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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17015930 No.17015930 [Reply] [Original]

are all you can eat buffets a losing proposition?

"Kang said that he ate more than three pounds of pork trotters during an initial visit, and between seven and nine pounds of shrimp at another sitting, according to the Chinese newspaper People's Daily.

He has since accused the restaurant of being "discriminatory" against those with large appetites.

"I can eat a lot - is that a fault?" Kang reportedly said, per BBC News.

The restaurant owner told People's Daily that Kang "eats too much" and said that, every time he visits, the restaurant loses "a few hundred yuan."

"Even when he drinks soy milk, he can drink 20 or 30 bottles," the owner said, according to BBC News. "When he eats the pork trotters, he consumes the whole tray of them. And for prawns, usually, people use tongs to pick them up, he uses a tray to take them all."


>> No.17015944

I didn't know China had buffets. I always thought that was a North American thing.

>> No.17016085

i just went to golden corral, for fucks sake this place sucks. fuck country buffets. the chink places are kind of good though

>> No.17016158

>"I can eat a lot - is that a fault?"
Yes, that's a fault.
It is a bit dishonest for a restaurant to offer "all you can eat" buffet food to stop overeaters from taking way too much.
But I don't have much sympathy for these overeaters because they're usually doing this on purpose knowing full well they're going to consume twenty normal customers' worth of food.

>> No.17016186

>they're usually doing this on purpose knowing full well they're going to consume twenty normal customers' worth of food.
It's an all you can eat buffet, why are you acting like it's some vice to eat a lot of food at a place where you eat a lot of food?

>> No.17016200

Is he actually eating it or outright stealing food? Because chinks will do that at buffets.

>> No.17016213

there is no reason for buffets to exist

>> No.17016217

Overeating is a vice

>> No.17016229

It's like casinos accusing you of cheating if you win too much.

>> No.17016246

Just because you don't set a specific limit doesn't mean you're challenging people to consume abnormally large amounts.
It's supposed to just mean "here's a bunch of food we'll keep out here, eat what you want to instead of us making you pick out an exact pre-sized tray and pay for it."
It's like a middle ground between a traditional restaurant selling menu items vs. having a guest over informally and serving them food.

>> No.17016248

I mean, technically you can go to a buffet and load your plate with the most expensive things on the menu. You'd be an asshole for doing it, which is why most ordinary people don't. I've never understood these people who whine to the media when they get banned from a buffet, as if we're meant to have any sympathy for them

>> No.17016250

According to?

>> No.17016255

>are all you can eat buffets a losing proposition?
They only work in honky areas, because the white supremacists refuse to loot and pillage the trays so nobody else can have any, like a good and decent global citizen would and should do.

>> No.17016260

The definition of the word vice, or the bible if you're into that sort of thing.

>> No.17016262


>> No.17016265

The reason is that you get to customise your plate with a wide variety of options, and try a little bit of a lot of things.

>> No.17016269

lmao, this reminds me ofa simpsons episode.

>> No.17016271

All you can eat is a turn of phrase you asswipe not a literal promise.

>> No.17016278

Where does it say in the Bible that overeating is a vice? Most Christians say overeating or gluttony is a sin but I have not seen any Bible verse actually say it

>> No.17016287

sure thing, fatty mcfatterson

>> No.17016292

>there is no reason for buffets to exist
yes there is retard, look up what smörgåsbords are. It's just only a small % of the population can be trusted to not ruin it for everyone else.

>> No.17016295

What if some lardass genuinely likes eating five or six huge plates of food every time he goes to the buffet and is not doing this for some "challenge"? Are you going to set a limit on how many plates you can get, or will you question the customer to see if they are eating a lot just to be pricks or not?

>> No.17016296
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I apologize for calling you retard but my point stands

>> No.17016298

It doesn't. That's a catholic thing.

>> No.17016309

If only there were a Wikipedia page that lists every Bible verse on gluttony.
More importantly, a vice is a bad habit, and overeating is certainly a bad habit, so overeating is a vice.

>> No.17016322

Proverbs 23:20-21

Do not join those who drink too much wine
or gorge themselves on meat,
for drunkards and gluttons become poor,
and drowsiness clothes them in rags.

Of course, every needs different amounts of food in order to feel satiated, especially taking into consideration ones level of activity throughout the day. One must use proper discernment and honest self awareness to judge whether they're going overboard or not.

>> No.17016327

Where did you get the idea that it's some sort of challenge? I'm pretty sure everybody correctly assumed the guy in the article is just a fat fuck who loves eating.

Regardless, it's clear he's a regular customer at this buffet who costs them a significant amount of money each time he goes. Ordinarily a buffet will just accept that some customers are unprofitable, but when you take it to an extreme like eating 7 lbs of shrimp of course you're gonna get banned

>> No.17016340

It's always funny when jewbag/cheap chink owners charge $15 for "all you can eat" and then get pissed when somebody actually eats all they can.
If your business model is based around gypping skinny people then maybe it shouldn't exist.

>> No.17016352

Wow I didn't know God was vegan. Makes sense actually.

