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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17057370 No.17057370 [Reply] [Original]

What’s /ck/‘a favorite sandwich bread? I’m a Portuguese roll guy myself

>> No.17057477
File: 206 KB, 1500x1500, white bred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gotta be classic plain white bread for me, chief.

>> No.17057484
File: 105 KB, 1024x1024, choujuku-pan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on the sandwich, really. but i've been going more and more towards shokupan and its derivatives. pic rel, choujuku pan that i have used for sandwiches recently

>> No.17057565

homemade white bread

>> No.17057670
File: 194 KB, 1000x667, black-russian-rye-bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Russian Rye from my local baker makes godlike sandwiches.

>> No.17057674

Cubano roll is king

>> No.17057711
File: 31 KB, 600x600, brownberry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this stuff is good if you're in ameriland with no bakerys around like me.

>> No.17057795

french baguette.

>> No.17057858

Tiger bread

>> No.17058019
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>> No.17058021

rye or ciabatta

>> No.17059074
File: 111 KB, 499x665, IMG_20211121_163040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah man. I like my rye a bit more course though. Pic related.

>> No.17059304

for me, its a kaiser roll. bready, decent texture, thick enough to handle hot meat and condiments

>> No.17059315

rye or pumpernickle

>> No.17059505


>> No.17059532

Bollio rolls

>> No.17059792

I love me a chewy ciabatta

>> No.17059797

Are you by any chance aroused by the thought of "rich bitch" cartoon characters engaging in mass deforestation?

>> No.17061302

pretzel bun

>> No.17061748

>Portuguese roll
Based. I haven't had them in years since my grandparents died, and every time I go to the Portuguese store they're out. I love that they're close to the sourdough, but with a texture that doesn't tire your jaw out halfway through eating one.

Funny story, my aunt was talking about finding a recipe online and the comments were all like "is the amount of flour correct? It makes like four times as much as I need", and on the coffee table was a little yellow Portuguese cookbook we had, I opened it up and the recipe for rolls calls for 5 pounds of flour, makes 50 rolls. I laughed my ass off.

>> No.17061866

No, but I like Betty Boop.

>> No.17061874

tiger bread for me hoss

>> No.17061885

I like any bread that has a good solid crust that crunches when I bite into it, think baguettes n shit like that. I generally don't like packaged loaf style breads like wonderbread etc with only a few exceptions.

>> No.17061994

I love that stuff at Outback!

>> No.17062003

Depends on the meat. My go to is roast beef and cheddar on sourdough bread.

>> No.17062635

>i like the Japanese bread because its been perfected by traditional Japanese bakers to be more cultured than western bread. I can feel the Japanese craftsmanship of Japanese flour in each Japanese slice, like a finely honed Japanese katana (I also like to imagine they were sliced with a Japanese katana uugu). I hope that one day I'll be able to travel to Japan to appreciate their refined culture of crafting Japanese flour into Japanese bread in person, in Japan.
Just eat regular bread, fag.
Better yet, make your own, it's easy and fun.

>> No.17062862


>> No.17062931

>Freshness guaranteed
>Wrapped in plastic
It's the little things

>> No.17062947

It’s okay, you’re not the wonderbread guy (I hope)

>> No.17063894
