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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 109 KB, 1300x1016, boiling-boil-bag-rice-photo-cooking-stove-thanksgiving-dinner-captures-essence-steam-rolling-off-pot-104808743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17049061 No.17049061 [Reply] [Original]

I'm from Europe and this is the way everyone cooks their rice.

I was surprised to learn it's unpopular in America and everyone over there is pretentious regarding boil-in-bag.

It's weird. Most of the time America is so much worse than Europe when it comes to food, the bread and the cheese being the worst offenders, but there are these little things American NPCs get really uppity about, like the aforementioned boil-in-bag rice, or kosher salt, or muh cast iron pans.

>> No.17049126

>this is the way everyone cooks their rice.
No it isn't. You are the only one.

>> No.17049133

it seems more convenient, but in the end it's just worse
t. euro who switched long ago

>> No.17049136

It's perfect. Friend showed it once never done it different since.

>> No.17049185

I'm from Europe and I have never seen boil-in-bag rice. I don't think it's even sold in my country.

>> No.17049200

>I'm from Europe and this is the way everyone cooks their rice.
No, they don’t you pederast.

>> No.17049205

so you're just reheating already cooked rice? or do you put water in the bag or something? rice needs to aborb water to cook.

>> No.17049214

>heating food in plastics

>> No.17049218

Bag is not air- or waterproof, it allows moisture to go through.
when people talk about Europe they don't mean your shitty cunt.

I personally switched to a rice cooker, as should everyone who eats rice somewhat regularly.

>> No.17049221

>It's weird. Most of the time America is so much worse than Europe when it comes to food
lol smug ass Euroshits being smug for no reason.

>> No.17049229
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>the cheese being the worst offender
You are a particularly stupid and obvious troll.

>> No.17049431

Where in Europe are you from? As a Brit I've seen these but they're not common, most people just cook rice in a pot or saucepan as it is

>> No.17049434

I'm from Europe and this is the way no one cooks their rice.

>> No.17049466

>I'm from Europe and this is the way everyone cooks their rice.
Really? What country?

Boil-in-bag rice is converted par-cooked rice. The texture is crappy, like it has holes punched through it all. It was once popular for brown rice, which took longer to cook, or to state it was instant/minute rice on the box. Some people were just so scared rice would stick together. It was something that could also be added into a pot of gumbo and cook in the sauce in a skillet like that without much guesswork. This preceded microwaves in popularity.

I don't understand why anyone would want that horrible texture, but there used to be all kinds of boil-n-bag dinners that I guess you could boil in the same stock pot of hot water. Stouffer's still makes a couple of them, such as their chipped beef in gravy. I guess sous vide isn't so modern, but old school lazy. It's still popular to use a bag sealer and do a seafood steam in those bags floating in hot water. From freezer to pot.

>> No.17049474

>Bag is not air- or waterproof, it allows moisture to go through
neat, sounds really convenient

>> No.17049475

An american made this thread. Their bait threads are as pathetic as their cuisine

>> No.17049488



>> No.17049518
File: 57 KB, 657x646, 0318c644e050be067135f812f6aea213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only people who do boil in bag rice are poor people. Get a fucking rice cooker.

>> No.17049527

>this is the way everyone cooks their rice.
No, no it isn't, I wouldn't even know where to find those in germoney.
Just put some rice in a pot and water, boil and let it steep.

>> No.17049558

>I'm from Europe and this is the way everyone cooks their rice.
No it's not. I've never seen anyone buy that garbage.
t. Swede

>> No.17049582

>I'm from Europe and this is the way everyone cooks their rice.
This is true but only for poorer eurocountries, firsties can afford things like rice cookers.

>> No.17049609
File: 54 KB, 240x320, 1424198330048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In Europe we... / I'm European and...
You will know the american beast by his mark

>> No.17049714

I could easily afford a rice cooker but why the hell would I spend good money on one? There's nothing you can make in a rice cooker that's even slightly difficult to prepare perfectly on the stovetop. It's so easy my wife can do it.

>> No.17049749

Parcooked rice is disgusting and flavourless compared to regular rice cooked properly.

>> No.17049762
File: 75 KB, 1000x750, 7NCNJVB75VUWCLEX6RQM1NHZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncle Ben's is the best rice, literally impossible to cook wrong, just toss a bag in cold water, boil, WA LA. Far better flavor than loose garbage as well.

>> No.17049770

>I-I could e-easily afford it

>I j-just wont g-get it, okay!!!

>> No.17049785

This is what Chinks say about toasters
Basically, you'd get a rice cooker because you cook rice very frequently. If you don't cook rice frequently, it's not worth it.

>> No.17049787

>rice cookers

>a single purpose item for cooking flavorless poverty food

What kind of white person who's not dirt poor eats rice more than twice a year?

