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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 84 KB, 1300x1004, 17141443-close-up-image-of-crunchy-taco-shell-against-white-background.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17067541 No.17067541 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.17067544

Cry more Paco, these are the superior form of corn tortilla. Beats the soft m*xican ones that taste like dirt and weed.

>> No.17067567

a bended tostada? do jewmericans really????
>tortillas taste like weed and dirt
have you ever had actual home made tortillas? i doubt it since americans only eat things that came from a factory

>> No.17067578

I love how ESLs sound completely retarded without even knowing it.

>> No.17067592
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>> No.17067595
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>> No.17067596

Why do native latinxes get so mad at this?

>> No.17067610
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Ok i accept my retardation I'm crying right now are you happy now putos?

>> No.17067617

Silly anon, it's *bent*

>> No.17067623

SORRY is 6:24 am here and i have brain damage :((

>> No.17067625

why are ESL's so damn embarrassing

>> No.17067626
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We aren't done with you yet fren.

>> No.17067629

>> latinxes
>> native

pick one. The only "latinxes" are washed out gender- and other social justice college students.

>> No.17067633

your english is good, fren, pay them no mind. they are just mad because their abuela never made them fresh tortillas with masa. pity them in their bitter anger

>> No.17067636

Ohhhhhhhhhhh, we're not letting you off the hook that easily, Paco.

>> No.17067651

Do you know another language besides English? if yes keep making fun of me,if not then fuck off
What are you going to do to me fren??
yeah that makes sense lol
A-anon please noooo

>> No.17067656

>ESL cope

>> No.17067661

You sound very young and also new to this site. Your posts don't come off as natural. Get the fuck out of here, spic.

>> No.17067679

Dude. You don't have to bring race into this.

>> No.17067682

yo pedro lemme get a chimichanga with the sour cream and guac on the side thanks

>> No.17067684

I've been here since i was 14 (so 8 years) seethe more grandpa

>> No.17067687

Ialmost sure chimichangas are not even "real" mexican food more like Mexican-American iirc but i might be wrong??

>> No.17067691

I'm almost sure *

>> No.17067700

No hablo español, señor.

>> No.17067705

Based oldfag mootxican. Funny watching kids ape out at a simple brainfart.

>> No.17067707

After you report me, go back to R3ddit.
People like you aren't what 4chan is about.

>> No.17067711

pedro what the fuck are you talking about lemme talk to your manager

>> No.17067723

He can be dumb because he's uneducated, but he isn't inherently dumb BECAUSE he's Mexican..

>> No.17067736

The exception doesn't make the rule.

>> No.17067740

>but he isn't inherently dumb BECAUSE he's Mexican..

>> No.17067742 [DELETED] 


>> No.17067757

Seeing this kind of white chimp-out I'm tempted to start believing in Critical Race Theory.

>> No.17067766

imagine the smell

>> No.17067771


education never made anybody more intelligent. it just makes stupid people be stupid at higher speeds.

>> No.17067774

For a group that claims to "FUCKING LOVE SCIENCE!" it's ironic whenever you claim race is a social construct...

>> No.17067812

and deny genetics affect brain structure and performance.

And yet seeing the continued autistic screeching about one brainfart typo makes you wonder "Did the evolution of the white man take a wrong turn somewhere?"

>> No.17067814

Like I said, very young.

>> No.17067820

stick them in the oven for like 10 minutes and they shatter into small pieces instead of large pieces.

>> No.17067822

If race or genetics doesn't affect your brain then what does? Nothing, we're all equal?

Surely at some point you must notice reality is not on your side.

>> No.17067832

>factories are... LE BAD
we live in a society

>> No.17067861

>white people laugh at silly thing
>this is a sign that we "evolved wrong"

The stick up your ass is not a virtue, my racist friend.

>> No.17067868

Hah. Sure, that is true. The big question remains *how* it affects it.

