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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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17003482 No.17003482 [Reply] [Original]

Here's that soggy piece of shit you wanted on your burger bro...

>> No.17003491
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>> No.17003498

people dont like pickles for their texture, you add them onto things for some acid. That being said, homemade lacto fermented pickles have pretty good texture

>> No.17003654

>That being said, homemade lacto fermented pickles have pretty good texture

Are you saying that you enjoy pickles?? That's crazy, dude.

>> No.17003657

Good pickles aren't soggy

>> No.17003658

for me it's a spear pickle on the side unless it's a chiccy sammie

>> No.17003677

The ultimate

>> No.17003828

>as you eat the soggier tomato slice on your burger

>> No.17003847

Tomatoes complement the rest of the flavors in the burger. It also provides acidity to cut through the fat of the patty and cheese.

Pickles completely overpower the rest of the burger and have a worse texture than tomato.

>> No.17004010

Gotta get the Claussen pickles in the deli section. Crunchy and tasty.

>> No.17004083

>cares about texture
wanna know how i know you're homosexual or a woman?
tomatoes taste like shit until cooked.
dill pickles are the proper burger topping.

>> No.17004085

Fuck off.

>> No.17004087

>so insecure he feels to the need to project his masculinity onto a piece of soggy shit
come out of that closet already you massive fucking faggot


>> No.17004090

>still talking about texture or "mouthfeel"
such a feminine thing to do.

>> No.17004093

>[overcompensation increases]

>> No.17004099

>still deflecting
this thread might have too much seethe in it.

>> No.17004102

mmmmmm crunch crunch

>> No.17004116

>wanna know how i know you're homosexual or a woman?
>tomatoes taste like shit until cooked.
These things are not related you absolute spaz. Uncooked tomatoes might taste bad if they are shit tomatoes. There are a lot of varieties you absolute mong. And tomatoes must be really ripe so they taste good you spazzing autist. Just like any fruit.

>> No.17004120

>These things are not related you absolute spaz
but only a fucking idiot would read that post as those two things as the same thought.


>> No.17004130

He has never had claussen whole pickles that he sliced up himself

>> No.17004133
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Ate a big jar of pickles yesterday
Might buy another today

>> No.17004137

You're all picky retards.

>> No.17004450

Big Pickle is so strong they even thrust themselves on tendies sandwiches. Do you think they care what we want?

>> No.17004467

>really oily food item
>one acidic item to cut through the grease
>"No thanks. I'm a fucking manchild"

>> No.17004884

>eat whole jar of Moby Dills

>> No.17004997

That’s what tomato is for, you autistic incel.

>> No.17005008

>implying most of the tomatoes you get will have enough acidity to balance a hamburger
>implying you only need only one source of acidity
a hamburger is best with loads of acidity - mustard, tomatoes, pickles, slaw with lots of apple cider vinegar mixed in

>> No.17005015

A tomato is much more acidic than a pickle is, retarded incel.

>> No.17005044

no, lettuce is more acidic

>> No.17005057

both lettuce and tomato are more acidic than pickles.

if you like pickles on burgers you have the palette of a child.

>> No.17005279

Look up the pH values, pickles are around 3.2 and tomatoes are around 4.5. Either that or just fucking taste them, dumbass.
What fucking children do you know, as a child I hated pickles and vinegary things.

>> No.17005286

>pickles are around 3.2 and tomatoes are around 4.5
Correct, tomatoes are much higher Ph than pickles, dumb fuck.

pickles are literally a dessert for children. you have the palette of a child.

>> No.17005365
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>> No.17005376

>tomato also provides acidity
Nigga pickles literally do this but better

>> No.17005386


>> No.17007001


>> No.17007010


>> No.17007964
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>tomatoes complement the rest of the flavors in the burger.

opinion ignored.

>> No.17008503


>> No.17008518

it's less soggy than ketchup or tomato.

>> No.17008541

Bit of a pickle connoisseur here... refrigerator pickles are serviceable and tasty, but nothing can replace the lactic acid and natural funk from o'natural'ing those pickles. If you don't already, get a pickle jar with a weight lid...if you have patience for the funk you will be rewarded.

Also turmeric is essential for color, in any pickle recipe.

>> No.17008830

Pickles are too chewy
Every time I bite into one it overwhelms every other flavor, and then the whole slice ends up coming off because it's impossible to chew through to the whole thing on a burger
But on their own pickles are fantastic

>> No.17009056

Too spicy for you, white boy?

>> No.17009071

I don't like store bought dill pickles that much, pickles are one of those food items that I think it really benefits if you make it yourself or get those cringely named artisanal pickles.

