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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17012700 No.17012700 [Reply] [Original]

Does /ck/ eat mussels?

>> No.17012709

Don't care, still eating mussels

>> No.17012711

So if I put mussels in my fish tank they will clean the water?

>> No.17012715

is that poop water?

>> No.17012716

if you don't eat them first.

>> No.17012718

They're good and real easy to dig/pick, but they're a bitch to clean.

>> No.17012719

OP is fag
OP eats cock muscle

>> No.17012721

Yes, things eat other nasty things all the time and taste fucking great.

>> No.17012725

They're filter feeders. The name didn't come from nothing.

>> No.17012726

Based and musselpilled

>> No.17012759


>> No.17012764
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Yeah, a common reason why people tend to deal with algae problems in their fish tanks is that they lack a complete ecosystem to deal with all types of algae produced. You either have to rely more heavily on external filters or introduce the missing parts.

>> No.17012772
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the shells can be really annoying to clean but other than that who fucking cares

>> No.17012778

yeah I buy 20 from pak n save, split them down the middle add a little bit of butter, pepper, a slice of spring onion and grill them in the oven. if I'm feeling fancy i'll do a little bit of ginger and garlic in each one as well.

then I use on half shell and scoop out the other halves and sit on my bench and eat them all fresh out the oven. it's like my mid-week ritual. it feels like I'm eating real food like a real human should. it makes me want to kill and eat my enemies.

>> No.17012788
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Based kiwi bro. Keep fighting the good fight.

>> No.17013272
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At least /ck/ remove its digestive system before cooking, right?

>> No.17013280

Fuck yes. Cooked in white wine, butter, and garlic.

>> No.17013291

>water full of shit
>mussels eat the shit
>water is now clean
>i eat the mussels
Something doesn't seem right about this. I'm eating a creature that eats shit?

>> No.17013296

>pork is bad

>> No.17013298

Yeah that's why you have to be careful when cooking and eating shellfish. Since they're basically at the bottom of the food chain they filter out any and all organic matter they can get out of the water. This obviously means they can have some nasty diseases that can fuck you up if you don't cook them carefully.

>> No.17013299

>pigs eat shit
Prove it. Pretty sure they eat corn, just like cows and Americans.

>> No.17013304
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>> No.17013305

Perhaps you'd like to not be a dumbfuck and read th comment tree.,

>> No.17013311

Pigs will generally eat anything you give them that's why in ye olden times they were more dangerous to eat (which is probably why a lot of religions said to not eat pork), this is because by eating literally anything they can get a bunch of really nasty parasites that will fuck you up royally. Nowadays however pork has a lot of regulation on what you can feed them and health checkups and all that shit so pork is very safe to eat. You can cook it like steak really with varying degrees of doneness it's that safe to eat now.

>> No.17013323

you said cattle twice

>> No.17013330

I see no actual evidence of pigs eating poop. I see people saying pigs will eat poop if they are starving, and that Mexican farmers are known for feeding poop to their pigs in order to save money. But much worse can said for chickens, who actively seek out poop to eat, and have to be stopped from doing so.

>> No.17013337

>a lot of religions
No. Just the desert herders, because it's bad for their industry if they eat pork when they have mutton in stock; later they made their puppet deity say it to make it law.

>> No.17013340

Pigs are filthy animals. I don't eat filthy animals.

>> No.17013350

What evidence do you have that they are filthy? They cover themselves in mud in order to stay cool, because they lack sweat glands.

>> No.17013351

I wasn't the guy you were talking to, I'm fairly sure that they don't eat literal shit but pigs will generally eat anything you give them.
That's an interesting theory I've never heard before, I always assumed it was because pork can be a bit risky to eat since they are more prone to some really nasty parasites that can seriously damage us. Also that is fair I was only really thinking about the abrahamic religions when I said a lot of religions, that's my bad.

>> No.17013364

>more prone to some really nasty parasites that can seriously damage us
Such as? You realize that goats, which is the most consumed meat in the world, and is eaten by Jews and Arabs alike, is an omnivore that's known to eat anything in front of it too?

