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File: 245 KB, 2560x1920, d6209be9-how-to-make-the-perfect-full-english-breakfast-fry-up-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17049804 No.17049804 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best pan to use for the most delicious possible English brekky?

>> No.17049819

A big one. Also fuck the memery about doing your fry up all in one pan. I'll leave it to future-me to deal with the dishes.

>> No.17049824

Why would you do it in different pans? The whole point is to use the meat grease for frying the eggs and vegetables.

>> No.17049826

Because then you need to turn the oven on to keep the meat warm while you cook everything else. I'm totally okay with just slapping a pat of butter in another pan to fry my eggs at the same time.

>> No.17049829

Are the left triangles hash browns?

>> No.17049839

Yeah. Though upon closer inspection I'm now confused about the presence of what clearly seems to be streaky bacon instead of the regular stuff.

>> No.17049840

Use a warm plate. Keeps meat warm, don't need to start up other appliances.

>> No.17049853

How do you make the bacon nice and crispy without the grease completely burning before you can use it for the veg and eggs?

>> No.17049860

>What is the best pan to use
A trash pan.

>> No.17049861

That is regular bacon here? What does your regular bacon look like?

>> No.17049868

>got the blood puddy but used American bacon

>> No.17049879
File: 132 KB, 450x338, 4811652518_9c16b35f72_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They both come from the same region on the pig: here's a picture of what whole bacon looks like. We tend to use the less fatty back bacon (the right side in this image) instead of the streaky/side bacon (the left side in this image). As an aside, you can actually find places where they cook up the whole bacon, such as Australia.

It was subtle, too. Almost had me.

>> No.17049893

Question for bongs, are the beans served warm or cold in a traditional full english?

>> No.17049900

Definitely warm, usually done up in the microwave real quick. I have never once heard of anyone who wasn't homeless eating cold baked beans.
It's also kind of weird how such an ubiquitous American dish is now considered British/Scottish fare by most.

>> No.17049912

don't cook it too hot and clean the pan inbetween different items

>> No.17049920

The recipe is different.

>> No.17049925

>clean the pan between items

>> No.17049934

Everything except the egg is precooked, so don't bother with a oan, and just reheat all that trash on the same plate in the microwave.

>> No.17049945

Checked and thanks.
Another question, do you guys traditionally serve a breakfast tea, then a different type later in the day, or serve the same kind all day?
Reason I ask is in the states we can get a breakfast tea, but I really can't tell much difference between it and regular earl grey. Could be my taste or brand, usually Bigelow or twinnings.

>> No.17049946

Most of the former colonies have Heinz beans in tomato sauce as the standard instead of brown sugar/molasses sauce like is most common in the US. I think it was only recently that people started making a big deal about "authentic British beans" as if that wasn't the norm in most places around the world.
In either case, the end product is still sweet baked beans.

>> No.17049955

The type of tea's really up to your preference. You can have a breakfast blend at any hour of the day, despite the name. "Breakfast" tea is usually just a little more robust and pairs well with a fatty fry-up.
I'm a bit of an apostate in that I'll prefer coffee over tea at any hour of the day, but I work for a living damn it.

>> No.17049958

If your meat is getting overcooked because they have to spend an extra 3 minutes in the pan while you fry an egg, then you need to learn to cook

>> No.17049959

Oh, missed that bit about Earl Grey. That shit is flavoured with citrus oil added to it which doesn't make it sour but kind of ups the astringency. I am not a fan.

>> No.17049962

>What is the best pan to use for the most delicious possible English brekky?
why would you think you should only use one pan? Because you are frying eggs, you need a nonstick, duh.

For the rest, your beans need a sauce pan, nonstick for easy cleanup.

For the tomatoes, you can broil them or face down in the nonstick in a little oil. The meat goes into any pan. Nasty frozen hash browns? say no. Make your own home fries.

>> No.17049968

I'm not a coordinated man and most of my breakfasts are cooked under the fog of a lingering drunkenness.

>> No.17049972

>Nasty frozen hash browns? say no.
It's 6 in the fucking morning who the FUCK is peeling potatoes at that hour? Polacks, that's who.

>> No.17049982

Thanks again.
I drink coffee in mornings, I like tea in the afternoons, but it's more of a social thing. Something to do whenever a friend stops by.

>> No.17050016

>perfect fried breakfast
>hard egg yolk
>streaky bacon
>hash browns
This photographer is a very stupid burger, shamelessly larping.

>> No.17050036

Except the no molasses version was formulated specifically to cater to British tastes. That was the brief they set at Heinz when they decided to come up with it. The fact that it caught on in the rest of the Commonwealth is incidental, perhaps inevitable, but not surprising.

>> No.17050047

Trash pan

>> No.17050167

y u heff to be mad

>> No.17050216

Human nature. Simply is.