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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17012883 No.17012883 [Reply] [Original]

Is the most prestigious fast food chain in the world?

>> No.17012890 [DELETED] 
File: 283 KB, 438x728, NoWeddingCakesHere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being Christian (or any other religion) doesn't give you a magical exemption to bully, socially exclude, mistreat, or otherwise harass gay people.

Cut it out.

>> No.17012902 [DELETED] 

Unless it was a giant weiner cake topped by satan fucking jesus i have no idea why he didnt just make them their cake. But old people tend to be stuck in their ways.

>> No.17012905
File: 305 KB, 1440x959, Tablets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the food has definitely gotten less consistent, but i'd still say yes, they're drive-thru service is unmatched

>> No.17012907

franchise-wise, yes. probably my favorite but I cannot say with 100% certainty that it beats all others in quality. definitely top 3.

>> No.17012909
File: 607 KB, 2880x2304, bulk_actions_image_0d0e0a15-9ce7-4b87-abd2-c2d0453ec4ba-w2880-a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, this is

>> No.17012917

I drive past a chick-fil-a on my way home from work. Every time there's a massive line in the drive thru, like 30-40 cars.

It seems like a bit much.

>> No.17012922 [DELETED] 

Because it's disgusting

>> No.17012925 [DELETED] 

There is not a single real example of a gay couple entering a bakery to ask for an obscene, sexually explicit cake. These examples exist only in your head.

In the case of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Colorado, they did not reach the point of discussing what would be on the cake at all.

The issue is not gays requesting sexually explicit cakes - the issue is bullies targeting and harassing gays for being gay.

>> No.17012928 [DELETED] 

Yeah it makes me heave as well but you have to let people live their lives.

>> No.17012934 [DELETED] 

Straight couples disgust me. I hope the government eventually introduces mandatory homosexuality.

>> No.17012947 [DELETED] 

No the issue is fags perverting an ancient tradition for no reason other than degeneracy

>> No.17012951 [DELETED] 


>> No.17012952
File: 132 KB, 600x600, a9b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no drive-thru
no thanks, fag

>> No.17012957 [DELETED] 

Something being old doesn't make it good or righteous.

Go live in a cave.

>for no other reason

because gay people are attracted to the same sex and want to celebrate togetherness with the partner of their choice - marriage means you have sex with someone and live with them

same sex attraction is not a personal attack upon you

>> No.17012971 [DELETED] 

That’s gay.

>> No.17013030 [DELETED] 

Chik fil a always has the most attractive white kids working there, I don't know how you could look at chik fil a and not think white christians are the superiorist people on earth.

>> No.17013042 [DELETED] 


>> No.17013045 [DELETED] 

there is simply no need for homophobic slurs here

>> No.17013056 [DELETED] 

Yeah honestly gay marriage seems like a violation of religious rights, not saying they shouldn't be able to get secularly married for tax purposes or a christian sect can't marry gays but if your religion is against gays you're supposed to be constitutionally guaranteed respect for that.

>> No.17013063 [DELETED] 

Most straight people get married civilly.

The issue at hand was always gay civil marriage - in a courthouse.

Christians are free not to marry gays. Christians wanted gays not to be able to marry at all - religiously or civilly - and that's an important point.

>> No.17013074 [DELETED] 

You’re an idiot and a faggot

Back to >>/plebbit/

>> No.17013175 [DELETED] 


>> No.17013197 [DELETED] 

homophobic slurs are like seasoning on food. if you dont have them you might as well be eatin white people food noam sayin

>> No.17013229 [DELETED] 

Technically according to The Bible, homosexuals should be put to death.
Nowadays Christians just prevent you from tainting the rest of society to the best of our abilities. Pray we don't alter the deal further.

>> No.17013241

>$11 for a burger
there's a local burger restaurant that sells higher quality burgers for $5. 1/2lb of beef.
Five Guys tastes good but it's extremely overpriced and overrated. Their cajun fries are the best thing on the menu.

>> No.17013699


>> No.17013705
File: 4 KB, 238x195, awkward.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go to a board
>go into thread
>most boring shit in the world except reddit
>actually say something interesting
>get ignored or people just tell me i'm wrong for reasons that miss the point
>go into a thread that isn't autisticly focused on the topic
>suddenly a lot of interesting posts
>go fucking figure
>actually something fun to talk about and get replies
>like fucking magic mods do what they do best and remove all those posts just because they break rules they themselves made
like goddamn as much as everyone here seems to be retarded, /b/ is still the best there is for reading but i can only lurk there because my threads just die. wouldn't even need to try out other boards if my computer stopped going to just /qa/ and mods are taking they're sweet time getting it back up. of course. why is it like no one else can say things without being boring or killing the fun goddamn

>> No.17013710


>> No.17013711

Maybe, if it had any presence in the rest if the world. It doesn't.

>> No.17013740

You should feel ashamed

>> No.17013746

shut da fuck up

>> No.17013750
File: 498 KB, 2048x1536, QueerAnarchists2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chick fil a is run by gay hating bigots and every store should be burnt to the ground (symbolically).

You literally can't sell chicken sandwiches without making it known you feel attacked by people who are attracted to a different combination of genitals wanting the same rights as you have.

>> No.17013757

The way they have their shit set up, each person is only going to wait for like 5 minutes max despite the 30-40 cars or whatever. Most efficient drive through I've ever fucking seen

>> No.17013810

Dayum gonna have some for brikfuss now

>> No.17013836

about what? actually trying to say things worth hearing?