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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 305 KB, 556x530, Screen Shot 2021-11-19 at 14.20.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17010442 No.17010442 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.17010458


>> No.17010472

>individuals should give up all their conveniences while companies and the ultra wealthy can continue polluting nonstop
Fuck you dumb bitch. Private jets pollute more than a family cooking for themselves on a stovetop

>> No.17010518

I literally do not care about the environment.

>> No.17010521

Why do you guys keep saying this? Do you not pay attention to the news? What makes you think industry isn't being required to scale down?

>> No.17010524

You should, but not to the point of annulling yourself.

>> No.17010620

>What makes you think industry isn't being required to scale down?

Because you keep making shill threads. But I'll give you benefit of doubt. I assume you can prove that China and India are scaling down?

>> No.17010633

We should pollute even more. It will be quite funny to watch southerners deal with unbearable temperatures and no water. Bring it on.

>> No.17010642

Biggest issue with induction hobs are the controls.
Jesus tapdancing Christ, how fucking hard it is to have proper buttons, instead of that touch garbage?
Also, show wattage and/or temperature, not some ass-pulled arbitrary "power level".

>> No.17010651


>> No.17010704
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>Jesus tapdancing Christ

>> No.17010724

An even worse response than I expected. Yes, the world was ecstatic that China was not present at Glasgow. Nobody minds if China and India do nothing.

>> No.17010730

People who think that gas stoves contribute a statistically relevant percentage of emissions compared to literally any other source of emissions including cow farts should stick their heads in a gas stove, because doing so would reduce emissions more than them getting rid of their gas stove.

>> No.17010736

Tell California to stop shutting down their nuclear plants and increasing dependence on natural gas electricity, it'll be a lot more effective than telling me I need to use a shitty induction burner.

>> No.17010737

>Jesus tapdancing Christ
nigger WHAT?

>> No.17010738

because companies want people to think that its on the individual to clean up their act. coke sponsored the recycle campaign in elementary schools.

>> No.17010750
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Induction is the superior form of heating anyways

>> No.17010764

Try barbecue or cooking over open fire. They're slower but have more taste.

Tomatoes, lettuce, zucchini... in winter come from greenhouses that are heated (for a large part) with wood pellets.

>> No.17010766

Welcome to cooking, new friend.

>> No.17010776

Stop worrying and start getting excited about stoves that burn hydrogen.

>> No.17010806

Induction is good for boiling water.

>> No.17010812

Glasgow as in Scotland? Why would China be in Scotland? It's in Asia.

>> No.17010830

It's better in terms of raw speed of heating and energy efficiency/impact (depending on the power source) but shit in every other way. Since I do things other than boil water I prefer gas.

>> No.17010832

Imma go to a shit on your bed see how much you care then

>> No.17010843

Cope faggot.

>> No.17010852

Induction are insanely quick, but only work with iron or steel which is a pain in the arse.
Glass-top electric are fine, they're just not as easily able to lose heat.

>> No.17010917
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>Jesus tapdancing Christ

>> No.17010935

Makes no sense to do this "for the environment".
Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas they say, but at the same time methane (key component of natural gas) is supposedly dozens of times more potent a greenhouse gas than CO2. So it seems to me that burning methane to obtain carbon dioxide and water vapors (which plants can then convert into oxygen and plant...stuff) is safer for the environment than letting the methane escape into the atmosphere.

Save the Earth -- Cook with Gas.

>> No.17010962

Environmentalism doesn't start at home, that's just propaganda pushed by the elites. I'm all for a cleaner earth, but it sincerely doesn't matter what we do in our daily lives, we're not the main polluters. Littering on the side of the road isn't the problem, it's the megacorporations pumping out tonnes and tonnes of waste year after year after year. It's their fault, and environmentalists will never actually make them change their ways.

>> No.17010972

Based and truth-pilled

>> No.17011019

They only do it because you buy their products.

>> No.17011037

How is burning coal at a power plant, transmitting it as electricity across the grid with huge efficiency losses and then further efficiency losses with induction better for the environment than natural gas?

>> No.17011060

I buy nothing. Coca Cola shouldn't even be allowed to operate and use energy and create pollution when water, milk and wine are available.

>> No.17011080

This whole climate scam is all about co2. Let me tell you why all the businesses and governments support this: nobody is paying attention to the destruction of environment for the resources to build batteries, nobody cares about the actual pollutants being released into the air and water. As usual, dopey cunts have been duped into being the footsoldiers of the rich.

