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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 33 KB, 480x352, 1635994449586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17007155 No.17007155 [Reply] [Original]

Theres always a thread about picky eaters who didnt have much variety in their meals as kids, and theyre stuck in their ways for the rest of their lives.

But what about meals we used to like but grew up to NOT love anymore?

I used to love shrimp as a kid, but now theyre just too rich and not-as-good.

>> No.17007166

Pepperonni slices just dont do it for me, either. The real authentic salami its based on doesnt do it for me, either. And I actively seeked out those 2 things 5 years ago

>> No.17007183

hotdogs and anything hotdog related + balogna now. used to be okay with them as a kid (still didn’t like ‘em, but didn’t mind them at all) but now i can’t eat them without legitimately gagging. not even in a dramatic way but a “this literally triggers my gag reflex no matter what” way which is annoying as shit

>> No.17007201

I used to be a picky eater when I was young and didn't have the strict parents I should have had to sort it out. When I got older I realised I needed to eat better or be in an early grave. Adults that haven't figured this out yet are still children and should be sterilised.

As for the topic, it doesn't really count as a meal but not a fan of chocolate anymore. Can't think of anything else, I eat anything now.

>> No.17007233

Used to love chicken wings. I can’t even remember the last time I ate or craved them.

>> No.17007253
File: 169 KB, 1391x1200, In-season-December-Eggplant-peaches-Thinkstock-462838893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as a kid i liked eggplant, now the taste is puke inducing for me.

>> No.17007280

Does it include dark choccy, anon?

>> No.17007303

Never liked dark chocolate really unless it was with something else like After Eight's

>> No.17007913

squidward fucked that burger

>> No.17008219

Filled it w that secret sauce

>> No.17008256

I guess all those hyper sweet foods, especially breakfast cereals and soda. They once seemed like an exciting treat, now I'd only eat them if there were no alternative.

>> No.17008263

Shrimp is not a meal

>> No.17008276
File: 289 KB, 1890x1063, spaghetti_bolognese_93639_16x9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spaghetti, the worst pasta for tomato sauce.

>> No.17008282

its sought you massive retard

>> No.17008294

Fried chicken

>> No.17009914


>> No.17010098

It's it's, you massive retard

>> No.17010116


>> No.17010219

Spaghetti. We had it almost every night because it was cheap and affordable. I was an ungrateful little shit and complained but I understand now why my folks did it. Hate spaghetti now though, I dont get why normies flaunt over it so damn much

Also chicken alfredo. It's another thing I had super commonly as a kid. The alfredo sauce was those Prego plastic jars. Again, good because it and the chicken breasts were cheap enough for my family to buy consistently, but I'm still so sick of it

>> No.17010267

in my early twenties i stopped wanting sweet things. no soda, candy, dessert, i usually refuse any of these things if they are offered to me unless it's a special occasion and my mom made it or something. in general i would much rather eat something salty or savoury

>> No.17010493

I used to like tacos de cabeza but all of suden I found them gross

>> No.17010513

Good. You shouldn't be eating shrimp at all. Waterbugs.

>> No.17011116

>Spaghetti. We had it almost every night

also shepherd's pie
radishes used to eat them like candy

>> No.17011152

Gay fish