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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17009785 No.17009785 [Reply] [Original]

Bros have your eating habits changed after hitting 30?

I find myself needing Pepto bismol after almost every meal. Is this normal?

>> No.17009793

two things:
1. try taking pepcid instead it works better
2. just wait until you get to 40

>> No.17009856
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>> No.17009859

I noticed at 18 my poops are becoming more messy. I hate it bros i just want a no wipe, poop that comes out all once kinda poop

>> No.17009908

I'm 28 but I have a lot of heartburn too

>> No.17009913

32 here, yea I’m having to use tums more often

>> No.17009924

itt: weirdos

>> No.17009926

At 35 I'm somewhat more likely to reach for bran flakes or oatmeal than a breakfast burrito than I used to be and I drink less but that's about it.

>> No.17009933

Fuck off youngster

>> No.17009935

psyllium fiber is your friend

start off with about half of the recommended dose, but make sure you take it daily

>> No.17009936

Mid 30s. I'm eating the same (very unhealthy, very non-nutritious, very garbage) meals day after day that I've been eating since my early/mid 20s. No negative affects so far, haven't even gained weight.

>> No.17009939

>Bros have your eating habits changed after hitting 30?
Yes. I now eat healthy foods 5 to 6 days a week. The foods I used to eat before are now only a weekly treat for me.

>> No.17010107

My metabolism slowed down a lot. In addition to having to exercise more, I had to cut fast food out of my diet.

>> No.17010135

I'm 56 and need both Ex-lax and Mira-lax to poop.
Seriously, I go 3-4 days without pooping, then need pharmaceutical help to take a shit.
Trust me, you NEVER want to experience the "brown crayon".

>> No.17010140

Waking up at 4am to finish my half-drank Monster Ultra Sunrise isn't going down as easy as it was

>> No.17010147

>Monster Ultra Sunrise
Monster is 4Loco for pussies.

>> No.17010152

4Loco is for future meth addicts

>> No.17010154

28, have completely lost my appetite. I used to drink a lot, but no longer crave alcohol either. I take a lot of suppliments, drink a lot of tea and eat on a schedule so I dont forget. Might be cancer actually

>> No.17010156

Given your post have you considered yourself a genetic misfit that's not only a complainer but that shouldn't have children?

>> No.17010157

I'm too old to have a future.

>> No.17010161

sounds like autism or early onset of retardation my friend

>> No.17010168

And /ck is a place to consult your medical issues? Go to a doctor or "practictioner" maybe a voodoo type.

>> No.17010173

go back

>> No.17010183

Go back to what? I'm not a nignog, so perhaps you should 'GO BACK."

>> No.17010187

Seriously? Nobody's going to ask what the "brown crayon" is?

>> No.17010193

Idiots such as you are never specific which is why time and time again is why you're consigned to minimum wage jobs, like your ilk.

>> No.17010195

Nope, still eating the foods I enjoy. Are you exercising and following a general diet?

>> No.17010199

invaders like you are too retarded to know what tells you're putting out that you're not from here and need to go back

>> No.17010208

You must be right, GOD loves the stupid.

>> No.17010212

>consulting /ck/
just posting in a thread bud

>> No.17010215

No I don't.

>> No.17010222

Based but stop looking at unhealthy foods and other things as “treats” and “treating yourself” like are a dog, a child or a dumb woman with an excessively high BMI. The idea of a grown adult giving their self a “treat” is unfathomably pathetic and reflects the rampant neoteny that plagues modern societies. Do you anticipate it hours or even days in advance, rubbing your hands and making an audible “mmmmmm” sound thinking about how you will choke down garbage food to “treat” yourself for simply living for 7 days? Or do you create ridiculously minor goals as an attempt to justify these treats? I can imagine you putting the treats on your nose or sitting before giving yourself a cue to scarf them down like a mindless dog whose singular focus is satisfying their most basic desires. As a more evolved human you somehow still partake in this behavior but you throw in just enough psychological rationale to fool yourself into thinking this is acceptable behavior and that you deserve it. And now that you’re a big boy you don’t have to rely on Mommy and Daddy’s magnanimity or cruel withholding of treats: you can work like a Daddy and buy your own treats! You are living the fantasies that were formed at a very young age, going to bed whenever you want and eating whatever you want and buying whatever toys you want, without ever realizing that developmentally you should be beyond these juvenile wishes and idealization of adulthood.

