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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17077704 No.17077704 [Reply] [Original]

What are the rules of etiquette in your country for enjoying meals, Anon? Please tell me you have them, right?

>> No.17077713

i was raised with hyper formal table manners and thought it was mainstream until sometime in university

>> No.17077715

That's only for fancy schmancy stuff like weddings, for most things if at a restaurant you just sit down and eat and to hell with pretentious stuff.

>> No.17077716

The highschool I went to had required etiquette courses. Fun times.

>> No.17077733

what the fuck kind of memery is this? Do rich people really?

>> No.17077737

What are you? Poor?

>> No.17077738

I'm normal, lol

>> No.17077744
File: 9 KB, 233x189, yankeegohome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Left hand is never on the table, you keep it on your lap unless using a fork and knife, and you can't touch it to the table, must be held aloft.
>Fork on left side of plate, spoon on right, knife on right.
>When holding fork and knife, fork goes in left hand, upside-down, knife is held in right hand.
>obviously, never speak with mouth full.
Our manners are not terribly complicated, but I remember explaining this to a yankee once and him being completely confused. He thought "table manners" were "regular manners" like not interrupting people or yelling... that's what he told me. KILL ALL YANKEES

>> No.17077752

My parents owned a pretty fancy restaurant so I learned all of this when I was a kid but being a single guy now, fuck it I'll eat over a kitchen sink not think twice about. I'm not setting a table for just myself.

>> No.17077756

left-handed brothers stay winning

>> No.17077759

Checked and peasantpilled
Checked and sountherndandypilled

>> No.17077761

No, you want the knife on your dominant hand because you can apply more force into cutting.
Switch the knife hand, buddy

>> No.17077773

Or you could work on the fine-motor control of your non-dominant hand so that you don't flounder in situations that call for the use that hand.

>> No.17077799

What if you're ambidextrous?
I think that's the best way.

>> No.17077822

What the fuck are you eating where you need to apply such force to what you’re cutting?
>t. Leftie who holds fork in the left

>> No.17077831

>Fish course
>no fish knife
stoped right there

>> No.17077848

there is a fish knife , observationlet

>> No.17077878

Thats not a soup spoon...

>> No.17077895

I mostly don't butter my fish sir.

>> No.17077975

>t.American who are trained by corporation into thinking soft, corn-fed meat is the norm

>> No.17077995

what kind of horrific fish do you eat that needs an actual cutting edge?

>> No.17078015

My boomer mom went to etiquette classes as a child and taught me this stuff. Its kind of a shame that everyone is a bum now

>> No.17078043

You only hold the fork in the left while you're cutting the food with the right.
Once you've cut the food, you set the knife down, switch the fork to the right hand, and eat the food with the fork in the RH, following the left-hand etiquette here: >>17077744

>> No.17078690

Or you could just eat the goddamn food.

>> No.17078878

the true master of etiquette breaks a rule him when he notices his guests doing it so as to not make them feel awkward

>> No.17078910

what is the difference between the seafood fork and the fish fork? Like is seafood fork for shit like shellfish?

>> No.17078996

Yankees not allowed.
>no cuisine
>no manners
>no culture

>> No.17079036

All i was saying is that the butter knife looks more like an actual fish knife for eating and such the whole presentation is a fail

>> No.17079096

this is correct

>> No.17079214

doesnt matter, i dont eat in the same room as other people

>> No.17079218

Of course. If I invite someone over for dinner and notice they don't practice basic table etiquette I make sure never to invite them again

>> No.17079235

Elbows off the table and eat with your mouth closed, super simple stuff

>> No.17079256


>> No.17079275

Napkin on the lap and don't speak with a mouth full of food

>> No.17079276

you should at the very least watch a 5 minute etiquette video tutorial so you can impress a girl's parents one day even if you think it's stupid

>> No.17079302

That's not so necessary when you're already banging her six ways to Sunday.

>> No.17079335

No. Not at all. Maybe if you're royalty or some bullshit from 100 years ago, but not anymore.

>> No.17079351

I think parent's biggest concern these days is that you don't hurt their daughter or knock her up.

>> No.17079356

huh I use a seafood fork to eat my noodles. I liked the little fork cause it forces me to eat slower.

>> No.17079374

Go above and beyond

>> No.17079432

>impress a girl's parents
unless they're slobs; then they'll think you're a no-good, pretentious snob (it's actually the other way around, but those types are too dumb to realize that)

>> No.17079566
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I get the feeling this has more to do with my ancestors killing yours than it has anything to do with table manners.

>> No.17079571

i'll be honest with you, i couldnt give one single fuck.