>> No.17049789

Im midwest US and we do a lot of Minute rice. It tastes ok and its easy. I dont know anyone with a rice cooker.

>> No.17049791

>single purpose item
Rice cookers are by no means single use items. They're used to make porridge, soups, and even cakes. They kinda fill in the gaps most East Asians have in the kitchen because they don't have an oven. That said, this obviously isn't super useful to westerners.
Anyway, most white people eat a lot of rice in my country. It's what you have with a curry. Personally, I just love making Chinese food.

>> No.17049799

I'm from Europe and OP is a retard faggot.

>> No.17049802

Why should he when it takes up space in the kitchen. I can easily afford a hot air balloon too, doesn't mean I want to buy one.

>> No.17049808

>h-he doesn't consoom latest product

>> No.17049817

I don't even make toast that frequently, but I bought my toaster for six dollars in 2003.

>> No.17049820

Rice can taste much better than "ok". Unless you're poor I don't know why you'd settle.

>> No.17049823

Because I can't bring a rice cooker along on a two week backpacking trip.

>> No.17049825

No, only brainlets eat cancer rice

>> No.17049833

I do appreciate good rice. I just dont make it much at home. As far as poor goes, rice is probably the cheapest food you can get.

>> No.17049862

Toasters are retarded too. Throw the bread in the pan you just cooked breakfast in with some butter. Now you don't have to butter it = easier than toaster

>> No.17049876

Rice cookers suck. Make pilaf rice instead where you don't need a useless unitasker.

>> No.17049884

It's ok if you're lazy but taking the time to wash your rice and measuring the water is way better.

>> No.17049933

As I've already explained ITT, rice cookers are absolutely not a unitasker. Also, pilau is pretty naff anon.
tbf there is a big difference in flavour between Sainsburys own brand long grain rice and branded jasmine rice. Although I only ever found a crushed up bug in the latter.

>> No.17049947

Of course they are unitaskers. The name already shows clearly. You are just abusing yours.

>> No.17049963

>it can only cook rice because it is called a rice cooker
Not your most convincing argument, anon

>> No.17049970

>It's weird. Most of the time America is so much worse than Europe when it comes to food
You are an obsessed lardass, the vast majority of people are shit cooks no matter where you go, buy your coping license and fuck off.

>> No.17049975

They still call it Uncle Bens in Europe? They rebranded it to Bens in the US and did away with the old timey negroe cartoon

>> No.17049979

>I'm from Europe and this is the way everyone cooks their rice.
I'm from Europe and I don't.

>> No.17050038

Which former soviet client state are you from?

>> No.17050063

I think OP might live in a prison

>> No.17050069

Yeah let's throw this plastic bag in boiling water to cook our food in it what's the worst that could happen right?

>> No.17050074

Nice bait, i use a rice cooker or just steam it like a normal fucking person in a fucking pot, all that micro-plastic is getting in your brain OP

>> No.17050079
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>> No.17050089

They don't sell that in any supermarket that I've been to. That must be some west coast hipster shit that normal people don't even know about.

>> No.17050121

Ben can't be your uncle anymore because he's black?

>> No.17050145

>won a random contest
>mutt thinks it's a good way to showcase the typical quality of cheese bought in his shithole

>> No.17050149

Who you trying to convince, me or yourself?

>> No.17050346

>I'm from Europe and this is the way everyone cooks their rice.
oh look it's the master baiter

>> No.17050380

do europeans really go out of their way to eat more plastic?

>> No.17050407
File: 108 KB, 1381x605, islam_is_the_incel_coomer_religion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17050441

I'm from Europe and OP is right. We have some of the worst rice in the world

>> No.17050465

lolno what a retard

>> No.17050482

>euros boil plastic
no wonder you're all devoid of testosterone

>> No.17050488

Yes, and I'll stop buying it when/if they rebrand.

>> No.17050498

we have good cheese ina merica. jsut that the blacks and white trash eat processed cheese

>> No.17050517
File: 123 KB, 1024x623, 1636499432293m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm from Midwest US and I've literally never heard of boil in bag rice. I was 100% certain that OP and others were just trolling until I googled it myself. It sounds disgusting, you guys are retarded 3rd world faggots. Even niggers here at least make minute rice, which doesnt involve boiling literal plastic into your food. I have only ever made rice by measuring and cooking in a pot or rice cooker.

>> No.17050529

stop larpin, burger

>> No.17050534

Only if you're mutt-level lazy.

>> No.17050577

that's because real cheese is retardedly expensive. seems to be a trend in America really. sell processed and literal garbage cheap while charging insane prices for real food. there's a lot wrong with Europe but one thing they've gotten right is food.

