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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17033772 No.17033772 [Reply] [Original]

Admit it /ck/. Majority of you have never cooked anything besides pasta.

>> No.17033787

I'm the minority.

>> No.17033836

pasta is high on carbs which give you literal energy which contradicts your picrelated
the body runs on glucose

>> No.17033839

kek youre a retard and dont even know it

>> No.17033843

I am actually a pretty good cook and I've cooked all sorts of things.

>> No.17033869

Except carbs really make you sleepy. Look at fatfucks and vegans, all they eat are carbs and they have no energy without coffee.

>> No.17033907

go read about bodily conversion
everything is glucose

ketolards need to rope

>> No.17033917

Everything is glucose, unless you want to optimise your body. Then it becomes ketones.

>> No.17033921

I will not join your hairloss reddit cult, sorry tranny

>> No.17033935

I lurked this board for the first time today and all the proof I really need that the average 4channer is a single male living alone hovering just over the poverty line

>> No.17033955

It's just temporary shedding. Genuine hair loss is permanent. But I don't care if you don't see the light. It just means I get to be superior to another person.

>> No.17033970

sure thing ketoshill, I'll remember that after I do keto never not once because it's a reddit hairloss cult

>> No.17033971

I worked in a kitchen for years.
Pasta is something I rarely cook actually.

>> No.17033980
File: 570 KB, 2056x1594, mongol diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You lose hair from excess DHT, not from your diet. Carbs are peasant food, nothing more nothing less.

>> No.17034014

I will never do your tranny keto reddit diet.

>> No.17034024

you don't cook pasta.
you cook water.

>> No.17034027

>unless you want to optimise your body. Then it becomes ketones.
you do know that the keto diet was started to slow brain function in hyperactive patients, don't you?
keto literally makes you dumber.

>> No.17034041

I actually need help, how do I learn how to cook? You guys don’t have a sticky

I bought chicken breasts but like what do I do with them? Serious answers only, I’ve only made eggs all my life

>> No.17034049

>chicken breasts
marinate them over night in the fridge.
oil a skillet.
place them in skillet on medium heat and cover for 15 minutes.
flip, cover, 15 more minutes.
cut thickest part of breast to make sure juices are clear and chicken is cooked.
eat chicken.

>> No.17034066

What do you mean marinade?
Like put salt on it? Also when I put it on a skillet I put like corn oil or something right?

>> No.17034214

I made chicken enchiladas yesterday friend

>> No.17034217


>> No.17034272


Have fun with your high carb diet and the respective insulin resistance, hypertension, cardiac disease, fatigue, constant weight gain, depression

>> No.17034382

you cant be serious

>> No.17034384

google you fucking retard

>> No.17034385

I wanna die for isreal, not grow old.

>> No.17034416

I did, that didn't help at all

>> No.17034504

>eat a small meal - still hungry
>eat a big meal - get sleepy

>> No.17034522

Eat a medium meal you dick snag.

>> No.17034546


>> No.17034624

kek alright man got me there
To marinade just take your preferred spices throw em together with the chicken and let it sit in the fridge for a bit usually overnight, remember to have wet ingredients water can be just fine but if you want soy sauce works good as well just be careful with the salt

>> No.17034799

>Have fun with your high fat diet and the respective insulin resistance, hypertension, cardiac disease, fatigue, constant weight gain, depression

>> No.17034829

All lies. If anything you get leaner from lack of carbs

>> No.17034831

> high school level education
> thinks he can teach us anything
Kek, go to fucking College

>> No.17034892

>reddit diet
>newfag meme arrowing
like clockwise

>> No.17035113

Just fast from time to time

>> No.17035122

I made the mistake of being a line cook for half a decade. At least I didn't become a smoker, alcoholic or drug addict in that time.
Now I'm neet, ten times happier and actually have fun cooking again.

>> No.17035442

You don't cook pasta, moron, you rehydrate it

>> No.17035451

Unless it's instant noodles (which have already been cooked), you do actually cook pasta. Raw flour isn't properly digestible until it's been broken down by the heat of cooking. You can leave dry pasta in cold water until it reconstitutes, but it's still raw flour and would taste horrible.

>> No.17035507

>slow brain function in hyperactive patients
you might be retarded

>> No.17035535

It only worked because they rode horses in combat
Olympic runners need to consume a fuckton of carbs for energy for example, if you had to fight on foot you would need some sort of carbs in your diet

>> No.17035559

Unholy cope.

>> No.17035593

The romans depended on wheat. And, unlike the mongols, they were able to properly establish an empire that spread its culture across the world AMD survived through multiple generations and governments (kingdom, republic, AND empire).
Meanwhile, the moguls were destroyed by some rough winds and rice eating islanders with no greater imperial ambitions who got cucked by the chinese.

>> No.17035607

Ironically enough, I've cooked plenty of things but never pasta.

>> No.17036828
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>> No.17036830
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>> No.17036834
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>> No.17036835

jesus that makes me want to cook pasta

>> No.17037619

I need to go buy some raw ingredients tonight so when my parents come here tomorrow they think I cook and don't just eat fast food. Any ideas

>> No.17037663

I'm cooking right now and it's not pasta.

>> No.17037667

avocados and bread

>> No.17037701

What brand of dog is in op? I want to have two for pets.

>> No.17037746

I admit that the hardest dish I have made is pizza and bread but I still cook most of my food.

