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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17052280 No.17052280 [Reply] [Original]

Today we are cooking ragoût d'écureuil. For those unfamiliar, this is squirrel stew. I’ve been hunting these bushy tails out in the woods of East Texas during the holidays. I’ve got 3 fox squirrels that I’m going to cook. The basic ingredients in today’s ragoût d'écureuil are as follows:
>fresh herbs (parsley, oregano, and rosemary)
>red wine
>beef bullion
>salt and pepper

>> No.17052287
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Step one: clean the squirrels.

>> No.17052292

it took you more than 30 minutes to rustle up 3 squirrels, ngmi

>> No.17052321
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I went out hunting twice with my 20 gauge. I got 2 the first time I went out and 1 the second day. These fox squirrels get pretty big. I’d say the 2 larger ones were the size of a medium size cat. Anyways, step 2: quarter the squirrels up. I to separate them into shoulders, legs, and torso.

>> No.17052335
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Now we get our des légumes ready.

>> No.17052337

stop lying, just like how florida's deer are smaller, your squirrel are smaller in texas

>> No.17052356

this nigga eatin rats

>> No.17052359
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Fox squirrel is the largest squirrel species in North America, that is a fact.

Since this is a hunters stew. I’m chopping my vegetables rough cut.

And don’t forget the wine!

>> No.17052368
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based thread

>> No.17052374
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Although squirrel is technically a rodent, it’s diet is significantly different that of rats, and that the taste will be much different. I’m eating nice clean squirrels that have been gorging themselves on acorns and pecans.

>> No.17052379

Why is one carrot yellow and the others are orange? Don’t eat it may be poisoned

>> No.17052382

That is a parsnip.

>> No.17052407

that's a woman's hand

>> No.17052432
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We are now going to brown our squirrel in a butter and olive oil mix.

>> No.17052438
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I’m not sure if I approve of this thread

>> No.17052466
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We brown our squirrels until a fond develops on the bottom of our pot.

>> No.17052494

Ooh. Very nice. Never had squirrels before but I've always wanted to try them.

>> No.17052499
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Now we add in our mirepoix and mushrooms.

>> No.17052618

this looks awesome dude. Appreciate you showing all this!

>> No.17052632
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We add in the wine, water, and beef bullion. And then we let this mixture simmer on low heat for an hour before adding our potatoes and parsnips.

>> No.17052650

is it true they taste like rabbit but more gamey?

>> No.17052652

you've never made a stew before

>> No.17052656

>actual valable thread on /ck/
Get out

>> No.17052663
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Oh I almost forgot, we add in our garlic with our mirepoix and mushrooms.

>> No.17052677

>no browning or seasoining on meat
>didn't carmelize the onions first
>no garlic


>> No.17052685

if you've made a stew, you've made them all

>> No.17052697

Check the previous posts Monsieur. I forgot to mention I did salt and pepper the squirrel before browning, and I added garlic with the vegetables.

>> No.17052702
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We now sit back and enjoy some fine cheese, olives, and wine, while the stew cooks.

>> No.17052708

>adding garlic

There you go.

Suggest the following sequence:
1. Season and brown the meat first, then set it aside. Don't cook it all the way through, obviously, but get a good brown on each side at least. Your meat doesn't look like it has any of the delicious maillard coloring on it at all, and it looks like it's been boiled/steamed, which is not as flavorful.

2. Do the onions after the meat and cook them until they are nice and brown due to carmelization.

3. Then add the rest of your trinity/mire poix and simply sweat them until they're tender.

4. Add garlic and cook until fragrant.

5. Add meat and rest of veg and deglaze with plenty of wine. Cook until wine is about gone.

6. Add flour, your stock and herbs and simmer till ready.

7. Final season and serve.

>> No.17052716

So crowded anon :(

>> No.17052717

>OP at home


>> No.17052722
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>> No.17052805
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We add in our potatoes and parsnips along with our sachet d'épices.

>> No.17052828

I’d eat it

>> No.17052954

Good on you OP
I remember my Dad always serving us squirrel as a kid, but he only fried it. A stew is a nice variation.

>> No.17053061
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I had to add some Dijon mustard and smoked paprika to balance out the woody flavor of the parsnips. But ragoût d'écureuil is done. I added some fresh parsley at the end. Bon appétit!

>> No.17053068

I forgot to mention that I added some flour and water mixture in the last 30 minutes.

>> No.17053162

Looks nice and homely.

>> No.17053263

I'm suspicious, I think he's cooking cats

>> No.17053299

I'd eat the fuck out of it. What's the fat content like? Particularly greasy?

