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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 150 KB, 1120x840, meatloaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17052591 No.17052591 [Reply] [Original]

Is meatloaf actually good /ck/, or is it one of those things that Americans are wrong about?

Am Ausfag, I had meatloaf once when I was a kid and hated it so much that my mother never made it again. Did she just fuck up, was I just a fussy child, or is meatloaf pretty bad?

Picrel is the first result of google and honestly that looks like shit

>> No.17052604
File: 1.03 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

meatloaf is delicious, you mom must have fucked up

don't use really lean beef. also follow a recipe from someone you trust, might I suggest Chef John or Alton Brown

>> No.17052619

It's delicious. If you fry a slice and put it on a hoagie roll with some marinara it's like a meatball sub except not the stupid italian kind of meatball sub with little balls of meat that try to escape.

>> No.17052623

Fpbp, Alton Brown’s meatloaf is amazing and my family likes meatloaf so I always use his recipe(and pass it of as mine)

>> No.17052642

Based, thank you anons I'll try it this week.

>> No.17052666
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I got garlic meatloaf at the Stinking Rose in San Francisco and it was delicious

>> No.17052673

What's it best served with? Does it kinda take the place of steak in a meal?

>> No.17052678

meatloaf is a good thing if done good. europoor here

>> No.17052690

Mashed potatoes and broccoli. Getting some mash and meatloaf on the fork at the same time is heavenly.

>> No.17052691

the thing about meatloaf is everyone makes it different. You kinda have to make your own recipe if you want to like it

>> No.17052701

If you just loaf up some ground beef, yeah, it's going to suck. It'll just be crumbly, dry meat. The key is to very finely mince your onions, celery, and carrots and sautee them until mostly softened and soak some stale bread or breadcrumbs in a little milk. Mix it all together, season it well, and combine it with your beef and form it into a loaf. Don't overwork it. Cook ~50% of the way through, then start brushing on 2-3 layers of your glaze.

My go to is mashed potatoes, beef and mushroom gravy, and a veggie side. Peas, glazed carrots, and brussels sprouts all work really well.

>> No.17052709

meatloaf is associated with bad cooks because it's easy and cheap, using breadcrumbs and onion to create bulk without using as much meat, and a lot of old recipes for it have stupid 20th century housewife ideas like a topping sauce made from boiled ketchup and other gross shit, you can make anything taste good if you're a good cook so maybe some diners or resteraunts serving meatloaf ironically have at least halfway decent ones, but those of us who grew up eating aforementioned type will react with lol no fuck that

>> No.17052714

>Is meatloaf actually good
>Am Ausfag
This explains everything.

>> No.17052715

>heated tomato sauce glaze
>gross shit
lmao at your soul

>> No.17052720


i-i liked meatloaf when my mommy made it for me. she was a good cook.

>> No.17052725

It's meat and pretty tasteless. Add bacon, spices. Good grilling. Help me god, worst meal on earth

>> No.17052747

idc what you say that shit was gross and I do not want to eat it again

>> No.17052756

> I don't add onions and mustard to basic seasoning. you're the reason plack people make fun of you

>> No.17052809
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Meatloaf is based, don’t use bread crumbs tho, milk and bread go a long way for a moist meatloaf

>> No.17052827

In Italy, our name for meatloaf translates to English as 'big meatball.'
If you like meatballs, there should be no reason to dislike meatloaf.

>> No.17052846

>In Italy, our name for meatloaf translates to English as 'big meatball.'
I find this really cute and funny

>> No.17052847

>Did she just fuck up

>> No.17052920
File: 62 KB, 300x300, sottilette.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're weird about food names. You know those "cheese" slices often used for burgers? We call them 'little thin things.' No mention of 'cheese' at all. And 'thin' as in... well, English only has one word for 'thin,' right? We have at least three. 'Magro' as in 'lacking fat' IE a thin person. 'Sottile' as in 'not thick' IE a thin slice of cheese. And 'fino' as in 'fine' IE a thin thread.
Anyway, the word the cheese name is based on is obviously 'sottile.'
Picrel: it's sottilette.