Also you realize that if you cook the meat, you get rid of bacteria pretty quickly?

>> No.17013371

muslims are filthy animals.

>> No.17013384

>pork can be a bit risky to eat
Anything can be risky too eat when not prepared properly.

>> No.17013471

You eat the reproductive system of a creature that eats shit and corpses, a huge reproductive system btw

>> No.17013535

Shellfish can metabolise almost anything organic. You're not "eating what they ate".

>> No.17013565

I really wanna stick my penis in that.

>> No.17013570

Goats are pretty destructive animals, and have been proven to cause aridization, since they eat saplings and strip bark from older trees. Several islands used to have relict forests before the introduction of goats. Also goats eat eggs and new-born/hatched animals, if they can find them.

>> No.17013581

good job mussels

>> No.17013605

Filtration isn’t going to do much about algae although including UV treatment can help. It’s typically a light/nutrient issue.

>> No.17013727

Yours would probably fit

>> No.17013730

yeah it's pretty tiny haha

>> No.17014560

>sun exists
>sun produces light
>plants eat the light
>cows eat plants
>i eat the animals and plants
wtf that doesn't seem safe, I don't think I can eat the sun

>> No.17014566

Yes. I like eating pickled mussels from the jar with a few cans of lager.

>> No.17014577


>> No.17014598

Love me Mussels now and then. But, any idea how to prepare the BLACK mussel so they dont get all mushy and shit? I'd love to support native specie, but fuck me it is so mushy to taste, it's gross and weird.

Green Mussel on the hand is just perfect; even reduced to shit, still nice and firm. Notice how all your typical Chinese buffet always serve Green, but not Black - its the texture.

>> No.17014601

True. I didn't mean to imply it was the only cause of algae blooms.

>> No.17014610

oysters, clams, mussels, scallops. all are great.

>> No.17014613

>True. I didn't mean to imply it was the only cause of algae blooms.
the bigger issue is the bacterial byproduct from algae blooms...which in turn are toxic to plant life and the fish it feeds. There isn't a way to eat mussels or oysters from toxic waters.

We definitely need to good water and shellfish that life there keeping it clean. It's mostly a run-off concern from nutrients going into coastal areas.

>> No.17014640

I think it makes for a good thought experiment as to whether or not people would be put off by the thought of eating grass and forage that had been turned into a perfect replication of a beef steak by some obscured process. How much does a person need to distance themselves from what their food is made of? We kind of saw bits of this with that plant-based food trend, but that was really kind of hollow. I'm talking about would people accept a 1:1 perfect replica of a steak made from what a cow eats.

>> No.17014662

Be careful in a freshwater tank. Fresh water muscles are fish parasites for the first part of their life. If they spawn in your tank, they could fuck up you fish hard, and if those muscles are fat and happy, they will spawn.

There are freshwater clams that doen't come with this issue, but they usually need much harder water than freshwater muscles.

>> No.17014677

this is an inexplicably sexual post about eating mussels

>> No.17014683

turbid water will settle out clear after 24 hours with or without the addition of mussels you absolute brainlet

>> No.17014691

So then how come the no-Mussels tank still looks like shit?

>> No.17014694

it's my national dish, i eat about 10kgs of them every year. Mussels and fries and a mayo+mustard+vinegar dipping sauce.

>> No.17014697

>So then how come the no-Mussels tank still looks like shit?
Because it hasn't sat for a day.

>> No.17014701

based and shellfishpilled, my family is from the east coast, nothing like going clamming on the beach

>> No.17014713
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>> No.17014716

It could also be because pigs like to wallow
So imagine you’re a desert goat herder and you’ve just brought your goats to a watering hole and some jackass swineherd got there first and now his stinking pigs are just rolling around in the water and shitting it all up.
I don’t know about you, but I would support religious prohibitions too if that were me.
Less of a problem in places with more water of course, which is probably why euros and sinos can’t get enough of pork

>> No.17014724


>> No.17014749

Eating mussels makes your pee clearer?