Neanderthals were supposedly more intelligent than homo sapiens of the same time period - and yet they went extinct while homo sapiens thrived. And seeing how self-destructive the supposed "elites" of the society are, and how jobs that require the brightest of the brightest are instead settled according to skin melamin content instead (executive decisions to establish this hiring process made by white people) makes one wonder...

>> No.17067871

>ESL having a meltdown

>> No.17067961

Neanderthals didn't have an evolved larynx to communicate well, that is why they fell. Doesn't matter how smart they were. Whatever analogy you were trying to make here doesn't work.

You think hiring processes prefer whites? Not anymore, not for a long time... you literally have quotas to hire POC's and women. If you can't get ahead in life it's your own fault or genetics. Time to stop blaming "wypipo"... they're the reason you exist in the first place.

>> No.17067999

>.You think hiring processes prefer whites?

No. Straight opposite. The hiring process, instead of preferring the best-performing candidate for the position while remaining "color-blind", explicitly prefers "minorities" treating performance/skill/ability as a secondary factor after skin color, gender, sexual orientation. It's literally more important at FAA that you are a black woman than that you are good at guiding planes to a safe landing.

And it was whites who chose this approach to hiring. Suicidal.

>> No.17068011

I feel bad for you, you're like a pig eating shit because you don't know any better.

>> No.17068194

>And it was white women who chose this approach to hiring. Suicidal.


>> No.17068195

kek, pigs do eat shit, some Germans as well

>> No.17068246

Not arguing with that. Although white men let them through the door.

>> No.17068256

these tacos are basically made from dirt

>> No.17068274

Hard tacos are the best thing Mexicans have contributed to cuisine. Love them

>> No.17068281

I mean this is 4chan, so wasn't it really the jews subverting the white race?
I s'pose it was still the White Males that let them do it though.

>> No.17068286

Supposedly, Russians subverting USA. Then USSR fell before the plan bore fruit and now it's out of control.
Look up Bezmenov interview.

>> No.17068310

I like my dick hard and my tacos soft. Simple as

>> No.17068316

because people insist on using them even though they shatter

>> No.17068322

They shatter? Are you trying to eat them while in a buggy riding on the Oregon trail? Just sit the fuck down and eat the taco. Never had them “shatter” and I only eat hard tacos.

>> No.17069248

Great thread bros

>> No.17069284
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>> No.17069446

tacos are less distinguised burgers for poor people countries

>> No.17070431

Aren't hard tacos an American thing

>> No.17070437
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How the fuck do you even eat a taco?

>> No.17071289


>> No.17071300

You can fry soft tacos and get hard shell tacos that are better. You can even put the meat in them first and then fry them. It's great. I see a lot of different names for those ones here, but they're great.

>> No.17071460

burgers are distinguished tortas for poor people countries

>> No.17071471

You don't, they're a display piece.

>> No.17071472

taco bell tacos are just folded tostadas. nothing special or new

>> No.17071485

*bended tostadas

>> No.17071488
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tacos are just mexican hot dogs

>> No.17071752

Chilango asqueroso.

>> No.17071858


>> No.17071877

The trick is to place your meat and cheese or whatever else inside, then heat the entire thing in the oven. This way the shell gets heated and steamed from the inside by the meat, thereby becoming more pliable and less likely to shatter all at once.

>> No.17072013

>8 years
kekkeronies my retarded brown friend

>> No.17072271
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I think the hard shells are better when you have enough salad and sour cream in them, but when it's predominantly meat sauce and cheese the soft tortillas are the superior choice.

>> No.17072351

Just eat a fucking burrito

>> No.17072367

the flavor and texture is just flat out inferior to soft tacos

>> No.17072418
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>> No.17073375

I eat hard tacos because I'm a hard guy.
You eat soft tacos because, well, You're soft.
Now callate and gtfo my barro, hijo de puta. Or tu madre is gonna choke on mi cajones.

>> No.17074873

Love and hope and sex and dreams
Are still surviving on the street
Look at me, I'm in tatters!
I'm a