>> No.17052932

I like that, is that not a way to further emphasise that this is in fact, not cheese?

>> No.17052955

No idea of the reasoning behind it. I just like the, cheese or not.
Oh, and we have a native type of cream cheese, similar to Philadelphia, but creamier. It's just called 'little cheese.'
We speak a weird language, man.

>> No.17052967

That's what meatloaf is, ground meat stretched thin with filler.
Whether or not it is shit is entirely dependant on what is done with it.

>> No.17053007

Meatloaf is delicious but easy to mess up by either not seasoning well and it being bland or it turning out dry.

>> No.17053017

This. Milk and bread are a necessity for meatloaf.

>> No.17053025

The hate against cheese product is pure reddit. It can be enjoyed in its own way.

>> No.17053034

It's literally just a huge faggot.

>> No.17053035

Think of a big meatball. That's what meatloaf should be like. If you're poverty-tier or going for old school make a glaze of brown sugar and ketchup.

>> No.17053042

>have stupid 20th century housewife ideas
The thing about those recipes is they're actually good, but a lot of people's grandma's would sub out ingredients or skip steps.

>> No.17053053

>it can be enjoyed
I agree. I even like the fluorescent American kind. I think they're good. High brow, they ain't, but they've their uses. As said in >>17052955
I just like the stuff, cheese or not.

>> No.17053054

cheese product isn't bad it's just not as good as full cheese. There's this weird hate against a lot of products that were meant toprovide a cheaper option. They're great for big cook-outs and shit where you need a lot of it.

>> No.17053079

Not just that, but "cheese product" as you two call it is useful in making easy cheese sauces. There's a chemical in the stuff called sodium citrate. I don't understand exactly what it does or how, but it makes cheese melt more readily. As such, I throw in a pair of sottilette when I make fondue. That's all you need. It reacts with the heat and liquid and helps the other cheeses melt quite smoothly. I've family who comment about how smooth my fondue always is compared to theirs and I've never told them my secret. But now I've told you. Happy upcoming St Nicolas Day, Anon. This is my gift to you.

>> No.17053084
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I made meatloaf for the first time ever the other day and was pleasantly surprised. Looks like shit, but it's basically just a giant meatball.
That's literally what it is though!

>> No.17053088

Yes, I agree and nice job fondue anon. In the US it's labeled as 'cheese product' because it can't be labeled as cheese, since cheese has a specific requirement for how it's made.

>> No.17053101

The baked ketchup on top is great. It's one of the best parts of meatloaf. I always put a thick layer on top of mine.

>> No.17053106
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>> No.17053109

Makes me want to make one soon.

>> No.17053119

Kek. Imagine the meltdowns (hehe) if they knew.

>> No.17053139

Yeah, they might actually flip their collective shit to learn the truth. The reblochon and fontina melt nicely enough, as does the gruyere with a little work but the parmigiano (or, more likely, grana; I'm not made of money) remains grainy without the addition of sottilette. It just works.

>> No.17053182

Such a tired cope. The only "wite peepo food" blacks ever get are public school lunches and prison slop.

>> No.17053651

9x9 pan
2 eggs
1 cup beef stock
half cup wortysauce
garlic powder, black pepper, paprika,
2-4 cup panko breadcrumb
2-3 pounds of meat (enough to fill the 9x9 pan)

cook in oven till done, yum

>> No.17053715

Meatloaf is definitely an American thing. I'm a kiwifag and my dad used to make it all the time. He loved it, he's also a top notch cook. I fuckin hated meatloaf night. I'm not a fussy eater but fuck I was always so dejected when it was meatloaf for dinner.

>> No.17053739
File: 75 KB, 720x720, Leftover-Meatloaf-Sandwiches-4a-720x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best thing about meatloaf are the sandwiches you make with the leftovers.

