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17064611 No.17064611 [Reply] [Original]

>paper straws

>> No.17064613

Hahahaha imagine being cucked that much by the globalhomo.

>> No.17064614

>butch dike speaks nothing but social justice but refuses to hear anything that doesn’t fit her narrative and supports groping male coworkers.
Have fun on welfare trick.

>> No.17064615

I snort with recycled plastic.

>> No.17064635

They suck.
For real! Metal straws are good though, I had one in a mint julep once.

>> No.17064646

>Using straws at all
They're fucking useless just drink out of the cup. And no, you don't need a 48oz soda in the car you fat shit.

>> No.17064654 [DELETED] 


>> No.17064655

The ones we have in Australia are fine. I left one sitting in a McDonald's drink all day in my car and the bottom tip was still good. American businesses probably just cheap out too much.

>> No.17064657


>> No.17064673

Gotta combat my cte from fighting the police puss.

>> No.17064707

>two countries somehow producing more physical plastic waste than the entire rest of the planet combined
>they both refuse to stop
>I have to use paper fucking straws as a result because our faggot politicians would rather inconvenience us than tell said countries to fuck off

>> No.17064713

Imagine being arnold schwarzanegger in that scene with jamie lee curtis.

>> No.17064801


>> No.17066177

how fucking slowly do you chumps drink things
I have never had any issues with paper straws

>> No.17067168

paper straws were the norm up till the 70's. plastic straws came out around those decades you probably think everything went to shit

>> No.17067205

must be a c*lifornian thing

>> No.17067210

>t. cucked faggot

>> No.17067219

They're American. Their retailers cut corners the way Chinese manufacturers do. No doubt they won't pay to provide customers with paper straws thicker than toilet paper.

>> No.17067229

all the bars around me switched to bamboo straws, fine for the environment while retaining structural integrity

>> No.17067234

Just don't live in California you faggot

>> No.17068914

honestly fuck paper straws. i'd rather they just give me no straw at all. fucking stupid

>> No.17068918

You're not special, polcuck loser. Kys this christmas and maybe your parents will know peace before they die.

>> No.17069580

I went to a restaurant a couple weeks ago and got a paper straw for the first time, and it was fine. The waitress probably filled my water glass 3-4 times over the course of a 2 hour meal and it never went limp. What's your problem with them?