Christ, it’s some kind of life, isn’t it?

>> No.17010227
File: 348 KB, 643x523, Wall_Of_Voodoo-Mexican_Radio-Beans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread need Mexican Voodoo /w beans.

>> No.17010230

fuck off with the copypasta, it's very old and boring, is that from usenet days?

>> No.17010232

ok, what is it gramps

>> No.17010241

what is the brown crayon

>> No.17010246

i dont really want to rely on it though.

I just want my normal poops back, ill do any diet.

>> No.17010250

Used to be the white one until they got "politically correct." and stupid to consign themselves into sucking up to certain demographics.

>> No.17010269

I just wrote it you twat.

>> No.17010273

Well it sucks never do it again. Thanks.

>> No.17010277

I've had GERD since I was a teenager, I take Prilosec every day and that barely works any more. No matter how bland I eat, I get heartburn. Anything hotter than a jalapeno makes me throw up. I have a harder time keeping off weight these days, so I drink la croix instead of pop, I barely drink any booze any more, and I'm much more concerned about spending now, so I mostly eat home cooked cheap meals, a lot more veggies than I used to because they're a lot cheaper than meat. Hell, I only eat meat for dinner, usually chicken or fish, the rest of the day it's veggies and fruits and eggs. I definitely watch my health more closely, I've got a kid on the way and I want to be there for him as he grows, and be able to keep up with him. My parents were both fat drunks, never went to my football games or had the energy to play with me, and they both died shortly after I finished high school. I wish they could have seen who I turned into, and I wish to be able to see what my kid will turn out like.
Sometimes I try to eat like a kid again and it's always a mistake; last night I had taco bell for the first time in a few years, just had the cheap combo box, immediate heartburn that I still have and I've been shitting like crazy all day today.

>> No.17010282

Nice copy patsa. You derserve to be in prison.

>> No.17010287

i cannot even begin to fathom what having autism this severe must be like

>> No.17010293

if this is real then im sorry fren

if this is fake then ur a meanie

>> No.17010303

Found the treat babby. Go fondle your FunkO Pops and Star Wars Lego displays some more.

>> No.17010304

I hate newfags, anything longer than a couple of words must be "pasta", right? No one can have a few extra things to contribute to the conversation, either you post a meme or a pasta, right? Shut up, numb nuts.

>> No.17010306

wtf eatin mexican beans rn

>> No.17010310

For you yes.

>> No.17010315

Hell yeah, I've found if I do it from Wall of Voodoo I get banned, so look it up.

>> No.17010331

Real good, beans and yellow rice.
That's real good, with perhaps a chile pepper. We're not the arrogant types that you think of us are, but that perhaps that makes you the arrogant types?

>> No.17010335

Why would it be fake? This is the life of most people in their thirties, you start having health problems and either you try to mitigate them to live longer, or you keep doing the same dumb shit and feel like shit until you die and early death. And I'm scared of death, now, I think people don't really get a fear of it until they have something to lose. I didn't care in my 20's, I smoked and drank and picked bar fights and drag raced on the street and got into all kinds of dumb shit. Now Im married and I'm about to have a kid, I got rear ended a few weeks ago by a semi, didn't get hurt luckily but of all the times I've had guns pulled on me for running my mouth to the wrong guy, all the times I wiped out on my long board going down a big hill and almost getting run over by cars, the time i sky dived and the chute didn't come out and I had to pull the backup chute, that car accident was what terrified me the most, everything else was just an adrenaline rush, but that semi gave me panic attacks for days, every time I closed my eyes I saw it coming in the rear view and I thought about how I'd be leaving my wife and son behind and how I could have wound up in the void so soon. Where I used to not give a shit about dying, now it horrifies me.

>> No.17010345

When two men (or more) have anal sex and one removes his penis from the other's buttocks and has feces on his penis.

>> No.17010350

So you speak for your self and now put it onto others, you make no sense. More copy pasta shit that makes no sense.