>> No.17053776

>I fuckin hated meatloaf night. I'm not a fussy eater but fuck I was always so dejected when it was meatloaf for dinner.
Likewise. Dad's a good cook but meatloaf was his fallback when we had ground beef that needed to be used but was feeling too lazy to make burger patties.
Sometimes I'd volunteer to make something else like hamburg steak just because I didn't want to eat meatloaf.

>> No.17053782

A lot of meatloaf is bad, but some of it is great. My mom makes pretty good meatloaf and some restaurants and diners make a more involved version. I wish I knew how those places make it, mines never tender enough.
My mom mixes some oats in with milk soaked frenchbread.
Meatloaf and bacon sandwiches are great.

>> No.17053799

It's good, but there's a whole generation of women who were just awful cooks, and those women are our moms. There's a LOT of shit I thought I didn't like, just because my mom's version was garbage. But that's fine, that's normal, I'm okay with that.
What makes me want to die, is when I ask her the secret recipe to the shit she made that I fucking loved, and it's always basically "mix this premade thing with this can of garbage".
Turns out my mom's turkey gravy has always just been some instant packets mixed in with the water she used to boil the giblets and neck bone, and I would literally drink that shit every year on Thanksgiving. I called her this year, while I was roasting the bones, getting ready to make stock, and I asked her secret and that's what she told me. Apparently she never learned how to use flour to thicken shit.

>> No.17053839

>can ground meat be delicious or is AMERICA because AMERICA?
Holy fuck dude, as an American consider this our official breakup on behalf of all Americans. Delete my contact info and stop fucking messaging me.
If you want to know where your creepy obsession went over the line, consider it somewhere around your notion of “I come from a leading beef-producing nation, but is this form of beef america because American and this one time America and did I mention America?”

>> No.17053878

Meatloaf is based, and is my favorite meal that my dad makes.

>> No.17054226

Its meat with veg in it. Of course its good

>> No.17054238
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We have it in Germany too, but it's way less common as frikadelles, which are big meatballs. Ingredients are basically the same although frikadells are often stronger seasoned and have wy more crust because of their smaller size. Also meatloaf is often served with a thin gravy while frikadelles are eaten with mustard. Both can be heavily improved by adding typical sausage seasonings but many keep them as simple as it gets, which makes them boring.

>> No.17055068
File: 711 KB, 1383x1844, meatloaf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me meatloaf

>> No.17055077

>or is it one of those things that Americans are wrong about?
I've yet to see one thing Amerifats are right about when it comes to food.

>> No.17055079

>I wish I knew how those places make it, mines never tender enough.
White bread crumbs soaked in milk, but not dripping wet like >>17052809, just moist/damp. You can also add a little bit of baking powder, but not a whole lot, it's not supposed to rise in the oven like a cake.

>> No.17055084


>> No.17055090

Does it taste good? Looks weird, but potentially great. If it is good, please gib recip

>> No.17055103

Pork and beef minced meat, white bread cubes soaked in milk, sauted onions, flour, ketchup, eggs, salt pepper, parsley, pressed garlic, nutmeg. Mix it.
Inside there is 2 hard boiled eggs, pre boiled carrots, pickles, vienna sausage.
Covered in bacon, brushed on some oil and put some soup stock inside the pan.

>> No.17055106
File: 318 KB, 2048x1536, meatloaf night.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17055115

You meatloaf egg?

>> No.17055116

i want that

>> No.17055205

Indonesia has a cognate-named food, 'perkedel.' Comes from when the Dutch used to be all over the area.
Unlike frikadellen, though, they're not always meat. For example, I make perkedel kacang hijau pretty commonly. That's mung bean rather than meat but you can make it out of most small beans, I suspect. I've made them from black gram as well as green dried peas. There are also potato varieties and several others.

Here's a video, but it's in Indonesian, so I hope that's not a problem. Even if you can't understand it, the ingredients should be readily identifiable.


>> No.17055216

Yes meatloaf is delicious. Be sure to post results here. Best of luck!

