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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 68 KB, 698x382, bacon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17056258 No.17056258 [Reply] [Original]

>Comes from the swine, a filthy animal
>Loaded with sodium, which is known to increase blood pressure
>Tons of saturated fat, which is known to increase LDL and risk of heart disease
>Stinks up your house while cooking
>Renders lots of fat which is a pain to discard
Why even bother?

>> No.17056262

I have more respect for pigs than people from certain parts of the world

>> No.17056265

Tastes good

>> No.17056267

tastes good
>Renders lots of fat which is a pain to discard
literally just put it in the compost with all of your other food waste?

>> No.17056268

>discarding the fat
Imagine being so gay.

>> No.17056272

Pigs cannibalize each other and eat their own filth with regularity

>> No.17056290

yeah i bet Shlomo

>> No.17056291

So do the indians and africans :/

>> No.17056302

I'm so fresh so clean and got low blood pressure. Got to balance that out.

>> No.17056311

because its bacon

>> No.17056315

>a filthy animal

Get ouf of here Rashid and go fuck your goat.

>> No.17056317

Are you saying you eat dead Africans?!

>> No.17056321
File: 1.70 MB, 1878x1187, F2259A32-DF8A-4B42-8D05-2739B1F1C101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds familiar

>> No.17056390

I'd let a pig sit on my sofa, which is more than I could say about you

>> No.17056503

>(((>Comes from the swine, a filthy animal)))

>> No.17056627

>saturated fat, which is known to increase LDL and risk of heart disease
This is false and has been disproven by every clinical trial testing it. Low fat diets make heart disease and diabetes worse

>> No.17056649

can you imagine the shame of your ancestors reading this post? if they knew their descendant was going to be a massive faggot they would have honorably killed themselves

>> No.17056650
File: 670 KB, 1064x1374, Screenshot_20211127-142215_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you guys eat bacon from a toilet pig?

>> No.17056675

>sodium bad
unironically have sex

>> No.17056679

I can't I'm bloated from all this sodium.

>> No.17056687

It's the only bacon I allow in my house.

>> No.17056702

>toilet pig
absolutely haram

>> No.17056773

>A significant reduction in CVD risk can be achieved if SFAs are replaced by unsaturated fats, especially polyunsaturated fatty acids.
If you're interested, I can find you 5 more reviews that say the same thing

>> No.17056784

Pigs are smarter than dogs

>> No.17056833

is it bad to use bacon grease instead of cheap bottles of 'vegtable oil' or 'canola oil'?

my roommates cook a lot of bacon and i use the grease they leave behind.

im getting older and less active, and finding im not burning off the massive amounts of food that i am used to eating.

>> No.17056847

I would definitely choose animal fat over seed oil

>> No.17056851


>> No.17056932

Ok schlomo.

>> No.17057211

>Comes from the swine, a filthy animal
The most retarded argument I've ever heard. OP is a fucking cretin.

>> No.17057216

A quick way to death.

>> No.17057457

Plenty of reviews also conclude the opposite
>“Taken together, the evidence from both cohort studies and randomized trials does not support the assertion that further restriction of dietary saturated fat will reduce clinical [cardiovascular] events.”

“Whole-fat dairy, unprocessed meat, eggs and dark chocolate are SFA[saturated-fatty acid]-rich foods with a complex matrix that are not associated with increased risk of CVD. The totality of available evidence does not support further limiting the intake of such foods.”

“…dietary effects on CVD risk may not be reliably reflected by changes in LDL-cholesterol levels...”

“…the amount of circulating SFAs [saturated fatty acids] in blood is not related to saturated fat intake from the diet but instead tends to track more closely with dietary carbohydrate intake”

>> No.17057462

Humans have consumed animal fat for millions of years and the epidemic of heart disease is only about a century old

>> No.17057466

>the epidemic of heart disease is only about a century old
No it's not

>> No.17057471

yes it is. Before ~1900 cvd was incredibly rare

>> No.17057508

coincidentally, or maybe not, this is when vegetable oils hit the market. Cigarette usage was also starting to shoot up around WW1.