>> No.17053310

what are the chances of getting sick from the spinal fluid or whatever? I thought the chance of rabies or some brain virus was pretty damn high from squirrels

>> No.17053329

shut the fuck up dweeb

>> No.17053338
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You guys are a bunch of city slickers. Squirrel is good as hell. The closest comparison I can think of is like chicken hearts. Squirrels do not carry rabies. And the squirrels are from the woods. They’ve been eating nothing but acorns and pecans. Their meat is a lot more cleaner than any meat you would buy at the grocery store. Squirrel meat is a bit chewy, but not tough or dry, and it has a slightly gamey flavor, but in a pleasant way.

>> No.17053358

I did some research and squirrel is generally ok to eat but it's not for everyone so if someone didn't want to eat squirrel then it would be wrong to trick him into eating it, and bad manners to not inform him that it is a squirrel

>> No.17053364

not a city slicker just always thought the little tards living in my backyard carried diseases like bats did. Might pop one with a bb gun and try it. What about coons?

>> No.17053391

Coons carry rabies.

>> No.17053412
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Friendly reminder that Mepps makes lures out of squirrel tails and will pay you for them (or let you exchange them for lures).


courtesy of /out/

>> No.17054304 [DELETED] 

Shut the fuck up, faggot. Who the fuck serves "mystery meat" to people? NOBODY with class, you grade-A asshole.

Go drink bleach.

>> No.17054310

how do i catch a squirrel

>> No.17054311


>> No.17054312

not him but you are blind or retarded or both? he is agreeing with you.

>> No.17054313

nice thread op and it's great because macdonalds faggots are seething.

>> No.17054448

Thanks OP. Our squirrels are too lame to be eaten here in Europe, but I would like to try it sometimes

>> No.17054458

possums do not carry rabies. Uncle that lives in the backwoods swears by possum but I am not that brave

>> No.17054471

Where are their vaginas/penises??

>> No.17054634


I‘d totally somehow accumulate 1.000+ squirrel tails to get a refund for shipping costs

>> No.17054668

not him but there has been some concern about possible prion contamination among injuns who eat the brains specifically (religious thing or some shit)
literally 0 confirmed cases thereof though
wanna worry about tse, worry about your burger first

>> No.17055343

I hate squirrels but I also hate Texans. I don't know how to feel

>> No.17055806

I was pretty jealous the first time I saw a fox squirrel in person. The eastern greys where I live are much smaller. I personally don't like using game loads for squirrel hunting. Much like crab dishes and a piece of shell, if I find a piece of shot I can't eat it anymore. I use a Ruger 10-22. Granted i'm sure you have far more success because you can hit them on the move.

>> No.17056117

>I was pretty jealous the first time I saw a fox squirrel in person
what were you jealous of? their balls?

>> No.17056135

Fuck squirrels
Hate those bastards

>> No.17056169

Fox squirrels do have a MASSIVE set of balls for their size I’m always envious rolling them around my fingers after I skin and gut them

>> No.17056171

Based squirrel sexosadist

>> No.17056174

Bigger balls mean worse meat though unfortunately. You should try rolling them around in your mouth.

>> No.17056355
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>> No.17056364

The WMA I go to only allow archery or shot gun, no rifles. I use a No. 6 steels shot, and I tend to aim for the head and chest area to avoid hitting them in the guts. I remover i shot one squirrel, and a few BBs ended up hitting him in the guts, and it ended up spoiling the meat. Going back to the fox squirrels, they are pretty big. We got eastern grays and fox where I hunt. You shoot 2-3 adult fox squirrels, and you got yourself a nice meal.

>> No.17056384

I taught him to laugh at me. I cannot help I was born with olive sized testicles and extremely envious of ladyboys with average penis. But with those balls rolling around in my fingers I am the victor.

>> No.17056420

Based and potatopilled, when in doubt just double the amount.

>> No.17056428

That’s a lot of dead squirrels

>> No.17056437

This is a look into something I didn't know existed.

>> No.17056502
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The Chinese grindset.

>> No.17056770

I couldn't eat a possum. They're so ugly, they're almost cute.
Squirrels, though, fuck them. Bushy-tailed tree rats. Except they eat clean, so they're good meat.

>> No.17056783

>Except they eat clean
do you think rats eat shit or something? rats are fed on the finest food they aren't fucking stupid

>> No.17056789

Rats eat whatever garbage they find in the nearest dumpster. They can't afford to be picky.