>> No.17011096

>eventually, the sun will burn out and freeze earth before swallowing it in a vacuous black hole

>> No.17011098

They control and produce all the products, I can't escape their influence you fuck. They effectively run the economy.

>> No.17011167

You can keep it at an absolute minimum though. Choose less conspicuous consumption and materialism. Go the aesthetic ascetic mendicant route and don't be a consoomer. Just because you have to buy some things from globohomo doesn't mean you have to give up and dive headfirst into it.

>> No.17011175

>marginalize me
>claim sex is one of the pillars of life worth living while denying me sex
>provide no opportunity to procreate
>expect me to care what life is going to be like for future generations
Yeah, good luck with that.

>> No.17011192

No one is denying you sex, bro.

>> No.17011194

>wahhhh society and nature itself must cater to my desires and needs

Jesus wept. You are the exact same as the SJWs expecting everything to be handed to them on a silver just because.

>> No.17011195

>wah wah wah im a victim wah wah wah

Join the thousands of other cucked white """""men""" who can't handle reality and just fucking kill yourself already lmao

>> No.17011198


Kek conservatard incel faggot BTFO as usual

>> No.17011201

americans on suicide watch

>> No.17011226

Fuck you and fuck the planet. Not. My. Problem.

>> No.17011234
File: 93 KB, 800x629, 1620881628059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Induction is fast, has high throughput, easy to clean and can run at lower power than gas for slow stuff.
Gas is kinda neat for woks, which are literally shaped to work optimally for it. Gas is also nice for niche stuff like toasting bell pepper straight on the flame. I also kinda miss that you can't use Vision glassware frying pans etc on induction.

>> No.17011243

Enjoy going extinct and never breeding lmao. You failed the most basic biological imperative, pathetic cuck.

>> No.17011250

It is your problem though. Your so-called misfortune is really you being a little bitch who thinks competition and compromise are unfair and that their sense of entitlement is valid. Your problems are directly from your inability and unwillingness to meet life head-on like a man or like any other organism with a modicum of survival instinct.

Your inability to procreate is because would-be mates see your deficiencies and instinctively know that these are proxies for genetic fitness. Therefore your absence from future generations will not only go unmissed but will actually be a net benefit for the species.

Thank you for your service.

>> No.17011259

I shoot pool fairly seriously and because of that I know this dude made a bunch of youtube videos where he attempted replicating shots pros made. Why is he preaching about fucking gas?
This dude just throwing a bunch of shit on youtube until something sticks so he can be an ebin influencer?

>> No.17011268

My life is fantastic, and I'm not compromising any of it for the benefit of things that don't matter to me. Your words would have bothered me ten years ago, they were my own thoughts ten years ago, but I'm well beyond that.

>> No.17011298

>you can't use Vision glassware
People actually use this shit?
I only ever see it gathering dust in older folks' homes. Like my mom has one of the frying pans, I have *never* seen her use it in 30 years

>> No.17011307

He has a channel about climate change called Climate Town.

>> No.17011312


100 companies are responsible for like 70% of greenhouse gasses.

It's not the responsibility of individuals and what insignificant little luxuries we enjoy.

It's a very obvious tactic by big corporations to shift blame onto all the little people so that we waste time focusing on ourselves rather than allocating time and energy into regulating the absolute monstrosities that are doing the real damage.

>> No.17011325
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I'm gonna do it

>> No.17011341

You can do whatever you want as long as you don't post trannime on this board.

>> No.17011369
File: 121 KB, 658x247, Screenshot_2021-05-04 qa - ANIME WEBSITE (IT IS THOUGH) - Question Answer - 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tranime weebsite, though.

>> No.17011423

if there's no fire involved, its not cooking

>> No.17011453
File: 129 KB, 1075x707, Patriarch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I'm good. The existence of this planet is at the mercy of God who created it as do all of our lives.

>> No.17011486

>My life is fantastic
Yeah you (>>17011175) sound really happy and fulfilled kek

>> No.17011535

I love these threads. The number of induction lovers is slowly increasing and the gas shrills are realising they were wrong.

In five years time the 0.01% of gas lovers on this site will be universally mocked like non stick pan users.

>> No.17011647

>induction lovers.


>> No.17012028

fuck all you all, the human race is doomed and the whole planet will be engulfed in the sun when it swells up in 5 billion years. So I don't care.

>> No.17012041

Plebian take

>> No.17012047

I have a house. Do you?