>> No.17037752

go back to your home country then

>> No.17037771

i made ramen noodle

>> No.17037772

Just try and deport me bitchtits

>> No.17037900

Before I got into cooking I could only make pasta It's all I ate with fast food for 6 years. My poor organs

>> No.17038004

back to thailand with you......ladyboy farting up my

>> No.17038136

ive never cooked pasta before
I just eat meats and veggies

>> No.17038154

Open borders for western nations you supremacist cunt

>> No.17038184
File: 2.02 MB, 2448x3264, B8D04078-CDF4-4095-ADB7-3B09B1B18929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can make some good breakfast food

>> No.17038207

I almost never eat pasta. My go to carbs are rice and bread.

>> No.17038209

That's literally canned hash and two overcooked eggs.

>> No.17038242

>cut thickest part of breast to make sure juices are clear and chicken is cooked.
I always fail in this step, the chicken is cooked on both sides but raw in the middle....

>> No.17038250
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It’s more than pasta though

>> No.17039043
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I only cook the fancy pants food to show off on holidays.

>> No.17039654

I cook at least twice a day and I haven't cooked pasta in like a year, I could go the rest of my life without pasta and wouldn't miss it at all

>> No.17040204

fuck you OP

>> No.17040518
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I can cook, I made this a while ago.
>store bought oatbread
>minced meat, cow and pig
>a bit of salt, black pepper and bag of Santa Maria taco spicemix
(Spices (cumin (15%), chili pepper (11%), garlic (7.9%)), grape sugar, onion (17%), salt, oregano (4.5%), yeast extract, potato starch, anti-caking agent (silica), spice extract (paprika).)
>one onion cut into the mix and fried
>some raw onion on top of it
>few slices of pickeld gherkins
Tasted amazing. Like sex on my tongue. The raw onion was the best part. What do you think?

>> No.17040526

>tfw white minority master race

>> No.17040609
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I cucked a dook the other day.

>> No.17040725

I would add cheese but that’s just me. Looks tasty anon.

>> No.17040787

If that makes you feel better about having basic cooking skills then yes we all cook pasta in the microwave.

>> No.17040828

Jokes on you, I can't stand pasta.

>> No.17041972

I have also made a potroast

>> No.17042096

I'm too lazy to cook consistently, but I do occasionaly do simple soups, stews or stuff like steaming beef, grated carrot, onion and garlic in a wok with boiled rice.

>> No.17042139

Just cooked a salmon fillet and some poached eggs for thanksgiving desu

>> No.17042149

This is my first year doing the dinner, and I've been having a blast because I didn't go fully traditional, or at least, did a lot of things my family never did all these years. Charcuterie board with brie, a dish of huckleberry compote, salami I've been fermenting myself just for today, plenty of cornichons and walnuts, and crostinis. Brined the bird for two days and quartered it deboned it, rubbed the skin down with a lemon pepper rub, simmered the stock with the bones and giblets since 6am, fucking dried off and cooled off, then breaded and deep fried a lot of the meatier bones like the neck bone and wing tips, that was a hit. Bird's finally in the oven, gonna go with twice baked potatoes and gravy and regular stove top turkey dressing, and of course green bean casserole because you just can't beat the classics. Also been drinking mulled mead all day and watching football with the old man whenever I have a break. Vikings came in clutch.

>> No.17042157

Also I fried up some of the skin scraps from the butchering in a frying pan, absolutely incredible on a crostini holy fuck this is the best Thanksgiving of my life.

>> No.17042158

shut up idiot, you're a retard

>> No.17042852

Looks nice

>> No.17042869

I actually cooked pasta today kek, with tuna and mayo

>> No.17042932

ive cooked fried garlic bread cheese tomato sandwiches

>> No.17043412


>> No.17045317

>t. the spirit of a very obese and smelly Henry VIII.

>> No.17045337

>keto diet was started to slow brain function
Didn't know it definitely worked on you.

>> No.17047294

That sounds amazing

>> No.17047309

Shit, you're right. You got me. The only thing I've cooked in my life is pasta. I've never cooked anything else. Just boil a pot of water, throw some pasta in, drain, and fucking eat it plain. I've literally never cooked anything besides that. Ever. I think I have a problem...

>> No.17047423

I've never even cooked pasta before, most complicated thing I ever do is heat canned soups on the stovetop. I have never used a frying pan, I operated the oven once or twice to reheat something but most of my "cooking" is done with the microwave.

I just shitpost about peoples bad taste in food, all my culinary expertise comes from eating at restaurants

I'm 30 btw

>> No.17047430

hes right. you cook the water and then the water cooks the pasta.

>> No.17047442

how do people undercook chicken? i actually dont get it.
>look up recipe
>cook x for x amount of time
>do that
>serve perfectly cooked x
its LITERALLY that easy.

>> No.17048181

I cook more in a day than you have your whole life

>> No.17048502

>>17033907go read the heart association and dept of health 's guidelines for the past 50 years, then look out the window at all the fat folks following it. carbs are good in amounts smaller than is recomended

>> No.17048821


>> No.17048834

Water doesn't even eat water you stupid faggot and who the fuck cooks water for food?

>> No.17048842

I rarely eat pasta. I don't care for it. I don't get people's obsession. It's just boiled bread

>> No.17048861

>he's never cooked and eaten water
get a load of this faggot.

>> No.17050430
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I've cooked a few different things, probably about 20-30 good recipes.
My favorite is honestly pretty easy, maybe more easy than pasta. Put a rubbed beef steak in a hot smoker until its almost desired temperature on the inside, take it out, then put it in the smoker at a searing temperature. Then just have an oven roasted sweet potato w/ a little butter and a salad.

Having a /ck/ sticky would be great. Considering the near infinite recipes, it couldn't be all-encompassing, but stickies just have to be helpful not perfect.

>> No.17050463

I'll have a slice of your prime cunny

>> No.17050473

Go to the grocery store and buy some marinade you think sounds good and throw it on the grill. Wahlah