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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17016756 No.17016756 [Reply] [Original]

Would you eat ortolan /ck/?

>> No.17016757

Yea, but not whole.

>> No.17016775

Do the french remove the birdshit before cooking?

>> No.17016805

they drown it in wine so its system is flushed out and filled with wine.

>> No.17016818

nah. eating a whole bird like that seems like an unpleasant experience.

>> No.17016834

Only if I was starving to death and that seems unlikely. Nothing about it makes me curious about the taste.
Tiny bird tiny bones sizzling fat and wine just doesn’t get me excited.

>> No.17016868

>they drown it in wine so its system is flushed out and filled with wine.
yeah I dont think thats how that works

>> No.17016869
File: 47 KB, 504x504, smelly french tripe sausage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, it gives a peculiar rich flavor, similar to _une andouillette_

>> No.17018107

>Eating shit

>> No.17018355

Brandy, not wine

>> No.17018459

oh yeah so everybody who drowns irl just gets the shit flushed out of them huh?

>> No.17018520

I doubt the experience is worth it.

>> No.17018557
File: 341 KB, 2622x2463, 1637485848696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you think brandy is made, anon?

>> No.17018783

Moronic faggot trying to be smarmy, sad

>> No.17018802

Seethe more fag.

>> No.17018832

seething incels, who have never experienced the vile smell of a woman's ass

>> No.17018836

The legend ways you have to hide your face from satan with a satin napkin when you eat it

>> No.17018842

Even the French don't eat ortolans, first it's illegal to hunt and sell them, second it's fucking weird and third it's never been popular, it's always been a weird bourgeois thing.

>> No.17018843

Yes, but I suspect that I would never want to ever again.

>> No.17018874

Andouillettes are made with carefully washed intestines anon and they're absolutely delicious when they're well made.

>> No.17018899


>> No.17018974

Everyone says it's incredibly delicious, but eating the head seems extremely weird, with the eyes and beak.
I can eat fish eyes, but I won't eat eyes from land animals. Also, the beak, what the fuck?

>> No.17019108
File: 252 KB, 1200x886, 79551DA1-A208-45EB-8395-5A4A668FDA6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After the little bird is tortured for days, this is what it’s insides look like

>> No.17019223

once cook, those tiny bones are just crunchy :shrug:
uh where did I said otherwise? I know how they taste: I ate one 3 days ago lol

>> No.17020087

so inhumane /baka

>> No.17020089

anyone have the webm of the older french lady rubbing ortolan all over her face then sucking it's ass.

>> No.17020101

>tortured for days
Drowning doesn't take days

>> No.17020110

idk who cares, its a tiny bird. People will eat whole tiny fish and their shit shaft isn't removed either

>> No.17020111

If I take your corpse and run a garden hose through it long enough it'll squeeze all the poop out

>> No.17020127

With these birds, you're not supposed to swallow the bones, right?
Probably not then. I always hate eating food containing shit I have to spit out.
Also eating whole animals always sounded icky to me.

>> No.17020129

The little birds have an exceptional capacity for breath holding. You just have to outlast em by putting them in a little wire cage in the brandy for a few days

>> No.17020581


>> No.17020606


>> No.17020648

French tv show

>> No.17022672

>not shitting out the end of your respiratory tract
Never gonna make it

>> No.17022843

Absolutely, i would eat almost any food as long as its not waste or entirely composed of waste.

>> No.17022867
File: 72 KB, 1280x720, C29694D9-AD12-4B75-97FD-F8B36B3653EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most decadent thing I ever saw was this French guy feeding ortolans to his dog. The dog ate about 20 of them and I mean he just devoured them, they must have been good he probably could have eaten 20 more

>> No.17022896

lol no it wouldn't you stupid nigger, imagine being this fucking stupid. this is why you're hated.

>> No.17025032

Fucking ghastly

>> No.17025082

>this is why you're hated
did that sound cool in your head

>> No.17025089

No, I would ban the practise.

>> No.17025421


>> No.17025474

no, it's clearly just a depraved novelty. I doubt it even tastes good considering the internal organs and shit that's inside.

>> No.17025551

Reminds me off https://youtu.be/dIy1Jma43WI

>> No.17025569

that's heartwarming

>> No.17025573


>> No.17025662

No, it doesn't sound good. Dumb rich people shit.
Kek, those are actually pretty good though