>> No.17056802

>Rats eat whatever garbage they find in the nearest dumpster
don't be such a ratphobe.

>> No.17057170


>> No.17057294

Serious question, don't wild squirrels carry loads of diseases that you can't just cook out to be safe for consumption?

>> No.17057428

>carry loads of diseases
no they dont at all. who told you that?

>> No.17057433

Man it's been forever since I've had a good squirrel stew.

>> No.17057452

Not OP, but nah, squirrels are fine.
I've heard a lot of people say that armadillos are dangerous to eat because of that, but I don't know for sure on that, and I don't really want to find out.

>> No.17057473

This all turned out better than I expected.

>> No.17057503

Why the french? Just call it a squirrel stews. Frogs eat weird mollusks like snails, but they aren't chink tier.

>> No.17057610

there havent been birds or squirrels in china in about 60 years

>> No.17057637

No! Finely grate a potato (or two) and a carrot into the pot 30-45 minutes before serving. That'll thicken it up nicely.

>> No.17057705

That’s a myth. Maybe if you’re hunting city squirrels, maybe they got some diseases, but these squirrels are from the woods, and they eat clean nuts. You can tell if an animal is diseased by how healthy they look or behave. Eating wild game is healthier than factory farmed meat. Try getting some venison or wild boar.

>> No.17057891

Nigga, you’re nuts!

>> No.17057990

Think I saw some screenshot of an anon hunting and eating armadillos and contracting leprosy from that in the 21st fucking century. Can you imagine?

>> No.17058023

i once fucked a leper.

>> No.17058567

hungry boi

>> No.17058649

some of us armadillos in america do spread leprosy to humans.
But leprosy is no big deal in a developed country in the year 2021.
with modern medicine its no worse than a common flu.

>> No.17060360

its a quebecois dish
similar to american brunswick stew

>> No.17060478

quit makin up words you darn texan

>> No.17060585

Return to reddit

>> No.17061497

just got my first of the season today lol

>> No.17061502

pretty much, its good tho

>> No.17061532

I know a guy that got leprosy on a trip to africa

>> No.17061564
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It looks a lot more like a normal beef stew than a brunswick stew. All the same, very nice OP, thanks for sharing. Not sure if you're an expat living in texas or not, but if you understand the language here's another recipe you might like

>> No.17061566
File: 1.00 MB, 2610x2146, ecureuilaubeurre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and another

>> No.17063358

/k/ here, that was one of our guys years ago kek

>> No.17063429



>> No.17064198

Rat traps

>> No.17064202
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Heres a pic

>> No.17064335

>eating squirrels
fucking third world countries

>> No.17064357

why would post two unrelated statements

>> No.17064396
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I have the same stove/oven but your counter is much nicer than mine. Nice stew anon and props for making OC

>> No.17064432

This anon stews. I also like to add some big chunks of garlic early to caramelize with the onions for that really dark garlic flavor.

Do you think the flour really improves the stew? I have celiac so I sometimes add a little cornstarch but I'd be lying if I said I could notice a difference

>> No.17065217
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nobody eats squirrels in QC anymore

french-from-france people are just OBSESSED by our North American squirrels because they don't have anymore at home because they ate them all.

>> No.17065224

very nice

>> No.17065320
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>some of us armadillos

>> No.17065329

Probably meant some US armadillos.

>> No.17065490

I don’t think the flower makes a big difference in taste, but it makes it thicker, which I like.

>> No.17065517

You’re cleaning him wrong bud. You need to take the skin off and then gut him. You gonna get hair all over your meat.


>> No.17065585
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I know but gutting was faster, killed him yesterday and popped him in the fridge. only got back to em today. also I keep the skin

>> No.17065596

yeah but they're also sucking squirrel dick and eating squirrel ass

>> No.17065657

The danger of eating raccoons is mostly because they're full of parasites and worms. Also they eat garbage. Any game should be thoroughly cooked and any wormy or contaminated meat should be disposed of.

>> No.17065863

This poster is an armadillo, do not trust what he says

>> No.17067665

good advice, but i would advice making roux instead of just adding flour. or, lately i've added nutritional yeast/brewer's yeast to thicken soups and stews and it works really well.

>> No.17067673

dijon! nice choice. why add the paprika at the end and not in the beginning?

>> No.17067683

well hot damn. time to get rich, boys

>> No.17067688
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>> No.17068207


dont like the tree rats getting murked but at least you're eating thwm

>> No.17068245

Does squirrel tatste so bad you need that much garlic to make it palatable?