in your opinion
i like bitter Pils with a focus on hops, not saying thats for everyone but its one of the two dominant brews in my area.
Weizen certainly lacks this freshness, dunno how to describe.
From the big box brands the closest that emulates my local brand is likely Jever, but not that bitter.

>> No.17087175

Don't jump straight into stouts or IPAs. Begin with blonde lagers or wheat beers. If you want some more mass produced starting points stay in the low countries. Stella Artois for your lager, Hoegaarden for your wheat. Branch out from there. There are beer threads here where you can find some stuff. I'd also suggest starting out at an actual restaurant and drinking draft beer, it will likely have a better overall flavor than bottled beer.

>> No.17087176

im 36 and an MD lmao you guys are just no fun

>> No.17087414

I've never liked beer that much either; I mean, I drink it sometimes but between beer and wine I'd always choose the latter

>> No.17088950


>> No.17088965

theres a difference between drinking for intoxication and drinking for flavor

>> No.17088997

any basic lager. i would recommend corona or modelo, very accessible flavor but not pisswater

>> No.17089020

Try a pilsner. It's not as in your face as some other beers.