>> No.17014750

I fucking love mussels, I'd eat them every meal with crusty bread and butter if I could, there's a loch not far away from me that has some big tasty mussels in it and they're amazing

>> No.17014756

wait are lochs salt or freshwater? or brackish?

>> No.17014758

What's the deal with moules frites, anyways? You get a bowl of mussels in their shells and by the end the bowl is still full of the empty shells. Could you guys not rub two brain cells together and think of shelling the mussels after cooking and putting them on the fries?

>> No.17014761

no, you're supposed to do it yourself and have a conversation over dinner. Are you that lazy?

>> No.17014763

Moules frites in a white wine sauce are delicious.

>> No.17014765

It varies depending on their distance from the sea. Some, like Ness, are freshwater.

>> No.17014769

Not so much lazy as I just don't like meals with a lot of visible waste left at the end. Probably autism, since the meal is otherwise delicious as hell.

>> No.17014770

They come in all varieties, the mussels I love come from a saltwater loch though

>> No.17014803

Regarding Piggery-raised pigs being fed shit: I had a buddy who worked on a piggery. Apparently, pigs have very fast and inefficient digestive tracts. They're lined up at the trough 3 deep, fed corn and immediately shit yesterday's undigested corn mixed, of course, with some shit. The next pig in the feeding line eats that, and the one behind it . . . . Apparently after the 3rd pig, it's pure shit and can't be fed to another pig.
IBF "no way, muh food/farm inspectors". Remember that certain amounts of rat hair are allowed in processed foods.

>> No.17014808

>visible waste
that's not autism that is retardation

>> No.17014813

You fucked up your "inb4", so I feel the need to point out the 96th Congress' Swine Health Protection Act.

>> No.17014818

Serving shellfish on the shell en masse like that just irks me in the same way as including an inedible garnish. Call me a retard, if you must.

>> No.17014827

But that is how you prepare them, you boil them inside their shell

>> No.17014836

So why does the preparation stop there? Shell my shellfish, goddammit!

>> No.17014856


>> No.17014863

Do you ask to get your wings deboned too?

>> No.17014871

Don't get me fucking started on wings.

>> No.17014881

based mussels

>> No.17014887

Do you chew mussels or swallow them whole like oysters? My gf (male) is making mussels a la linguini tomorrow for supper and I don’t want to look stupid eating them wrongly

>> No.17014891

What's your favourite food?

>> No.17014896
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does this freak you out too?

>> No.17014903

you swallow them whole but pretend you chew them. bitches find that incredibly erotic.

>> No.17014924

I feel the need to point out that farmers, like most businessmen, will break/skirt laws/regulations to increase profits, and that regulatory agencies are known to let shit (*wink*) slide.
I also feel the need to point out that my buddy provided real-world experience, not wiki-based observations made from mom's basement.

>> No.17014929

>he doesn't debone his wing and cook rice inside of it

>> No.17014960

NO, I hate mussels.

>> No.17014977


>> No.17015072

scavenger life form is LE BAD

>> No.17015076


>> No.17015113

That's how "pig toilets" (yeah, those were a thing) worked.
Poorfags ate a primarily plant-based diet (cuz the richfags took all the good stuff away). Human digestive systems aren't good at dealing with plant matter, so a lot of it comes out the other way only partly-digested.
Pig would eat that (mainly because there was nothing else).

>> No.17015227

Your loss, they're great the Spanish way,
Mejillones En Salsa Verde Madrid

>> No.17015235

Why do you twats have to make a political statement out of everything?
Fucking mussels?
You should feel sad and should kill yourself when you can.