>> No.17079592

Discussion about table manners, yankees have no table manners, need not apply. Simple as.

>> No.17079601

Southern literacy in action I see.

>> No.17079620

Piss off rebel, your still jealous that we won.

>> No.17079644

Are there wanted posters of you on post office walls?

>> No.17079686

I was never taught any of that fancy stuff, just basic setting and manners such as no elbows on the table, chew with your mouth closed, etc. But even that is high dining compared to the slobs I see eat in restaurants today, you'd think we are regressing into savages the way some just openly cough food all over the table and make a complete mess around their plate.

>> No.17079764

I tend to think that the Golden Corral types are expected to be standard these days.

>> No.17079796

probably none set in stone, although you pick things up from your parents and what not.

lot of the typical stuff - elbows off table, chew mouth closed, fork left hand knife right hand, bring food to your mouth vs otherwise, etc.

most of these i don't necessarily follow because i can't think of good reasons for the rules to exist or why they are done.

i do try to eat politely in a way that i believe won't gross people out.

>> No.17079842

Covering mouth when you're talking with food in your mouth is about the only one that is required in my mind. Elbows off table always seemed like the most nonsensical one.

>> No.17079843

Before I came to the US for a business trip, I read about American table manners. So I cut several pieces, then used the fork with the right hand. My Seattle hosts were surprised thought it was strange. Guess it's not universal? Or were they just cultureless swines?

>> No.17079865

Smacking of the lips and making weird noises when eating is pretty annoying. The people who do that don't realize how pathetic that is.

>> No.17079875

I slurp my soup so I guess we are enemies for life.

>> No.17079879

Don't blast a good fart at the dinner table unless you want to clear the room.

>> No.17079885

Slurping soup is fine and to be expected.

>> No.17079905

Some soups come out boiling hot and slurping it is the only way to avoid burning your tounge and mouth.

>> No.17079942

No hats
No elbows on the table
Don't scrape the fork on your teeth

>> No.17079955

That is an annoying sound, the scraping of the fork on the teeth, that's kind of like scraping an old blackboard with fingernails.

>> No.17079991

Under no circumstances are you to scratch the plates with your cutlery on account of the sound it makes. I assume most etiquette is based on avoiding offensive and otherwise unexpected sounds that may ruin one's dining experience.

>> No.17079998

Never keep your hands under the table
Elbow never on the table
Never start to eat before the host if not invited to
Help others before yourself
Never take the penultimate bite
Women shant fill their glass of wine, men must oblige when relevant
It's never bad, just not at your taste
Always bring something to drink if invited
Always provide food when inviting
Etc etc, basic étiquette

>> No.17080015

I think the bringing something to drink like a bottle of wine only applies if your invited to a house and not to a restaurant.

>> No.17080018

No need to meet her parents if you're just boning her.
If she's wife material you should pay respect and not act like a jogger

>> No.17080060

Obviously, unless it's a Muslim restaurant that allows alcohol but doesnt sell

>> No.17080069

I did meet her parents and older brother on more than one occasion but it wasn't for the sake of meeting them, it just happened that way. Her girlfriends were the tough crowd.

>> No.17080263

That's interesting. Where I'm from its imperative to have your left hand on the table. If it has nothing to do you lay it on the edge of the table parallel to your upper body.

>> No.17080490
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Not really. We just have manners in Dixie. You northerners are always rude, between talking with food in your mouths, always yelling, and just being entitled cunts in general it really tubs the wrong way down South.

>> No.17080514

I got taught this stuff as part of officer training for the Army. Only really used it for formal events and on old people cruise ships for dinner.

To be honest, fancy dinners are kind of nice. I always had a reasonably good time at the fancy affairs I went to.

>> No.17081007
File: 172 KB, 1050x807, datsa_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tldr. Eat pizza and fuck all this.

>> No.17081010
File: 2.89 MB, 640x360, spicy_kraken.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer my food served live with extra cruelty. Chopsticks are the best utensil.

>> No.17081013

That's not pizza! It's a casserole!

>> No.17081030

Outside to inside, this shit is not actually hard or complicated, but it is a gigantic waste of time

>> No.17081072
File: 508 KB, 612x549, not copyrighted anymore you kikes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based yankee hater

>> No.17081131

>gigantic waste of time
But that's the whole point of it. You're eating with other people, the purpose is to have deep, lengthy talks while enjoying a variety of food.

>> No.17081155

>t.Europoor wristlet

>> No.17081166

what offset motherfucker actually exerts less force with one side over another?

>> No.17081197

>i was raised with hyper formal table manners and thought it was mainstream until sometime in university

no, that was just a kike trying to turn you into a savage.