>> No.17010358

You clearly have experience with that and I'll leave that to you.

>> No.17010366

i can sort of understand. im in my 20s and i barely have anything worth living for so if i died tomorrow i wouldn’t care that much. but maybe if i had something i would care.

>> No.17010369

Heres a fresh hot pasta for you: you can take a big, long, hard, wet suck on my shit pipe until you choke to death on my corn filled shit logs, you fucking pathetic piece of garbage, waste of space, your mother never loved you, no one ever loved you, and you should do the whole world a favor and kill yourself, but you won't, because you already tried and you couldn't even get that right, you fucking rat faced weasel, tiny dicked, ugly pasty blob of a "man".

>> No.17010375

yeah, I don't know why he thought it only happens when you're old.

>> No.17010376

I'll make you less of a novice on the subject if you want.

>> No.17010385

cookbro why are u so mean. hes just confused because its a lot of text. i dont think he means it on purpose

>> No.17010390

>ok, what is it gramps
It's when you've got a turd that's ready to go, and starts to come out, but gets stuck partway.
Half in, half out, you can try wiping, but it's just always gonna leave a brown steak on the paper, even if you wipe a million times.
The only solution is to get in the shower, soap up a finger, and push that fucker back in.
Take some stool softener and hope it works out better tomorrow.
Never get old.
I wish I'd have died in a bar fight in my 30's.

>> No.17010392

It's far too early to get tilted on a cooking forum chief. Save your effort, i'm sure something stupider will get you riled up again later.

>> No.17010395

35 here. I eat about the same shit as always. I just changed my diet a little after learning that the food pyramid was a jew trick and that saturated fats are healthier than seed oils (for cooking).
Never had any stomach problems unless the food was contaminated with something nasty.
t. mexican

>> No.17010398

>anything longer than a couple of words must be "pasta", right?
Not him, but no-fucking-body is gonna read that book you wrote.
You'd be better off trying to self-publish it on Amazon.

>> No.17010418

I eat more mayo and less red meat. lots of la croix's too. 32 here

>> No.17010440

It's two paragraphs, you mongoloid.

>> No.17010444

>Not him, but no-fucking-body is gonna read that book you wrote.
That's because you are newfag or an oldfag but either way you've been polluted by Zoomer Twitter ADHD.

>> No.17010485

Cold pizza makes me puke and my shits haven't been solid for nearly a decade.

Then again I am a fatass alcoholic.

>> No.17010557

Im sedentary but eat one large meal a day

>> No.17010573

god how boring

>> No.17010590

yeah I had to stop matching the eating habits of my spouse because their TDEE is >1,000 cals higher than mine and I was getting fat.

also alcohol and cigarettes give me a headache now.

>> No.17010597

kind of. I eat more carbs but not a lot more. I dont have any issues with food though. Probably because I stopped drinking heavily as soon as I turned 22.

>> No.17010599

You underestimate my ability to call people names on 4chan. I can do this until the heat death of the universe, cockslut

>> No.17010609

does your wife know you post like this on here?

>> No.17010610
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>> No.17010625
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You have this (you) to live for!

>> No.17010650

idk but good luck with your mental illness. that is a far more pressing issue than food giving you heartburn, I think.

>> No.17010666

>ill do any diet
>rejects diet provided

>> No.17010679

How could you be so selfish?

>> No.17010696

I actually read that particular post aloud to her. She laughed and called me savage.

>> No.17010745

This nigga actin hard but literally loses his shit from a burrito. Like lmao, how much do you pay your wife to put up with that?

>> No.17010751

It's pretty silly to think that 4chan behavior correlates to real life behavior. I think you spend too much time here.

>> No.17010756

I know what it is gramps. Half these xoomers should too if they ever got addicted to painkillers

>> No.17010758

So what you're saying is you can't give a shit, but at the same time you're literally incontinent.

>> No.17010763


>> No.17010768

>take insoluble fiber nigga

>> No.17010769
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will you go out on a date with me and love me, be by my side forever?

>> No.17010773

You're starting to get confused, bud, I'm not the constipated old timer, I took no less than five huge shits today.