>> No.17015237

just eat the damn food niggerbrain

>> No.17015260

i don't eat shellfish

>> No.17015261


>doesn't eat sun

enjoy your vitamin d deficiency

>> No.17015275

>Pig toilets (Chinese: 猪圈毛坑 zhūquānmáokēng) were once common in rural China
of course chinks would do this. that proves nothing

>> No.17015280

>cleans your gut from garbage
brb eating some mussels

>> No.17015395

Once a week (in season, bouchot). With Bintje polder fries (twice fried), fresh mayo, Belgian homemade pickles and beer from Den Tseut.

Garbage from Holland. The mussels are Canadian and soaked in Dutch water for 2 hours. Usually served with leftover Leffe.

>> No.17015811

Cool bit of history. Thank you.

>> No.17015848

"you are what you eat" is bullshit. once something is eaten it is fundamentally changed and you cant eat what ate it and expect to get the same thing

>> No.17015877

literally untrue unless you can provide sources.

>> No.17015894
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Anyone who likes to eat mussels is based in my book. Some people are queasy I understand but they're missing out on nature's delicacy.

>> No.17015910

Everything reminds me of her

>> No.17016014

>Why do you twats have to make a political statement out of everything?
Fucking mussels?
You unironically say this in response to
>Poorfags ate a primarily plant-based diet (cuz the richfags took all the good stuff away).
You're grossly ignorant of history. In your own words
>You should feel sad and should kill yourself when you can.

>> No.17016018

what if i just have a tank full of muscles

>> No.17016461

who is this?

>> No.17016580


>> No.17016600

>you don't eat what they ate
This. Otherwise everyone would have hepatitis from eating Thailand shrimp.

>> No.17016614
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>mayo+mustard+vinegar dipping sauce
absolutely vile and degenerate
nothing can't beat the classic moules marinière ( white wine, cream, garlic and shallots)

>> No.17016628

>Pig toilets were also used in parts of India such as Goa.[6] A 2003 survey of sanitary arrangements in Goa and Kerala found that 22.7% of the population still used pig toilets.[7]
i'm not even surprised

>> No.17016634

fried clams are probably my favorite food

>> No.17016643

Naturally muscles will clean your insides too

>> No.17016647

>I see no actual evidence of pigs eating poop.

Talk to any pig farmer.

>> No.17016660
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Hell yeah, steamed in and drunk with beer. And always with fries.

Steaming them in white wine adds an acidity I can do without.

>> No.17017210

no? just american tap water

>> No.17017359

>cows eat grains sprayed with glyphosate
>eat cow
>get cancer
It actually does add up.

>> No.17017383

>cow gets processed
>cow gets preserved with nitrites, flavoured and packed
>eat cow
>get cancer
Just buy meat from your local butcher.

>> No.17018006

pak n save mussels rule. I bought like 3 kilos one day and boiled them in a huge pot with garlic and vinegar and my family came home to a massive plate of them with buttered bread. we sat out in the sun and enjoyed a wonderful family meal.

>> No.17019078
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What if we eat otters instead?

>> No.17019090

The “it has to have gills and scales” kosher law rule makes way more sense now
t. Can’t stand seafood

>> No.17019102

While Europe is a net importer for mussels, most mussels sold are domestic origin.

>> No.17019129
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>god thinks shrimps are bad for you
>god thinks crabs are bad for you
>god thinks fish doesn't filter feed

Fish are the easiest to preserve and export seafood to the desert back then. It's just the desert herder ruling class trying to control the culture of their working class. They don't want their poor population moving away to farming and fishing cultures. See >>17013337

>> No.17019147

Can we make a giant net full of muscles and make the rivers crystal clear again

>> No.17019166

Ahh, moules américaines.

>> No.17019378

I'd heem you

>> No.17019499


>> No.17019533

more of a co/ck/le guy myself desu

>> No.17019921

Why don't they just put tons of muscles into the Flint water system?

>> No.17019952

I heard a better theory from Michel Pastoureau I think, pigs look too much like us and so forbidding it was a way to discourage ill intentioned butchers to pass human meat as pig. Also even if the meat was legit pig the resemblance was to uncanny and it was seen like mock-cannibalism so no pork.