>> No.17057526

It's perfectly fine, unless it's some nasty bacon pumped full of additives. You could even put the melted fat into a cup for later if you don't cook something after/at the same time as the bacon.

>> No.17057603

Historically? Because pigs were the cheapest animal to raise to slaughter weight. Their cured meat would then keep well. Both these factors made pig the go-to protein source for the poor.

>> No.17057629

Industrial scale cigarette production didnt exist until the later 1800s but tobacco was mainstream in most of the world at least 200 years prior to that

>> No.17057644

>Vincent: Want some bacon?
>Jules: No man, I don't eat pork.
>Vincent: Are you Jewish?
>Jules: Nah, I ain't Jewish, I just don't dig on swine, that's all.
>Vincent: Why not?
>Jules: Pigs are filthy animals. I don't eat filthy animals.
>Vincent: Bacon tastes good. Pork chops taste good.
>Jules: Hey, sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie, but I'd never know 'cause I wouldn't eat the filthy motherfucker. Pigs sleep and root in shit. That's a filthy animal. I ain't eat nothin' that ain't got enough sense enough to disregard its own feces.
>Vincent: How about a dog? Dogs eats its own feces.
>Jules: I don't eat dog either.
>Vincent: Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal?
>Jules: I wouldn't go so far as to call a dog filthy but they're definitely dirty. But, a dog's got personality. Personality goes a long way.
>Vincent: Ah, so by that rationale, if a pig had a better personality, he would cease to be a filthy animal. Is that true?
>Jules: Well we'd have to be talkin' about one charmin' motherfuckin' pig. I mean he'd have to be ten times more charmin' than that Arnold on Green Acres, you know what I'm sayin'?

>> No.17057651

I remember thinking Quentin Tarantino's movies were cool too

>> No.17057682

Which implies you still strive to do what's cool, making you a total faggot

>> No.17057714

>This is false and has been disproven by every clinical trial testing it
Here's 400 studies of the strictest kind that prove it

>> No.17057716

And then you read the individual studies used and realize most of them still support saturated fat increasing heart disease risk

>> No.17057725

It just means I'm not 13 anymore

>> No.17057726

>just watch this youtube video I swear

>> No.17057727
File: 1.29 MB, 1024x1024, CheersAnon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok Goldstein, more for me

>> No.17057732

>>Renders lots of fat which is a pain to discard

That's why you don't discard it, you save it.

>> No.17057738

Your first thought was Goldstein and not Abdul? There are over 1 billion Muslims on Earth.

>> No.17057741

that's a fucking movie and none of that makes sense in real life.
pigs don't "sleep and root in shit," they roll around in mud to cool off. not feces, mud.
they're no more dirty than chickens, or cows, or anything else that Americans regularly consume.
furthermore, it's not like the meat isn't cleaned in the process of preparing it beforehand. it also gets cooked. it doesn't go straight from the field to the butcher block to your mouth.
ironically, you see significantly more disease from things like salad because it's 1) not cooked, 2) doesn't get washed thoroughly enough, and 3) has the potential for a lot of cross-contamination in the harvesting and packaging process

>> No.17057743

Jews shill harder on here than the goat fuckers.

>> No.17057754
File: 115 KB, 500x701, D369C2E0-F826-4212-8EC8-45DABF829E0D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17057789

Kys tranny

>> No.17057793
File: 58 KB, 520x423, main-qimg-d8aa5286fe86a254b13cb6c497364527-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never heard of a toilet chicken or a toilet cow

>> No.17057798

are you some kinda turbo retard? you pour off most of it to save for later and use the remaining to cook your eggs or whatever other shit you're making you retard.