>> No.17010775

ok ok ok is there anyway i can just get insoluable fiber from just my diet like just fruits and veggies?

>> No.17010789

I've seen certain brands of pita and oatmeal that have a load of fiber it in and some fruits and veggies have some. But the fact is one tsp a day with adequate water and you're good to go is much easier to be consistent on than always hunting for various high fiber foods.

>> No.17010796

>I've seen certain brands of pita and oatmeal that have a load of fiber it in and some fruits and veggies have some. But the fact is one tsp a day with adequate water and you're good to go is much easier to be consistent on than always hunting for various high fiber foods.
I know but like what if its dangerous to have this eaten everyday.
idk man i just dont want more tummy issues down the line. I do it now but

what time of day do you drink your psyllium husk?

>> No.17010824

It's literally something your body doesn't even absorb, that's the point of it. It's to help you pass shit. The danger comes from dehydration.

>> No.17010909

>It's literally something your body doesn't even absorb, that's the point of it. It's to help you pass shit. The danger comes from dehydration.

i think i got you. but still one thing.
how many times a day do you use psyllium husk, quantity amounts and how does your poop look like after using it>?

>> No.17010948

I'd probably do it after you get home from work. Start 1/4th tsp each day for a few weeks and see if you need to increase it.

>> No.17010977

sigma energy

>> No.17010986

can i kiss you?

>> No.17011160
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>Based but stop looking at unhealthy foods and other things as “treats” and “treating yourself” like are a dog, a child or a dumb woman with an excessively high BMI. The idea of a grown adult giving their self a “treat” is unfathomably pathetic and reflects the rampant neoteny that plagues modern societies. Do you anticipate it hours or even days in advance, rubbing your hands and making an audible “mmmmmm” sound thinking about how you will choke down garbage food to “treat” yourself for simply living for 7 days? Or do you create ridiculously minor goals as an attempt to justify these treats? I can imagine you putting the treats on your nose or sitting before giving yourself a cue to scarf them down like a mindless dog whose singular focus is satisfying their most basic desires. As a more evolved human you somehow still partake in this behavior but you throw in just enough psychological rationale to fool yourself into thinking this is acceptable behavior and that you deserve it. And now that you’re a big boy you don’t have to rely on Mommy and Daddy’s magnanimity or cruel withholding of treats: you can work like a Daddy and buy your own treats! You are living the fantasies that were formed at a very young age, going to bed whenever you want and eating whatever you want and buying whatever toys you want, without ever realizing that developmentally you should be beyond these juvenile wishes and idealization of adulthood.
>Christ, it’s some kind of life, isn’t it?

>> No.17011165

I drink a lot more. No indigestion or anything though. Iron stomach.
I guess vomiting up a King Cobra has a little less magic to it these days, but that's life.

>> No.17011169

Nope. Almost 40. Started my 85+% meat and dairy diet when I was 27 or so and everything is still great and I am very healthy.

>> No.17011183

I'm 29 now but I started eating almost exclusively red meat and fruit last year. Junk food was literally killing me to the point I had pre-diabetes (which is horseshit you are already fucked at that point) at 22.
I've lost 80 pounds and still going.
I decided I wanted to see my grandkids playing in my yard one day instead of being in a body bag at 55.

>> No.17011188

What do you eat specifically? I'm >>17011183 and just curious what is your typical day/week like food-wise? Anything in the dairy dept. that you avoid?
Glad to see you've made good choices, anon.

>> No.17011204

Steak, ground, bacon, sausage, chicken, ribs of all types sometimes scrapple, eggs, milk and cheeses of all types. The rest is the odd fruit or orange juice, unpasteurized apple cider, potatos.

The main thing is mostly meat and dairy.

>> No.17011220

Very nice. Do you drink a lot of milk? I had trouble losing weight when I add milk, but do fine with heavy cream and yogurt.

>> No.17011223

I'm 35 and have none of that shit the people itt are complaining about, all that happened is that can't get shitfaced and be active on the next day anymore.

>> No.17011239

I normally always have a gallon in the fridge plus whatever is left of the second one.

