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17077473 No.17077473 [Reply] [Original]

Made your American recipe called Buffalo sauce. It just tasted salty. Are there other shitty foods your country makes out with clever names are good when actually they are shit?

>> No.17077478

Are you a retard?

>> No.17077482

Nah we just have buffalo sauce, so you'll just have to settle on that, and the foreign aid we waste on your shithole.

>> No.17077497

Foreign aid to the UK?. Yeah ok…

>> No.17077502

Butter, garlic, hot sauce. I didn’t think it was possible to take 3 great ingredients and negate their taste. But you burgers managed it..uhh well done?

>> No.17077505

Nah you didn't make it, and if you did you made it wrong

>> No.17077509

maybe try balogna sandwiches next

>> No.17077518
File: 456 KB, 320x135, delicious tears.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it just tasted salty
so do your tears

>> No.17077524

How the fuck could anyone fuck up those 3 ingredients combined in a pan? Just admit it’s a shit sauce and let move on.

>> No.17077527

What hot sauce did you use and what was the hot sauce to butter ratio?

>> No.17077538

Also a late entry as no one else wants to confess their sins.

Fucking grilled cheese.
>not even cheese
>It’s actually fried not grilled
>tastes of goo and clingy to your mouth. Shit tier and again you yanks make a big thing if it when the UK makes proper grilled cheese with actual cheese and actually grilled which works well with ham cause the stuff is actually cooked and not just melted fake cheese goo.

Inb4 Ramsey’s grilled cheese midlife crisis.

>> No.17077544

Shut up dude. I used your American franks hot sauce which most recipes online mention. Don’t try to wriggle out of this. It’s a shit sauce…accept it.

>> No.17077594

>assume im american
It was just a question settle down. But based on how defensive you are its obvious you just fucked it up.

>only used franks/butter/garlic.

>> No.17077596

Buffalo sauce is only salty if you fuck it up. Its actually really good with tendies, wings, etc or mixxed with ranch

Franks is like a topping you put on top of mac and cheese or something. Its nowhere near as thick as like a thick or creamy buffalo sauce, which has the consistency of ketchup.

Anyway to answer your question
>Hush Puppies
>Pigs in a Blanket
>Banana Split
>jerk chicken
>Jambalaya (I make a good one I can post a recipe for if you don't want to be an ass, its a cajun dish (Louisiana))

>> No.17077610
File: 89 KB, 1059x591, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. It's happened before and it will happen again.

>> No.17077615


>Buffalo sauce
>Named after the city where Buffalo wings were invented

God I hate ethnics

>> No.17077629

I mean Franks is the most popular brand for hot sauce.

>> No.17077631

There are 3 countries that have real militaries: USA, Russia, and the PRC. Those three send foreign aid to their allies in exchange for setting up military bases in those countries. The US also sends foreign aid to Germany and Italy.

>> No.17077650

By the way britanon, American government gets to use .gov but yours does not. Because we invented the internet and it is ours. We let you use it though, iou can have ".uk" addresses lmao

>> No.17077655

franks, butter, garlic powder is a good recipe for buffalo sauce, not sure how OP made it come out salty unless he also added salt or something

>> No.17077657 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 656x679, 1638308076529.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up queer

>> No.17077661

Yep. The US virtually rebuilt the entire world. It's the biggest source for the international inferiority complex.

>> No.17077662

Frank's is the shit on diner tables that you put on eggs, no one uses it for anything at home because it's shit for most applications, it just tastes like vinegar.

>> No.17077675

>imagine being this obsessed with another country
I fucking hate Ameriboos.

>> No.17077758

>your country makes out with clever names are good when actually they are shit?
Has anyone ever been so far as even what to do look more like?

>> No.17077826

This sounds like a cope post, but I'm not sure.

>> No.17077834

Makes homemade Buffalo sauce using franks

Says all Americans are shit

I DARE OP to eat a Buffalo chicken slider from Arbys and tell me it’s shit

>> No.17077883

Why do you even care what a dumb yurocumshot thinks anyway? That's like being worried whether the mouse is judging you for baiting the trap with the cheapest cheese you can find.

>> No.17077896

Good point

I guess I just want Liam to experience epic Buffalo chicken

>> No.17077900

Buffalo sauce doesn't taste like salt unless you fucked it up. Literally how do you fuck up such a simple recipe, OP?

>> No.17077905

>i did a shit job at making your food
>why does your food taste like shit??

>> No.17077912


>Make toast and slather it with butter and baked beans
It's not bad, but is this really the height of bongoloid cuisine?

>> No.17078117

If all you tasted was salt, you fucked up, Nigel.

A buffalo sauce should be thick, glossy, vinegary, with a nose stinging cayenne aroma that coats your nose and makes you salivate as it is cooking, with a delicious buttery flavor that cuts through the heat and acid.

>> No.17078133

sounds like you added too much salt. you might get this 30 second recipe right next time, yuropoor.

>> No.17078144

I don’t like Buffalo that much. Hot sauce is a meme for poor people who buy shit food. Maybe you’re just poor and can’t buy quality ingredients?

>> No.17078335

Salty isn't even one of the primary flavors of the sauce from buffalo. How did you fuck this up this bad?

>> No.17078375

>live in 3rd world shithole
>salted butter is still made with tons of salt because lack of refrigeration and to mask the poor quality of the butter
>follows a recipe calling for 1st world salted butter
>dish now has way too much salt

>> No.17078416

Retard probably used salted butter

>> No.17078426

is this the europoor cope thread? imagine fucking up buffalo sauce lmao

>> No.17078506

Traditional Buffalo sauce is about equal parts unsalted butter and Franks red hot. I do 1 cup Frank's to 1/2 cup unsalted butter, a tsp cayenne, a tablespoon of tabasco, and a tsp of garlic powder. It never comes out salty.