>> No.17057809

salad carries diseases cuz the filthy infected workers go doody in the field

>> No.17057829

>Comes from the swine, a filthy animal
Do you get your bacon from pigs that feed on shit and other parasite-ridden feed?
>Loaded with sodium, which is known to increase blood pressure
Not a problem unless you have specific pre-existing health conditions.
>Tons of saturated fat, which is known to increase LDL and risk of heart disease
Fats increase your HDL more than your LDL. LDL is not bad. There is no proven causation of heart disease, there has never been.
That's your body odor fighting with the small of other things
>Renders lots of fat which is a pain to discard
Straining into a glass or ceramic container is easy. If you're not reusing the rendered fat you're simply being ignorantly wasteful.
>Why even bother?
The actual question is, why are you retarded?

>> No.17057859

They really don't. I should know, I pretend to be Jewish just to make people seethe, it's pretty funny.

>> No.17057941

for me its center thick cut

>> No.17057955

Lol funny that you make a list of retarded points that you think are negatives and forget to mention that it contains nitrates and when cooked at high temperature those nitrates turn into N-nitrosamines which is carcinogenic
But no, high sodium and saturated fats are bad guys!

>> No.17057968

So of I cook it at low temp I'm good to go?

>> No.17057997

>Fats increase your HDL more than your LDL.
Does nothing
>LDL is not bad. There is no proven causation of heart disease, there has never been.

>> No.17058133

Pig toilets (and fishpond toilets) do not exist outside of China and Vietnam.

>> No.17058142

India has them

>> No.17058144

Ok, they don't exist outside of literal shitholes akin to China, Vietnam and India (apparently).

>> No.17058211

yeah the monkey king countries

>> No.17058231

Still, pigs eat shit anytime they get a chance.
Used to work on a farm. The pigs would eat anything they came across including cat shit, the most vile of the animal shits

>> No.17059026

what is moderation?

>> No.17059060

>throwing study-links at each other like it’s a fucking Yu-Gi-Oh duel
I don’t believe for one minute you faggots read anything other than the abstract and conclusion at most.

>> No.17059063

I read the part that confirms by beliefs and ignore the rest

>> No.17059736

Some research is better than others. When in doubt, err on the side of consensus.
First paper was 400 metabolic ward experiments spanning multiple decades showing that saturated fats have an obvious effect on LDL cholesterol. Further research has explained this on the molecular level.
Second link is a statement by a council of Europe's best scientists in the field piecing together many lines of evidence that they accept altogether as being compelling enough to say definitively that LDL isn't merely associated with heart disease but in fact causes it. The most damning to me is genetic studies, where just by having genes that increase LDL cholesterol, you can have 2-20x the risk of developing heart disease regardless of other factors. It's not an argument anymore.

>> No.17059742

If you think a pig is filthy, wait till you see a chicken.

>> No.17059794
File: 31 KB, 400x400, 7CE20E43-83B5-45A6-978B-E22FFE7860BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being compelling enough to say definitively that LDL isn't merely associated with heart disease but in fact causes it.
This is false. You’re a faggot and likely a virgin. Go outside

>> No.17059833

You have to accept it eventually, man. Better now than on the operating table.

>> No.17059998

>>Loaded with sodium, which is known to increase blood pressure
>>Tons of saturated fat, which is known to increase LDL and risk of heart disease
Both of these are false. Kill yourself. Go drown yourself in your vegetable oil you retard.

>> No.17060073

Go for more walks, mate. Please try and keep your body and joints moving. You're not needing to be dead so early. But the pig fat will be OK for you. Try and strain it through a paper towel into a jar and keep it in your fridge :)

>> No.17060082

I cook bacon so I can use the grease to make beans

>> No.17060105

I'm compelled by the notion that if you're exercising hard and converting most of the lipids that you're ingesting through diet into sex hormones, you probably don't have to worry about heart disease. Especially if you aren't obese in any sense to begin with. Most of those studies don't control for subject activity levels or even more importantly, subject overall hormone blood panels.