>> No.17012082
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why can't companies work to fix the environment? why do I have to?
I used to work at a plastics manufacturing company and the amount of plastic I individually had to throw away everyday as waste because the company didn't want to sort it or regrind it was incredible. How come it's up to me to save the earth and not the government and companies dumping waste because they don't want to give higher wages?

>> No.17012103

I honestly haven't seen a gas oven in a long time. Everywhere I've lived it's induction.

>> No.17012143

Many do. More will over time, especially as there is increasingly a financial incentive as the rising popularity of ethical share funds negatively affects the stock value of companies with poor environmental practice.

>> No.17012158

Is that fucking casemods?

>> No.17012163

>Gas stove bad
>Electric stove that used electricity from a coal power plant good
Environmentalists are some the biggest retards on the planet.

>> No.17012170

Gee, I wonder why someone that looks like that would hate gas...

>> No.17012171

Why do the people pushing this shit always look and talk like they have a gun to their head?

>> No.17012172

Sure thing mr fake freddie mercury looking hipster faggot, whatever you say.

>> No.17012214
File: 166 KB, 466x849, A79430A5-B664-4EC6-86DB-E59EC2563CBD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jesus tapdancing Christ

>> No.17012225

>Jesus tapdancing Christ
based and ass-pulled

>> No.17012253

>China didn't participate in climate talks
>this proves your point that China is scaling down greenhouse emissions to such a degree that an individual switching to a (probably coal-powered) electric stove will have a noticeable effect on climate change

U wot m8

>> No.17012274

You're trying to view things too simplistically and are being mocked for it. Nobody has said all the onus is upon the citizen, nobody has said the things that need to happen are happening.

>> No.17012290

Wattage means nothing to the vast majority of people and you can't display a temperature because that's not even remotely how it works you retard. As with any stove, you just have to learn by experience what the max output is like and adjust from there. This is one of the many ways gas is better since you actually can use the visual indicator of the size of the flame to help determine what the heat output is like, but ultimately you still just have to kind of know what you're doing.

And anyone who wants buttons of any kind, touch or otherwise, for their stove controls is a moron. Am analog knob will always be superior for making fine adjustments.

>> No.17012321

you will never be a woman

>> No.17012332

Because every single grid is becoming more decentralised and the percentage of renewable electricity is increasing as fossil fuel electricity is decreasing.
While gas networks have zero or basically zero green methane or hydrogen being injected.

It’s about realising where current technology is taking us. It’s taking us to an all electric future.

>> No.17012373

That's not very environmentally friendly

>> No.17012393


>> No.17012401

>BTFO as usual
Lmao in what universe? Every single rational long form discussion ends up being conservative.

>> No.17012406

>every single grid is becoming more decentralised
in what country? certainly not in the USA

>> No.17012409

Best possible material

>> No.17012411

I've already done this.
Also buy a heat spreader because it WILL warp any skillets you put on it otherwise.

>> No.17012415

>Nobody minds if China and India do nothing.
CIDF confirmed.

>> No.17012423

Because companies outsource to China and India who don't give two shits.

>> No.17012459

Never mind greenhouse gas emissions, China fucking wholesale spewing heavy metals into the sea at an astronomical scale, and India releasing 600,000 ppm of poo in Ganges per second into the Bay of Bengal almost definitely has no detrimental effects. Don't worry about it goy

>> No.17012466

>Power goes out
>Can't cook
lmao, btu-lets, when will they learn?

>> No.17012496
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>> No.17012571

Have you underaged motherfuckers never heard that expression?

>> No.17012587

Maybe we would have heard it before if we frequented r*ddit like you do, faggot

>> No.17012596

>Power goes out
where do you live? zimbawe?

>> No.17012648

"scaling down" doesn't mean exporting to chinkland retard

>> No.17012661
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>Nobody has said all the onus is upon the citizen

>> No.17012675

Fucking this, why do they always have retarded controls?

>> No.17012682

He doesn't care

>> No.17012684
File: 250 KB, 1200x900, afghanistan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How rude of you to assume I live in a third world country

>> No.17012908

ill fully get on board your climate change bull shit parade when all nations agree to and solve the fucking plastic crisis. until then. fuck off with your one degree warmer nonsense.

>> No.17013027

They shut off our power to prevent fire because the Utility can't be bothered to fix their shit but the state keeps funneling them money anyway.