Milk plus ovaltine before crash. Lots of vitamins right before bed and a couple cups of water throughout the night. Mostly fine in morning.

>> No.17011272

y r u ignoring me

>> No.17011289

9/11/01 ;.;

>> No.17011371
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*leaves u on read*

>> No.17011386

For a good part of my 20s I would eat one meal a day and it would just be energy drinks, gummy bears, chocolate, fried chicken and or mcdonalds .

Now I'm in my 30s I eat clean. You have to after 30 or you will get rekt.

>> No.17011415
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It happened to me right at 30.
It was a process of learning what I could and could not digest anymore.
don't bother trying to google 'heartburn triggers' or any other garbage articles.
try doing an elimination diet to figure your shit out

>> No.17011428

You kids seem... weak or sick.

>> No.17011432

Psyllium fiber almost killed me, it burst a colorectal polyp and i lost 1.5 pints of blood in the hospital

>> No.17011448

Almost 35 and never had heartburn or anything of that nature.

This is gnarliest thing I've read in a while. And I browse 4channel.org.

>> No.17011454

what the fuck anon I thought you were supposed to save me not make me kill myself. you must take responsibility and breed me.

>> No.17011455

31, no heartburn or other digestion issues. Diet has been mostly clean/natural for about 5-6 years, tons of fiber and fermented foods are eaten.

>> No.17011460

>Psyllium fiber almost killed me, it burst a colorectal polyp and i lost 1.5 pints of blood in the hospital
how does that happen

>> No.17011468

Used to be skinny and would eat a blend of healthy and unhealthy foods, lots of spicy foods, and drank 6-7 days a week. Got fat and terrible GERD by 28 now 30 and forced to cut back on booze, spice, fatty/acidic foods.

Not being an indulgent glutton is tough at first but I'm /fit/ and feel better. Still eat red meat, spice, and have 8 drink nights when I want too, but not doing it all the time makes them more enjoyable.

>> No.17011470

>31, no heartburn or other digestion issues. Diet has been mostly clean/natural for about 5-6 years, tons of fiber and fermented foods are eaten.
describe a typical days diet you eat so i can copy it and see if my poop gets better.

>> No.17011476
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>eat the same amount of food
>start putting on weight

>> No.17011478

sounds like your fucking colorectal polyp almost killed you, you absolute buffoon
what a shame

>> No.17011493

nope hit 30 and eat like shit sometimes, and i feel fine i guess im high t

>> No.17011518

You spend too much time immobile. Take the Terminator pill.

>> No.17011537

no no no no.

>> No.17011549

Bros is this healthy enough? I need more variety. I feel like I may be lacking in the dinner department. Can I still get ground beef and stuff? What about spaghetti and tacos? I'm trying to eat healthy for real. Also, I know that bread is a bit expensive, but apparently, it's actually healthy. I don't know an alternative.

>> No.17011554
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are spaghetti tacos good

>> No.17011555
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Fuck I didn't post the image.

>> No.17011559

I didn't mean a combination of the two lol. I just mean can I still use ground beef to prepare spaghetti or tacos? Is it even worth it?

>> No.17011566

I'm not sure if any of this is substantial enough either. I'm a 21 yr old dude in college so I eat a decent amount. Also, I found 144oz of nuts on Amazon for $6 so I won't be surprised if those fucking suck.

>> No.17011679

Lucky. I've had to change my diet around completely. Weight aside, how do you feel?

>> No.17011693

You sound like a perfect fit for a bidet.

>> No.17011700

yes i think a bidet would help BUT....

I do notice my poop is messier right in the mornings. and if i have to poop in the afternoon more than likely it is not as messy. what does this mean?

I could get a bidet but that is not addressing the route issue here.

>> No.17011702

Age is finally hitting me I'm 27 and if I eat like a nut I will get heartburn. I didn't experience heartburn until like last year

>> No.17011715


Do you know why you have this?

>> No.17011754


I have that sometimes although my turds do not come out hard. I don't think you should push it back in, you should dig it out like I do.