>> No.17055354

>Beef and mushroom gravy
At that point, wouldn't it be a Salisbury steak?

>> No.17055358

It's all the same shit really, minced meat made tasty.
Even a burger could be considered part of this category.

>> No.17055364

Like a mushroom swiss? Ye. I love the shitty ketchup and sugar glaze on poverty meatloaf. It reminds me of my youth

>> No.17055378

meatloaf is good
fuck people that put BBQ sauce or ketchup on it before serving though let, let me have the choice whether or not I want condiments

>> No.17055410

We don't have vegetarian versions here. At least not traditional. Those just became more popular with the vegetarian/vegan movement in the last decade. The ones in your video remind me on falafel though, which are available at döner huts or Turkish/Arabian restaurants. They also gained in popularity as an vegetarian alternative to kebab.

>> No.17055428
File: 801 KB, 1275x480, does the internet really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is it one of those things that Americans are wrong about?

>> No.17055436

It’s probably good with some kind of sauce like barbecue sauce

>> No.17055444

>It's just called 'little cheese.'
>We speak a weird language, man.
Kekd. I want to try that cream cheese though.

>> No.17055460

Well, most perkedel aren't vegetarian, either. Indonesians tend to add stock powder to them, usually beef, as in that video, or prawn.

Not American born-and-raised so correct me if I'm wrong but aren't Salisbury steaks made using cubed beef IE a tough-ass cut of meat that you tenderise by beating the ever-loving fuck out of it?

I make meatloaf with gravy and not the ketchup glaze Americans do. Nothing against the glaze, mind you, but I worry I'll fuck it up so I just go with what I know and that's either
A) baked beef meatloaf with mushroom-and-onion gravy or
B) steamed pork-and/or-chicken meatloaf with cabbage and dried prawns

>> No.17055477

She probably put ketchup on it before baking which is retarded. Go cook some ketchup and taste it to figure out my meaning. If you want to put ketchup on it fine it makes sense but do it after the baking process.
No matter what recipe you follow, it can be improved by coating the outside of the loaf in bacon like its an armadillo as well.

>> No.17055521

If you don’t want carbs what would be a good substitute breadcrumbs ?

>> No.17055560
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Favorite comfort food. My mom makes it rather basic, no veggies which imo just fuck up the bite. Always with mashed potatoes and peas. Scoop some taters, stab some loaf, dip in the peas. Next day, fried meatloaf sandwiches.

>> No.17055563

It's the brand name of Kraft cheese slices but it has become the generic term for them.

>> No.17055597

Every time I see meatloaf on TV it's an American family complaining about the mother's cooking. Where do you get the idea that they think it's good?

>> No.17055620

thin skinny slender slim wafery slight lean slinky spare

>> No.17055639

Yeah. That's why I posted a picture of Kraft.

>> No.17055729

My girlfriend makes it in muffin pans so you get lots of crispy bits and tops it with a spicy sauce. My favorite thing in the world. The muffin form is also great for leftovers. Pop two frozen meat muffins in the microwave. Good to go.

>> No.17055849

The meat I use is too fatty to be good in a muffin tin, I would guess. I supposed I could use muffin cups to form individual meat loaves, pop them out and just put them on the baking sheet.

>> No.17055963

You can't go by what the TV says.

>> No.17056104

this image is pure comfy. imagining eating it with my grandparents in the living room, soft lighting, wheel of fortune on the tube

>> No.17056131

faggot you should tell your family the truth. You can't just go and steal someones recipe like that

>> No.17056147
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it can be good but most of them are shit

>> No.17056152

my mother made a meatloaf once, using cheap mince beef. it was fucking terrible. she's a whore. I have no respect for women who can't cook.

that looks fantastic

>> No.17056193


>> No.17056228
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>Is meatloaf actually good


>> No.17056232

Do you also go "Ew" every mention of Brussels sprouts? It's just TVborne memes.

>> No.17056239

Do you like meatballs? It's basically one gigantic meatball.