We've gone two days without power because there was a stiff breeze. We had no water because our well and storage tanks are downhill of the house, but our gas stove burning propane could still be used to cook.

>> No.17013086
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Apparently they do make induction hobs with classic knob controls. Goob luck not blowing up your wallet, tho, they're from SMEG.

>you can't display a temperature because that's not even remotely how it works
The fuck you talkin' bout, nigga. Here's a lower-end tabletop model (Severin S71071) where you can switch the display between power and temperature. Ever heard of electronic thermometers?

>> No.17013253

That sounds third-world country tier.
I am sorry for you Anon. Hope next election you guys pick someone that actually cares for the citizens.

>> No.17013332

Yeah, a based and redpilled government that is willing to risk letting the population burn so they can have uninterrupted access to Netflix.

>> No.17013395

If wind makes your electric grid cause fires seems like an I-don't-care problem.
We can and have engineered electric grids that can withstand a stiff wind without fear of causing fired.

I am really sorry for you Anon.

>> No.17013434

I might only when hydrogen stoves are a thing

>> No.17013448


>> No.17013495

What is your overnight solution for this?

>> No.17013503

Let's burn that gas at a power plant just turn it back into heat in our homes at a enormous loss!

>> No.17013504

can someone explain something to me. could be a retarded question but genuinely curious. how is burning gas to heat a pan worse for the environment than a power company burning gas, that then powers my oven, which then heats my pan. doesnt each conversion of energy make the overall energy left less and less each time it has to transfer into something else.

>> No.17013531

Coal and gas powered stations are being phased out, and new stoves+ovens generally last about 50 years. So the stove you buy today should be ready for the power stations of tomorrow.

>> No.17013555

It is an endemic problem of shitty politicians allowing jew power companies monopolies do whatever they want.

Unless the power source is nuclear or renewable, you get more energy and less pollution by burning the gas directly into your pan.
The design and burning method of the stove is important too to use efficently every calorie burnt.

>> No.17013562

>stoves+ovens generally last about 50 years
Maybe 50 years ago. Appliances are designed to last for the financing period like cars.

>> No.17013597


The numbers are better.

I have a high end belling which has 3 preset temperature modes, and a guide for the uses of the different numbers.

Having degree control would be worthless because it wouldn't be measuring surface temp of pan lol.

also for 90% of things you use a '7'

>> No.17013633

That phrase is older than the internet itself

>> No.17013636

Even though the Jesus meme was invented on the internet? ok retard

>> No.17013771

I will cook on a wood stove sooner than on a state-controlled electric grid induction stove. Try and ban trees, fuckers.

>> No.17013799

>falling for the electric jew
No thanks, I'll stick with my cheap as dirt gas and unmatched temperature control. Gas is the undisputed king for home cooking.

>> No.17013806

So as an Australian and I should just stick to gas cause it's probably better than coal powerplants?
Or is there a transportation element to this as well?

>> No.17013809

You should fuck Scott Morrison in the ass. Both will like it. You have sunny desert and windy seashore for km2s but you choose to use coal and gas you absolute stupid cunts.

>> No.17013821

I've voted for the greens first and labor second in every election I've been in though...

>> No.17013831

I would love to hang you from a lamp post

>> No.17013833

I'm a tranny AND non white too :^)

>> No.17013843

This kills the chud

>> No.17013928

Shifting the impetus of action from the source of the pollution: megacorporations and multinationals to the individual absolves them of guilt and liability. It's a standard tactic in their industry. NO, YOU fix it. I am keeping my stove.

>> No.17014656

Is there a specific one of iwatani?
Gotta protect my le cruset

>> No.17014665

Me and the boys are having a bonfire tonight with some drinks. Gonna bring over some old tires and burn them in spite. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.17014669

did you watch the video lol

>> No.17014676

your a literally fucking retard. do you think those 100 companies are just pumping out gasses for the fun of it? its to produce and move the shit for the individual. now people are retarded and will never collectively make the changes to promote greener companies so there should probably be regulations, but to act like its just evil corporations doing it to be evil it total brainrot

>> No.17014885

not him but
>widespread nuclear has been ready to go for nearly a decade
>never happens because it would mean a temporary reduction in profits for big coal to diversify into nuclear

>> No.17014893

>Tyrone is fucking our girlfriends while we play touchbutt around a campfire
Have fun cleetus!

>> No.17014899

corps >guys stop littering

some of us > stop producing plastic packaging

corps> nah

>> No.17014933
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Sorry, the world can turn into a faggy green energy only liberal dystopia after I'm dead.