First thing in the morning, I drink 2 cups of water, as soon as my eyes open. if I go to sleep it will constipate me more. Then I have a set time I go to the toilet, around 8pm, I do not get to the toilet a second too early or too late. I usually do not pee yet because I feel this will help me push out more poop.
I usually. go to the toilet usually i push out or torpedo out one some pieces of poop.

then usually I know that is not all the poop I have to push out. So I sit and flex my abs for a bit to have more tension on the top part so it can push out some poop to the bottom part of my body.

then after a while I take both my hands, place them on top of my stomach, then push down. Usually this results in a big fart because I am gassy in the morning I believe. I do this several times.

Then I put hands in my waist, and squeeze my body in like you were to squeeze a rabbits poop out. I do this multiple times and usually let out a lot of farts, but those farts push air in and out to move the poop inside me to come out.

This usually ends up being an hour long process, I've had 2 hour long poops like this sometimes on rough days.

>> No.17011759


I meant 8am.

>> No.17011946

Holy kek

Do you think you are a bit too preoccupied with your bowel movements? I've been constipated a couple times in my life and I remember becoming mentally preoccupied with it to the point that I think I was exacerbating the issue, mentally and in reality.

The people I know with digestion issues are usually quite hung up on it and I think it also does not help.

Instead of balancing such a precarious tightrope with an elaborate and "necessary" morning shit routine, why not just put effort into eating well, exercising and drinking plenty of water? Accept that the first week will be unpleasant if only because you will be outside your mental comfort zone and just allow things to happen as they come.

>> No.17011961

>Accept that the first week will be unpleasant if only because you will be outside your mental comfort zone and just allow things to happen as they come.

I actually started to eat more vegetables.

I eat about 3 carrots a day, a good amount of spinach and kale. I've been eating more fruits like 2 kiwis, strawberries, blueberries, pineapples since these dont make me bloated I think.

my protein sources usually come from fish, beans and peanut butter. Although I used some dairy in the past, like whole milk and greek yogurt but I stopped for now.

Although so far, it doesn't seem like it's making my poop any easier, faster or cleaner. So I am stuck and unsure where to go next.

>> No.17011977
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>had to fast and fully clean myself out for a medical test
>"you might not poop for a few days, don't worry about it!"
>have diarrhea on the first day after eating again
>then nothing
>at first I don't think about it
>I'm slowly realizing it's been almost a week since and I haven't pooped at all
Feeling fine so far but it's an abstract kind of dread

>> No.17011981

I'm 18 and I have to take pills for my heart burn. How screwed am I?

>> No.17011985

tell your doctor this, if u dont poop for a long time u can die.

thats how elvis died.

>> No.17011992

I think dietary and exercise changes take longer to take effect than people anticipate. It could take weeks or months before things get noticeably better, if at all. Keep in mind that if you don't normally eat certain foods they will make you bloated at first and you just have to ride it out until your gut microbiome and body adjusts. Don't give up even if you don't feel great at first or don't see results. If it makes you feel really uncomfortable then maybe see a doctor because that could point to a medical issue that should be diagnosed.

I really think that preoccupation with shitting and the qualities of one's shit can exacerbate the issue by creating a positive feedback loop for shit anxiety-bad shits-more shit anxiety-worse shits. And pushing really hard isn't good for your bowels either.

Have you considered buying or improvising one of those squatty potty things? We have a children's stool in one of our bathrooms and if I'm shitting there I sometimes place it at the base of the toilet and put my feet on it, sort of like a hybrid squat-sitting position. I find it does make a difference sometimes.

>> No.17012002

4Loco doesn't have caffeine in it anymore

>> No.17012004

This. It will harden in your intestines and cause a blockage. Seek emergency help >>17011977

>> No.17012006

Is it associated with a known medical issue and have you attempted to control the acid reflux with diet changes (my guess is not)?

Maybe get tested for H. pylori just to cross it off the list. But you don't want to be on PPIs for a long time especially starting at 18. I would get serious about your diet and lifestyle, 18 is not too young for that.

>> No.17012010

>Bros have your eating habits changed after hitting 30?
no but when got passed 50 spicy food which I really like does not sit well with me. the tongue is strong but the bowels are week.

IF I eat hot wings or super spicy food I have to take a pepto bismol tablet.