It really is hard to argue that heart diseases of any kind were a major issue in history before the advent of processed and refined lipids, sedentary jobs, and overall poor food quality.

I'm going to keep eating high animal fat content foods with minimal processing, and I'm going to keep an eye on my health. I'll tag back with you guys in 30 years.

>> No.17060113

Yep, just like every other food. Slow and low-cooked meats will be best for you overall.

>> No.17060141

Also, it appears that much of the 'heart disease' deaths pre-20th century had to do with valvular defect issues. High lead exposure and environmental toxin issues during pregnancy.

>> No.17060150

>Comes from the swine, a filthy animal
false statement. pigs are only as "filthy" as you keep them. the issue is with wild pigs that pick up parasites because they eat anything. not an issue with modern farm raised pigs.
>Loaded with sodium, which is known to increase blood pressure
also incorrect. a conjecture from a French Dr. 400 years ago about a false correlation between salt intake and heart disease. no one has ever done an actual double blind study taking in other factors.
>Tons of saturated fat, which is known to increase LDL and risk of heart disease
incorrect no correlation between cholesterol in the food you eat and your blood stream.
>Stinks up your house while cooking
wrong smells of heaven
>Renders lots of fat which is a pain to discard
all parts are edible and bacon fat is shelf stable I use it every day to cook eggs with.
>Why even bother?
because it taste wonderful.

>> No.17060190

>a filthy animal
spotted the semite

>> No.17060192

>filthy animal
hi ahmed, how was the child rape festival?

>> No.17060473

>Comes from the swine, a filthy animal
dont you have goats to fuck or infidles to behead ahmed?

>> No.17061313

drink moar water

>> No.17061380

so do chickens and no one bitches about that

>> No.17061710
File: 452 KB, 481x526, bruce leroy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your decision to proclaim that animal fat is healthy is not based in any kind of physical reality with the study of human biochemistry. Your nutritional worldview is entirely built off of feelings. You like the taste of foods high in saturated fat and grew up eating them, so you have convinced yourself it is not only safe to consume large amounts daily, but going as far to fabricate a reality where this it is the optimal diet for longevity and health when it is clearly not based of decades of medical research, and no, these piles and piles of studies are not all "flawed" or "old" science you stupid fucking conspiracy Qanon retard, so don't even go there.

Also, just so you know, seed oils are often made using solvent-extraction methods which rely on the intermediary use of basic chemicals to distll and refine the fatty acids, but this does not mean the oil is unsafe. And no, excessive omega-6 is not worse for you than excessive saturated lipids from animal fat.

However, you can buy expeller-pressed, healthy seed oils that use no chemicals and have literally just been squeezed out the seed with heat and pressure, literally on the same organic level as fresh squeezed orange juice. However this method cannot extract 100% of the oil, and is more expensive.

Seed oils are not the reason you are unhealthy, they are very similar chemically to animal fat, the difference being the lack of a carbon double covenant bond. But that small difference is show to make a big difference over time in risk of heart disease and diabetes.

Why do you people choose to live in fantasy land? Let me guess I'm a big S 0 Y shill or something because I don't want you to clog your arteries before the age of 60 and die prematurely?

>> No.17061719

>Why even bother?
I don't, not eating pork is one of the few things I'm on the same page as muslims and jews about. Slimy disgusting meat and the standards for it always seem to be lower too.

>> No.17061737


drink bleach kike

>> No.17061752

You deserve so much suffering. I wish you and your family that absolute worst

>> No.17061771
File: 52 KB, 795x448, allah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allah was right all along

>> No.17061855

youve missed the point i was making that it isnt logically coherent to blame a modern disease on ancient foods. also a kike would be anti bacon and saying itll kill you retard

>> No.17061931

>I'm compelled by the notion that if you're exercising hard and converting most of the lipids that you're ingesting through diet into sex hormones, you probably don't have to worry about heart disease
That's a retarded thought though and isn't based on anything