>> No.17014943

Already own the grill and an iwatani burner.
Try to go with the higher power burner if it’s still available.

>> No.17014947

>t. fatherless zoomer child of a whore single mom
Fuck off, Brayden.

>> No.17015001

Which one? I thought that was the higher power one, the others are slim versions

>> No.17015009

same, not my problem

>> No.17015012

My friend's ex-wife's son's (you read that correctly) name is Hayden. What's with these zoomer mother's naming them white trash names?

>> No.17015053

again, companies work off of incentives, either coming from customers or the gov't, in reality the gov't should probably be handling big projects like that. also unless things have changed doesn't it take like 2 decades to get out of the red with nuclear plants? also do you forget a lot of anti-nuclear shit comes from the voter base. germany has shut down so many plants due to fear mongering.

>> No.17015065

The 70% thing is a meme. What do you think those 100 companies are doing?... They're providing goods and services to INDIVIDUALS.

>> No.17015068

Fpbp /thread

>> No.17015147

>a lot of anti-nuclear shit comes from the voter base
That was an unholy alliance between the USSR and Burgeristan. The Sovpoors were scared shitless that Western Europe would stop buying their oil and gas (they would go literally bankrupt in about 3 years' time had that happened), and Burgerkings didn't want brown people to develop nukular power because muh prohliferayshun (a.k.a. we don't trust the browns with nukes). Remember the spergfest pulled by Carter after India did Smiling Buddha.

>> No.17015265

Are here electric stoves for heating woks?

>> No.17015279

If you want to wait for half an hour at home, sure.

If you want a wok restaurant, forget it.

>> No.17015309
File: 61 KB, 1024x628, klaus-schwab-wef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You WILL eat ze bugs
>You WILL sleep in ze pod
>You WILL use ze induction stove

>> No.17015451
File: 12 KB, 425x343, wok induction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen these being used in a fast food place, I have no idea if they're any good.

>> No.17015744
File: 82 KB, 457x640, changingthworld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>b-b-but muh wind and solar

>> No.17015757

Have sex with prostitutes anon, it's worth it.

>> No.17015775

yeah, thermal->thermal is much more efficient than electrical->thermal. just change the gas and everything is fine climate retards...

>> No.17015801

despite making up less than 5% of the global population, Americans are responsible for at least 15% of global pollution and around 25% of global resource consumption

>> No.17015813

everything at the grocery store comes wrapped in plastic
its not even an option to get a paper bag at walmart

>> No.17015836

>turn it back into heat in our homes at a enormous loss
retard alert
electricity into heat is 100% efficient. any inefficiencies in other electrical devices results in excess heat. and induction gets the greatest amount of that heat right into the pan, while conventional electric stoves dissipate a bunch of it into the air or the stovetop and gas? gas dissipates it like a motherfucker and is only useful if you dont have electricity. producing electricity in bulk in large power plants is always more efficient than producing it in each home, as is the case for anything really

>> No.17015842

not really, but maybe someday soon

>> No.17016052

First of all, and this pains me to say as a small government advocate, have the state take control of the utility, or totally get public money out of the private utility.
PG&E, despite being a private, for profit company, consumes a large amount of subsidies from the State government. In turn PG&E donates to political campaigns that are beneficial to the company.
PG&E funded Newsome's campaign as well as Attorney General Beccera's re-election campaign. PG&Es failing infrastructure then burned down the town of Paradise and killed 80 people. Coincidentally, Becerra's office would have been the one investigating PG&E for wrong doing. So, what does PG&E do to avoid culpability? File for Bankruptcy so the victims of their error get fuck and all for it.

To their credit, PG&E has been funding tree removal from around their lines, but that's not what caused the Campfire in the first place. Wind damaged mounts for high tension powerlines broke sending the lines to the ground sparking fire in brush, not trees. That problem still exists.

My ideal solution is that PG&E is dissolved and smaller, localized companies take over regional power distribution. Don't let the state take control, and don't continue to allow PG&E to operate from their Ivory Tower in San Fran with no culpability to the problems they cause.

>> No.17016059

>nobody is paying attention to the destruction of environment for the resources to build batteries
You can fill in a strip mine and in a couple decades it's nature again.

>> No.17016067


>> No.17016070

Even with natural gas it's a wash. Gas hobs are mostly room heaters.

>> No.17016077

The problem is faggots wanting to live in the tree line of the forest. These towns are build completely indefensible.