>> No.17056246

This. Even the seasonings are the same.

>> No.17056260
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>meatloaf on TV it's an American family complaining about the mother's cooking.
Dangerous territory, anon. You might consider cooling it.

>> No.17056266
File: 74 KB, 600x803, alton-brown-gun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Alton Brown’s meatloaf
> thyme
> carrot
> catsup

Alton Brown is a cool guy but, no.

>> No.17056306

>SCAR with 20lbs of gee-wizz go-slow gizmos hanging off it
>doesn't even have a Bad Dragon bayonet

Cool? Not IMO. Not even close.

>> No.17056339

I wish everyone in the last 3-4 generations were executed, including myself.

>> No.17056349

If you can see someone's BD then you know they aren't using it.

>> No.17056381

It is the answer. Don't go by what TV shows say.

>> No.17057039

Anon you're going to make me cry. I miss that a lot. I miss them.

>> No.17057058

it's poorfag meat.
we dont have to worry about that in Australia because we can buy 2kg of pork sausages for $6.

>> No.17057134

Meatloaf is good. You just have to get the consistency and sauce right.

My family always made it as a heartier kind of meatball meat, topped with what was in effect sloppy joe sauce (Mustard/Ketchup/Brown Sugar/Vinegar)

>> No.17057150

Can I live in this restaurant?

>> No.17057192

Google says that you're halfing the price.

>> No.17057622
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fuck off hipster
no-one cares that you pay $40 for eggs

>> No.17057627
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>> No.17057631

Point at this man and laugh.

>> No.17057834

Yeah, in based and redpilled Queensland you get sausages filled out with more crumbs for an even more economic price and don't notice a difference because you're all lightweights capable of getting pissed on XXXX Gold.

>> No.17057846
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>> No.17057847

Mash is mandatory.
Could sub any green veg though e.g. brussels sprouts, peas, etc.

>> No.17057854

rent free flyovers

>> No.17057878

Ketchup or BBQ sauce glaze is traditional, but it's not integral. I prefer mine with brown gravy and onions.

>> No.17057883
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I either use a tangy and non-smoky BBQ sauce (pic related) or mix a little hot mustard and sugar into the ketchup. Yyyyee-um!

>> No.17057906

Meatloaf done right is great with mash potatoes or yellow rice with some steamed veggies.
Meatloaf done wrong will ruin meatloaf for you.
There is no in between.

>> No.17057953
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>Americans are wrong about
I take it you watched a lot of US tv and got that idea.
You have to remember old sitcom were written by boomers and meat loaf is a boomer meal during hard times with low resources.
A lot of old recipes would suggest putting extra shit to add vitamin or make it more dense/filling if you couldn't get a lot of meat for the loaf.
Carrots, oatmeal, raisins, olives, etc could be found in old recipe books.
My mom still puts olives in her meatloaf because that's how my grandma taught her how to make it. You can't really tastes them and the slices fall out or can be picked out so my family never minded.
So a lot of people like yourself had the misfortune of eating meatloaf that wasn't pleasant.
It was also a weekly food for some family. Like Taco Tuesday but worse.
In TV and movies it became of trope of "MEATLOAF, AGAIN!?" and the kids or whole family groaning.
It's very easy to fucked up meatloaf despite it being very simple to make due to there being so many varying ways to make it.

>> No.17057963

No it isn't, read the question. How is that the answer to that question? Fucking retards. I can't keep speaking to you morons. This is the last databyte I waste on this worthless place.

>> No.17057991

a good meatloaf, done according to a recipe you like
sauteed mushrooms
caramelized onions
either roasted potatoes or mash, again refer to a recipe you trust
base for a really comfy sunday dinner

>> No.17057996

It’s pretty hearty make sure you have some ketchup with it that’s the key otherwise it’s just beef with spices

>> No.17058010

>was I just a fussy child
its this

>> No.17058032

It's not bad, it's problem is rather it's a dish bad or inexperienced cooks tend to make, because it looks so simple and cheap. That creates a lot of bad results and memories, kinda gave it a bad rep. Overall meatballs are better though.

