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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 106 KB, 680x477, Wild_turkey_eastern_us.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16996057 No.16996057 [Reply] [Original]

How are you going to cook your turkey this year, /ck/?

>> No.16996066

till its done

>> No.16996093

cookbro is that you? i want to watch this thread too

>> No.16996097

I shan’t be cooking turkey.
This year I am making a thanksgiving goose.

>> No.16996103

Probably in the oven. My dad got this big stupid turkey air-fryer that he wants to cook a second turkey in. I don't want to kill his enthusiasm, but I hope he knows it's not the same as literally frying the turkey. Dumbshit boomer just reads the box and sees a cooked turkey and think it'll be great.

>> No.16996104

as a white beta male vegan cuck, I will be spending thanksgiving alone eating impossible patties while jacking it to BBC porn

>> No.16996230

I can't afford turkey this year.

>> No.16996234

with heat just like every year

>> No.16996323

air fryer heh
>bought a nice 19 pound turkey for 20 dollars
>got another 17 pound one for free from Butterball
heh gobble gobble

>> No.16996328

they're only 50 cents a pound dude

>> No.16996679

1.50/lb where I live

>> No.16996705

Spending thanksgiving alone again this year

>> No.16996719

I'm not participating in Thanksgiving this year. Too depressed about being such an embarrassing failure. Gonna tell my family I'm sick so I can stay home and drink alone

>> No.16996728

This inflation has hit pretty hard. Thanks to Brandon.

>> No.16996749

Biden sold my Turkey to China.

>> No.16996754
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I'm still trying to catch one.

>> No.16996772
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Turkey is a trash-tier meat. Absolutely abhorrent.

>> No.16996815

I'm doing a turkey in the smoker, wife is gonna do one in the oven.

>> No.16996971

makin chicken instead, roasted with garlic, lemon, rosemary and basted with butter
60% of the time it turns out every time

>> No.16997187

Lol, sad faggots. Know your sadness gives me happiness. Spending my thanksgiving with family and friends. After that a trip to the Keys.

>> No.16997225

This recipe. Tried it on my own time last year and wound up really enjoying it, and it was a hit at Thanksgiving with a lil’ modification. Helps that my family doesn’t care about the carving portion of things, though.


>> No.16997232

Then don't respond to a thread about turkeys, asshole.

>> No.16997238

Inflation was going to hit pretty hard either way, dumbass.

>> No.16997241

No...It wasn't. This wouldn't be happening under Trump, admit it.

>> No.16997245


>> No.16997250

>It was just a coincidence in timing!!

>> No.16997258

I found out in years past that a church does free Thanksgiving dinner made by a bunch of awesome old ladies who marinate and slow roast the turkeys are the whole dinner is so delicious, so I'm going to go get that as takeout. They load everybody with extra pie slices too.

>> No.16997262

I'm not.

>> No.16997277

Um, no it had everything to do with the COVID response. The Trump admin flooded the economy with printed money because the economy was going to collapse otherwise. Dollars were in high demand, so inflation didn't start until the economy recovered.

>> No.16997278

Today i made a 15lb turkey left over from last year. Skinned it and got rid of all the fatty gunk and slimey underskin placenta grossness and dismembered the thing and wrapped the 2 main parts in foil with other bits mixed in and cooked in oven at 340, meat thermo showed it was 175 degrees after 2 hours so out it came. Ate the wings and legs and backbone chunkies and then stripped all but one breast and piled it into a container for making soup in a couple days. Later on i ate 2 microwaved potatoes with some of the remaining breast meat mixed in along with some jarred alfredo sauce. Have 2 more recently purchaced 29 cent a pound 15 pounders in freezer and chances of cooking another next week are very slim.

>> No.16999727

Dont bully my cookbros

>> No.16999739
File: 1.15 MB, 833x1000, 298E7174-C22C-4ED2-984D-831E1FA2710F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put this between bread along with cheese and mayo. Then I drink beer and watch Evangelion for the 100th time hoping it will finally inspire me to pursue a better life. I am depressed and my parents are dead.

>> No.16999752

This sounds made up. Anon I know you are lonely but please don’t lie to yourself.

>> No.17000054

I won't. Making a roast instead. I'm a crypto neet and my gf and I can't eat a whole fucking turkey

>> No.17000063

I am not going to Thanksgiving dinner this year because everyone in my family is a filthy mudblood. I do not wish to contract some kind of prion disease and become a moron.

>> No.17000069

And they claim the younger generations are progressive and here it is your boomer dad being the one having the balls to try something new

>> No.17000077

Which key, fren? Down there right now :D

>> No.17000088

Like this

>> No.17000127

tell us if it tastes good when u make it

>> No.17000136

I'm not, I'm having Thanksgiving with family, and they're the ones cooking.