You can't prevent all fires, you can make those towns defensible.

>> No.17016083

not reading the thread, but i will never give up my stuff as long as jews exist

>> No.17016123

In my region it's "Jesus breakdancing Christ"

>> No.17016144

You're region is gay and lame

>> No.17016192

lol no

>> No.17016232

i live 160m above sea level.
i don't give a toss and if we can wipe out shitholes like london and new york, then all the better.

>> No.17016244

It wouldn't be an issue if people actually took the time to create defensible space.
I live in the Live Oak foothills, my property is cleared and almost looks like a park. We have land next to us, owned by a local Indian Tribe, that is a thicket of oak, manzanita, buckthorn, pine, and grasses. If that goes, it's going to burn fast, but the tribe won't do shit about it.
The locals can only do so much. The State land and National Forest are the State's and Fed's domain. But whenever someone thinks about thinning the fuels the Sierra Club or some other leftist tree hugging organization throws a bitch fit and threatens lawsuits to protect habitat. Habitat that subsequently burns in the next major fire. I am about 9 miles, as the crow flies, from the edge of the Creek Fire burn scar. We were under Evacuation warning at the time and you could see the orange glow over the ridgeline. It would have had to burn through that Tribal land to get to my property, and the house is less than 100 feet from that property line. We'd have been in real trouble.

The towns could be perfectly defensible if the correct action is taken for prevention. Thin the fuels, log dead trees, tell the hippies to go fuck themselves, and ensure there are enough evac routes to get out. But in many cases, the state simply doesn't let us. They remove a lot of timber, but it's all downed trees from wind events, not the dead beetle kill shit that sits, and then falls due to wind events.
It's fucked.

>> No.17016245


>> No.17016259

anything but a gas oven sucks ass

>> No.17016586

Is it too late to call this poster baste?

>> No.17016656

>Jesus tapdancing Christ
this post has been written by milky White hands

>> No.17016667

I agree with your point but you have allowed yourself to get absolutely mogged

>> No.17016863

This -- rather than being busybodies to our neighbors and loved ones about the cars they drive or how many bags of trash they throw away, how about we start killing politicians and lobbyists until nuclear energy is the global standard and we have actual checks against corporate waste?

>> No.17017217

If a town is truly defensible it shouldn't need to be evac'd. A handful of firemen can't keep watch over an entire town and spot fires from embers getting into homes. A town filled with people can. Evac the kids to protect them from smoke, let the adults defend the town.

A couple cm of grass in well maintained yards isn't going to sustain some raging bush fire you have to run from. Keep the forest far enough away and it doesn't matter how much fuel is in the forest.

Thinning the fuel is exactly the wrong thinking. Let it burn and deal with it is the right thinking.

>> No.17017250


>> No.17017448

and you fail

>> No.17017817

Lmao corposhill/brain dead underageb& absolutely shit on

>> No.17017828

Expertly crafted bait, literal 10/10, I'm going to start using this

>> No.17017830
File: 20 KB, 461x665, images (28).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should just accept your destiny.

>> No.17017835

Glad I'm here to respond to you straight away. No, I definitely wasn't. And no, I'm not a shill. Not a single response cane from anybody who even understood what I said. An article talking about personal responsibility does not preclude corporate responsibility, and trying to frame it that way is simple deflection.

>> No.17017843

Good job everybody, let's aim for 30% resource consumption next year

>> No.17018123

Propane has no chlorine which are banned by the clean air act and doesn’t destroy the ozone. Propane is the cleanest fuel on the planet

>> No.17018142

They're spreading bullshit about natural gas combustion emitting VOCs, as if we don't already have carpets.

>> No.17018145
File: 178 KB, 335x384, 1625522467517.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tells me to give up gas for the environment
> spend thousands installing electric stove
> imdoingmypart.png
> find out my country is 90% powered by dirty brown coal
mfw jewtube guilt tripped me into increasing my greenhouse emissions

>> No.17018166

It's been ready for a lot longer than that, but the issue is less that it would be a temporary reduction in profit and more to do with the fact that people are fucking retarded and allow (and in many cases demand) the government to intentionally make it obscenely difficult and cost prohibitive to open new nuclear plants. Dumb as fuck "environmentalists" have been actively working to get existing nuclear plants shut down before they reach their planned end of life in places like California.

>> No.17018173

Gas is actually kind of shit for ovens, it's the stovetop you want gas for.