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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17046111 No.17046111[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Japanese cuisine is objectively disgusting.

>> No.17046124

The only people I know who downright dislike Japanese food are picky eater autists who were raised on chicken nuggets and mac n cheese

>> No.17046129
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>a sliver of raw fish brushed with soy sauce on a handful of steamed rice

>> No.17046131

Yeah I really don't like the concept of eating eels either

>> No.17046133

i really really wish /pol/ would fuck off

>> No.17046145

OP seems more like an /int/ than a /pol/ack to be fair

>> No.17046152

this. they don't care what race you are so long as you are being racist

>> No.17046168

Well you've clearly never eaten sushi before lmao. You can get rolls for $4 if you want.
You can also pay $100-200 for 2 hours of basically a personal chef making you a menu where every individual bite and feedback influences what they make for you next and can have up to 20 different items or more served to you.
>but you'd know that if you weren't racist

>> No.17046172

Japanese sushi bars don't have a tip system you retard.

>> No.17046185

>everyone that says things I dont like is racissss.
Can you faggots hurry up with your destructio of everything nice, I am sick of your whining

>> No.17046189
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>> No.17046191

why is japanese cuisine so hilariously bad?
the main staple dish of nipponland is sushi which is literally just fish on rice
their curry is just watered soup
ramen is just inferior version of authentic Chinese noodles
even instant noodles is taiwanese (Chinese) and not from japan

why could the nips not make a satisfactory cuisine?

>> No.17046198

>not everything is racist

Aight faggots go back to eating your sloppa and tendies.

>> No.17046202

Triggered weeb

>> No.17046204

>t. ate gas station sushi once and cup noodle upset my tummy :'(

>> No.17046205
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Why do I get the feeling you're the kind of faggot that stocks up on tendies?

>> No.17046208
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>> No.17046209

fuck on off back to red*it

>> No.17046210

>liking seafood and enjoying a cuisine mostly centered around seafood
>hahah weeeeeb
Life's not all nuggies and tater tots anon.

>> No.17046221

>unironically created as an ornamental piece like wax fruit in milkskin countries
>sold at higher price because it is purely decoration and used as a tourist trap item
>"Hahaha wow do japanese people really???"

>> No.17046223

It's difficult communicating with someone who has a rudimentary grasp of english, Deng. How many years of shitposting do you have left before they'll let you see your wife and kid again?

>> No.17046239
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The most ironic thing about 4Chan being a racist, exclusionary cesspool...is that it was started in response to 2Chan was being racist and exclusionary. It’s basically the digital version of Animal Farm kek

>> No.17046254
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I generally agree. Japanese food has a lot of really difficult dishes. It is mainly just the stuff that made it overseas that is good. Most traditional Japanese food is a very acquired taste.
But trying to say something like fatty tuna sushi is bad is just you being insincere.

>> No.17046259

Yeah moot was smart to get out of this retarded echo chamber before it REALLY turned to shit.

>> No.17046263
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Because the '12 changes didn't turn this place into a shithole? Fucking newfaggots I swear to fuck.

>> No.17046268

Yeah, he was really fortunate to only be involved with 4chan when it was regularly being used to trade child porn

>> No.17046270

I guess 2 nukes wasn't enough. Step up your game Americans

>> No.17046274

i don't care for sushi but I enjoy japanese curries and the like

>> No.17046278

I'm american but aight faggot. Try having real sushi outside of your flyover landlocked area.

>> No.17046286

Unironically yes though. Because that shit was still reported and removed at a decent rate back in 2008-2010. It was only "prevelant" in the formative years back when there was /l/ and after that board was nuked /b/ was "Random Anime/loli"
Even with the shit threads back then there was no femboy spam, bbc spam, politics spam, or any of that shit. It was real shitposting with make your own crystal threads, trolling, coupon sharing/making, mosaic mask puzzle solving.

Actual interaction and threads that could last a whole day.

>> No.17046287
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>implying the best sushi isn't in landlocked states

>> No.17046306
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>quality of your frozen fish bought from Sysco is so bad that they drown the plate in so much sauce it looks like a Jackson Pollock painting. Fucking yuck.
You can pay $15 and make 3 meals worth of sushi that looks fresher than that.

>> No.17046307

They don't tip in Japan dumbass

>> No.17046316

Gas station sushi tastes good though

>> No.17046327

Enjoy being the subject of a future chubbyemu video.
>"Anon is presenting with faggotemia."

>> No.17046331

Oh my bad. So your mom is super proud of you, interacting with online characters all day, consistently like a disorder?

>> No.17046343

americans you mean

>> No.17046347

Just say you're too young to know what the internet was like before 2010 you fuckin zoomer.
Interacting online was fun as shit before every 8 year old had a tiktok and YouTube account.

>> No.17046361

It's just fish and rice idk how that can be "disgusting" you manchild

>> No.17046371

*LARPing online was fun as shit


>> No.17046379

It would just be RPing. LARPers at least had it in them to go outside and move around

>> No.17046394

Just say you're too young to know what the internet was like before 2000 you fuckin boomer.
Interacting online was a real life (for me) before every 5 year old had a iPhone.

>> No.17046398

I've been here since 06. Had a computer and an AOL account in 99. Please fuck off

>> No.17046405

But do you have a life?

>> No.17046423

that's a good question, I guess it just depends how you define a "life". But I like to think I do

>> No.17046425

i will never quit this job faggot

>> No.17046430

That's my only post itt faggot I said nothing about sushi. I've had it. It's good. That wasn't the point of my post. You're irrational weeb anger is my only point, and therefore the fact that you're American makes my point strong. 2 nukes definitely wasn't enough