>> No.17078511

Frank's and butter tasted salty? I don't like how much vinegar is in it but never had a problem with the salt. Even the butter gets a bit much after 10+ wings.

>> No.17078539

4th world animals always bastardize American food. In the USA, we make your shitty dishes taste better. Eat my shit and die, you 4th world street animal.

>> No.17078590

Holy shit, there's a 4th world now?

>> No.17078762

40 replies in and still no decent recipe for Frank's sauce. What the fuck. You guys just open a tin of this, add a can of that and clap. That's cooking in the USA.

>> No.17078765

you're the one who fucking did it, you tell me.

>> No.17078778

If I want buffalo sauce I just buy a bottle of it from the store. True of any sauce, really, why would I make it from scratch? My grocery store literally has a 100 foot long aisle with shelves containing nothing but different types of sauce in bottles.

>> No.17078785

Why would you need a recipe for franks? its a premade sauce that you use as an ingredient. Do you want a recipe for butter too?

>> No.17078814

>You guys just open a tin of this, add a can of tha

Which has already been demonstrated to be above your skill level. Any recipes given thst are more complicated than that would be clearly wasted.

>> No.17079549
File: 41 KB, 307x500, 3345C57C-3F67-41C0-A731-B02FD6465DD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re first mistake was using Frank’s. Also most people don’t make Buffalo sauce at home, you just buy a brand you like at the store, I’m sure you can find a well rated one on Amazon. I use pic rel when I make wings

>> No.17079569

What's clever about the name? It just comes from Buffalo, NY.

>> No.17079648

>hot sauce
If it's salty it's because YOU fucked it up dumbass lmao

>> No.17079660

>Also most people don’t make Buffalo sauce at home
bullshit nigger it's literally just butter and hot sauce, if you don't make your own with your favorite sauces you're a crab

>> No.17079711
File: 558 KB, 1200x1600, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buffalo sauce is a condiment purchased in a bottle, not a recipe to be made. Very few people make sauces like that from scratch, usually the people making their own sauces are into specialty shit like growing their own peppers as well.

>> No.17079729

I made buffalo sauce and it tasted vinegary to me

>> No.17079736

buffalo sauce is just hot sauce mixed with butter man it's not some specially recipe

>> No.17079762

But buffalo sauce is literally sold on the shelf next to the other hot sauces. Why would you go to the store and buy hot sauce with the intent to mix butter into it when you could go to the store and just buy the pre-made buffalo sauce on the same shelf and save a preparation step?

>> No.17079810

branding and ignorance, like 90% of dumb shit people buy really.
to be fair some of those premade buffalo sauces are pretty good. some people just use buffalo sauce in place of hot sauce for everything, they might not even care that it's 'buffalo' sauce

>> No.17079815

Not him, but:
- I always have the base ingredients around
- I use two different hot sauces depending on the dish/mood, and neither come prepackaged as buffalo sauce
- I like differing amounts of butter, with or without garlic powder, depending on what I'm dipping/coating
- The only caveat is a small dirty and >5min prep time from start

>> No.17079820

>Why would you go to the store and buy hot sauce with the intent to mix butter into it when you could go to the store and just buy the pre-made buffalo sauce on the same shelf and save a preparation step?
because hot sauce and buffalo sauce aren't the same thing. i don't want buffalo sauce every time i want hot sauce but if i have hot sauce i can make buffalo sauce whenever i want

>> No.17079826

it's literally just hot sauce and butter dumbass. two ingredients a pot and some heat. thats it. and it has the advantage that you can make it hotter or milder as you like
i swear this fucking board sometimes

>> No.17079830

And somehow you still fucked it up.

>> No.17079837

Maybe I'm just a weirdo because I rarely have regular hot sauce around but I always keep buffalo sauce on hand.

>> No.17080426

What? You just don't have a reason to have hot sauce on hand besides buffalo sauce, so there's no reason to not just buy it. It's just a practical difference based on unexceptional preferences.
If you didn't act like it is somehow wrong to not buy it premade there wouldn't be an argument.

>> No.17080623

>Historically, only U.S. federal government agencies were allowed to register a .gov domain. In May 2002, GSA proposed a change that would open registration to state, local, and tribal governments in the U.S.,[11] a change that went into effect in March 2003.[12]
Does this mean injuns can use .gov but the queen can't? Bros...

>> No.17080632

more like .yuk lmao

>> No.17080778

My stance was mostly a reaction to people insisting that it makes no sense to buy it pre-made and it just created a positive feedback loop of argumentation.

>> No.17080908

Yeah, fair

>> No.17081190
File: 111 KB, 731x1015, send-a-gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, and I'm still mad at you for unceremoniously dumping all the guns we gave you in the ocean. Those guns deserved better

>> No.17081279

Garbage plate.

>> No.17081309

Only a eurofag would be retarded enough to fuck up buffalo sauce lol

>> No.17081343

Pre-made buffalo sauce isn't the same since the fat is generally some type of vegetable oil instead of butter.

>> No.17081354

i can't get my homemade to thicken up enough, do i just need to reduce it longer

>> No.17081362

If you want it thick I would add some cornstarch.

>> No.17081383

not necessarily thick just a little thicker then straight Franks hot sauce
i guess a little cornstarch would help it stick to my chicken better

>> No.17081398

Yeah, I get you, thick buffalo to me means that it beads up and sticks vs thin which is like water.
You could also try using clarified butter.

>> No.17082206

As the OP of this thread my conclusion is a lot of American food is shit and Americans are defensive as fuck about their low grade consumer shit that kills them. Darwin Award truly deserved by an entire nation.

>> No.17082221

Good show old boy.