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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17003909 No.17003909 [Reply] [Original]

Butter is pointless. It just burns in the pan once at cooking temperature. It's only worth it for buttering biscuits or corn. Lard is the better choice

>> No.17003981

I don't understand the picture.

>> No.17004953

You forgot about clarified butter like the utter pleb you most likely are

>> No.17004971

You know OP knows he's wrong because he had to post a gigaChad as if it bolsters his shit opinion.

>Saving this shit thread

>> No.17005013

It burns because you cannot cook

>> No.17005088

OP thinks having a retarded opinion makes him a "gigachad".

>> No.17005359

Not OP but I do want to know about this. For example, I'll finish off a steak with butter into the pan. Obviously it's pretty high heat and by the time I'm done finishing off the fat after adding the butter, the butter is all brown, burnt and smells bad. Is one only supposed to use butter at a temperature low enough to not burn it? If so, why do I often hear it called for in high heat, stove top applications? Hm?

>> No.17005396

I like the flavour. If I'm "cooking with butter," I either add it late, make a roux, or mount it.

>> No.17005398

Burnt butter serves its purpose in baking. Of course, you dont actually burn it as you would in your scenario, but you boil it in high heat till it browns and it provides a very sweet/caramel flavor profile that works extremely well for cookies.

>> No.17005420

I like the burnt flavour desu op can't cook lmaoooo

>> No.17005959

Slow simmer 3 lb of green beans in half a pound of butter with a ham hock in it and get back to me on that whole butter is useless thing

>> No.17006018

Butter isn't meant to be used at higher temperatures. You can still cook with it on around medium-low heat without it burning. Lard only has a smoke point of like 375F so it's not suitable for everything either.

>> No.17006028

You're cooking too hot if you're burning your butter. Try keeping whatever you're browning in butter at a nice steady medium heat, and employ a little patience, good things come to those who wait.

>> No.17007290

Do Americans really...?

>> No.17007296
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Use ghee.

>> No.17007311

You should either use rapeseed oil or skub. Anything else is a waste.

>> No.17007326

Take it off high heat and let it cool a bit

>> No.17007346

is mixing butter and olive oil ok

>> No.17007347

>rapeseed oil
enjoy that cancer

>> No.17007367


don't do it, it creates mustard oil

>> No.17007370

its fine but they will both burn at higher temps so only use for lower temp cooking. use ghee, tallow, or lard for higher heat stuff

>> No.17007390

I don't know about the ham hock but adding butter or lard to your beans is normal in mexico.
You should try it yourself.

>> No.17007415

My doctor said butter and lard will give heart attack so I use soybean oil

>> No.17008252

Lay down some oil before the butter goes in, it'll greatly increase the time it takes to burn butter. I dont usually have this problem unless I'm overcooking something because I get distracted.

Also, things like butter basting you're usually moving the butter around too much to burn it.

>> No.17008268

Lard is healthier than soybean oil dude

>> No.17008292
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Congrats on outing yourself as a cooklet. Seriously learn how to not burn butter before making an opinion

>> No.17008298

The whole "butter is unhealthy, so use seed oils" is plain wrong. Look into the downsides of industrial oils like soybean, canola, vegetable, etc.
Use butter, lard, olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil. Just don't overdo it.

>> No.17008324


>> No.17008340

imagine being pro skub

>> No.17008386

Use bacon grease, duck schmaltz, or ghee to pan-fry. Use butter at the end to baste and to keep sauces from breaking.

>> No.17008625

Okay so what if I have a new york strip and I'm about to take it out but I want to throw in butter and lay the strip fat side down to render it. I can't take away heat to protect the butter because then the fat won't render.

>> No.17008634

Turn the heat down you retard

>> No.17008947

based philips shp9500 poster

>> No.17008964

Once you want to baste a steak with butter you lower the heat to medium and keep moving the butter with your spoon that keeps it from burning. It might brown but that's just a bonus imo since browned butter tastes godly good. Don't leave it at the bottom of the pan undisturbed otherwise it's guaranteed to burn, hope this helps.

>> No.17008991
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>> No.17009003
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How's this?

>> No.17009023

what about pancakes?