>> No.17058118

OP here (Melbourne suburbs), that price is accurate and don't listen to salty Queenslanders, theyre just mad about the following things:
>that we have the nation's best rugby team (by far their favourite sport) even though it's our fourth favourite local sport (after AFL, cricket, and soccer)
>that their beers are shithouse compared to ours
>that they get monsoon storms whereas we have nice, seasonally varied, weather
>that no one really knows that they exist
>that their standard of life is subsidised by VIC and NSW

>> No.17058134

>thin' as in... well, English only has one word for 'thin,' right?
Not really, we have thin, skinny, emaciated, lean, and more

>> No.17058202

>panthers are top mate that's not viccy
>xxxx bitter is nations best beer
>fuck off you city wanker

>> No.17058214

>Storm have been the best team in NRL history for the past 20 years
>XXXX anything is undrinkable piss
>Fuck off you irrelevant melanoma growth on the perfect Australian skin

>> No.17058233

LOL dis nigga so upset about storm not even being in the grand final let alone winning. go buy a vegan fry up you fucking cock sucker

>> No.17058827
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if you make it right it turns out good

>> No.17058835

>flour, fat, spices and flavoring mixed with turkey stock
>starch, spices and flavoring in a paper packet mixed with homemade turkey stock
The former is better than the latter, but instant gravy packets are fine, you sperg. Calm down. She even made her own stock.

>> No.17058867

>6 clives if garlic
How numb can your tastebuds be? Not even Bifteki uses so much.

>> No.17058986

If that's a problem, wait until you try mtewem. That shit is like 50% garlic. It's so. Fucking. Good though.

>> No.17058999

Then you should try Escoffiers garlic butter that's 200g blanched garlic and 250g butter.

>> No.17059023

>dis nigga think i aint had escoffiers garlic butter
Bruh, me and Escoffier go way back.

I only mention mtewem because it fits with the theme of the thread, that being mince mixed with stuff and cooked. While mtewem is typically-to-always a meatball, I've seen it made into sausage forms, especially if served with tlitli so I don't see why it couldn't also be made into loaf-form. No idea what the carb for it would be, though. Probably just something boring, like plain ol' bread, I guess.

>> No.17059025

Meatloaf is one of those meals you can fuck up and it can be really bad, or it can be really good. I like to Karate chop the top of mine and bake the last 10 minutes with heinz 57 warm and kind of settled in.

I also like making Venison Meatloaf loaded with Jalepenos and pepper jack cheese using pork rinds instead of bread crumbs.

>> No.17059035

Venison and cheese seems to me like it would be an unholy union, but you do you, boo.

>> No.17059062

I just mentioned it, because it was the most absurd amount of garlic in a dish i've ever seen. The fact that Escoffier seems to have an aversion to garlic in all other recipes made it even more hilarious.

>> No.17059222

How else was he gonna prepare escargot? They taste like practically nothing on their own. A strong garlic butter is practically a necessity for them.

>> No.17059272

Escargot butter is different:
350g butter
35g shallots
10g garlic
25g parsley
12g salt
2g pepper

>> No.17059309

>Every time I see meatloaf on TV it's an American family complaining about the mother's cooking
You're basing this information on what you've seen on TV. I'm telling you not to do that. If meatloaf was truly a horrible dish that Americans hated with all their hearts and souls, it wouldn't still be a popular dinner. You can also get the stuff in frozen dinners and at restaurants. If it was as hated as the TV shows have made you think, there would be no market for it whatsoever. TV shows are hyperbolic garbage a lot of the time for a whole lot of topics so you can't go by them.

>> No.17059316

Ah. Mine is practically the same as the garlic butter + parsley and a shallot or two. Very, very garlic-y.
Ever prepared escargot from frozen? I bought a bag of frozen whelks a month ago or so. While not strictly escargot, it's pretty similar, though I've never made any snail of any sort from frozen. Think it'll go well?