>> No.17050598

American cheese isn't worthless and I'm tired of people thinking it is. American has unique properties that no other cheese has, chemically speaking it's about half way between cheese and butter. The only reason it isn't labeled as real cheese is because 100 years ago the dairy lobby protested it because it was selling too popularly and putting cheese farmers out of business.

>> No.17050601

>sell processed and literal garbage cheap while charging insane prices for real food

That's a thing over there, too. Processed trash is cheap everywhere. No one would buy it if it costs as much or more than "real food."

>> No.17050604

it's just so it easier to cook a rice no worry about too much water

>> No.17050631

The only time I actually that tried that was when my mother got it for cheap and gave it a whirl. It was not bad, but it's even more expensive than rice usually is here. Cheap rice is like what, 2,50€ for 500g? I can get a kilo of pasta for not even a third of that. I'm kinda jealous of Americans or Asians that claim that they are getting 20kg bags for like 5 dollars.

>> No.17050632

sure but the difference is that in Europe real food is often actually cheaper the the junk in America. cheese is a perfect example of that

>> No.17050712

Yeah until you see that you're throwing loads of rice away with the bag because all of it simply won't come out

>> No.17050762

good cheese is expenseive in europe too...
i've lived in Engalnd (4 years) and Germany (1.5 years only)

>> No.17050777

How do you know? You sound like a clueless American that just assumes Europe is some paradise of cheap food.

>> No.17050785

inflation aside america probably has the cheapest food in the world compared to average wages, other countries might beat us on shit like cigarette prices but thats all because of taxes

>> No.17050820

well you see around 40 years ago there was this thing invented that allows us to access literally all human information

yes but that "cheapest" food is literal garbage. when you look at anything of reasonable quality America is actually significantly more expensive.

>> No.17050822

european here, you are dumb and gay and wrong and probably a homosexual

>> No.17050848

Another retarded thread started by some eurotrash.
It is getting old.

>> No.17050850

You can google European supermarkets and their prices are on par with ours or even more expensive. Stop doubling down on your retardation and just admit that you're wrong.

>> No.17050871

Only university students cook rice that way. Get out.

>> No.17050892

sure if you cheery pick results like a faggot. i've done the research and i know i'm right

>> No.17051010

By “from europe” you mean the UK right? No one in Italy or France does this and I know that

>> No.17051044

They are dirt cheap, probably because they are the worst rice on the planet. You can get 4 bags for like 50 cents. Anyway, I split open the bag, rinse thoroughly and cook them like normal rice.

>> No.17051121

Denmark here:

Bagged rice is mainly sold to boomers who can't or wont cook. They're mostly single, and often eat frozen dishes.

Families who rarely eat rice, also purchase this product to avoid having to learn how to cook rice properly. They often purchase it, when it's on sale.

Middle eastern granma willing to buy whatever is cheapest possible, purchase this when it's on sale. Regular price on a bag of rice is still cheaper, but granma doesn't look at weight of product, only size.

I used to purchase it to make rice pudding, due to the type of rice. Rather that then buying a 1+ kilo bag, only to throw over half of it away. I don't do that anymore, now that they've upped the quality of their product and those bags often contain long grain.

>> No.17051154

wtf did they really make a nigger version of Ben's Original or is this a shop.

>> No.17051739

>t. doesn't know how to turn the bag over & shake

>> No.17051756

i still have my mums rice cooker tf u talking about

>> No.17051800

Fried bread and toast aren't the same thing.

>> No.17051939

Toasters are cheaper.
They're much more convenient than a campfire.

>> No.17051950

>crushed up bug
Imagine being upset about complimentary protein. Ungrateful westoid.

>> No.17052017

Toasters toast bread and nothing else. They're just not useful unless you toast bread frequently.

>> No.17052024

Right. Fried bread is better in every way. I haven't looked into it, but I'm betting toasters became a thing around the time (((they))) tried demonizing butter

>> No.17052032

You stupid fucking nigger, toast is traditionally made by grilling in the oven, not fried.

>> No.17052038
File: 43 KB, 787x787, 1637371050255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ping ching pong chong? Song song sing pong ping!

>> No.17052066

>the bread and the cheese

The US has thousands of varieties of these. Have you tried them all, OP?

Not to mention many people bake their own bread according to their special family recipes. Tried any?

>> No.17052069

Tradition is meaningless for food. Fry your bread next brekky, you'll understand my meaning.
>less clean up
Usually old people weren't wrong or were at least close enough to right. Except for food.

>> No.17052073

Yes, and? What's your point?

>> No.17052181

I worked at a restaurant that did this and I was disgusted by it. >>17049061

>> No.17052240

Same here. I buy the 60 in the microwave bagged rice. Easy peasy and comes in many flavors