>> No.17016353

I quoted the wrong guy but in this >>17016246 post you said challenge.

>> No.17016356

This scripture is not saying to not eat meat, how did you derive that from what is said? Do you not understand what "gorge" means?

>> No.17016358

>"Don't gorge yourself on meat"
fuck off retard

>> No.17016362

I don't think people do buffets because they hope they'll get skinny people who eat very little.
Buffets are more done because there's a demographic of restaurant customers who prefer that format of food service.
A lot of people like being able to walk around and pick out whatever looks interesting to help themselves to vs. having to pick one menu item and waiting for the entire finished product to be prepared and served to them by someone else.

>> No.17016370

>tries to use religion to justify their stupid as fuck opinions like some raghead
>gets owned
>immediately blows up

>> No.17016372

Take a cold shower to settle it down.

>> No.17016381

>cries and backpedals when people call them out for having shit reading comprehension
cry about it ESL, you have to go back

>> No.17016400

Please enjoy this "documentary" about beating the buffet budget.
Narrated by Britain's second-most famous potter.


>> No.17016419

word salad

>> No.17016425

They should be banned for encouraging gluttony and anti-social behavior.

>> No.17016428

my point exactly. also not an argument.

>> No.17016537

Someone asked if there's anything in the Bible that speaks about gluttony. I provided. You misunderstood what the scripture conveys and I correct you. Now you are mad for some reason. Can you explain yourself? This isn't normal behavior.

>> No.17016635
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I want to see the size of this mad lad.

>> No.17016727

people who do this are the ones who get rules put on buffets. eat less

>> No.17016755

>food vlogger
>The man, known only as Mr Kang,
I’m conguse, is he a food vlogger or is he an obscure guy whose name they don’t know?

>> No.17016764

You're a moron, Mr. Kang is obviously his online name and they didn't get his real name.

>> No.17016767

>It's another "filthy bong shits up /ck/ with a retarded grade school-tier thread" episode
Fuck off.

>> No.17016794

You and your posts are all based (for lack of a better word). Keep doing what you're doing, disingenuous snakes will keep doing what they do. I, for one, thank you for your input to the thread.

>> No.17016853

The take away result is a restaurant can ban you for eating too much at the buffet if they want, but they still let him in the first few times to eat 20+ lbs of food.

>> No.17016860

Imagine being american and thinking it's other countries who are shitting up this board. Guess what, 90% of the fast food places you talk about only exist in america, it's you fat fucks who ruin this board

>> No.17016997

The guy is a streamer who probably does this a lot. The restaurant owner banned all streamers too though, not just him.

>> No.17017015

And until they make me sign a contract stating as such when I enter, I’ll continue to take the offer at face value. Back to the kitchen, wagie. The pot roast is running low!

>> No.17017306

He isn't at all. Christ's message is not the one of hatred and condemnation that he keeps preaching. The essence of Christianity has gone way over his head. He might as well be Muslim.

However, in this case he happens to be correct as to over-indulgence. It is spiritually harmful and an inversion of charity.

>> No.17017322
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>christ's message is not one of hatred and condemnation

>every single business that has refused service to gays in the past decade cites Christian religious beliefs in their justification

>> No.17017344

Maybe those faggots shouldn't have gone out of their way past a dozen other bakeries on a crusade

>> No.17018113

Maybe. Does that make the baker less of a Christless hypocrite?

>> No.17018558

I wouldn't have banned him for eating too much, I would've said the ban was because he was taking entire trays of food so other people didn't even get to taste it, and that I was losing other customers because of it.

>> No.17018627

there's literally a dozen major interpretations of the Bible (and even interpretations of what the Bible IS) and you're SO retarded that you can't wrap your head around the idea that wow wee somebody could be wrong in their personal interpretation of the Bible (or not actually know the Bible at all and just be making up stupid shit as they go - which most major religions are doing as they try to apply changing modern circumstances to their 2,000+ year-old documents?)

people that call themselves "Christians" are the biggest red flag, it indicates they're not part of any organized religion (given the location it was probably some fuckface nobody Baptist group), and have very likely never even read an entire Bible before.

>> No.17018634

Churches and people will give up on you.

>> No.17018650

Lardass should stop being a glutton and loose weight.
Fatties aren't people.

>> No.17018654

It seems like it'd be like running a casino kind of.
Sure, there'll be the occasional big winner, but on average, the house turns a profit.

>> No.17018963

It makes them/you simple demons

>> No.17019143

Just make it so if a restaurant offers and "all you can eat" buffet, they legally have to honor it. Buffets just drop the "all you can eat" tagline because it's literal false advertising and everything is good

>> No.17019202

Nearly every religion. Gluttony is one of the great evils of Buddhism. But why the hell do you need a religion to tell you that being disgusting obese lars is bad for you?

>> No.17019276

isn't the economics of the place inherently based on appetite cost averaging? it should be impossible for a single outlier customer to bankrupt a buffet place. the owner is just being a parsimonious shithead

>> No.17019326

Well at least the food tasted good enough that he came back a lot.