>> No.17009078

this is what american chicks looked like during the peak of America

>> No.17009081
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For me it's

>> No.17010884

>bite into nice soft, chewy and delicious greasy burger
>fucking CRUNCH
>bitter, sour taste from the pickle that DOES NOT match the flavour profile of a burger AT ALL
>immersion is ruined because now I have to open the burger, find the 2-3 sad pieces of sliced baby penis and throw them away

>> No.17010887
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this, tomatoes are necessary cuz usually when you're eating burgers it's fucking hot and it's summer.
tomatoes nice and cold, juicy and refreshing in the middle of a bite of hot grease on a hot Xmas afternoon.

>> No.17011138
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pic related is the absolute best way, tastelets can gtfo

>> No.17011411

you disgust me

>> No.17011426 [DELETED] 

only human in the thread

>> No.17011446

Dangerously Based, if your pickles aren't either refrigerated or home made, they aren't worth eating

>> No.17012754

Pickles are one of those things that are either godly or the utter and complete ruination of the burger

>> No.17012768

Like, for producing more breast milk? I need tips on that, I'm running on empty. This is my last baby and I'm very sad that I have to cut breast feeding early :,,(

>> No.17012770
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>soggy pickles
What? Pickles are crunchy no cap

>> No.17012782

The only thing close to being as good as a pickle is a jalapeno.

>> No.17012801

So why have zoomers decided they hate pickles now, anyway?

>> No.17012811

>patty-sized soggy vegetable good
>tiny disk vegetable bad

I don't think you even know what you're saying anymore. You're like those bots that go off the reservation and start just copypasting the whole page.

>> No.17012847

Enjoy your vinegary shits.

>> No.17013121

I just had a tower beef patty on some yellow rice last night at about 6pm. It was really good and filled me up, I'm only now started to get hungry again. Now them is some fancy vittles for a Friday night.

>> No.17013132

... that's a good 16 hours or so. I did have two andes mints in between but big deal.

>> No.17013150

Those andies mints are hard to resist so keep them in a ziplock bag in a drawer, I have to consciously go for them. I try to keep it to two at a time.

>> No.17013152
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>acidity to cut through the fat
Explain this to a retard. What the FUCK does this even mean?

>> No.17013157

I means nothing, it's from some government idiot that wants to control people and keep their job up and their department in existance. No government type or agency or department wants to be shown to be useless.

>> No.17013177

pickles (and mustard) add the element of sour which burgers are sorely lacking otherwise

>> No.17013184

You're not a retard anon, only morons wouldn't ask those questions. The sheep to speak, the biden / kamala types want more of them hence their open door policy giving them money in the hopes that the incoming illegals will become democrat voters while "relocating" them to swing states. This shit's been going on since the 1950's if you look at the stats.

>> No.17013193

Thousand island isn't bad on a burger though I do add Colman's mustard and maybe some pickle relish.

>> No.17013198

I have everything there,
American, English, French (they're pickly)

>> No.17013294
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you know what doesn't any sense to me? mustard on a burger
seriously it sucks
burger king puts mustard their bacon double (value menu) by default, and frankly it sucks booty butt ass

>> No.17013314

Eat more fiber, jesus christ.

>> No.17013331

Have you ever considerd that instead of being an arrogant frog poster that the underlying reason is because you have no taste? Hence you're a frog poster. Of course you haven't. It's boring you know.

>> No.17013638

mustard elevates a burger infinitely more than cheese does. I'll take a burger with mustard and meat and nothing else over a burger with cheese and meat and a shitload of useless toppings intended to mask the taste of meat.

>> No.17013680

Olives are the superior pickled product. Ive made burgers topped with chopped olives and it accomplishes the same objective of adding acidicness, has a infinitely deeper flavor and has a way better texture.

>> No.17013701

they literally still look like this

>> No.17013721

We're in the peak right now? What the fuck

>> No.17013725

bro come to a college town and go to a football game where most of the players are white

im tellin u bro no cap its lit

>> No.17013736

No I'm aware that women look like that, I'm asking how the fuck we're in America's peak. It's the clear decline

>> No.17013738

oh honey it can get so much more worse than you imagine

>> No.17013766

Dunno bout you but i eat pickled onions and gherkins out of the jar

>> No.17013811

>tomato provides acidity
I won't be too harsh like other anons but tomatoes are NOT there for their acidity.
You're almost there in that tomatoes counter balance the fat, add moisture, maybe a little tang. Same as lettuce they're there to round out the veggie portion of a full burger. Mushrooms and cheese on the other hand make it more decadent imo but still my go to since I only make burgers like once a month.

The point is some people just don't like moisture in their burger outside of the patty/butter and that's fine. Pickles are in a completely different category to the other veggies though in that they're more of an acidic condiment than just another veggie.

>> No.17013820
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OP here, meant to post this

>> No.17013827

Wrong on all counts.