>> No.17081227


>> No.17081240
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>> No.17081580

>special knife just for salad course
>salad knife
but why

>> No.17081719

Perhaps you want to cut a tomato or something else that's too big for you? You're not forced to use it if there's nothing to cut. And you don't want to use the same knife for different meals.

>> No.17081738

This, who the fuck uses a steak knife for fish? It's not broad enough, and it's not properly angled to split the fish with ease. Do people only eat tuna or swordfish steaks (pretty much the only fish that are easier to eat with a steak knife)?
I think it is, look at the bowl angle compared to the others. You don't eat soup with a straight spoon.

That "seafood fork" looks more like a fruit fork. Is it supposed to be for snails, but the author derped out and thought putting "escargot fork" was too pretentious?
Also, why labelling the cup as "coffee/tea", but not mentioning that the demitasse is specifically for coffee?

>> No.17082079

soup spoons are round, thats a desert spoon fo sho

>> No.17082548

Nobody really teaches this anymore (fork in right hand). I didn't even learn about it until almost 30 and I can remember scoffing at barbarians who ate only with a fork when I was like 9.

>> No.17082555
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>> No.17082560

>scraping an old blackboard with fingernails
new blackboards, however, are just fine

>> No.17082845

god tier dish but seeing it prepared is kinda gross

>> No.17082854

>Cletus typed before hitting his meth pipe on the way to Walmart

>> No.17082908

I live in Canada and most people have terrible table etiquette.
Most people chew with their mouths open or use their fingers.
I was harassed one time because I held my fork and knife continental style.

>> No.17082924

kind of weird since I remember Japanese fisherman basically perfected a way to instant kill fish to AVOID the fish from dying stressed out and thus making their meat gross and rotted. Is this because octopus meat would work differently?

>> No.17082925

Based and dixiepilled

>> No.17082944

I don't believe octopus is as delicate as fish, but stress does ruin meat typically

>> No.17082959

>Salad course knife

Why would you need a knife for salad?

>Fish course fork and a a Seafood fork


>> No.17082968

actually for really fancy dining, you are only given the settings that you require for each individual course
doing a setting as elaborate as OP is incredibly stuffy and declasse

>> No.17082984

does it have anything to do with french influence you think?

>> No.17083058

French influence only exists in Quebec.
I blame the disintegration of British values.

>> No.17083063

Make sure to not speak, and gobble everything down as fast as possible. Oh yeah if you do talk make sure to spout off nonsense about rush limbaugh or fox news. If your kid talks yell at him.

>> No.17083074

Nah, not if they are a kid fucker.

>> No.17083179

what the fuck kinda amerimutt nonsense idea of table manners is this
if i saw someone do this i would assume they were so right-hand dominant their left was effectively useless

>> No.17083188

I hear that's how germans eat, which is understandable. It makes sense for one group to say "leave the hand away" and another to say "leave the hand in a neutral position (on the table)".

>> No.17083216

That post was referencing something that is more a southern thing, far as I can tell.

>> No.17083223

manners around the world are different, who'd've thunk it.

>> No.17083351

yeah and they’re appearently especially retarded in the US lmao

>> No.17083380

This retarded bullshit is but one reason amrimutts deserve to be breed out asap.

>> No.17083407

Anon do you want to talk about something?

>> No.17083661


that comes from the rising burgeosie wanting to imitate the nobility as much as possible.
So everythign was done in an ostentantious manner, especially when guests were present.

>ohhh loook I have ten forks Im just like a Count

You sometimes had ridiculous dinner sets kept arouond in impoverished families for taht reason. Thats why selling the silverware is considered a last resort.
Its no longer like that, as actually rich people dont need to show thhat off, and the burgeoisie has developed other means of showing off, like putting unread books into their shelf to appear educated.

>> No.17083705

That style of hand-switching thing was only really popular for a brief period at the end of the 19th century, and had almost entirely died out by the mid 20th century.

>> No.17083819

American entertainment

>> No.17083867

Seeing Chinese people eat really pisses me off

>> No.17083881

Probably all the Chinks

>> No.17083939

It's still around though, just in the south (where the population hasn't been replaced by foreignors and carpetbaggers)

>> No.17084060

how autistic are the french really

>> No.17084215

>deserve to be breed out

>> No.17085234

based proper anon

>> No.17085238


>> No.17085302

So are there any decent sources or books on etiquette?

>> No.17085461
File: 27 KB, 799x599, 1582795701894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like scraping an old blackboard with fingernails
This metaphor will completely disappear from the collective conscious soon.

>> No.17085474

Probably a subhuman Korean's dish.