>> No.17012026

I don't have any prior medical issues and I haven't really changed what I've been eating (Mostly red meats and stews). I'll definitely get checked out for H. pylori, But is there anything I should eat more or eat less of to stop my heart burn?

>> No.17012027

>Have you considered buying or improvising one of those squatty potty things?
i could buy one although sometimes I improvised with those rolls of toilet paper bags. I'm not sure if it helps.

I mean heres my previous diet, I've been eating this mostly but always found myself bloated, i think I had this diet for about 3 months at least. I believe the things that got me bloated was the amount of oatmeal I ate, the banana possibly, the broccoli and cauliflower.

I'm not sure what to do cookbro

>1 banana
>greek yogurt

>grilled chicken
for dinner i usually have a small snack to avoid heartburn
>a few almonds
>some more fruit
>peanut butter

>> No.17012033

ill be honest with you man i cant go a day without pooping without feeling absolute dread. Like I will physically feel a ball of poop forming in my stomach because I did not go in the morning. It is so uncomfortable and makes me feel like I'm carrying more weight on me.

>> No.17012034

If anything my stomach has gotten stronger. Less heart burn flair ups and way less diarrhea than in my 20s. I also drink quite a bit less and eat healthier

>> No.17012130

>and I haven't really changed what I've been eating
This is obviously an issue. Your first course of action should be solving the problem through dietary/lifestyle changes and not simply taking a pill and continuing to make the same unhealthy choices.

No one is exactly the same and perhaps you have an undiagnosed issue or are susceptible to GERD because of certain dietary items. Don't just take a pill indefinitely, this is a bandaid solution and one that isn't necessarily healthy in the longterm.

Read up on GERD diet advice and stick with it for a while before deciding if it helps or not. Keep in mind going off PPIs can cause rebound reflux. If it is quite severe I would go to the doctor not just for PPIs but trying to find the root cause or at least dietary advice, although you can find the latter online.

Just do some research and have the discipline to stick to something for a while. It might be as simple as learning what your trigger foods are and avoiding them. If you mostly eat red meats and stew and have this problem I suggest avoiding these completely for a while.

>> No.17012150

What pills? PPIs? Don't do that anon, ppis can fuck you up. You don't want sibo or a fucked up gut biome. Change your diet first.

>> No.17012343

heartburn is not good. do you over eat close to bed time? maybe you have certain foods that flare you up?

>> No.17012346

I get bad heartburn from alcohol and white bread so I can no longer have pizza and beer.
Spicy food doesn't bother me at all, though.
I'm 39

>> No.17012434
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I pooped! It's over, never thought I'd be so happy to take a shit. After all that buildup it wasn't even a particularly special log or anything.

>>17011985 >>17012004
You fuckers scaring the shit outta me for no reason. Maybe literally desu

Before clearing out I pooped every day too. The real question is, how long is the queue? You could have five days of poop in you at any one time. Think about that.

>> No.17012451

>You fuckers scaring the shit outta me for no reason. Maybe literally desu
are you sure you got everything out though?
sometimes when im constipated I poop out rabbit pellets.

>Before clearing out I pooped every day too. The real question is, how long is the queue? You could have five days of poop in you at any one time. Think about that.
that is something I wish I could find out easily. like how much poop do i actually have in me?
I usually start to feel constipated if I dont poop for 1 day. for 2-3 days, i just avoid eating anything much at all and only eat prunes and stuff that helps me pass poop.

>> No.17012501
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Supposedly you can mix sesame seeds in water and drink it. Then you play the waiting game. Sometimes low-tech solutions work the best. You just have to channel your inner german and make sure to always inspect your poop.

>> No.17012526

I mean there is maybe what like 2 grams of fiber in a tablespoon of sesame seeds.

do you think its actually gonna help? i have chia seeds too but whenever i drank those they never really did much for me.

>> No.17012527
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>you VILL drink ze Ovaltine

>> No.17012530
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>> No.17012533

More like roundtine

>> No.17012537

Dry fast and fix your gut flora

>> No.17012538
File: 264 KB, 720x1512, Screenshot_20210812-135811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this

>> No.17012576

I think you missed the point, anon. It's not for the fiber.