>> No.17059429

I strip back the garlic and replace some of the parsley with chives, chervil and estragon or just add those. That's basically my compound butter recipe i use for everything.
Also i don't know about frozen snails. Only had and saw them in cans.

>> No.17059680

Stupid prick. God, you're so so so fucking stupid. How did you get this stupid?

Must I spell this out for you? I'm wondering where OP draws his impression from. I don't give a flying fuck about your life experience. It's totally irrelevant.

>> No.17060375

Maybe ground up pork rinds/cracklings? Although, when this is the case it's usually because it's subbing as a breading for fried foods.

>> No.17060496

Meatloaf is one of the foods where for some reason 90's-2000's cartoon animators wanted children to hate for some reason apparently? Meatloaf is fucking comfy.

>> No.17060503

Unfathomably based picture

>> No.17060511

i like it a lot. make it with lots of rosemary and bake it till the outside is dark and crispy

>> No.17060570

Daddy jack's was the best meatloaf I've ever had. followed by Kenjis.

>> No.17060572

Forgot, elviss mom made an awesome meatloaf too

>> No.17060629

I don't think meatloaf isn't american. I've encountered varieties of it in Great Britain, Germany and Poland. And yes, it's tasty and a great source of protein. Shame about the aesthetics though.

>> No.17060637

*is american

>> No.17060661

I love it when cooklets wrap other meats in bacon to make it "better". It just makes everything taste like bacon.

>> No.17060704

Anyone else could use some coleslaw or some fresh crunchy greens in this pic?

>> No.17060748

Mate it's just a big fucking rissole, are you even an Ausfag?

>> No.17060865
File: 80 KB, 545x768, 1570106683530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh you're one of those faggots that cares more for plating then the actual taste.

>> No.17060890

I said the exact opposite. Wrapping things in bacon is pointless cause it just makes the whole thing taste like bacon. There are rare occasions when the correct thing is wrapped in bacon, like prunes which play a little flavor game with bacon. In case of meatloaf its pointless and stupid.

>> No.17061037

I've never had bad meatloaf, but I've almost only eaten it at home and it's probably one of the few things my mom ever did right.

>> No.17061346

meatloaf is based. its poorfag food that actually tastes boss.

>> No.17061495

actually yeah this
why fucking waste time making a meatloaf when you can just make it into rissoles instead?
at least with rissoles you get way more crust compared to meatloaf

>> No.17061892
File: 138 KB, 600x222, Taco-Johns-Cheetos-Burrito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People (mostly Euros and Ami's) have been mixing chopped meat with a panade and making delicious food since the Romans were around.

If you don't like it, it is because you are:

1) A bad cook
2) A black
3) A vegan

Maybe picrel is more your speed if you don't like home cooked goodness.

>> No.17062349

>Daddy jack
I certainly hope you aren't referring to Cooking With Jack™

>> No.17062779

niggas you have to try the following:
make a minced goat meatloaf, wrap it in some mild cheese, then wrap it in puff pastry and bake. Fucking incredible.

>> No.17062793


>> No.17062832

would work with beef but not worth it

>> No.17062841

Based bitter enjoyer enternally btfoing seething little cucktures drinking poobournites

>> No.17062858

>almost all storm players are born and raised in QLD and NSW
>the historic success of storm is entirely due to Bellamy (tutored under Bennett) and having Slater, Cronk, and Smith together for years (all QLD born)
>the best beer in Aus is Coopers so this is moot
>VIC niggers cannot stop running away from their god awful government and living conditions for a better life in Queensland
>Sudanese home invasions lmao

>> No.17063024

>making fun of a melbummer
you are what you hate you gay cunt

>> No.17063042

>he fell for the bottle fermented meme
t. Melbournite that knows NSW has the best beer

>> No.17063707
File: 19 KB, 318x239, 1636964330026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>San Francisco

>> No.17063914

its just baked minced meat. Why WOULDN'T it be good?

>> No.17064095