>> No.17019958
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>> No.17019961

why are they so overpriced in Belgium?

>> No.17020126

yes. mussels grown in wild waters are taken to treatment plants where they spend some time in filtered water, anythkng toxic gets eliminated.

coming from someone who spends a lot of time in northwestern spain, where mussels are eaten like popcorn.

>> No.17020213

Michel pastorea either has a fucking hideous wife or he hasn’t spent much time around swine

>> No.17020842

Pigs are so close to us they can be donors for kidneys

>> No.17021202

>and an egg and vinegar+mustard and vinegar+vinegar dipping vinegar

>> No.17021216

God I wish I was a muscle living off fish excretion im a filthy boy it’s what I deserve yes mommy!! I fishies the greens please

>> No.17021371

you'd have to keep them alive inside of you

>> No.17021374


>> No.17021389
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Mmmmm, long pig

>> No.17021392

google search it. It's a genetically modified pig. It has a human kidney since day 1.

>> No.17021513

The proportions, mason.

>> No.17021712

Okay, bud. Just whip out the several million mussels you’ve been breeding.

Here man, just take it

>> No.17022984
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>Michel Pastoureau
What a dumb-dumb. The modern mass production pig is a new bread. Just look at the bread they drop in a Cuban island in 1494. They look so hairy.


Reminds me of that guy that says bananas are created by God for our convenience.

>> No.17023142

Ok schlomo or mohammed I don't really care which.

>> No.17023155

Toilet pigs aren't for consumption

>> No.17024186
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I'd try that.

>> No.17024233

The problem with the Flint River water was that while it was perfectly safe at its source and even leaving the treatment plant, its composition caused it to corrode the city's aged lead pipe infrastructure anyways. Dumping mussels into the source would have done nothing, and in fact probably would have just lead to a bunch of dead mussels since they don't do well in water with elevated chlorine levels.

>> No.17024769

Don't do it, it makes you turn gay

>> No.17024788

Seeing this scene animated like that is a fucking laugh riot. That's not how I pictured it at all.

>> No.17024792


>> No.17024868

OP obliterated

>> No.17024924

Yes, they're superb.

>> No.17024952

>enjoying a bowl of mussels
>can't enjoy any more because my trust is gone
Fucking grit.

>> No.17024983

They're delicious but I hate how every restaurant leaves them in the shells. Inedible shit on plates is cancer especially when it's mixed into something like pasta.

>> No.17024994

Yeah, I need at least 6 months before I can enjoy mussels again after a grittening.

>> No.17025006

what the fuck do you mean? How are they supposed to be served?

>> No.17025009

..serve them _without_ the shell?! this is not rocket science or overly complex

>> No.17025024

Ok, but that is so completely strange a concept. I live in country were mussels are very commonly eaten and I have never heard of that.

>> No.17025083
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I mean, if you can buy them shell-less in supermarkets, I'm sure restaurants can serve in the same way, unless it's to annoy customers on purpose "HAHA! I love when these idiots waste their time taking them mussels off their shells, smearing sauce on their hands, and eating them cold!! fuuuuuuuck them I hate cooking this stupid-ass dish"

>> No.17025172

No I train them

>> No.17025489
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Roquefort mussles are based

>> No.17025658

the shell keeps them warm ya dingus

>> No.17025679

that is a great idea! I'll do it next time, thank you for the suggestion anon

>> No.17025782
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my ex gf and I got horrifyingly bad food poisoning after eating a stone pot of mussels from an upscale french bistro, and we're not far from the atlantic. I got hit less bad than her, but I had less mussels. What the fuck is with shellfish and sometimes making you shit yourself for an entire day? It's awful. None of the mussels looked dead.

>> No.17025881

The shells must taste delicious with all that cheese stuck to them.

>> No.17025993

Yeah but bacon tastes good. Porkchops taste good.

>> No.17026444

>Swallow them whole like oysters

What in the fuck, you don't deserve oysters.

>> No.17026517

indeed, brother