>that is something I wish I could find out easily. like how much poop do i actually have in me?

You're drinking the seeds whole. They come out whole. You can figure out the rest.

>> No.17012592

holy fuck you are a genius anon....



I will be going out to buy sesame seeds tomorrow morning :)

>> No.17012893

Pepto completely backs me up so I never take it any more. Now I just use heartburn chews. I now make sure I get enough fiber and eat a lot less cheese than I used to.

>> No.17014358

Breakfast - black coffee
Lunch - 60g oats with cinnamon and cocoa, protein bar (quest; has like 20g fiber, no cow bars do too)
Pre workout snack - yogurt, sardines/tuna, sometimes fruit or carrots, maybe crackers or chips but I'm trying to cut those out, less often kimchi
Dinner - commonly have huge salads with a ton of fresh vegetables, I'll make meat and vehetable dishes to reheat and generally don't include bread or the like unless it's a quiche crust or something

I'm a lot less rigid in my diet now but still absolutely avoid sugary drinks/soda and all fast food, and greatly limit greasy junk in general. I say all that but I still ate chinese last night and sometimes have pizza without any issues.

I ate similarly to this when I was stricter so if that didn't work, idk.

>> No.17014462

How is your poop consistency like?

And what vegetables do u typically eat for dinner? I am assuming oats if i keep it under 25grams make me not bloated but ill have to try maybe 60grams like u to double check.

I am pooping today and my diet was like this yesterday

>crackers+ kamut
>3 servings of banana bread with banana

3 carrots+spinach+kale + blueberries+strawberries+pineapple+raspberries

Dinner i had
Rotisserie chicken
Mac and cheese
Broccoli with butter

Was not the cleaniest yesterday but my poop today looks messy. I think the brocccoli made me gassy, and the rotisserie chicken cause it was greasy. Maybe the banana bread wasnt good idea too.

>> No.17014482
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there was one time i was constipated for over a week when i was a kid and some other kid at school jumped out to scare me from a closet and i shit my pants immediately.

>> No.17014510

How old were you? Did it spill on the floor and were u bullied for it?

>> No.17014541

>I find myself needing Pepto bismol after almost every meal. Is this normal?
Switch to a preventative daily like Nexium.

Among all of the "antiacids" pepto bismol is more like a charcoal absorption gastric lavage, where it's main ingredient grabs onto food poisoning to dampen the illness when you eat something that was bad. It's good for travel.
Post meal, you would do better with innoucuous calcium to do it in a way that is more like just adding nutrition and changing the pH of excess stomach acid. You can combine it with pepcid like in Pepcid complete.

1) lose any gut weight if needed, it pushes on your chest when you recline at night
2) daily preventative of the class of drugs that affect proton pump activity

Keep doing the wrong thing, your acid traveling up your throat so often can cause cancerous changes called Barret's esophogus. If you have other GI changes, it can be worsened by prediabetic state, excessive drinking, and other metabolic changes or organ degradation. Get a checkup.

>> No.17014553

Thank you

>> No.17014578

I take nexium myself, and it's a total fix for me, as long as I stay on it. Go off about 3 days in a row and the reflux can come right back.

In time, you have a few lifestyle and diet changes that keep you on track, like not eating too close to bedtime, or late night, not eating foods that are high fat where the fat floats up with gases from burp-y foods like peppers, heavy spices. You dont have to eliminate things you love, just not in the evenings where they can't digest fully before you lay down. If you drink excess acidic things like OJ, lemonade, alcohol, you need healing things in your diet too, like oats, probiotics, and such, to balance it.

Good luck.

>> No.17014621

hello i am zeman legory from the future. I must tell you that you are hitler 2.0 and that kid was sent back by us to clear you out in a medical procedure called histriopic demorbidification. if you had remained constipated, you would have died from bowel cancer shortly after your ascension. but the procedure was successful, mein fuher, you will have a long reign.
oh and mein fuher? stay way from the clot shot. and hunter schafer ;)

>> No.17014726

I do that sometimes, but sometimes I eat more meal than once. I don't really bother to upkeep a certain pace unless I can visibly see I am getting fatter.